MTL - After I Signed with AC Milan, I Opened Up-v2 Chapter 194 Golden right foot Ramos

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October 23.

Huang Kaiwen rarely got up early.

The club kings have signed contracts for tea drinks and e-commerce, and Huang Kaiwen should really send people to the hotel.

When you wake up in the morning.

Huang Kaiwen walked for a few minutes to check the guest room.

Ramos and Cassano haven't gotten up yet.

Raul went home at night and said he would bring his son to play next time.

Cassano and Ramos played four-wheel drive until midnight yesterday. If it weren't for the physical exertion of running along with this thing, Huang Kaiwen felt that they could have played all night.

Since the last football game, the two golden retrievers have been on the bar.

It would be really hard to do without him, the yellow ball king, to mediate.

In addition to playing football, he also needs to maintain harmony in the locker room. He only received 15 million euros from Real Madrid in one year. Huang Kaiwen felt that he was at a big loss. At the end of the season, he had to talk to Calderon about the contract extension.

After only playing a few games in Real Madrid, the yellow ball king felt a lot of dissatisfaction.

As the number one club in the world, Real Madrid must improve.

Huang Kaiwen didn't ask the housekeeper or bodyguard to drive, and personally sent the club king to the hotel.

There are no more than 5 people in the world who have been treated like this.

"I'm sorry, Kevin."

Messi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said embarrassedly.

"No trouble, we are good friends, and we will visit my house more often when we come to Madrid." Huang Kaiwen said with a smile while turning his head.

"That's so embarrassing, I came to your house as a guest and left with a gift."

Messi looked down at the four-wheel drive box and said.

"It's nothing, I just like to share with my friends."

Huang Kaiwen said with a smile.

Messi signs a few more contracts, not to mention four-wheel drive, just buy some shares of Tamiya and give it to you.

Arriving at the Hilton Hotel near the airport, Kevin Huang parked the car.

"Then, I'm leaving Kevin."

After Messi got out of the car, he turned his head and said to Huang Kaiwen.

Huang Kaiwen waved his hand and said, "Be careful, I see a lot of fans under the hotel."

"I see."

Messi said with some embarrassment.

The fans' banners were obviously not here to welcome Barcelona. The slogans in their mouths were all related to human organs.

"I'm fine, and it's not your foul, don't worry too much about it."

Huang Kaiwen waved his hands gracefully and said, kicking the accelerator and rushing out.

The club king signed the contract, and let Ronaldinho speak for him when he has time.

We are rivals on the football field, but we can be friends off the field.

The player's career is so short. As a leader in European football, the yellow ball king has the obligation to help outstanding players increase their income. Isn't it worth more than 108,000 a year for endorsement fees?

Huang Kaiwen feels that the next Madrid derby should have more exchanges with Atletico Madrid's strikers.

As for Barcelona, ​​they can only ask for blessings.

Judging from the fans at the entrance of the hotel.

The impact of yesterday's game has fermented to a certain extent.

In fact.

The news of the Spanish national derby occupies most of the headlines of the world's mainstream media.

"Marca" captured the photo of Puyol elbowing Huang Kevin at the moment, and wrote: "Some teams will do whatever they can to win. After Raul confirmed, Kevin was damaged due to this brutal attack. This is the whole football world. , a huge loss to the whole world, it is hard to imagine that someone would commit such a bad foul on a noble player like Kevin, just like what Raul said, the Spanish Football Association must severely punish, otherwise such a foul is just the beginning, and It will not be the end."  …

"Aspen" posted a photo of Huang Kaiwen, with a few Chinese characters written on the back, saying: "During the match yesterday, a man was in a cold drink shop near the Bernabéu and asked to leave a package in the refrigerator of the cold drink shop. The owner of the store was afraid that there might be a problem. After opening it, he found that it was Kevin’s photo.

The incantation was written, and after comparison with the shopkeeper, it was Rijkaard's assistant coach who sent the package at that time. Barcelona wanted to use dirty means to win, they failed, but they still hurt Kevin, Barcelona's coach and their The players are just as dirty. "

"World Sports Daily": "Lee scored in 3 minutes on his debut. If he hadn't left the game early, Barcelona would have won. According to Laporta, who returned to Barcelona early to discuss business, he knew that Lee was a super genius. , Lee didn’t sign Kevin as an extension, he tried to sign Kevin, just to give Lee a familiar playing environment, and we can already look forward to Lee’s big hit after he recovers.”

"Gazzetta dello Sport": "The dirty Catalans tried to stop Kevin with fouls. Puyol's movements are like free combat. The league environment in Spain is too bad. Kevin may suffer even worse when he plays in La Liga. Too many fouls, Barbara should take Kevin back to Milan."

"The Sun": "On the night of the national derby loss, Ronaldinho sneaked out of the hotel with Silvio and Lee, and went to a nightclub in Madrid for a carnival. When they left, they took a few girls. According to us Interviewing the waiter, Li kept urging Ronaldinho to leave quickly in his unproficient Spanish, he wanted to try to see if the injured part could still be used.”

"Absai": "Honorable Cardinal Asir Ratti assisted the Spanish Immigration Administration to crack an illegal entry case, which may involve the coach and senior management of Barcelona Club. The case is still under intense trial Among them, more details, please let us report in the future.”

"Daily": "The victory of Chinese football, the victory of China, the goals of Chinese players Huang Kaiwen and Li Changlong in the Spanish El Clasico have proved to the world that the Chinese can be the key players in the world's highest level of competition."

"Asahi Shimbun": "Japanese football has fallen behind in all aspects. Huang Kaiwen himself may have been accidental, but now there is another Li Changlong, so that talents who can play for top teams will continue to emerge. The Chinese team will soon become No. 1 in Asia. There will be enough competitiveness in the world. Our players must learn from Huang Kaiwen’s self-improvement spirit. Even if they are injured, even if they are in a coma, even if their spine is damaged, as long as they have enough willpower, they can still return to the green field. As a man, you must have the awareness to give everything for victory!"

"Nihon Keizai Shimbun" reporter Takechi Xingde wrote in a column: "Chinese football has cultivated the top stars. If this continues, Chinese football can cultivate a new World Cup champion team. It is impossible for Japan to produce a star like Huang Kaiwen. If players are in China, it is possible to train more Huang Kaiwen players. Considering China's emphasis on and investment in football, Japan cannot take it lightly."

"Chosun Ilbo": "Although the Chinese player Li Changlong was in the limelight in the Spanish National Derby, the way he scored was really insulting. According to our guess, his grandfather should be a Korean who fled to China during the early years of the war. Huang is also a traditional Korean surname. Shin Yong-ha, a professor of history at Seoul National University, claimed to have found Huang Kaiwen. Is the key evidence of the Koreans."  …

Went home and had breakfast.

Huang Kaiwen took a look, the two little golden retrievers hadn't gotten up yet.

This is tired from playing last night.

Two pictures were taken with the camera.

Huang Kaiwen turned on the computer and uploaded it to Facebook.

Huang Kaiwen opened the post bar again.

The post bar is very lively, all about the discussion about yesterday's game.

"Let me just say that my cousin is fine, he went out with Ronaldinho last night."

"I feel that the big cousin is the coolest. My friend is Mr. Football, and my cousin is Mr. Ballon d'Or. He scored a goal in the first national derby and proved his strength in front of the whole world. I think he will have a blast tonight. .”

"It's another day of envying my big cousin. Huang Kaiwen rushed to the stadium to show himself in order to sign the contract. The big cousin signed with Barcelona easily, and now he has become a star. If this continues, he will soon be able to squeeze out Eto'o. ?”

"Today I decided not to scold Huang Kaiwen, who showed his face in the National Derby with his big cousin.

It can be regarded as an example to China, and the man is still very happy. "

"Fuck, Huang Kaiwen was forced to score four more yesterday. Barcelona can't prevent him from fouling like that. European football is nothing more than that."

"Fuck, Huang Kaiwen's long-range shot yesterday is completely unsolvable. Valdes will soon surpass Buffon and become Huang Kaiwen's best background board."

"I feel just average. Huang Kaiwen played okay yesterday, but he didn't play at his best level."

"Brother Huan? Hurry up and seal the title for a ten-day cycle. Brother Huan still hasn't been able to prove that he is not a fan of Huang Kaiwen."

"Yesterday, the footage was shown to the Japanese fans. They even picked up the trash after leaving the field. The quality is really high!"

"The quality is indeed high. I have read "Japanese Summer Camp" written on "Yilin" before, and I feel that their training methods are very good."

Seeing this, Huang Kaiwen finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Huang Kaiwen quickly registered a new account and replied: "The Japanese are of high quality, the Americans dropped two atomic bombs in Japan, and they haven't returned them yet!"

These little sunspots.

Every day on the Internet, I feel that I can do it.

In the end, I couldn't even see through the soft articles of junk magazines.

Feeling a bit boring.

Huang Kaiwen opened the system and found a prompt.

[Significantly change the fate of the top defender Ramos, get 1000 points of fate]

Click below to show destiny.

Immediately there is a picture.

[In the opening game of La Liga in 2006, Ramos ended in red. Your words, 'Don't worry, I have everything, and 5 goals in 8 minutes, made this defender your loyal fan.]

[Another national derby, Puyol fouled you, Ramos kicked Puyol's head with a flying side, directly sent the Barcelona captain to the hospital]

[After your public support in the media and running around, Ramos was not suspended for a long time. Ramos was very touched and swore in his heart that whoever dares to touch you will pass his test]

[In the Champions League, Raul created a penalty kick. Van Nistelrooy went up to take the penalty kick, but Ramos pushed him away and asked you to take the penalty yourself. Capello very much agrees with Ramos' move. shake】

[After the game, Van Nistelrooy complained to the media that there is one person in Real Madrid who is higher than the others, and everyone needs to play around you. On the training ground the next day, Ruud was kicked by Ramos]….

[Riquelme fouled you and was kicked onto a stretcher by Ramos]

[In the Champions League, Terry tackled you from behind, Ramos rushed 80 meters to the Chelsea penalty area, and kicked Terry into the goal]

[Florentino sent troops to drive Calderon away and staged the return of the king. Florentino expressed dissatisfaction with your attendance and salary, and wanted to put pressure on the media to let you cut your salary. Barbara and Flo Lentino staged a public relations battle, the media all over Europe became a mess, and the fans were divided into two factions. The majority supported you. Ramos and Raul stood up together and accused Real Madrid of not supporting the core players. Moss is deprecated]

[Ramos returned to Milan with you, Chiellini fouled you, was kicked by Ramos, Balotelli wanted to compete with you, was kicked by Ramos, Pique played against you in the Champions League You made a serious foul and was kicked into the hospital by Ramos. It is exactly the same as the plot in the Real Madrid period. You are responsible for scoring goals, and Ramos is responsible for kicking people. Ramos got a title, Kevin’s personal bodyguard—golden right foot Ramos]

[In the European Super Cup at the Luis II Stadium, some fanatical fans rushed into the stadium to ask for your autograph. Ramos ran 40 meters and kicked the fanatical fans who rushed towards you to the billboard on the sidelines. Rudelli sighed, as long as Ramos is present, no one can rush to you]

[Barbara is very satisfied with Ramos and gave him a high salary to renew his contract. Barbara told the media that Ramos is the best defender in the world, even at the age of 35, he is worthy of a 5+1 contract]

[In 2021, DePaul was selected for the Argentine national team for the first time. He told the media: I am a loyal supporter of Messi. Messi is to me like Kevin is to Ramos]


In 2030, you decided to retire, and Kaka and Ramos also retired together. At the award ceremony where Inzaghi won the David Award, a female star jumped at you and was kicked more than ten meters by Ramos]

[In 2070, the 84-year-old Ramos suffered from a brain disease caused by too many headers, and his memory has been severely degraded. When you visit the nursing home, Ramos can't even recognize you, and just smiles silly. A doctor was walking without paying tripped by a mop and jumped towards you, an afterimage flashed in front of his eyes, Ramos jumped up from the wheelchair and kicked the doctor several meters, trembling Thumbs up, turned back and said: Don't worry, I have everything! 】


He thought he would change Raul's fate first. After all, with the [abnormal state] following him, even if Raul could not retire from Real Madrid, it should be able to change Raul's fate.

Unexpectedly, the first one turned out to be Ramos.

No wonder Ramos always speaks for someone Huang. Since his debut at the Bernabéu, he has become a loyal fan of his yellow king. Ramos has a rough style of play, but his vision is very good.

[Recommended, @@追书 is really easy to use, everyone can try it soon. 】

Huang Kaiwen can only sigh with emotion, this is to convince people with virtue.

Even a thorny head like Ramos has become a loyal fan of the yellow ball king.

In this case, Ramos will be his good brother Huang from now on. .

Bury Ye Liangchen

Read The Duke's Passion