MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 55

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Shen Luyang's pupils shrank, and the dissipated consciousness was pulled back by the last three words.

Kill her, kill who?

Fu Yun?

He grabbed Xie Weihan's hand and put it on the side of his face. Under the strong pheromone, his lips were shaking.

Putting half of his face into his cool palm, he said stubbornly, "You can't kill people, you promised me."

Xie Weihan was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect him to be reasonable at this time.

With a low laugh, he asked with great interest, "What if I want to?"

Shen Luyang rubbed hard, lowered his head and kissed his palm, his voice began to tremble, but he still insisted: "I am the red line, you can't cross me."

Xie Weihan lowered his eyes and stroked the innocent dog with pity. His tone was gentle and smiling, and his content was cruel: "You can't stop me like this, Yang Yang, have you tried your best?"

"I am disappointed."

Shen Luyang raised his head abruptly, like a good student who was 100% in the exam and was suddenly told "Your grades are too bad, the teacher will drop you out of school", subconsciously thinking that he heard it wrong: "...What?"

Xie Weihan withdrew his hand and looked at the delicate carved wooden door without any warmth. His voice gradually became low-frequency, clinging to the most sleepy nerves: "Go to sleep."

It was like a hypnotic clock had been hung in my mind, and every movement of the second hand was a struggle against sleepiness.


Shen Luyang gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay awake without being disturbed by hypnosis.

But to no avail, the eyes are still getting blurry.

An intuition told him that he couldn't sleep.

When he woke up, he forgot everything. When he woke up, Xie Weihan had already done what he wanted to do. When he woke up, it was too late for anything.

Shen Luyang clenched his fists, his nails pierced into the flesh, leaving traces of blood congestion.

He stared at the last color in front of him, the nerve in his mind jumped and jumped, pulled the pain, and made a creaking sound... Until the end, it suddenly broke!

He suddenly.


damn it.

Not happy.

Why is ordinary Alpha so weak! Why do you say hypnosis is hypnosis! Why would he forget about this **** right away!

With red eyes, Shen Luyang clasped the table with a slap. His anger broke through the restraint of hypnosis. Like a hound in a hurry, he swooped on and crashed into Xie Weihan's arms.

Due to inertia, the two fell on the tatami together.

Shen Luyang is on the top, Xie Weihan is on the bottom.

The docile dog bared his fangs and stared angrily at the gentleman under him, aggressively.

The eyes were wet, and the anger was pitiful.

"Thank you Weihan!" He lowered his voice and shouted with his first and last name.

Xie Weihan raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, still calmly lying under him.

At this moment, the smile on the corner of his lips finally became a little more real, playfully condoning Shen Luyang's offense, and even leading him to intensify.

"Angry?" The palm fell on the waist and moved on the youth's clear waistline, "You still want to go with me—"

The voice fell lightly, smashing cracks in Shen Luyang's nerves.

"Kill her."

Shen Luyang was breathing heavily, his chest heaving, he sat upright with his chest up, completely unaware of how dangerous his current posture was.

Looking condescendingly, and frowning with anger, he still reasoned with people.

Bad tone: "Don't hypnotize me! I'm the red thread."

The bottom of his scarlet eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes met, Shen Luyang's body froze, and then loosened.

The hypnosis was lifted unconsciously, and the scene in front of him became clear again.

So does the brain.

He took a deep breath, put his hands on both sides of Xie Weihan's head, and leaned over to look at him.

The shadows covered make the man completely hidden in the dark, danger creeps up quietly, clinging to the ankles of the prey.

"You just said you wanted to kill," Shen Luyang said hoarsely and frowned, "you can't kill, I don't like her, I like you."

Xie Weihan was aroused by interest, so he looked at the annoyed dog with a frivolous voice, casually provoked: "But I'm very angry."

Shen Luyang frowned deeper, turned his head away from him, and was easily set on fire: "I'm also angry!"

Fang Yi is right, Xie Weihan is like a dream that is too beautiful. If you like it, you can sleep for a while, but you can't indulge in it, and you can't fall asleep without waking up.

Because he is erratic, like a mirage, beauty is beautiful, you can see it, but you can't catch it.

But he has been floating since he was a child, and he wants a stable foothold.

He can work hard for this beautiful place that he likes and wants the most, but he will also be tired and afraid.

Random thoughts: If this place is not destined to be his, where will he go.

What's more, this place is not fixed, and it floats around, making him chase like a stupid dog...

Except when he is fascinated by beauty, his brain is still very good.

It didn't break out before, Chunchun was still obsessed with beauty and liking.

Now that he still likes it, he is struggling to get a little sanity out of his beauty, and intends to "calculate the account".

Muffled laughter came from under him, and Shen Luyang looked down at him.

Xie Weihan smiled so that his eyes were slightly curved, and his happy eyes could not deceive anyone. He is very happy now.

But Shen Luyang was unhappy, he didn't have the slightest deterrent.

"Xie Weihan," he said a little more serious, "I'm serious now."

"Well," Xie Weihan restrained his smile, the curvature of the corners of his lips returned to thinness, the hand on his waist squeezed slightly, and Shen Luyang shivered a bit, listening to him say, "You don't want me to do this. I won't do it."

Shen Luyang couldn't be fooled: "Liar, you just wanted to hypnotize me, unless you and I swear that you will always listen to me, I-"

Xie Weihan's face didn't change, but he grabbed his hand and suddenly exerted force, and Shen Luyang immediately fell into his arms like a rabbit with a broken waist.

Shen Luyang's face became hot, and he wanted to sit up straight, but was easily pressed down.

This was repeated several times, and the two people's bodies had been pasted in places that should not have been pasted several times under the action of gravity.

Shen Luyang's throat was dry, his irritability escalated, and he emphasized without thinking: "Don't **** press my waist!"

I regretted it when I said it, and was about to apologize.

The absolute status was provoked, Xie Weihan's eyes were deep, and the other hand suddenly caught his neck, exerting a little force.

Turn upside down.

Shen Luyang was like a rabbit waiting to be slaughtered. He was held down by his throat and against his waist. He was over 1.8 meters tall and didn't even have the strength to resist.

But the neck doesn't hurt, it's between controlled action and subtle punishment.

The privilege for the most special prey, even if the brain is occupied by displeasure, is effective.

Xie Weihan admired the people who were lying on the ground and struggling, as if he was looking at a world famous painting.

Be careful, patient, and explore.

Shen Luyang was suppressed by force for the first time, and he was stunned for a few seconds.

Every time he was intimate in the past, Xie Weihan would put the initiative in his hands, and even if he made a decision, he would guide him.

This time is different, the other party is really angry.

as same as him.

He was angry because he was hypnotized, and Xie Weihan was because...

"I'm curious too. Yangyang, what have you done to me."

Shen Luyang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly enlightened for a few seconds.

Could it be because I feel emotions that I have never had before, and my emotions are out of control, so I instinctively want to reject them?

The man pressing on him had a gloomy expression, and the hand that stuck to his throat only exerted force for a moment, leaving finger marks that were so shallow that they were hard to find after the violence was rampant, and now they returned to an ambiguous touch.

Along the raised Adam's apple, slowly downward, the pulp of the finger is like wiping a precious piece of art, wandering between the collarbones.

From the left, to the clavicle fossa under the Adam's apple, and then to the right, the slender five fingers are separated, and the fingertips go downstream.

Shen Luyang's breathing suddenly became urgent, and his body was restlessly trying to get up.

The brain that didn't stop talking just now began to be confused again, looking at the red lips that were close at hand, his throat rolled violently.

"Xie Weihan..." He called out his name again.

The other party didn't seem to mind suddenly, his fingers stopped in front of his chest, his eyelashes drooped slightly, unable to hide the astringency in the bottom of his eyes, he spoke in a low voice in a joking tone.

"Yang Yang, you have a reaction."

Shen Luyang moved his legs unconsciously, raised his hand to block his eyes completely without memory, and his ears were red: "Don't look!"

Xie Weihan removed his hand from his chest and landed on the corner of his lips, using his fingertips as a pen to trace meticulously.

The corners of his lips twitched, and at this strange time, he suddenly started chatting and asked gently, "Are you not happy that I'm out of control?"

Shen Luyang tried his best to ignore his desires, and was coaxed gently, even if there was only one sentence, he was quickly dismissed.

Putting away his fangs, he nodded honestly: "Yeah."

After a pause, he added: "You can't lie to me, you will do what you promise me."

"What if I lied to you?"

"I'm going to be sad, maybe... maybe cry."

The man didn't cry easily, but he was not deceived.

Xie Weihan didn't seem to be listening, his pupils gradually tightened, and finally condensed on his lips, all his thoughts were concentrated there.

Oga was red to the point where the piercing lips tried to approach.

He smiled suddenly, eyebrows stretched.

The movements were diametrically opposite and rude, with fingers prying open the teeth and stabbing them into the mouth, after wanton stirring, they clamped the tongue.

Seeing that the poor big dog couldn't close his mouth, he asked him to take it out inarticulately. Finally, he grabbed his arm, trying to pull it away, but he didn't dare to use any force.

The dark red eyes became deeper and darker, and the raging pheromone calmed down strangely, like a prelude to a storm.

Shen Luyang was forced to open his mouth. He was already trying hard to hold Xie Weihan's wrist, but the fingers of that finger were still moving in his mouth. , the throat hummed uncontrollably.

He could only breathe through his nose, his body seemed to be conquered from his mouth, his lower abdomen was warm, and he felt the numbness spread to his calf... He bent his knees and stepped on the ground with a small amount of force unconsciously.

When Shen Luyang's eyes overflowed with physiological tears and began to retching, his brightly dyed fingers were pulled out.

The delicate kiss fell softly on his ear, and the low voice was like the whisper of a lover, taking away the restraint, leaving only desire: "I promise you."

Shen Luyang's heart jumped, and he forced himself to think, "No...repent?"

Wetly kissed the side of his face, hiding the dark smile in his eyes: "I don't regret it."



Shen Luyang's eyes lit up, he wanted to say something, but held back.

After a long while, he said with sour lips, "You can't hypnotize me in the future."

The devil graciously responds: "Okay."

Shen Luyang was followed, and his IQ dropped again, but he didn't realize anything was wrong.




"And... it's gone for now."

Xie Weihan's kiss finally covered his wet lips, and he nibbled lightly, revealing the hideous truth under the elegant skin.

"Then I'm going to start and charge the price."

Shen Luyang closed his eyes with enjoyment, but his head hadn't turned around yet.

Cost, what cost?

Is there a fee for kissing?

Between lips and teeth, he unconsciously rubbed his legs against each other's waist, and asked vaguely, "What?"

Xie Weihan lightly licked his lower lip, and put his hands where he wanted, with a little force, Shen Luyang was held in his arms with his back to him.

The kissing was forced to stop, Shen Luyang turned back blankly and met a pair of dark red eyes: "What are you doing?"

The madness in his eyes never subsided, and a soft kiss fell, indicating the end of "pampering".

Xie Weihan picked up his bathrobe inadvertently with his fingers, pulled it twice, and opened it for a while.

Shen Luyang is a straight man, but the premise is that he will still be embarrassed in front of other straight men, in front of Xie Weihan who kissed and hugged.

At this moment, his face was flushed, and when he lowered his head and wanted to pull his clothes, he accidentally swept the end of his eyes and caught a glimpse of a floor-to-ceiling mirror not far away.

The elegant retro style, which should have been a blurred bronze mirror, turned into an incomparably clear mirror, reflecting his awkward posture and Xie Weihan's heavy eyes behind him.

Shallow breathing sprinkled on the back of his neck, Shen Luyang instinctively wanted to avoid danger, but was trapped in his arms and couldn't move.

Just now he was arrogant to have a fight, but now he is very knowledgeable about current affairs. He swallowed: "Do you want to mark it? Teacher Xie, it's not good to be here—"

His jaw was pulled, and his eyes were forced to fall on the mirror.

Xie Weihan's nose crossed the glands in the back of his neck, and he warned in a low, hoarse voice, "Don't you like drinking the most?"

Half of Shen Luyang's body was numb, and his face was blushing.

This drinking, no matter how you listen to it, is not very serious.

Read The Duke's Passion