MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 82

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Except for Gong Wanjun, the science group accepted this "office romance" very calmly.

Teacher Gong was shocked but still officially gave Shen Luyang the "marriage beads" he asked for from the temple last year.

"This is the bead I asked wrong last time. I want to ask for a peach blossom bead. The master gave me a long-term marriage bead for some unknown reason... I just gave it to you. I wish you two a long life."

Gong Wanjun exchanged a small piece of bread from Shen Luyang's hand, afraid that he would refuse, and immediately said reverently.

"Don't, don't, I don't want money for the beads. The master may have given it to me because he expected the two of you... The master's calculation is really accurate. I have to go next time..."

"Thank you, Sister Wanjun, then I'll accept it."

Shen Luyang took the beads as he spoke. It was a pair of dark red beads, one circle larger than the beads on the bracelet, and the two were strung next to each other on a red string woven with gold thread.

I don't know what kind of wood it is, but the beads have a natural fragrance. Shen Luyang smelled it, and he felt that Shentai Qingming was at ease... Xie Weihan should like it.

He took the beads and said to the teachers in the science group, "Tomorrow I will send happy candy to the office, one box at a time. Teacher Zong, what kind of candy do you like to eat? Don't be polite to me when it comes to happy events! It's rich!"

Hearing that there was something to eat, Jiang Nuanyu raised her head in her busy schedule, raised her hand, and Mo De said emotionally, "Fudge, VIP gift box, please pack it for your girlfriend's trouble, thank you."

Shen Luyang quickly pulled a piece of paper and wrote it down. He knew that Jiang Nuanyu liked this candy, and he gave them points every time he ate it.

It's very sweet, and it's a bit sloppy. Xie Weihan doesn't like it, but he still eats it when he feeds it, and his expression is so natural that after feeding it three or four times, he asks once, "Mr. Xie, do you like it? "…

Teacher Jiang started, and the rest of the teachers didn't meet Shen Luyang, they all talked about some inexpensive gift boxes of candy.

Shen Luyang wrote them down one by one, then remembered that his boyfriend was still missing, and asked Jiang Nuanyu casually, "Jiang Jiang, where is Teacher Xie?"

"A meeting in the principal's office."

"What? Going on a business trip again?"

Jiang Nuanyu drank a mouthful of wolfberry tea, drooping his eyelids, talking about the school's stupid X regulations, the air pressure dropped instantly, and his eyes were cold: "Prepare for an open class. One group of two people, take a few days a week to go to a meeting to report on the progress of class preparation, We also need to exchange experiences together and find someone to demonstrate... Leaders who are too brainy will teach a fart, and they know that there is a meeting every day, and can a slow sheep's grass grow on their head."

"Open class?" Shen Luyang continued to ask after having fun for a long time. There are quite a few tricks for them to break the school. Can you get rid of a lot of things?"

Jiang Nuanyu was also speechless about the mentally retarded decision of these mentally retarded things: "It is said that teachers apply at will, but the staff has already made reservations. Teacher Xie definitely needs to go."

Shen Luyang had an answer in his heart, "Oh" said: "One group, the rest..."

Jiang Nuanyu looked at him numbly: "Me."

Shen Luyang: "..."

He didn't ask why you didn't go to the meeting. Obviously, Mr. Jiang was not happy and Mr. Jiang didn't want to go.

Take a few days a week to go to the meeting to report the progress, and also give lectures to exchange experience...

Shen Luyang paused, thinking of something, his eyes lit up: "Jiang—"

Jiang Nuanyu: "If you don't want to go, don't ask me to thank you for me."

Shen Luyang: "..."

He gave a silent thumbs up.

Sitting back in his seat, Shen Luyang unlocked the lock screen of his phone, and found that the little red dot in the circle of friends was very eye-catching, so he clicked in.

What caught his eye was not the comments that were about to explode, but a circle of friends posted by Xie Weihan a few seconds ago.

Teacher Xie: My apple.

The accompanying picture is not the photos that Shen Luyang had taken and sent to him, but a photo that Shen Luyang had never seen before.

In the photo, Xie Weihan only showed a hand on the table, the joints were clearly pale and slender, and Shen Luyang recognized his hand at a glance.

In the photo, he is eating with his head down, his eyebrows and eyes relaxed and enjoying himself. He is eating very attentively. Looking at the background is Xie Weihan's home, the time is night, and the light red light sprinkles on him, dyed like a candlelight dinner. romantic.

Shen Luyang judged from the clothes he wore in the photo, the photo time should be the day he officially confessed to Xie Weihan. The two went to the supermarket to buy things together, then went home to cook, and later watched the movie "Heartbeat" together...

At that time, he was obsessed with Xie Weihan's appearance and cooking skills, and he was full of thoughts about how to try and confess later... Xie Weihan raised his mobile phone and thought he was shooting a dish.

Shen Luyang thought excitedly, like a child who found candy in an inconspicuous corner.

Maybe Xie Weihan liked him a little at that time?

Look at the words "My Apple" on the screen.

Shen Luyang carefully recalled every detail of his relationship with Xie Weihan, trying to find something related to Apple.

The memory went back wildly, and finally stopped a few months ago—

The first time he went to Xie Weihan's house for dinner, when the two of them seriously discussed the problem of patients with antisocial personality disorder, Xie Weihan said, "I didn't like fruit before, but now I suddenly like apples."

He is apple.

My heart was beating faster and faster.

An even more incredible conjecture took shape in my mind...

In fact, back then, Xie Weihan had a crush on him?

I just don't know how to like this strange emotion, so I liken him as a kind of fruit I like to eat.

This realization made Shen Luyang's heart beat thumping, completely confused. He stared at the phone, the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably, and he rubbed the corners of his sore mouth for a long time, giving this circle of friends a thumbs up.

He couldn't wait for Xie Weihan to come back from the meeting to confirm this conjecture.

Refresh the circle of friends at will, and a comment is immediately refreshed below the photo.

Dr. Fang's comment shines in the "Blessing" and "Long Long", which is unique and unique.

Fang Yi: Congratulations on being discharged from the hospital, I am very pleased.

Shen Luyang was amused for a long time, commented "kiss" below, and turned to open the comment on his Moments.

Dr. Fang played steadily.

Fang Yi: Thank you, you are the reincarnation of a genius doctor.

Other than that, the most eye-catching is the comments of the students.

Brother Peng is very annoying: ?

Zhan Zhan: c! I inhale oxygen, inhale oxygen, inhale oxygen!

Ding Yifan is 1: Teacher Shen is even more outrageous than me being 0!

Brother Lei has no culture: I rely on it, is what Zhan Jingmiao wrote in her small composition true?

Li: Respect and blessings.

Shen Luyang couldn't stop laughing, and it took a long time to realize that there was something wrong with Xiang Lei's words.

His shrunken essay on the four gods and horses?

What other surprises does Zhan's class representative have that Teacher Shen doesn't know?

Xie Weihan didn't come back until the second period of class. It seems that this meeting is really like what Teacher Jiang said, and it is useless and long.

It was fine when it was not public before, but now that it is public, Shen Luyang is embarrassed to be too close in the office.

He suppressed the legs that wanted to jump up and jump into Xie Weihan's arms, and nodded at him reservedly.

Xie Weihan: "?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly, sat down on the chair, and looked at Shen Luyang, who was looking forward to refraining from rushing forward and then retreating to flatten the legs of the chair.

Nodding to the side with his chin, he motioned for him to come over.

A big smile suddenly appeared on Shen Luyang's face, he jumped down from the chair as if he had received the imperial decree, and dragged the small chair to Xie Weihan's side.

First show him the small Buddha beads, and after getting the affirmative answer of "like", he thanked Gong Wanjun, and then said that he wanted to replace Jiang Nuanyu and Xie Weihan to teach the open class together, Xie Weihan didn't have a second Zhong hesitated and agreed, without even asking the school leaders.

Shen Luyang doesn't mind opening privileges in such a disadvantageous place.

He immediately got up and said "OK" to Jiang Nuanyu. Jiang Nuanyu, who avoided the Hanban leader, nodded with satisfaction, wishing Shen Luyang not to be eaten too badly.

Shen Luyang remembered the business, paused for two seconds, leaned over and asked again, "Mr. Xie, that photo and apple..."

He raised his head, his eyes full of anticipation: "Did you have a crush on me when I went to your house?"

Xie Weihan tilted his head to look at him, the young man smiled and his eyes were bent, and the tiny rays of light in his eyes were like stars, which were projected on Xie Weihan's dark eyes, and the light was bright and undefended inside. Dispel the dark cold.

Darkness was lit in his eyes, and all the coldness melted into soft warmth.

Xie Weihan had no obvious enough to hook his lips, and admitted without any burden: "Yes."

Shen Luyang felt at ease, was fed a mouthful of candy, and leaned back on the chair lazily: "I think my life now is complete, great."

In the evening, Shen Luyang went to Xie Weihan's house without any accident.

But he didn't sit and wait for the feeding. He lay on the sofa and rested for a while. When he felt that his waist was not so sore, he ran to the kitchen to find someone.

He poked his head and looked in, excited about everything he did: "Mr. Xie, what are you doing?"

"Pork ribs soup." Xie Weihan took a knife to handle the side dishes. The black apron straps outlined a figure with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. It was unspeakably astringent when tied to the body. The chopping board makes a neat "click" sound.

After cutting one portion, he turned to look at Shen Luyang and asked with a casual smile, "Yangyang, do you want to help?"

When Shen Luyang heard the words, he immediately pasted it, and hugged Xie Weihan from behind like a humanoid pendant, with the whole person's weight resting on his back.

It's more like making trouble than helping.

Shen Luyang held back his laughter, put his head on Xie Weihan's back solemnly, and touched his lower abdomen with both hands. The feeling made his mouth dry, and he muttered to cover it up: "Hey... so tired, Teacher Xie, I don't want to move."

The sound on the chopping board paused for two seconds and continued to sound, but it was not as calm and coherent as before.

Xie Weihan allowed the big dog behind him to cross all the warning lines, and hit him with straight **** one after another.

The fabric of the black loungewear was smooth, Shen Luyang moved his fingertips fondly, took a big mouthful of the fragrance of Xie Weihan, and sullenly expressed his worries: "Teacher Xie, I'm actually a little nervous, uncle and... Uncle, what type of junior do you like? Why did I get drunk that time?

Since answering the phone call yesterday, his heart has not been put down, but he was overwhelmed by the joy of love during the day, and he didn't remember it for a while.

Xie Weihan let go of the knife in his hand, put his elbows back, and touched his waist. He was amused by his worries and comforted him: "It's just a meeting."

"No!" Shen Luyang raised his head, put his arms around him to look at his profile, and said solemnly and sadly: "This is the first impression, the first impression you gave my mother is so good, the first impression you give to anyone It's very good...As a result, my drunk eyes could barely open, and I couldn't even remember what they looked like."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "But... that uncle's eyes are very similar to yours. I remember it clearly. They are super beautiful, like a galaxy, dark and beautiful."

After speaking, he continued to sigh and gave up hope for the meeting on Sunday.

Xie Weihan raised the corners of his lips and smiled silently, as if he was teasing a dog who thought he was in trouble.

The dog was led away without the slightest struggle, turned to him, slightly tiptoed and kissed his eyelids, rubbed the tip of his nose contentedly, and said, "I like it, I can feel it when you look at me."

Xie Weihan's long eyelashes drooped down, his pupils were thick and dark, like a glass of intoxicating wine, which was poured into Shen Luyang's mouth, sweet and spicy, and he was drunk and dizzy within a few seconds.

"What do you feel?" he whispered.

Shen Luyang has no resistance to this face, whether it is the first time or the present, he can easily capture his soul.

He licked his lips, pressed close to Xie Weihan's lips, rubbed his lips, and his voice was vague and determined: "I feel... I'm special."

Xie Weihan's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, he looked down at him with seductive eyes, and said softly, "Yang Yang, my hands are wet."

Shen Luyang was puzzled: "Huh?"

Xie Weihan moved his eyes to his hand, bit his lip lightly, and guided in a low voice: "It's not yours."

Shen Luyang was stunned for a while, and after reacting, he immediately leaned in front of him, hugged his shoulder tightly and kissed him.

Different from the eager and flustered kiss when making out The licking is sweet, and I am cautiously afraid of finishing it.

The heavy breathing was still evident in the sound of the boiling water, the shrugging shoulders shortened the distance between the two of them infinitely, and the person who listened to the sound of tsk tsk was red-faced and still reluctant to part.

As soon as the kiss ended, Shen Luyang was already out of breath.

His hand was still on Xie Weihan's body, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, his eyes were red, and after a while, the words he said were "I still think I didn't do well that day".

People who have always been heartless can't be coaxed to kiss because they are so worried about seeing their boyfriend's parents.

Xie Weihan hugged the tip of his ear and kissed the edge of his ear with a moist kiss, with soothing warmth and strength, his voice was low and quiet: "No one will dislike you."

Shen Luyang's ears trembled, and the hand holding his shoulder slipped onto his back, feeling the undulating texture of the other's broad back and back muscles, and the voice echoing in his ears, and his heart miraculously calmed down.

"I'll pick two formal gifts and bring them here." Shen Luyang leaned into his arms, his head arched back and forth in front of his chest, and his muscles were very elastic when they weren't tense.

His topic changed very quickly, and he said directly: "Mr. Xie, I haven't seen you without clothes."

The relationship between the two has developed rapidly, and they have not been together for a long time, but they have also done it three times.

Every time he gets to the end, he can only hang a few pieces of rags that are optional or better than nothing. When the other party is the most strict, he doesn't even take off his suit pants, just pull the zipper... Although this also has him The reason for saying "want to see you show me in a suit all the time".

But he still felt that there was something missing, as if it was a secret that he hadn't been able to unravel.

"If you don't mind that this is the kitchen," Xie Weihan raised his hand indifferently, with a calm gesture, and slightly hooked his lips, "You can watch it now."

Shen Luyang: "..."

"Gudong" - this is the sound from his unsatisfactory throat.

The last sensible string in his head saved him, Shen Luyang scratched his ears, and turned his head to look at the chopping board in a sticky posture: "The dishes haven't been done yet... and it's too hasty to look at now, I have a plan, this kind of Enjoy the benefits."

Xie Weihan chuckled, tilted his head, and watched him with great interest in making a small plan with difficulty: "Do I have a chance to hear about this plan?"

Shen Luyang didn't intend to hide it, kissed his chin, and said Ai Ai regularly, "You promised me to be a boss once, you can't resist, you have to listen to me."

Xie Weihan's eyes flashed a glimpse of clarity, suppressed the smile on his face, and seemed to think that this proposal was not interesting enough, and asked: "Just can't resist?"

Shen Luyang was stopped for a few seconds, his lips parted slightly.

After a long time, he kissed him greasy and asked, "Then...what else can I do?"

Read The Duke's Passion