MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 43

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The meeting lasted for two full classes before it ended with the director's sentence "Everyone stand up and applaud".

When Shen Luyang stood up, he almost didn't stand up, his two legs seemed to have no discussion, one worked hard and the other didn't, trying to lift him to the ground.

Xie Weihan reached out to support him in time, like a gentleman who had nothing to do with this, and said thoughtfully in his ear: "Be careful."

Shen Luyang's ears were hot, and he supported the back of the seat in front with one hand and Xie Weihan's palm with the other, barely completing the last step of the meeting.

When the teachers were almost gone, he slowed down.

He stood up and tried to jump twice, but there was no sign that he wanted to kneel down, so he went out side by side with Xie Weihan.

The footsteps are still empty, like the morning after a hangover, getting up and walking is as difficult as getting up.

Shen Luyang glanced at the person beside him, the emotions that had been violently churning were still somewhat unrecovered, and the nerves that had been tortured too much by pleasure became numb and fragile, and the heartbeat accelerated after a slight fluctuation.

Everything just now is like a brand, engraved in my mind, turning and turning... It can't stop.

He always thought that Xie Weihan's pheromone was a gentle and mellow red wine, elegant and charming.

This time, I realized that no matter how gentle wine is, he is also wine, and if he drinks too much, his six relatives will not recognize him, and he only has the urge to play drunken madness.

I don't know why the other party suddenly used such a strong pheromone...

Shen Luyang observed quietly, but Xie Weihan's expression was not at all strange. When greeting other teachers, he was familiar with grace and indifference.

Shen Luyang suddenly thought of something.

Whether it is in a bad mood or not, they are all men. When Shen Luyang is in a bad mood, he will be rude to himself, but he has never...

If he is, one day he can be rude to Teacher Xie...

Shen Luyang's Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, interrupting this very dangerous thought.

Remember to eat but not to fight, he is talking about people like him.

Because in the auditorium, the people around were very close, and the two of them didn't do anything just now except for the pheromone that exceeded the concentration, so that Shen Luyang's neck was still hot and his body was restless, like someone who was about to explode at any time. bomb.

Xie Weihan had been walking very close to him, his long legs deliberately slowing down his pace, as if he was ready to support him at any time.

Shen Luyang walked with a broken heart and was a little embarrassed to be protected like this. He whispered to him, "Mr. Xie, you don't need to help me, I can walk."

He is very strong, and even shamelessly thinks about being rude to Xie Weihan...

"Sorry," Xie Weihan looked down at him, rubbed his wrist soothingly from an angle that no one noticed, and said softly, "I did too much."

Shen Luyang opened his mouth, and the phrase "it's actually quite exciting" rolled twice in his throat, but he still didn't say it.

Exciting is exciting. It's a little too exciting. He is afraid that if there is another next time, somewhere else, if he fails to control himself, he will become "famous".

He thought conservatively that a safer place would be better, such as Xie Weihan's car and home.

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Shen Luyang's ears were red, and he rejected Xie Weihan's suggestion to send him, and took a taxi home by himself.

As soon as he entered the door, he rushed into the bathroom.

When the water temperature was adjusted to a higher level, the hot skin turned red, and when it hit the face, there was a slight pain, and it was only then that he could barely suppress the uncontrollable desire related to Xie Weihan, which was transpiring because of the S-level Alpha pheromone.

The picture in his mind changed several times, and finally it was fixed into that handsome face. Shen Luyang closed his eyes and forced himself to think of something else while the steam was steaming, but the picture seemed to be deliberately frozen. In Xie Weihan.

Shen Luyang came out of the bathroom suspiciously, lay down on the bed, and stared at the ceiling.

He was just now, thinking of Xie Weihan...?

He closed his eyes and explained silently.

It must be because of the pheromone. He didn't relieve it when he was at school. When he stayed at home, he would naturally think of Teacher Xie.


Even though he was separated by a long distance and not in the same space, he couldn't help thinking of Xie Weihan.

Shen Luyang had a voice in his heart, asking him to seriously explore this subtle change.

It's not to get away with it, but to think carefully about the sentence Xie Weihan asked him today, "Then what is our relationship?".

Shen Luyang sat up, rarely mixed with fear in confusion.

He was a little afraid of the result of continuing to think about it, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

Will fantasize about the life after the other party becomes an old man, want to laugh when he sees the other party, completely fall into the other party's charm, and will be together... Except for the "friends" who he firmly denied, it seems that there is only one answer left.


But he and Xie Weihan are not partners, not even lovers, that is—

On top of friendship, less than a lover?

Shen Luyang was shocked by his own thoughts.

He has expectations for Xie Weihan, who is also a male and an Alpha, to be infinitely close to a "lover"?

The phone rang and Shen Luyang picked it up.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be able to guess the ups and downs of his emotions at the moment, and appeared in time to disturb the lake at the top of his heart.

- Are you feeling better?

The usual dashing reply action became hesitant because of the messy analysis just now. Shen Luyang thought about it five, six, seven, eight, ninety times, deleted, edited, and revised, and finally chose the one with the most ambiguous emotion.

- It's alright, thank you for your concern, teacher!

Shen Luyang stared at the news for five seconds, then with a "fuck" sound, he quickly withdrew.

What is the strong sense of sight of the farewell speech at the end of the team building, it seems that I have known Xie Weihan for a day, out of friendship at the same table? attention, and say goodbye bluntly.

Afraid that Xie Weihan would find something different, Shen Luyang hurriedly compiled an article and reposted it.

- It's alright, thank you teacher!

After sending this sentence, I added another sentence to cover up.

- There is a typo in the previous sentence.

stared for three seconds.

Shen Luyang felt that he was a bit stupid.

Forget it, that's it, Xie Weihan won't mind.

He lay back, raised his hand and looked at his phone.

For some reason, I opened the short video software and found the classification of Miss Sister's live broadcast room...

Really white, this figure... not as white as Teacher Xie.

He slides to the next one.

The little sister has a scorpion tattoo on her collarbone, which is cool enough... But Teacher Xie has his teeth marks on her collarbone.

He paused for two seconds, then slipped.

Wow, Sister Yu, you have a really good figure... I don't know what Teacher Xie's figure is like.

Yes, how is Teacher Xie's figure?

Shen Luyang put down his phone and realized a very serious matter.

He had never seen Xie Weihan undressed until now?

This is very serious!

The phone rang again.

- Go to bed early today, don't stay up late.

Shen Luyang didn't even think about it, his hand successfully killed his brain, and a message was sent out.

- Teacher Xie, how is your figure? I have not seen.

The other side was quiet for a few seconds, and a voice came over.

Shen Luyang clicked before his brain caught up with his hand.

The steamy voice, as if he had just taken a shower, or was still in the bathroom, was more moist and clearer than usual, more real and intimate.

With a smile: "Why do you suddenly think of this?"

Shen Luyang realized what he said later, but he didn't turn his head back when he opened the bow, he covered his face and continued to be reckless.

- Just suddenly remembered.

"Why do you remember?"

- I saw someone else's, and found that I haven't seen yours yet.

"Who did you see?"

"I saw the little sister in the live broadcast room—" Shen Luyang typed while talking, and suddenly reacted in the middle of typing, his heartbeat was chaotic, and he hurriedly deleted the sentence.

Is he an idiot!

- Just took a shower and saw my own.

The other party bypassed the topic.

"There are new ingredients delivered, do you want to come over for dinner on the weekend?"

Have a meal? Thank you Weihan for the rice!

Just as Shen Luyang was about to say yes, he suddenly remembered the agreement with Ning Wanshu and could only refuse with tears.

- Zhou Tian wants to accompany my grandma to dinner, so I can't go there.

The other party didn't seem to care, and his voice was still low and sweet, with a shallow smile.

"Okay, come back when you have time, go to bed early, good night."

- Good night, thank you teacher.

Shen Luyang held the phone, stunned for a while, and inexplicably opened Xie Weihan's first voice.

"Why do you suddenly think of this?"

He put the phone close to his ear and tapped it casually.

"Who did you see?"

Shen Luyang left a few marks on the sheets with his fingers, took a deep breath, and had an extremely strong urge to take a cold shower immediately.

Not right, he's not right.

He seems to have really developed feelings for Xie Weihan on top of friendship.

Shen Luyang covered his forehead. After the shock, he was left blank. He looked at the ceiling with a thousand thoughts.

Is this like it?

Or is it simply because the other party's appearance and personality are stepping on his point, so there is some kind of illusion?

The former he will be very embarrassed, but the latter, he will punch himself.

It is not a simple relationship, because the other party is Xie Weihan, it becomes more cautious and difficult to judge.

Shen Luyang searched several times on his phone, and the answer he came up with was either that he was scumbag, he loved the body but not the soul, or that he had been in love to the point of being terminally ill, reaching the state of love without knowing it, or he simply persuaded him to enjoy life and want to. What **** love...

None are reliable.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally determined that it was on one person.

Swipe a WeChat contact, find the target, and send a message.

Saturday, 5:20 in the morning, in the infirmary.

Fang Yi held his eyelids with his fingers, and was so sleepy that he could fall and fall asleep while walking. He looked at the man sitting opposite him resentfully, his eyes were no less than the toilers watching the evil capitalists.

Fang Yi yawned: "So why did you call me here early in the morning? Do you think I'm you, and you will suddenly be so irritable that you can't sleep?"

Xie Weihan pressed the birdcage lightly with his palm, but the cockatiel inside was full of energy, trying to stick to his palm.

"You and the Zhou family's youngest daughter have been together for a long time."

Fang Yi sat up instantly and looked at him seriously: "What do you want to do?"

Xie Weihan didn't answer him, and asked with interest, "How do you feel about her?"

Fang Yi's righteous words were empty, with a black question mark face: "What does it feel, I like her, what else can I feel."

Xie Weihan thoughtful: "Replace it with specific nouns."

Fang Yi stared at him for a while, and asked incredulously, "Don't you want to learn how to fall in love with me, and then run over to deceive the poor silly dog?"

Xie Weihan's ability to learn and imitate is strong to the point of abnormality. In the process of growing up, he can complete a series of learning and imitation of human emotions through simple observation - he does not understand, but he will.

This is the scariest place.

Xie Weihan glanced at him, Fang Yi felt that he was politely looking at a fool.


Thinking of the message from "Shen Da Gouzi" on the phone, Fang Yi's temples began to chug.

"What do you want to know?" Fang Yi opened a bottle of energy drink for himself, "My feelings for her have changed?"

Xie Weihan nodded slightly and motioned for him to continue.

Fang Yi didn't understand his time concept that he didn't have a lot of time last night and had to get up early today.

But over the years, he sadly got used to it.

"I should be the type of love at first sight for her. After seeing her for the first time, I often can't help but think of her. She has a very cute smile and a soft voice... I will think of everything I see, 'If I give it to you She, will she like it', asking her for dinner for the first time, nervously looking forward to it, and starting her homework several days in advance..."

Speaking of which, he paused: "But you won't be nervous."

Xie Weihan has very few negative emotions. He is an exquisite egoist. He will destroy everything that makes him feel uncomfortable, and he can control his emotions extremely well.

Fang Yi kept talking until almost seven o'clock, the sky was bright, and Xie Weihan left.

He sighed and didn't know whether to tell him this was good or bad. Now he can only pin his hopes on Shen Luyang.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi turned to the WeChat message that he hadn't had time to reply.

- Doctor Fang, I have a question for you.

-Have you ever had... undeserved desires for your best friend?

This straightforward word, Fang Yi typed with a headache.

- No, I'm not wrong.

Early in the morning, the opposite is actually very fast.

-Then if, that brother is very, very, very good-looking, and is also very, very, very kind to you, and has a very special personality...

If it wasn't for Xie Weihan, the brother you mentioned, I would have eaten my phone.

Fang Yi's mouth twitched.

- You have a desire for him?

-Yeah, I can't control it at all, am I a beast... He's so nice to me, but I'm thinking about being with him.


Fang Yi pressed his temples and typed sincerely.

-It doesn't matter, your brother is probably more brutish than you.

- Doctor Fang, I'm very unhappy when you say that. You can think I'm a pervert, but you can't doubt his character.

Fang Yi's forehead twitched, resisting the urge to drop the phone and typing.

- There's no help, let's cremate it.

- My brother is innocent!

- I was **** talking about you.


Read The Duke's Passion