MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 33

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Shen Luyang blinked, feeling that he was indeed arrogant and blatantly grabbing people.

"Then I'll wait a while." He moved to the side nicely, leaving only half of his head exposed at the door.

Glancing at the penultimate row, Shen Luyang's righteous tone could not hide the jokes on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Xie, I'll report it."

Peng Jun's eyelids jumped and he looked at the half of his head in disbelief.

A hand stretched out beside half of his head, a very standard questioning posture.

Xie Weihan raised his eyebrows, and there was an imperceptible smile in his voice, like the ambiguity that two people understood in front of everyone's eyes: "What?"

Shen Luyang coughed, suppressed the "unusual" thought, and pointed to the back row: "Peng Jun is playing with his mobile phone in class and texting me."

Before the words fell, Lu Yang heard an incomparably clear "fuck" behind him. The curvature of the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed.

"I applied for the arrest of this classmate to share the worries of busy Teacher Xie."

Busy Teacher Xie pondered for a moment, really thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Peng Jun nervously looked at the two teachers with completely different styles in front of him. He had a bad feeling that Teacher Xie, who has always been rigorous and mature, might sell him...

Although he didn't know where this hunch came from, it was turbulent and strong, stronger than when he felt that he had failed the exam before the results came out.

Xie Weihan tapped the table with his fingertips: "Peng Jun."

Peng Jun stood up and glanced angrily at half of his head at the door: "Here."

"Have a good review with Teacher Shen," Xie Weihan's eyes fell on the corner of Shen Luyang's mouth that had succeeded in his trick, the smile at the end of his eyes widened and quickly converged, he lightly retracted his gaze, picked up the exercise book, and said, "Next question."

Peng Jun stared angrily at half of his head and the hand next to his head that rushed at him Bi V.

He knows it!

Although he didn't know why he knew!

Holding the exercise book, he stood up and met Li Shenyu's gaze. He shook his head with a head full of grass, and nodded again, indicating that he was indeed playing with his mobile phone, but he didn't expect Teacher Shen to come here to complain like that!

He walked through the back door, and as soon as he went out, he bumped into Shen Luyang who was smiling like a flower.

"I knew you had to come out through the back door." Brother Shen Luyang patted him on the shoulder nicely, "Come on, I can do some math."

Peng Jun frowned and stared at his arm: "Are you looking for something with me?"

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll let you take the physics workbook when I have nothing to do with you." Shen Luyang looked at him happily and lowered his voice, "Mr. Zong and I said that tomorrow the class will be here and I'll come over and open it for you, so don't miss it."

Peng Jun was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed awkwardly after he reacted.

Shen Luyang rubbed his head, "Let's go."

Peng Jun followed: "Where are you going?"

Shen Luyang pointed to the math workbook in his hand, with a look of hatred like an elder: "Of course, I taught you for Teacher Xie, playing mobile phones in class, and acting badly! According to the laws of Class 21, you are going to implicate the nine clans. ."

Peng Jun: "…"

He breathed hard, trying to keep up with Shen Luyang's flying brain circuit: "What do you mean?"

Shen Luyang said with an expression that I was already very forgiving, and said thoughtfully, "This afternoon, I will take Li Shenyu Ding Yifan Xiang Lei with me to my office to write a physics workbook."

Peng Jun's mouth twitched: "..."

He knows it!

As soon as the two of them got to the office, the get out of class bell rang.

Shen Luyang looked at Peng Jun who was sitting next to him with an impatient face, exchanged a big white pear and Jiang Nuanyu for a washed strawberry, and handed it to Peng Jun: "Young man, don't be so impetuous all the time."

Peng Jun paused and took the strawberry.

Shen Luyang seemed to be emitting holy light, and he said tolerantly, "You did well in the physics test, but you shouldn't have made a few mistakes. You know all the knowledge points and forget them as soon as you go to the test room."

Peng Jun didn't speak, he did forget, but he couldn't control it.

No one believed what he said, and he was nervous when he went to the exam room.

Shen Luyang realized this and comforted him: "Eat some chocolate before the exam."

Peng Jun looked at him uncertainly: "useful?"

Shen Luyang: "It's useless, it's just for you to eat. This brand is quite delicious."

As he spoke, he took out a box of delicately packaged chocolates from the drawer and put it in his hand.

"Give them some points."

Peng Jun was silent for a few seconds and put it in his pocket.

They came to Mr. Shen to study for "feeding". At first, they thought that Shen Luyang was teasing them, but later found that everyone who came to the office would bring back some snacks specially provided by Mr. Shen.

The office door was pushed open, and Xie Weihan walked in.

Shen Luyang immediately raised his hand and shouted, "Mr. Xie, I have taught this classmate a lesson. He is now fully aware of his mistakes and swore to the sacred test paper that he would never do it again."

Peng Jun: "…"

When did all this happen?

Xie Weihan stood still behind him, his hands resting on the back of his chair naturally, and encircled him in a half-armed posture.

His eyes fell on the test paper in front of Peng Jun, he laughed, and easily pierced his lies, but he was not displeased: "I taught you a lesson with the physics test paper?"

Shen Luyang was found out, he decisively "stealed" a strawberry and handed it over, and changed the subject: "Hey, Teacher Xie, what are you having for lunch? I want to eat the one from last time, but I have to buy two. Let's fight it together."

Xie Weihan didn't break a bit, naturally followed his movements and leaned over slightly, biting the tip of the strawberry gently, the red juice stained on the bright red lips, like sweet blood, reminding Shen Luyang of the painful kiss on the collarbone...

His Adam's apple rolled, stood up to face each other, and quickly fed the remaining half of the strawberry to Xie Weihan.

Peng Jun, who is waiting for Teacher Xie's trial: "..."

Shen Luyang tugged at his collar when he sat back, feeling hot.

Peng Jun looked at him without words.

Shen Luyang felt the slightly hot gaze, and raised his eyebrows: "What is your expression, you and Li Shenyu are not like this?"

Peng Jun shook his head vigilantly.

Who is like this, he is not without hands!

Shen Luyang suddenly realized, pointed to his hand several times, and then said with sympathy on his face: "then they probably don't treat you as a brother, how can there be a real brother who doesn't do this!"

Peng Jun wanted to say that there is no real brother like this, but his natural desire to survive made him shut up.

On the day of the class meeting, Shen Luyang communicated with Peng Jun's mother in advance to reassure the other party.

At noon, there were already parents waiting outside the school. Zong Weiqing was busy entertaining the parents who came early. Some of the parents who came too early were arranged in the science group office, etc., and they could also communicate with the teachers of various subjects.

Shen Luyang is an unremarkable new teacher who has little parental attention.

When Xie Weihan and Jiang Nuanyu were surrounded by thanks, they were alone like snow brushing the exercise book.

With his frantic efforts in this monthly exam, his class was in the middle of the class, and he didn't fall to the end of his grade.

This is already the best result, after all, he has not worked hard for a long time.

His goal is the next half semester, if it can be longer, that is the entire second year of high school, and strive to make the class score to the top three in the grade.

Maybe it was because of the arrival of De Xingfan, who was still sighing with nothing at all, Jiang Nuanyu pointed at Shen Luyang and introduced blankly: "This is the new physics teacher in our class, surnamed Shen, and he has no relationship with the students. good."

The eyes of several parents were immediately attracted, and they looked at this teacher Shen curiously.

Shen Luyang, who was delivering Want Want Snow Cake to his mouth: "Huh?"

"Hello Mr. Shen," a woman with permed brown curly hair sat opposite Shen Luyang and said with a smile, "I'm Zhan Jingmiao's parent."

"Hello." Shen Luyang put down the snow cake and tried to show a mature and decent smile, but because the facial features were too bright and cheerful, the result of being too straight made people laugh.

Zhan's mother smiled: "the child mentioned it to me several times, saying that the new physics teacher taught well."

Shen Luyang was not humble: "The students also study seriously."

"Mr. Shen? I'm Li Shenyu's parent, and I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

"Mr. Shen, I'm Xiang Lei's parent. You are truly a talented person. Seeing it is better than hearing it!"

"Hello, I'm Ding Yifan's parent."

Shen Luyang communicated with the parents about their children one by one. Some of them, such as Li Shenyu and their parents, have communicated on the phone many times. Now there is no obstacle to meeting and chatting, but some of them are not so easy.

Some parents are old and can't communicate with many problems. They come up with "the child is too stupid, it's useless for me to fight and cry".

Shen Luyang patiently explained to them that "hitting the child" and "children learning" are two different things. The other party seemed to understand but not so, so he just said to him gratefully, "Then I will trouble the teacher to take care of my child." He offered him a red envelope, but Shen Luyang rejected it.

There are simpler ones.

Yun Han's father came over after drinking, and his attitude was not very good. He asked Shen Luyang why he didn't teach his son well, whether he wanted to delay his son's college entrance examination.

Shen Luyang explained in a good manner that Yunhan was not very resistant to pressure for a long time. The nervousness of the exam affected his performance, and the other party didn't understand. Instead, he left a sentence "a teacher like you is a scourge", which was hurriedly called away by Zong Weiqing.

For the first time, Shen Luyang experienced the complexity of teaching life, no less than what he had seen before going to the aquarium for a part-time job during the summer vacation.

But he is optimistic because most parents are still very friendly.

For example, Xiang Lei's mother, with a strong northern accent, came up and shook hands with him.

"Thank you so much, that little **** will make you submissive! Call me next time if you have anything! My child's father and I must cooperate!"

Shen Luyang held back a smile: "As it should, the results are the result of our joint efforts."

At the beginning of the class meeting, Shen Luyang took a notebook and sat with the parents

The class meeting mainly summarized the study situation this month, as well as the study plan for the next half of the semester, individually proposed a few outstanding students, and also emphasized several outstanding achievements - including Peng Jun.

Shen Luyang simply memorized a few things while he was relieved. Some places were really boring. He would drink water if he wanted to get distracted. He wanted to go to the toilet just after halfway through the two classes.

In the end, it all depended on willpower. When it was over, he didn't even have time to say hello and went straight to the toilet.

He's in that embarrassing state right now where I'm in a hurry but I'm afraid to run.

The toilets for teachers and students of Lanjiang No. 5 Middle School are separate. Shen Luyang ran to the toilet with the students following the end bell, and finally ran to the door. Unfortunately, he heard a familiar and unfamiliar voice inside, arguing in a low voice.

"So you're still talking to him now?"

"I don't, I just think we've broken up, and you don't need to get close to me or my family anymore."

"I just want to get closer to you, is it wrong?"

"Duan Chen, you need to rest, don't come to me again, this is the school."

Shen Luyang covered his forehead in despair.

It's all luck, shouldn't he be involved in the fight between the two.

He simply went to the toilet, very simple.

Thinking so, Shen Luyang walked in.

Facing Duan Chen's stern look, he hurriedly went to the toilet as if you would continue without disturbing me.

I don't know if it's so inconvenient for students outside now, or Duan Chen is too persistent.

They were still pulling when Shen Luyang went out.

Seeing Duan Chen's expression, Shen Luyang felt that if he left, Shifan could let him eat, and his footsteps slowed down unconsciously.

Like an unadjusted clock hand, he walked slowly around the entangled two people.

Duan Chen didn't see him go out for a long time, his face darkened, and he threatened: "Shen Luyang, it's none of your business here."

Shen Luyang was waiting for him to speak, he stopped when he heard the words, looked at Shi Fan and asked, "Mr. Shi, do you need help?"

Shi Fan didn't want to implicate Shen Luyang, but just as he was about to refuse, the strength of Duan Chen's palm was out of control, and it hurt him.

Shi Fan groaned.

Shen Luyang stepped forward to pull him out of humanitarianism, but Duan Chen was already prepared this time. The overwhelming top-level alpha pheromone was a harsh warning. With the anger accumulated on Shi Fan, he slammed it on Shen Luyang. .

As an Alpha, Shen Luyang's instinct is to release pheromones to fight back - and he has the brand of S-level Alpha Xie Weihan on him.

The next second, Shen Luyang and Shi Fan watched as Duan Chen, who was still domineering and arrogant just now, knelt down as if clutching the noodles on the back of his neck.

If he hadn't grabbed Shi Fan, he might have been lying down.

Shen Luyang was startled, just as he was about to call for an ambulance, a system notification suddenly sounded in his head.

【warn! warn! The host severely injured the protagonist Gong Duan Chen, violating the system regulations, and will be punished! 】

【Increase the difficulty of the task! 】

[Please protect the protagonist Shou Shifan without touching one of the mission objectives "Xie Weihan"! 】

[Touching "Xie Weihan" will trigger five thunders to hit the top ps! That is, the susceptible period of the host outbreak, Xie Weihan's dark value rises! 】

[Please host restrain yourself! 】

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