MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 98

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In the school corridor, Shen Luyang and Xie Weihan walked side by side to the science group, one wearing a turtleneck sweater, the other wearing not only the same turtleneck sweater, but also two wrist guards.

"I think the point of my work is to earn some gas money," Shen Luyang stretched out and added gas on the way, and the big hundreds were gone, "If I fail the regular exam at the end of the term, then I'll have to earn more. One semester's oil money, the social animals are in tears when they see it."

What is salary and not much bank interest, Shen Luyang is.

Xie Weihan laughed and taught the new teachers his experience: "The questions on the normalization exam are similar to the final exam questions for students, and the proportion is very small. The usual class scores and assessments are more important, such as business trips."

Shen Luyang's dog's eyes lit up: "Does an open class count?"

Xie Weihan smiled: "Forget it."

Shen Luyang pushed open the door of the office and shouted, "Jiang Jiang! Please eat!"

Jiang Nuanyu's hands trembled, and the cookie fell on the table. She looked down and said, "Give me another bag of biscuits."

Shen Luyang put down his bag, looked at her, and folded his hands gratefully: "Thank you, Teacher Jiang, for giving me the precious opportunity of open class."

As soon as Jiang Nuanyu heard it, he knew that he was talking about turning into a regular at the end of the period. He took three packets of cookies again and threw them two to Shen Luyang. There was no need to explain. Give Xie Weihan one.

Jiang Nuanyu tore open the package and half-opened her eyes from sleepiness: "Look at this room, who needs it besides you?"

The implication is that everyone except you is a formal teacher, and I don't give you to anyone.

Regardless of this, Shen Luyang happily discussed what she wanted to eat, and then ordered a takeaway.

On Saturday morning, the science group was dead. Zong Weiqing came back from the corridor after reading the class discipline. One person gave them a tea bag: "It's cold, drinking some hot water is good for your health."

Gong Wanjun went over to take a cup of hot water to make tea with a bleak face, muttering in her mouth.

"On the big Saturday, the social animals have rested, and we still have to go to work," she pinched her waist with one hand, looking at the equally weak sunlight outside the window, and muttered: "We are not as good as animals."

Shen Luyang leaned on the chair and was yawning.

In addition to being sleepy, the discomfort elsewhere on his body was even more torturous.

There was no cushion on his chair, and the mesh surface, which he usually felt comfortable and soft, was particularly embarrassing now.

But it seemed odd that he went out of his way to buy a cushion now.

Sitting was really uncomfortable, Shen Luyang stood up.

Exhausted and sore, he picked up an unopened bottle of mineral water, turned his head and leaned on Xie Weihan's table, and began to study the two pots of vibrant little cactus.

"Teacher Xie," he whispered, his eyes fixed on the dry soil in the flowerpot, "do you think they are both thirsty?"

Xie Weihan lifted his eyelids, pondered for a moment, and played with the taste: "I may be thirstier than them, can you give me water?"

Shen Luyang was stunned, and subconsciously handed the water over, Xie Weihan only reacted when he took it and unscrewed it.

"Cool, let me make a tea bag for you, I'll walk," Shen Luyang said as he habitually sat down on his table, his buttocks sitting down unprepared—

An indescribable burst of soreness and pain ran straight to the brain along the caudal vertebra. Shen Luyang's face twisted for a moment, and he shouted in the groove, gritted his teeth and let himself get off the table as normal as possible, with his back to the rest of the office. Man, standing facing Xie Weihan.

His legs were trembling, and a few bitter tears burst from the corners of his eyes.

He rested his palm on the table, inhaled in a cold sweat on his forehead, and didn't forget to gasp in Xie Weihan's ear, "It hurts, I'll wipe it, I'll soak it later, I... I'll..."

Xie Weihan was amused by his hairy movements and wanted to laugh, but he was very considerate to cover it up.

He pinched his fingertips comfortingly, then pulled over a cushioned chair and said naturally, "Sit here."

The two of them often sit together and work together, so there is no problem in this series of movements. Shen Luyang burst into tears as he sat on the soft cushion.

He dragged his chair and pressed him hard against Xie Weihan's side, his arm against his arm, Shen Luyang asked in a low voice, "When did you buy it? This cushion saved me from fire and water, I think my **** is about to bloom, sigh...really Soft, great enjoyment…”

"Thursday, didn't I show it to you, forgot?" Xie Weihan's left hand placed under the table naturally fell behind his waist, took advantage of the trend and pinched it gently.

The bulge of the ring rests on the flesh, and the top is very comfortable.

Shen Luyang leaned on the back of the chair, squinting his eyes comfortably: "I think about it, I thought it was Teacher Gong's, the rabbit pattern... It's not like a sturdy guy like me would use it."

He paused, thinking of something, approached Xie Weihan, and said in a hoarse voice with malicious intent: "You are an exception, I like to use it very much."

Hehe, he can also be seductive.

Xie Weihan's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his lower lip was hooked without a trace. He kept writing, and drew a check mark on the last math question, with a serious voice as if discussing the selection of the monthly exam.

"If you like it, can you share your experience?"

Shen Luyang paused, his ears warmed, grabbed his hand and squeezed his ring, leaned close to his ear, and continued to flirt: "Of course you can, are you listening now?"

Xie Weihan's eyes were dark, and he laughed inexplicably. The next second, he took out a brand new handmade cowhide notebook from the drawer. The brown cover made his fingers extraordinarily pale and slender.

Turning to the first page, he picked up the pen unhurriedly, and wrote the word "morning".

Xie Weihan turned to the next page, wrote the date, and then turned his head slowly, looking at him elegantly and inquisitively with this face that Shen Luyang could see at a certain moment.

After a long while, the thin lips parted lightly.

"You can start talking."


say what?

Say his "feelings of use"? ? ?

Shen Luyang was like a big lost dog, stunned, the next second, his face was red and hot to the point of exploding, and he looked at Xie Weihan's serious face at a loss.

He just said a word, and his boyfriend's fiance's dear little white rabbit just wanted to write it down!

Look at the date with that beautiful font... Are you going to interview him every time like a diary and record it?

Even if he is thick-skinned enough to say everything in detail, but this is a school, remembering this kind of content... is not appropriate...

Shen Luyang looked at his boyfriend's warm smile and covered his face inwardly.

Who would have thought that the winner of the outstanding teachers every year, the cutting-edge teaching quality of Lanjiang No. 5 Middle School, and the respected teacher Xie would discuss the astringent matters with him in the sacred office.

Shen Luyang didn't dare to touch his face, for fear of burning his hands.

He smiled embarrassingly, stretched out his hand to cover the date on the notebook, grabbed Xie Weihan's hand and squeezed it, and explained, "I'm joking, are you serious? Besides, you can't see it all, you don't need to. I's my class later, I'll go back to prepare, you'll be busy-"

"I can tell..." Xie Weihan casually repeated his words, moving his fingers slightly, easily breaking free from his palm, smiling gently and harmlessly, "Indeed, I should write it myself."

Shen Luyang stayed at a loss.

The nib of the pen rubbed the surface of the paper, making a slight rustling sound, and each beautiful thin gold body was engraved on the paper.

Shen Luyang looked at it subconsciously and read it word by word in his mind.

After a few minutes.

Shen Luyang buried his whole face in his arms, lay on the table, grabbed Xie Weihan's hand with his right hand to prevent him from moving, and his exposed ears were bloodshot.

His voice was muffled, and his arms were covered with powder. He confessed, "Mr. Xie, don't write... I'm wrong, can't I..."

How does it feel to see the little h-wen that you are the protagonist.

That's how he feels now.

The author is still another protagonist in the text, and he has to watch the writing process in person... As a young man who is very healthy everywhere, he can't stand this stimulation.

The pen was suddenly knocked crooked, and an irregular circle was drawn on the paper.

Xie Weihan curled the corners of his lips and continued to write. He thoughtfully accepted Shen Luyang's confession and comforted softly: "Don't like it? Then I won't write it next time."

The brush strokes that can write sharp edges and corners are suddenly soft at this moment. Following the irregular circle marks, he has drawn a small anthropomorphic little gray wolf with red ears and tears in the corners of the eyes biting his claws in a few strokes...

When Shen Luyang got up, Xie Weihan closed the notebook.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, interrupting Shen Luyang's heart that he wanted to continue to confess and eat tofu at the same time.

He quickly touched his face, Xie Weihan reminded: "It's very red."

Shen Luyang quickly got down before anyone looked at him, looked at Xie Weihan with his eyes turned sideways, panicked and spoke very fast.

"Then what to do! I'm going to lie and say I have a high fever in my class later? Isn't it unreasonable for Mr. Shen to have a high fever once a week for an Alpha who punches a punch and a small stubble? Is this kind of diary not there? The school records are better. If you like it, let’s go home and study it later. Actually, I like it too. Teacher Xie, did you write this here on purpose, knowing that I am very healthy…”

Xie Weihan put his palm on his forehead and chuckled noncommittally: "Ten minutes is enough to 'fever'."

Shen Luyang was silent for a while with a guilty conscience, and unconsciously rubbed his knee against his knee, hesitating for a moment.

His voice was extremely low, and he whispered with red ears like a thief: "But I got up... I can't get down for ten minutes."

He was so healthy, how could it be ten minutes.

Xie Weihan paused for a while, and seemed a little surprised, as if it was an accident that had nothing to do with him.

During the few seconds of his silence, Shen Luyang fully felt the feeling of evaporating his face.

He broke the can and continued to rub Xie Weihan with his knees, and said emotionally: "You go to a class for me, my back hurts, Mr. Xie, just where you rubbed it just now, it hurts. Your **** hurts too, just yesterday— Cough - yes, I may really have a fever now, I'm confused, and I'll say something wrong later."

Ah, it's nice to have no face.

Xie Weihan watched him buried in his arm, his hands and claws were not honestly touching, and he looked like he would fall asleep in a second before Shi Shi opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "I'll teach you a lesson, get a good night's sleep. , are you going to the infirmary? There is a bed."

Shen Luyang felt that Doctor Fang would not welcome him, so he scratched Xie Weihan's leg: "You don't need to go there, I'll just lie down here."

In fact, he didn't tell a lie, and he was really uncomfortable.

Excessive absorption of S-level Alpha pheromones, no matter how accustomed to it, physiological sleepiness is inevitable, as well as those unspeakable soreness, and shameful reactions... all make him lazy.

On Saturday, the first section of the small weekly physics test, the second section is enough to talk about the topic, it doesn't have to be him, so he can hide from the office romance.

When the class bell rang, Uncle Shen Luyang seemed to be motionless, lying on the table to sleep.

Zong Weiqing knew that the first class was his class, and thought he was sick and couldn't get up, so he subconsciously asked, "Mr. Shen has a cold? Why is her face so red? I have cold medicine here, you can take a slice."

Xie Weihan stood up with the book, rubbed Shen Luyang's head, smiled and said to Zong Weiqing, "I've taken the medicine, and I'm sleepy. I'll take it for him in this session."

Zong Weiqing was stunned.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy