MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 95

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Shen Luyang's head was hot, and he didn't dare to look any further. He grabbed Xie Weihan's wrist and lightly twisted his fingertips on his wrist: "Follow me."

Xie Weihan didn't take the initiative to hold his hand, everything was led by him as Shen Luyang hoped.

Before going out today, Shen Luyang went out one minute late, and put all the things he should prepare by the bed, so that he could do bad things at night.

Shen Luyang grabbed Xie Weihan's wrist and strode into the bedroom.

No matter how hard I tried to cover it up, I subconsciously looked like a newly married brat, so anxious that I could hug someone and fly to bed in the next second.

Pressing Xie Weihan's shoulder and letting him sit on the edge of the bed, Shen Luyang left a sentence "Don't move", and immediately walked over to open the box, watching Xie Weihan's movements, and took out the small glass bottle—

Alpha inducer.

He specially checked it, and the effect of oral administration of this thing will be very "wonderful", much stronger than the smeared medicine.

Xie Weihan sat there quietly, his light-colored clothes and covered eyes made him feel a sense of alienation and vulnerability.

On the contrary, it is more tempting to destroy.

Shen Luyang curled his fingertips restlessly, immersed himself in the sweet trap set by the other party, only noticing Xie Weihan's excessive calmness, and seemed not at all troubled by the situation in front of him being controlled by others.

without looking into the reasons.

No matter what he did, Xie Weihan would not be affected - this conjecture deeply stimulated Shen Luyang's heart.

It seems that he is always in a passive rookie position among the two.

Men's self-esteem has been greatly challenged!

Shen Luyang pursed his lips and looked firmly at the bottle in his hand.

Let Xie Weihan realize how powerful he is, and become like never before in front of him.

It's better to be uncontrollable and dependent on him...

Shen Luyang just thought that his heartbeat was going to spin out of control, so he quickly pulled the cork off the bottle, got close to the tip of his nose, and sniffed.

The taste is light and sweet.

I don't know if it will be bitter to drink.

If it is bitter, prepare a glass of water for Xie Weihan to rinse his mouth.

Shen Luyang thoughtfully decided to try it for himself.

Holding up the bottle, watching Xie Weihan's every move, he carefully poured a drop into his mouth.

The entrance is the sweetness of a watermelon, and the sweetness is a little mixed with juice.

It is worthy of being produced by the XX flagship store, and the taste is not much different from the real juice.

Shen Luyang was about to put down the bottle when Xie Weihan suddenly straightened his body slightly, as if he was about to sit up.

Shen Luyang subconsciously stopped: "Don't move, huh - dong..."

With a trembling hand, a whole bottle of Alpha inducer was poured into Shen Luyang's mouth, and he was swallowed before he struggled.

The instructions say that it is not recommended to drink more than one-third of the amount at a time...

Shen Luyang covered his mouth and coughed, his tears were about to come out.

Xie Weihan was blindfolded and couldn't see, so he tilted his head slightly: "What's wrong?"

Shen Luyang died before he left his apprenticeship, and was humiliated and thrown at his grandma's house. How could he say that if I failed to molest you, I gave myself a bottle of medicine instead.

"It's alright! You're choking on water, don't move!"

Xie Weihan paused when he heard the words, raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his head slightly and continued to sit on the spot.

Listen all the way.

Shen Luyang opened his mouth and retched a few times, trying to spit it out, but after struggling for a long time without success.

The manual says that it will take effect in 30 seconds, but he hasn't taken effect yet... Isn't this a fake?

Probably yes, how can there be such a good medicine, and there is no reaction after drinking it.

Shen Luyang gave up the broken bottle, took a deep breath, turned his head and took out the "necklace" and "bracelet" that he had prepared for a long time - a delicate silver metal thin chain, slightly longer than the necklace, with several connected to the real thing. ring.

There are two rings inside, which are real rings.

Shen Luyang walked up to Xie Weihan with the necklace, lowered his head, and touched his face unconsciously with his fingers.

It is the gesture of the strong party to the weak party, and the tone is also dominant: "I want to give you a gift now, do you or?"

Xie Weihan raised his head to "look" at him, his tie covered half of his face, his tall nose was particularly three-dimensional in the shadow of the lamp, and the beauty of his facial features was more prominent in the incomplete appearance.

Subject to the power of others, the thin lips are red and attractive, and even the words he said are stained with a bit of destructive meaning.

Xie Weihan tilted his head, and took the initiative to rub against his palm like a cat, his thin lips curled up in an inconspicuous arc: "Yes."

Shen Luyang narrowed his eyes.

I'll let you know how good I am in a moment.

He undid the necklace and carefully tied it around Xie Weihan's neck. The slight sound of metal colliding made his heart beat faster.

His hands were shaking.

Don't panic, Shen Luyang, you are the boss.


The quilt on the slender neck was put on shackles, and the end of the thin chain fell on the sports jacket, which was too beautiful to touch.

The wrist, which was so pale that blue blood vessels could be seen clearly, was not spared, and was bound by the same bracelet, behind his back.

Shen Luyang took a half step back, admiring Xie Weihan's current appearance.

Completely led by his nose.

This realization made Shen Luyang feel ashamed, but also gave birth to a strange feeling of pleasure caused by **** and manipulation.

This feeling spread along the tail spine, and his body was hot, and he licked his lips thirsty.

The movement of holding the necklace softened a bit, but the tone was still strong: "Kneel down on the bed, like the first time I went to your house."

Shen Luyang looked straight at Xie Weihan, and the other party didn't let go of a second of hesitation.

He was a little scared.

Is he perverted, why is he so excited.

That is Xie Weihan, his boyfriend who is in the leading position no matter when and where, this time it's completely up to him...

The expression on Xie Weihan's face did not change, even if his hands were bound, his movements were still calm.

He quickly spread his knees and knelt on the bed facing him, with his upper body upright, his sweatpants taut to outline his long legs, his head drooping slightly, his shoulders and arms behind his back held up a fragile arc, his skeleton was extremely perfect. Earth is highlighted.

this screen.

Shen Luyang's heart stopped for a moment.

He waited at least ten seconds to confirm that Xie Weihan really obeyed him and did so.

The flame of desire was burning silently in a safe place. Now, the flammable object that wanted to be warm and dared not approach the fire took the initiative to jump into the fire... The fire was out of control.

Such Xie Weihan.

Shen Luyang's eyes turned red.

He stepped on the edge of the bed with one foot, grabbed the necklace and yanked it violently.

Xie Weihan leaned forward without any resistance and slammed into his chest. It was Xie Weihan who didn't see anything, but Shen Luyang was restless, and his Adam's apple rolled out the theme of tonight: "I'll prepare for you. A surprise."

"But it's up to you to guess what the surprise is. If you guess right, you will receive a surprise. If you guess wrong once...there will be a penalty."

The tip of Shen Luyang's nose pressed against the tip of Xie Weihan's nose, the sense of shame and guilt was swallowed up, and his fingertips were burning with excitement.

"Now, the game begins."

The ring was hung on Xie Weihan's neck and wrist from the very beginning, and the answer to the mystery lies in the mystery.

He did it on purpose.

After being together for so long, we always have to win Xie Weihan once, see him cry, see him pity, see him need coaxing... This is Alpha's subconscious desire.

Xie Weihan's fingertips moved slightly behind his back, perfectly covering the fleeting curvature of the corners of his lips, allowing Shen Luyang to clench the necklace and draw a red mark on his Adam's apple.

He asked in a low voice, "Are you the surprise?"

Shen Luyang's eyes lit up, rubbed the side of Xie Weihan's face, and said proudly, "I guessed wrong."

He reached out and touched the rabbit's ear and put it on Xie Weihan's head.

Shen Luyang swallowed dryly, eager to try: "I'm going to punish you."

Saying that, the leg kicked on the edge of the bed changed to kneeling on one knee on the bed, clinging to Xie Weihan's leg, leaning over, his warm lips approaching Xie Weihan's ear.

Smelling the inadvertently released aroma of red wine, Shen Luyang's eyes blurred for a moment, and he greedily covered his shiny earlobes.

It seems to hold the bottle mouth, and you can drink the wine in an instant.

Delicate kisses drifted on the earlobes, chasing the coolness on the skin, leaving wet traces. Shen Luyang's fingers deliberately stroked the side of his neck, and his fingertips imitated the movements of the two people together. on.

He was particularly greedy for cups this time, and his rapid breathing heated up between his ears and temples.

The entire ear, the skin behind the ear, and the skin under the ear could not escape the gluttonous mouth, and the punishment changed from the very beginning.

The cold and white-skinned ears were gradually covered with a layer of emotional pink, Xie Weihan's red lips opened slightly, his breathing gradually became rapid, and he seriously felt the strong touch on his ears.

A little bit of electric current, accompanied by the fire in the body, spreads rapidly throughout the body with the opponent's movements.

The soft and smooth meat was swept lightly, not letting go of any corner, and blowing hot air in a manner, and then sucking out beautiful strawberries one by one, marking them with their own marks.

The tongue is wet, but the lips are a little dry. When kissing lightly, it is like a mass of soft petals, rubbing against each other, hooking people and raining down, knocking the petals into pieces.

Xie Weihan tapped lightly on the bed with his fingertips behind him, and the frequency gradually increased.

Like walking dangerously on the edge of patience, nothing matters, just to meet the requirements of the big dog who wants to be a wolf.

Shen Luyang devoured his entire ear meticulously, listening to Xie Weihan's heavy breathing, although he was panting in embarrassment, he still felt a sense of accomplishment.

He took a slow breath, straightened his body, and looked at Xie Weihan's unchanged face, which was in stark contrast to the reaction of the rest of his body.

Shen Luyang felt that today was the peak of his life.

"Thanks—" He stopped for a moment.

Today he is the boss and cannot be called Teacher Xie.

He disguisedly touched the rabbit ears on Xie Weihan's head, and leaned over to the ear where Xie Weihan had never been kissed. Ruo Ji Ruo Li asked, "Dear Rabbit, are you... already?"

The good rabbit didn't speak. Shen Luyang confirmed it himself and got a positive answer.

But he didn't dare to continue. The tight suit pants made him uncomfortable. Fortunately, Xie Weihan's eyes were blindfolded, otherwise he would be embarrassed again.

Shen Luyang hooked the necklace and suddenly pulled it back, forcing Xie Weihan to look up at him.

Xie Weihan raised his head too fast, and Shen Luyang, who was frightened with a fierce face, quickly let go, his expression was replaced by worry, he looked at the other party's neck carefully, and he was relieved after confirming that he was not injured.

The tone was late and concave with a strong sense: "I guessed wrong, continue."

He was just too much.

No hint at all, just bullying people.

Xie Weihan felt the strength of the necklace loosen, and immediately lowered his head again.

Shen Luyang's authority was offended.

"What's the surprise?" He controlled his strength, grabbed the necklace again, forced Xie Weihan to look up, and demanded viciously: "Come on, I can't help but guess."

Xie Weihan seemed to be unaware of the pain, and thoughtfully raised his head higher.

After a long while, he gently shook his neck, his voice was hoarse, he still smiled casually, and replied, "It's these things that bind me."

Lazy looking like a fallen angel, his wings were brutally broken by the noble Shen Luyang, and he was imprisoned beside his bed.

Over time, the angels have become accustomed to such a life, and even enjoy the treatment of nobles...

"You guessed wrong!" Shen Luyang loosened the necklace in his hand, looked at his neck uneasy, and carefully confirmed that it was only a red spot with no scars before continuing to say frantically, "Guess what the punishment is this time?"

Xie Weihan raised the corners of his lips: "You like it."

As long as it is for you, I like anything.

Countless pictures flashed through Shen Luyang's head, and his throat was dry.

The index finger hooked on the neckline of Xie Weihan's sports jacket, pinched the zipper, and pulled it down.

In an instant, the jacket changed from being meticulously dressed to being wide-open, revealing the white T inside and the undulating chest under the cover.

Shen Luyang's eyes gradually darkened, suppressed by reason again, and whispered the truth: "I like to eat you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Luyang grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and pulled it to one side, revealing his shoulders covered with beautiful muscles.

Alpha's razor-sharp teeth gnawed on his smooth shoulders, his hands crookedly wrapped around his back, clutching at the gradually tense muscles.

He gnawed his lips hard to make a tooth mark, and kissed him distressedly, feeling the gradually clear, **** panting of the man in his ears, but he couldn't help but continue to hurt, leaving more scars and wantonly destroying his perfect skin.

Soft lips and sharp teeth, enjoyment and pain, the intertwined feeling stimulates the nerves, making the hot cocoa in the air restlessly looking for red wine.

Shen Luyang seemed to regard Xie Weihan's body as a canvas, and tried to draw delicious strawberries and deadly poisonous snakes on it.

Until the two people's breathing is no longer steady, the rhythm of the heartbeat is out of control in the tightly hugged chest.

Shen Luyang finally let go of his mouth reluctantly, wiped the water stains on his lips with the back of his hand, kissed him on the lips, and asked vaguely confidently, "Are you going to... can't hold on anymore?" He wanted to touch him.

Xie Weihan admitted frankly that the body that had been hooked up with **** had become extraordinarily different, and even his cheeks were stained with a seductive pink.

Like a big demon who has cultivated for thousands of years and is greedy for human love and does not want to become an immortal, no matter how long his life is, no matter how powerful his cultivation is, it cannot compare to a spring night with a little scholar.

The little scholar Shen Luyang heard the heat on his chest and cheeks, lowered his head and looked down at Xie Weihan's "wolverine", his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly opened his mouth.

"Call the senior, and give you a hint when you call, otherwise you won't be able to guess."

The little scholar also likes to play the script, which is very interesting.

Xie Weihan opened and closed his eyes hidden under the tie, and the fingertips behind him suddenly became gentle, and his fingertips stroked the soft bed surface, as if the bed surface was someone's skin, touching it so earnestly.

Shen Luyang waited impatiently and wanted to urge.

Xie Weihan opened his mouth in a low voice, like begging, but also like casual teasing, and whispered to him: "Senior."

Shen Luyang's heart jumped, and the desire was opened and poured out.

He pressed him on Xie Weihan's shoulder, pushed him down on the bed, put his hands on both sides of Xie Weihan's body, and looked down condescendingly.

The advantage of geographical location will give Shen Luyang a different experience, making him sure that Xie Weihan at the moment "has no resistance".

Being called a senior, Shen Luyang was full of charm, his tone softened, and he said with red ears, "hint: I have something you like very much."

Hearing this, Xie Weihan squinted his eyes, bent his left leg, raised his knee, and pressed against Shen Luyang's tense and sensitive waist due to his posture.

The tone was unhurried, teasing the puppy: "The things I like very much... are all on you."

A fast car drove past, but the driver was a gentleman with elegant speech and manners, and he was still tied under him at the moment.

Shen Luyang's face was red and his ears were red. He also liked Xie Weihan's rare open meat.

Maybe the different clothes he wears have some influence on Xie Weihan.

It seems that he is not the only one enjoying the game.

Shen Luyang's waist was soft, and his legs against his waist were obviously not warm, but he was so hot that he shuddered and almost fell into Xie Weihan's arms.

"Don't move," the voice trembled when he spoke again, subconsciously chasing comfortably without any imposing demands, "Neither legs."

Xie Weihan's knees still moved around his waist, little by little, inch by inch, arousing his indescribable desire.

Ask him meaningfully: "What's the punishment for rioting?"

Just as Shen Luyang was about to give an order, his knees suddenly moved, hitting his soft, itchy waist.

His pupils contracted, his lips clenched, his elbows bent weakly, unable to support him any longer, his whole face was buried in the side of Xie Weihan's neck.

His ear was suddenly bitten, and Xie Weihan's playful voice came into his ear, "Huh? Are you not willing to punish me, learn, grow?"

Shen Luyang was going to be tempted by the goblin Xie Weihan to be foolish. He was soft-hearted and soft-hearted, only hard-mouthed. He was angry with his own waste and demanded angrily: "You are not allowed to release pheromones!"

Xie Weihan said "um" and put his bent legs back. He didn't mention "I didn't release pheromones just now", and gave him sweetness soothingly: "Are there any hints?"

Shen Luyang realized later that the initiative was no longer on him, and there was a good opportunity in front of him to get it back.

"Tips are not for nothing, you have to pay a little price."

"What price?"

Shen Luyang moved the hem of his clothes with his fingertips, tugged it, and saw his exposed collarbone, the thin chain was placed in the socket of the collarbone, and it was beautiful.

"I... bought you a dress."

"Should I say thank you, senior?"

Not getting the expected resistance and questioning at all, Shen Luyang was counterattacked again invisibly.

He grabbed Xie Weihan's necklace, but he didn't dare to use any force, and forced him to get up.

Shen Luyang said worriedly, "I'll untie it for you, but you're still not allowed to move."

The bracelet was taken off and put aside, Shen Luyang grabbed the hem of Xie Weihan's T-shirt and helped him take off the T-shirt.

The figure that has been thirsty and greedy for countless times is finally completely exposed in front of the eyes. It is so unexpected and natural.

Shen Luyang opened his mouth slightly, then realized that he had fulfilled a small dream - seeing Xie Weihan's body.

The cold-white muscles have the beauty of a marble sculpture, the clear texture is not too exaggerated, and every undulating gully has been perfectly measured, and there is a red mole on the cold-white skin near the heart. .

It was like the creator who was specially designed to bewitch Shen Luyang and pinched him according to his favorite way.

The tip of the nose is hot.

Shen Luyang covered his nose, the nosebleed that had been struggling for a long time could no longer hold on, and meandered down the gap between his fingers.


Shen Luyang was hot-headed, he sat on Xie Weihan's lap, and hurriedly stretched out his other hand.

"What's wrong?" Xie Weihan raised his hand and landed on the tip of his nose accurately.

Shen Luyang couldn't afford to lose this person, turned his head instantly, and said in a panic, "You are not allowed to move! I didn't let you move!"

Saying that, he jumped out of bed quickly and pressed his nose with the paper.

Fortunately, Alpha's physique was strong, and the bleeding stopped within a minute.

Xie Weihan sat there naked, like a male college student who was forced to go to sea, Shen Luyang felt that he was committing a crime for a moment.

He took a deep breath, picked up the "clothes" he had prepared for a long time, and told himself.

Xie Weihan, his boyfriend, is 27 years old this year, three years older than him.

He didn't commit a crime, his boyfriend was just young and handsome.

Walking back to the bed, Shen Luyang was reluctant to be too far away from Xie Weihan like this, so he simply sat on his lap again.

The movements that I had rehearsed countless times in my heart were so shivering that I couldn't hold my clothes, but I quickly fastened them.

Seeing the other party put it on for a moment, Shen Luyang covered his nose and regretted it.

If you don't wear it, it will cause nosebleeds, and if you wear it, you will have nosebleeds. Is there something wrong with him?

What should be covered can't be covered, what should be revealed is not covered at all, and the straps are just right tied to his favorite place...

Looking down, Xie Weihan was still wearing trousers neatly, and the smooth waistline spread along the waist, and was tightly covered together with the 7th and 8th abdominal muscles.

Fortunately, he wore it, otherwise he might not be able to hold on.

The oxygen in the air is getting thinner and thinner because of the beautiful body, and Shen Luyang has to breathe hard to avoid hypoxia.

He kept his word and gave a hint in a hoarse voice: "This thing will always be with us, it makes us feel that happiness and joy are real."

Xie Weihan pondered slightly, and for a moment, his thighs were lifted up, and even Shen Luyang, who was sitting on his legs, trembled.

His voice was stained with water vapor and became extraordinarily seductive: "Is it here? We all have it. We will always be with us and make each other feel happy..."

It took a few seconds for Shen Luyang to realize what he was talking about, his face flushed rapidly, but he felt that it was reasonable, and stammered: "How could you think of this! This is not your character design, you are a pure-hearted junior, junior. , pure love!"

The corners of Xie Weihan's lips twitched, and he approached his ear, sniffing the hot cocoa that spread irregularly, and his smile deepened: "This is my character design, senior... Isn't this place you like? I like yours too. ."

"I like to eat."

Shen Luyang's legs were so tight that they were about to explode, and he had to grit his teeth to endure it: "You guessed wrong, I will punish you."

Xie Weihan continued to kiss his ear indifferently, and Shen Luyang hurriedly avoided, obviously he was dying, and he had to warn Xie Weihan.

"Don't move!"

Xie Weihan obediently stopped.

The temperature is still rising.

Shen Luyang finally felt that something was wrong, his eyes were blurry, his breathing was hot... Besides, why was it getting hotter and hotter.

It was bearable when he didn't notice it, but when he found something was wrong, the heat was like a prairie flame, quickly igniting his whole being.

Drug effect onset.

Violently unresolved.

"No punishment," Shen Luyang frowned impatiently, his breath was unsteady, he supported Xie Weihan's shoulder, stepped on his toes, curled up in his leather shoes, and rubbed against his arms, "hurry up and guess, I think Surprise for you... It's so hot, Teacher Xie, I'm so hot..."

Xie Weihan let out a low laugh, hugged him by the back and pressed the person into his arms, no longer deliberately wrong, and coaxed him in a low voice: "It's the ring, on the necklace and bracelet."

Shen Luyang couldn't figure out when Xie Weihan discovered it. He drank a whole bottle of Alpha inducer at one time. If his partner wasn't Xie Weihan, he would have to go to the hospital for an injection now.

Shen Luyang regretted so much that he wanted to cry without tears. Now let alone holding the ring, he just wanted to put it on Xie Weihan with a soft hand.

A very failed surprise.

But this thought didn't last long in my mind, and was completely overwhelmed by another desire.

He lowered his head and kissed Xie Weihan's lips eagerly: "Mr. Xie, help me, give me the pheromone... It's so hot, I just drank a whole bottle of Alpha inducer... It's going to explode, help Help me, will I have a problem?"

Xie Weihan was silent for a moment, and when Shen Luyang was so anxious to bite him, he kindly reminded: "Senior, you forbid me to release pheromones."

Shen Luyang was about to cry: "I won't play anymore, Teacher Xie, we are no longer seniors and juniors..."

As he spoke, he undid Xie Weihan's tie on his eyes, undid his clothes indiscriminately, and graciously helped him put on a T-shirt.

Serve people with all your heart, and he will be comfortable in a while.

"Mr. Xie, it's hot, it's hot..." Shen Luyang hugged his shoulders, the corners of his eyes were flushed by the inducer, and the hot cocoa erupted like a blowout, "Give me some pheromones, a little..."

Xie Weihan kissed the tip of his nose lightly, and his eyes fell on his steamy eyes, seducing: "The game is not over yet, senior."

Shen Luyang clenched his shoulders, his sluggish brain reacted and apologized: "Senior, is it wrong? I shouldn't have bullied you just now."

Xie Weihan took off the rabbit's ear and put it on his head gently. The thumb of the thumb gently pressed the corner of his red eye, and the evil was deeply hidden in gentleness. His voice was hoarse and smiling: "The rabbit's eyes are red from crying. ."

"You are beautiful when you cry, senior."