MTL - After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor-Chapter 18 return

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After this break and restarting the recording, it was obvious to the naked eye that Su Zhihe's entire strategy process accelerated.

Because of his acceleration, the other guests had to keep up, running and crossing obstacles. The amateur group that was temporarily separated from the action was okay. On the artist group, Ye Chutian and Tong Lu were almost killed by Su Zhi He play dead.

Tong Lu couldn't take it anymore, he called to stop in the middle of the recording, panted heavily with sweat all over his body, took off the wheat from his neckline, leaned against a tree and looked at Su Zhihe.


Isn't the assistant ignorant to the little boy?

Is this necessary?

The assistant's pot boss doesn't want to memorize it at all! ?

Ye Chutian was also half tired and dizzy from the heat.

He considers himself to be the youngest of the three artists, only in his twenties, so he should be better than others.

Who would have thought that Su Zhihe would be like this?

If there were not so many people at the scene, he would have knelt down and put his hands together, begging his boss Su to let him go.

He hasn't become a big hit yet, and he hasn't even won an award. Is it okay to leave him alone? !

He was wrong, he was really wrong, he shouldn't be stupid with those stupid assistants.

It was also at this time that Ye Chutian and Tong Lu realized at the same time that Su Zhihe had always been in charge of this outdoor recording.

If he wants to be fast or slow, he can achieve a proper rhythm. If he wants to speed up, everyone has to accompany him to run.

At this time, the boy named Liu Yuan in the amateur came over with three bottles of ice water.

Ye Chutian never remembered the boy's name, so he remembered the key words on the PPT and said, "Here comes the 'high face value'."

As soon as Tong Lu heard these three words, he thought of the little boy who followed Su Zhihe, and when he thought of that little boy, he thought of Su Zhihe's mocking sentence "Your assistant is really advanced" not long ago .

“…” Tong Lu turned around and left.

Ye Chutian: "Ah? Teacher Tong?"

Su Zhihe also left.

Ye Chutian: "Su...?"

Are they gone?

Ye Chutian hesitated for a while, then stepped away from the tree.

Seeing that the three artist teachers were gone, Liu Yuan stood blankly holding the water, at a loss, and caught up with the nearest Ye Chutian, Ye Chutian waved at him politely.

They don't want it, so he can forget it.

Not far away, the program team anxiously waved to Liu Yuan: Go, go, take the initiative! If you don't take the initiative, are you waiting for the artist teacher to take the initiative? !

Liu Yuan: I'm going! They are all gone! What else can I do?

The show team covered their faces and stomped their feet.

Under the shade of the tree where Cui Huohuo was, there were ice cubes, towels and water, and two small benches, but only one person was missing.

Cui Huohuo shook the jar in his hand, wanting to replenish the sunscreen for Su Zhihe, Su Zhihe reached out and took it: "I'll do it myself."

Cui Huohuo: "Oh."

I have to wash my hands before seeing Su Zhihe reapplying sunscreen, and suggested: "Why don't I come."

This is so simple, Qin Qinghui, of course he will.

Su Zhihe did not give in.

Cui Huohuo: "?"

Huh? Shouldn't he come?

The two who were silently observing next to them were more foolish than Cui Huohuo.

Of course I don't need you!

The little boys all went back to the RV, where can I use your assistant to paint?

Do you think that is really sunscreen?

It's a blessing!

Ye Chutian held six small fans blowing in front of him, blowing and not far away.

Tong Lu squinted his eyes when drinking water.

The program team is puzzled, what are you watching? Can you interact a little with the CP king they set?

You don't care about Liu Yuan, what should I do as a CP king? !

That's not how the script came to be!

As a result, until the end of the day's recording, Liu Yuan didn't talk to Ye Chutian, Tong Lu, and Su Zhihe. The program team originally wanted to shoot and interact naturally, but there was no fart content. .

You can only find another way, and re-arranged when the shooting of the day was about to end.

—On the way back, let three amateur guests follow the RV of the three artist teachers.

For this reason, we also deliberately discussed where Liu Yuan, the selected CP person, should be placed.

Final discussion result: On the first day, it was Su Zhihe.

After the recording, when the program team called the three artist teachers over to say hello, Su Zhihe directly refused.

Program Group: "?"

Su Zhihe: "Inconvenient."

Program Team: "Is it inconvenient to enter the RV?"

Su Zhihe: "There is a child reading in my car. Bringing someone in to record will affect his reading."

Program Team: "...Isn't it enough time for the return trip?" Is it okay to read less books for an hour? It doesn't matter what kind of idle book you're looking at.

Su Zhihe is not in a hurry: "The program can record other content, and the things that children should learn should be memorized and not less."

In short, no.

Program Group: "…"

Tong Lu listened beside him, wondering: is that little boy reading?

No, how old is he? Why do I have to read books to study with the group?

Su Zhihe didn't think he was crazy and found a college student?

The program team is still fighting: "Actually, it doesn't matter. Liu Yuan is a scholar with good grades.

And asked: "What major did you study?"

I thought I was a college student.

Su Zhihe: "No need, I can also tutor in high school content."


Ye Chutian, who was drinking water, spit it out.

What, high school! ?

High School! ! ?

Tong Lu also stared in shock.

Fuck, high school students are not spared?

Su Zhihe, are you human!

This time, no one cares about Liu Yuan and Liu Yuan, and the RV recording was also rejected at the same time.

Back to the side of the mountain road where the RV was, Tong Lu and Ye Chutian kept glancing towards Su Zhihe.

Seeing that Su Zhihe hadn't walked to the RV, the door of the RV opened. The little boy who was said to be called Qin Qing held an umbrella to welcome him down, walked to Su Zhihe, the umbrella was not Over the head, the two walked to the car together, talking as they walked.

Going to the door of the car, Qin Qing put away his umbrella and turned to his side, wanting Su Zhihe to get in the car first, but Su Zhihe didn't move, raised his hand and touched the boy's shoulder, letting him get in first, yourself later.

It can be said to be quite petite.

Tong Lu: “…”

Ye Chutian: "…"

Liu Yuan, who was standing in front of the bus and looking at the direction of the RV: "..." Why is it different from what the program team set? He didn't even get a chance to get close!

In the RV on the return journey, Qin Qing, who quietly read the book for a few hours, didn't know anything.

He just prepared the things that Su Zhihe would use when he came back when he received the news of the end of work. When he saw Su Zhihe coming back, he held an umbrella to welcome him.

Su Zhihe recorded a whole day, basking in the sun all day, the exposed skin was slightly reddened, the sweat and running outdoors did not make him tired, but on the muscles In the stretch and extreme sports, there is a sense of wild power, and even the pace is like a light leopard.

But when Qin Qing came over with an umbrella, he relieved his aura and asked, "Have you finished reading today's book?"

Qin Qing held the umbrella and tilted the edge of the umbrella to block the afterglow of the west for him: "Well, thank you brother He."

Su Zhihe smiled: "Why do you always say thank you?"

Qin Qing turned her head back and blinked.

Shouldn't it be said?

Thank you of course.

Su Zhihe: "The next time you call Brother He, you are not allowed to say thank you before or after. Got it?"

Qin Qing: "...Okay."

The two walked to the RV, Su Zhihe raised his hand and let Qin Qing go first, followed by himself.

Qin Qing put away his umbrella and got into the car, turned his head: "Brother He, do you want to take a shower first?"

"Well," Su Zhihe: "Get me some ice."

After returning to the car, the large group of recorded vehicles drove back along the mountain road one by one.

Cui Huohuo was so tired that he slumped in the chair and dozed off. Su Zhihe took a cold shower in the RV and lay on the bed inside to make up for his sleep.

Qin Qing sat at the table. Because of the good conditions, he could not only read and endorse books, but also write questions.

At this moment, the traffic is slow and the car is quiet, Qin Qing is quietly doing the problem.

After a while, he looked sideways at the dozing Cui Huohuo, then crossed Cui Huohuo and looked at the half-closed door inside, Su Zhihe...

For those who are kind to him, of course he will also repay them.

In the evening, Qin Qing went to Cui Huohuo's room and asked him to communicate with the program team and ask what cooling measures will be taken tomorrow.

Cui Huohuo: "Do you need to ask this? It's so hot today and it's still so dry. The show team will definitely prepare tomorrow."

Qin Qing: "Not necessarily."

Recorded, the contract has been signed, who would dare to breach the contract?

So be sure to ask in advance. If you ask, you may not always have it, but at least you can figure out the bottom line of the program group.

Cui Huohuo took the phone to ask.

After asking, I found out that the program team had no other way to cool down. They could only find a nearby cold storage to drag large ice cubes, and then build a few shade pergola on a flat place.

Qin Qing taught Cui Huohuo again: "Tell them that Teacher Su needs at least one shed and enough ice."

Cui Huohuo was at a loss: "The program team will arrange it."

Qin Qing: "Their arrangements are theirs. The more detailed you need to be, the better. The more detailed they are, tomorrow's arrangements may be close to yours."

For example, if you ask for ten ice cubes, he may not be able to give them all. Seven or eight is enough.

But if you don't ask for details and go there tomorrow, he only gives three or four, which is far from enough, what should I do?

Go to communicate again and find that the ice cubes need to be divided here and there, and how many more artists can I give you?

Even if you promise to divide a few more, when will you be able to drag it over?

Noon, afternoon, or near the end of the recording?

Cui Huohuo suddenly realized: "Oh, oh, so it is!"

"Qin Qing, you understand!"

Of course Qin Qing understands, this is all the experience accumulated over the years.

And these experiences are supplemented little by little with the development of the entire entertainment industry.

"Farewell to the Dead" is the first outdoor reality show in the natural environment. At this time, let alone the artists, the show team is still in the groping stage, and the experience is accumulated during the recording process. Not enough is normal.

For example, I only learned today that the mountains will be so hot, not to mention the large ice cubes that are not ready to cool down, and the sheds are not built.

Cui Huohuo: "Is there any more?"

Qin Qing: "The security guards are also idle when they are idle. They will be called to help tomorrow."

The next day, at the morning meeting before departure for recording, everyone was there, Qin Qing was not there.

Tong Lu sat down and glanced behind Su Zhihe, only to see Cui Huohuo, which Ye Chutian noticed as soon as he entered the door.

Su Zhihe laughed: "What are you looking at me?"

Ye Chutian coughed, and Tong Lu said, "Your little assistant is not going today? Stay in the hotel and read?"

Su Zhihe said quietly: "Mr. Tong is very concerned about whether he will go or not."

Tong Lu also coughed: "I'll just ask."

Ye Chutian followed: "I really don't want to go today?"

Su Zhihe swept over: "Mr. Ye also cares about this?"

Ye Chutian cleared his throat: "I'll ask casually."

Su Zhihe leaned against the back of the chair lazily, waiting for the meeting.

Cui Huohuo came out behind him and answered Ye Chutian and Tong Lu: "Qin Qing went to the recording venue early in the morning."

Ye Chutian: "What are you doing?"

Cui Huohuo: "Build a pergola."

Together with the security arrangements arranged by Xiang Xun, we set off ahead of schedule, and hung plastic heat-insulating curtains on the pergola that the program team built overnight, separating the shed with only one roof into a closed space.

I wait for the ice cubes arranged by the logistics department of the program group to arrive, so I will ask for ice cubes as soon as possible.

Plenty of ice cubes in the shed, then poles on the roof, fans, and small portable generators.

Everyone: "…"

This is too bad!

Su Zhihe laughed unabashedly, and said to Tong Lu and Ye Chutian with his mouth closed, "Come to the door when you have time."

Looking up, the door curtain that separated the sky and the earth in the hot mountain forest was opened from the inside, revealing a tall, thin figure, and the handsome and handsome face, the voice was like Dripping through the ice water, it was clear and clean.

Qin Qing: "Brother He."

Su Zhihe looked over with a smile in his eyes, and stepped up: "Come."

At this moment, the whole world is envious of Boss Su.

Such an assistant! Such an assistant! Why only Su Zhihe has it?

They can't? They don't deserve it?

The behind-the-scenes shots of the program group have been shot around the pergola.

Liu Yuan and the director stood outside.

Liu Yuan: "Director, no one really cares about me, is my character still standing?"

The director sighed and patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder: "It's okay, Xiao Liu, no one has set it up and it won't affect the recording."

CP is just one of the points.

Liu Yuan looked at the direction of the pergola: "Do you want to shoot that assistant?"

The director sighed again, he thought.

Su Zhihe will not let him.

Also said: "My child should read books, don't use his footage, it will affect his learning."

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