MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 23 drink tea

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Thanks to Kou Jiang, after discovering that there are people in this world with such detached intuition and observation, Qin Qing's original focus on reading and reviewing was slightly shifted and turned to Su Zhihe .

—Su Zhihe, 30 years old, a big shot in the circle, has top resources such as "Ferry on the River", and can get a copy directly from the executives of Star Screen Video. A variety show program rated S, with strong strength and unfathomable background.

Such a man is not revealed in his life and work.

No special treatment in variety show recording, nor so high that ordinary people can't touch.

I don't like to have a lot of people around, and I don't like being surrounded by assistants, so I can stay at the recording site alone.

In order to join the group and filming, you must also control your diet; if you want to see friends, go directly; if you don't have a car, wear a hat and mask and take a taxi directly.

Incomparably down-to-earth.

And his house in Shang Linglong is located on the top floor, with a single staircase and a single family, a two-story super luxurious, a light sofa occupies a hundred square meters, and a whole wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, looking from the inside to the outside, The scenery outside the window is like a mural hanging on the wall.

The first time Qin Qing came, it was the night he ate hot pot, Su Zhihe claimed that it was too boring to take the elevator alone, and asked him to accompany him up.

The second time I came, the next day, Su Zhihe said that he was bored alone and asked him to come and read.

Qin Qing's book looks like three or four days, during which Su Zhihe has been at home, Cui Huohuo didn't come, Xiang Xun didn't show up, only him and Su Zhihe were in the huge house.

He was reading and was sitting downstairs at the desk in front of the large window.

The electric sunshade blocked the light during the day, Su Zhihe did not disturb him, lying on the sofa next to him, reading a book, occasionally getting up to make tea.

At noon, Su Zhihe will go to the kitchen, Qin Qing will go with him, and the two will make a fat-reduced vegetable salad together.

In the afternoon, Qin Qing continued to read, Su Zhihe would take a short nap on the sofa, wake up and go to the gym upstairs, go downstairs after an hour, and ask Qin Qing if she would like afternoon tea.

I will have noodles for dinner, and then fry some steak. After eating, Qin Qing will make a roll, and Su Zhihe will help him check the time, and watch a movie on the screen.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Qing went home.

When he left, Su Zhihe gave him a bag with two boxes of fruits.

In the past few days, things like this have happened so naturally, it seems that Qin Qing should go to read and Su Zhihe should stay with him for a whole day.

Qin Qing felt incredible.

It stands to reason that it is Su Zhihe's residence, Cui Huohuo is not there, and there is nothing to do, he should not go, and he should refuse.

But when Su Zhihe called him, he went, and if he kept him, he stayed.

The unfamiliar mansion did not leave him uncomfortable, nor did his alone time with Su Zhihe make him wary.

Qin Qing thought about it later, and realized that Su Zhihe was actually a person who knew how to control proportions and distance.

Since getting to know him, no matter what he says or does, he has never felt any offense from this great actor.

Even if Su Zhihe did observe him on purpose, he didn't hide it, and admitted it frankly and frankly.

Everything, Qin Qing felt it.

Because I feel something and understand it in my heart, I can have no grudges.

In the final analysis, Su Zhihe feels too good.

Qin Qing occasionally thinks that if it weren't for the huge disparity in age and status, he really wanted to be friends with Su Zhihe.

But Qin Qing knew very well in his heart that he and Su Zhihe were destined to be people from two worlds.

Qin Qing didn't want to have unrealistic delusions, just wanted to be down-to-earth and take every step of the rest of his life.

On this day, Qin Qing came to Su Zhihe to read as usual.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Zhihe changed into his clothes and told him, "You read a book by yourself today, and I'm going to 'drink tea' with the intern."

Kou Jiang?

Qin Qing: "Oh, good."

Su Zhihe: "What do you want to eat? I'll bring it back later."

Qin Qing: "Coffee."

Su Zhihe: "There is instant food in the refrigerator. I will eat it hot at noon. If you don't want to eat it, order takeout."

Qin Qing: "Want to go for a long time?"

Su Zhihe changed his shoes at the entrance, and turned around when he heard the words: "Aren't you used to being alone?"

Qin Qing blinked.

Su Zhihe La opened the door: "It shouldn't be long, come back in the afternoon."

It doesn't take long, after all, Su Zhihe Yu Kou Jiang is like a wolf to a rabbit.

If you want to pry open an intern's mouth, you don't even need to scare.

In Xiang Xun's usually unoccupied townhouse, Kou Jiang was sitting well, holding a glass of water with his head down and his eyes down, his eyes buried in his throat twitching.

Su Zhihe leaned on the sofa, casually flipping through the variety show plan in his hand: "Come on, let's talk."

Kou Jiang put down the water glass and pretended to be stupid: "What?"

Xiang Xun walked back and forth slowly beside the sofa, having eaten too much breakfast to digest.

Su Zhihe: "Speaking of your box office of 1.5 billion after more than a year, and the variety show that the content is detailed to the hot search."

Kou Jiang was silent.

Su Zhihe's tone was idle: "Oh, yes, by the way, to remind you."

Kou Jiang is waiting for his reminder.

Su Zhihe: "I cherish life more and hate others wasting my time the most. If you talk nonsense, don't talk about star curtains, you won't want to stay on any platform in the future."

Kou Jiang: "..." Fuck! This big guy is really a tyrant!

But what exactly Thanos wanted to hear, Kou Jiang was suddenly invited over, and he couldn't figure it out for a while.

After thinking about it, I think Shang Mohuai said something.

I was thinking about it secretly, when I suddenly heard the conversation between Su Zhihe and Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xun: "You don't really believe that someone can predict the future, right?"

Su Zhihe: "Foreknowledge? It's not some kind of magic stick or the second generation of immortals." Then he looked up at Kou Jiang: "What the **** is it, let the party tell him."

Kou Jiang's heart skipped a beat, and he said subconsciously, "I actually liked the book of "Ferry on the River" and felt that the quality of the content was very high, so I told Shang Mohuai to let him play this film Yes, I..."

Su Zhihe calmly said, "Really."

Kou Jiang felt guilty: "Yes."

What is it, an intern can still see the script of "Ferry on the River"?


Su Zhihe shook his head and gestured towards Xun.

Xiang Xun came over, took the plan from Su Zhihe, and asked, "Does this have to be the case?"

Su Zhihe looked at the time: "I'll give you three minutes."

Kou Jiang was wondering what to do for three minutes, when he saw Xiang Xun roll up the plan, and slapped his head twice: "Stinky boy! Give you a place to sit, bring you a bowl of tea, you really are When are you here for tea?"

He knocked his head and said, "Shang Mohuai is also your name?! You want to call Shang teacher!"

Xiang Xun: "You are the one who instigated Teacher Shang to come and ask for the film, right? You can! We want to join the group and you want it! Are you good at it?"

Xiang Xun: "There is still Duan Pu's account, you said that if I send you to Duan Pu now, will he peel you off!?"

Kou Jiang covered his head to avoid.

Xiang Xun said fiercely: "What are you hiding! Answer if you ask me! Didn't you hear it just now? Cherish life, cherish time! Cherish!"

Kou Jiang covered his head: "What do you want me to say?"

Xiang Xun said directly: "Tell me where you came from! One year, two years, or ten years!"

Kou Jiang: "..." Fuck! Does anyone really believe in rebirth?

Kou Jiang was afraid of Su Zhihe. He had never been in contact with this boss in the last life, so he didn't know how to get along.

In this situation, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

But Kou Jiang is not really stupid, but when he met Su Zhihe, he looked a little stupid.

In fact, Kou Jiang is a person who likes to leave a way for himself everywhere.

His layout will not only be the draft in the hands of Shang Mohuai and President Shen.

He did something else.

Not only does she do more, she also likes to drag people into the water.

"I say it! I say it!"

After expressing that he would say it, he said, "No matter what, what I did did not hinder Boss Su, at least not directly related to Boss Su. But someone is different!"

Is this his "I said"? Does this mean that he can't speak well, or he can't speak human words?

Xiang Xun rewrote the plan, ready to slap this bastard's ass.

Kou Jiang raised his arm in fright and shouted loudly, "Qin Qing!"

Xiang Xun made a move, Su Zhihe looked faint: "Who are you talking about?"

"Qin Qing, I said Qin Qing." Kou Jiang said quickly: "I know the box office of 1.5 billion, know that Duan Pu in 'Farewell' will be popular, and I know that variety show will become popular in the future , I also know Qin Qing!"

Su Zhihe's voice was indifferent: "What's wrong with him?"

Kou Jiang: "At this time, he was supposed to be serving dishes in which hotel, but now he has become Boss Su's assistant!"

Su Zhihe pondered: "Originally, should...?"

Su Zhihe hummed: "Then tell me, where were you supposed to be?"

Kou Jiang told the truth: "TV station, I should have gone to TV station after graduation."

Su Zhihe took over the words: "Because of the opportunity to start over, did you change the trajectory of your life?"

Xiang Xun frowned, Kou Jiang: "Yes."

And quickly expressed loyalty: "But I just change my own life, I want to make some achievements on the big platform, I don't want to hinder anyone! Let Shang Mohuai fight for variety shows and movies, too Because he does have the strength, the late red becomes the early red, and I have never thought about any connection with Boss Su."

I raised my hand and swore: "Really, I didn't count on anyone, and I didn't count on Mr. Su's side."

Xiang Xun asked, "What did you mean when you said Qin Qing?"

Kou Jiang looked firm: "He is the same as me! What is my situation! What is his situation!"

Xiang Xun was stunned, looked up at Su Zhihe, and asked Kou Jiang, "Why are you so sure?" Isn't this man a delusional lunatic?

But Kou Jiang said decisively: "I was not sure before, but I have a way to verify."


How to verify?

Kou Jiang calmly said: "It's a girl, there is a girl."

That girl was a friend of Qin Qing’s last life.

Kou Jiang didn't know the specific situation. He only inquired about some details at the time, saying that the girl couldn't stand it because of the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, and she almost committed suicide after being rescued. Lightly arranged for her to withdraw from the circle and flew away.

Kou Jiang: "On my way here, I sent Qin Qing a message and told him."

Kou Jiang: "If he is," he is reborn, "he will definitely not ignore it."

Shang Linglong.

Qin Qing sat at the table and looked at a strange message on the phone.

"Ru Han has entered the circle. Kou Jiang."

—"Qin Qing, I really regret it. If I didn't do this, and I was still studying at school, wouldn't there be a future?"

—"You let me die! Let me die!"

—"Qin Qing, I'm gone, I won't come back, the thing I regret most in my life is having a star dream, I really regret it!"

Qin Qing looked at the news of the unfamiliar number, her hand holding the pen clenched tightly.

After a moment, he dialed a number, holding the phone to his ear.


Kou Jiang's face was calm and firm: "He will not ignore Ruhan, Ruhan is his only friend."

Kou Jiang: "I sent him a message, as long as he sees it, he will reply to me and ask me Ru..."

A mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly rang.

The three men present looked down at the same time.

Kou Jiang was about to laugh, but suddenly his expression stopped, Xiang Xun looked puzzled, and watched Su Zhihe answer the phone.

The person who called was Qin Qing.

Qin Qing: "Brother He."

Su Zhihe: "What's wrong?"

Qin Qing's tone was filled with doubt: "Kou Jiang, the intern you mentioned, sent me a message."

Su Zhihe raised his eyes and looked at Kou Jiang opposite the coffee table: "Well, what happened?"

Qin Qing: "Five words: Ru Han has entered the circle."

Hang up the phone, Su Zhihe threw the phone back on the coffee table and looked at Kou Jiang: "Reply to you?"

Kou Jiang was surprised, Qin Qing didn't reply to him, and called Su Zhihe directly, doesn't he care about Ruhan now?

He guessed wrong? Isn't Qin Qing reborn?

Not possible.

Kou Jiang thought, Qin Qing must be, definitely be.

But if he was reborn, he would be able to hide it so flawlessly around Su Zhihe...

Kou Jiang gasped in the bottom of his heart, and thought it was a matter of course: yes, he is Qin Qing, that is Qin Qing, with Qin Qing's calculation and scheming, he could have done it.

Qin Qing is not as arrogant as he is.

Reborn or defeated, Kou Jiang almost laughed.

The complexion twisted a few times, and suddenly I heard Su Zhihe ask: "Go back a few years."

Kou Jiang was taken aback.

Su Zhihe looked at him without repeating.

Kou Jiang paused: "Fifteen years."

Su Zhihe: "It seems that fifteen years later, not only do you and Qin Qing know each other, but the relationship is not that good."

Kou Jiang was silent for a moment: "Fifteen years later, I have left the platform, and I am working on film and television dramas. Qin Qing partnered with others to open a cultural company."

Su Zhihe leaned on the sofa and listened quietly, looking very patient.

Kou Jiang looked at Su Zhihe: "At that time, Boss Su, you have already retired."

Su Zhihe nodded with his hand on the armrest of the sofa: "Yeah." Reasonable, it is indeed unlikely that he has been in the entertainment industry all the time, and it is normal for him to take a break.

At the same time, Su Zhihe also understood another meaning from this brief statement: "In other words, originally, I didn't have any intersection with any of you."

Kou Jiang: "Yes."

That's why he suspects that the current Qin Qing is reborn.

Su Zhihe pondered: "Then say..."

Kou Jiang thought he was going to say something, but heard Su Zhihe sigh: "You actually don't know what happened to me in the last life."

Kou Jiang paused: "Yes...not very clear." An actor who lives in rumors.

Xiang Xun asked, "What about me?"

Kou Jiang looked at him: "I'm still bringing artists."

Xun Xun raised his eyebrows, that's it.

Seeing that the two asked about the future, Kou Jiang seemed to still believe it, thought about it, and said slowly: "Actually, if you don't quit filming so early, Boss Su, make a few more films. A high-quality film, a few more awards..."

But seeing Xiang Xun and Su Zhihe ignoring him, they quarreled.

Xiang Xun sneered: "You might still be single after fifteen years."

Su Zhihe: "How can you be better?"

Xiang Xun immediately turned to look at Kou Jiang: "Tell Boss Su, did I get married later?"

How does he know? There is no intersection.

Kou Jiang: "Uh..."

Xiang Xun: "Just say you know."

Kou Jiang: “em…”

Xiang Xun was surprised: "No, you are already a producer, and you don't know what's going on in the circle?"

Kou Jiang smiled dryly: "Boss Su has taken a break. I haven't seen it before. Mr. Xiang, you are usually busy, and we have only met a few times."

Xiang Xun sneered and shook his head: "You don't know anything." What's the use of you?

Kou Jiang: "..." Is rebirth guilty? To suffer such contempt?

Su Zhihe: "Ask what you know."

Kou Jiang put his hands on his knees, like a primary school student waiting for the teacher to assign homework.

Su Zhihe: "You should know about Qin Qing's situation."

Kou Jiang asked: "Which situation?"

Su Zhihe said without hesitation, "Are you married?"

Kou Jiang was stunned when asked, and shook his head: "No."

Su Zhihe took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and looked leisurely: "Fifteen years later, Qin Qing should be in her thirties, and she hasn't married yet?"

Kou Jiang shook his head again: "He is a workaholic. He started as an agent and later opened a company."

Xiang Xun also sat down on the sofa next to him, and heard the words: "Manager."

Ask: "How's it going?"

Kou Jiang didn't want to praise Qin Qing, but just said the truth: "It's amazing, there is no artist who he can't be popular."

Xiang Xun widened his eyes and nodded: "Not bad."

Su Zhihe asked again, "No marriage and no partner?"

Kou Jiang thought about it: "I haven't heard of it."

Su Zhihe snorted inexplicably.

Kou Jiang laughed inexplicably.

Called him over, and after a long trial, asked this trivial topic?

Can't you ask about industry development, future hotspots, and industry trends! ? No matter what, there are policy changes, or the future situation of competitors!

Ask marriage, ask your partner, ask Qin Qing?

Ask these? ? ? ? ? ?

Su Zhihe: "Oh, that's right."

Kou Jiang looked forward to, asking about work, asking about work, asking about work.

Su Zhihe: "Qin Qing doesn't reject gays, right?"

Kou Jiang: “…”

Row! Row! Very row!

I have been feeding pigeons for half a month in England!


Is it okay?

Can I ask something else?

It is rare to be reborn once, can the reborn person experience a little sense of pride and value in knowing the future?

Yes! ?

Clearly not—

Su Zhihe motioned Xiang Xun to get a pen and paper.

Kou Jiang wonders what to do.

Su Zhihe: "Come on, write down everything you know about Qin Qing."

Kou Jiang: "???"

Why is it Qin Qing again?

Su Zhihe took time to relax: "Don't worry, write slowly."

Kou Jiang: “…”

Su Zhihe picked up the phone and said, "Qin Qing, what kind of coffee do you want?"

The message was sent to Qin Qing, and it was Qin Qing who asked. Kou Jiang looked down at the paper in his hand, not paying attention, thinking it was him.

Kou Jiang: "Two espresso, sugar, no milk."

On the phone, Qin Qing replied to Su Zhihe's message: two espresso, sugar, no milk.

The exact same answer.

Qin Qing...Su Zhihe pursed his lips and smiled.

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