MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 16

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Shen Luyang was still hesitating.

Shi Fan was already angrily planning to leave, and Duan Chen grabbed him: "If you explain clearly, I will let you go."

"I won't explain it to a stranger," Shi Fan pushed him away, but one of the two was a top-level Alpha and the other was an ordinary Alpha, and he couldn't break free at all, "Duan Chen!"

Seeing that things were going to be violent, Shen Luyang could only pretend that he was not embarrassed to pass by, and shouted, "Mr. Shi, what a coincidence!"

The two people who were pulling together looked at him at the same time.

As the one who "looks back and forth", Shen Luyang was under a lot of pressure. He stood there and looked at the two of them for two seconds, before saying nonsense in the old way: "Mr. Zong just said he was looking for you, I don't know where you went."

Shi Fan took the opportunity to free Duan Chen's hand, calmed his expression, forced a smile, and walked towards him: "Okay, I'll go right over."

Shen Luyang breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't get involved in the matters of the young couple. After all, his mission was to "stop Shifan and Xie Weihan from contacting and save the world", not including "dismantling the protagonist and attacking and receiving".

As the saying goes, it is better to demolish a temple than a marriage.

Seeing this scene, Shen Luyang didn't want to walk around anymore, so he walked back: "Just right, I also plan to go back to the office."

Duan Chen has been staring at Shen Luyang since he appeared, his eyes are subtle, and it was not until Shen Luyang said these words that he suddenly attacked.

"Mr. Shen, is that right?"

Shen Luyang raised his foot for a while, then retracted it, turned his head to look at him, and introduced himself very enthusiastically: "Yes, Shen Luyang, the bizarre Lu, in high spirits."

When Duan Chen approached, Shen Luyang took a closer look at him.

As the protagonist of the attack, it looks absolutely amazing.

His brows were cold, his outline was deep and three-dimensional, handsome and arrogant, but he frowned, looking a little less heroic and a little more fierce.

He is a little taller than Shen Luyang, with broad shoulders and long legs, and he has an extraordinary aura.

As expected of the protagonist, Shen Luyang applauded in his heart, looking like a painting.

However, in such a comparison, Xie Weihan deserves to be the protagonist appointed by the same people, and he is more beautiful than the painting.

"What's the relationship between the two of you?" Duan Chen walked to a distance of one meter from him and stopped.

Shen Luyang didn't even think about it: "colleague."

A colleague who hasn't spoken a few times.

Shi Fan looked over and said to Duan Chen, "We'll tell you something in private, don't make trouble here."

The corners of Duan Chen's lips tugged ironically: "Am I fooling around? Did I influence you to be alone with this teacher Shen?"

Shen Luyang: "..."

He had to explain: "Hello, teacher, you may have misunderstood. Teacher Shi and I have only known each other for less than two weeks, and I am Alpha."

Duan Chen didn't even look at the corner of his eyes, he still stared at Shi Fan's direction, and he was a little aggrieved when he heard the voice: "Shi Fan, don't you even want to talk to me?"

Shi Fan pursed his lips into a straight line and did not move.

Shen Luyang was sandwiched between them, standing in front of Shi Fan, without moving.

Duan Chen waited for a few seconds, and finally looked at Shen Luyang in front of him.

Shen Luyang analyzed from his expression that he might not be satisfied with the current position.

So he moved to the side sympathetically.

Duan Chen's eyelids were half drooping, and he was silent for a while, then directly passed him and grabbed Shi Fan: "I have something to tell you."

Because of Shen Luyang's presence, Shi Fan couldn't resist desperately, he just stood there and whispered, "I said I don't want to talk to you!"

Shen Luyang sighed and stepped forward to try to separate the two emotionally excited people: "If you have something to say, don't do it, two teachers, I doubt you two know each other after you are so noisy."

Shi Fan looked fed up, turned his head, bit his lip and said, "I don't know him."

Duan Chen's face flashed hurt: "What did you say?"

Seeing him in a daze, Shen Luyang pulled Shi Fan behind him and separated the two of them with himself.

Seeing Duan Chen's expression of "you are courting death", Shen Luyang stretched out his hand and pressed it down, understanding: "We are in school now, the get out of class bell has just been rang, the two teachers have something to solve in private, let the students see more It's easy to misunderstand."

When Shi Fan heard the words, he took a deep breath, said "sorry" behind Shen Luyang, and turned around to leave.

When Duan Chen saw it, he didn't know which nerve was touched, and suddenly chased after him eagerly.

Shen Luyang just wanted to stop him and tell him not to pull in front of the students, but Duan Chen suddenly raised his fist and smashed him in the face when he approached: "Don't meddle in your business!"

Shen Luyang groaned in his heart, it was too sudden, so he could only raise his arm to block it.

Not to mention the protagonist's halo, just this moment, the pain made him almost jump up.


Shen Luyang thinks that he has a good temper, and usually passes by laughing and laughing when he encounters things, but now, he is really a little angry.

Dodging the next punch, because he was at school, his voice was very low: "This teacher, he has said that the get out of class is over, and the students saw two teachers fighting, what a formality!"

However, the opponent obviously didn't have Shen Luyang's concerns as a teacher, and the speed of punching was getting faster and faster. Shen Luyang was worried.

It is a trainer, and the proficiency and strength of the movements are not comparable to ordinary students.

Shen Luyang was distracted, his cheek was scratched by the fist peak.

Huge **** pain.

The voices of students giggling and giggling already sounded in my ears, and someone was walking this way.

Shen Luyang began to step back and reminded him, "There are students! Can we solve it in private?"

Duan Chen's eyes were red, and he didn't listen to him at all, instead he took the opportunity to smash two more punches.

Shi Fan tried several times to stop him, but he couldn't get close. As a last resort, he took out his mobile phone and called the security office.

As soon as he pressed the dial button, suddenly, a familiar and unfamiliar fear hit his heart, causing him to freeze in place.

Shen Luyang was scolding his mother, when Duan Chen in front of him suddenly turned pale, took a few steps back, covered his heart and stared at him in surprise and anger.


Shen Luyang didn't dare to move.

In horror movies, now he must be at least a ghost boss level behind him, who can attack and scare the protagonist like this.

Prosperity, strength, democracy and civilization and…

"Mr. Shen?"

The familiar subwoofer sounded behind the ear.

Shen Luyang heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head, and looked at Xie Weihan's eyes with a gleam of joy: "Teacher Xie!"

Not a ghost!

Xie Weihan stood in the back light, his beautiful facial features could not see the expression clearly, his eyes fell on the corner of his lips, and the cold and pale fingertips swept the wound on the corner of his mouth.

"Why do you always see blood." Maybe because this corner was too gloomy and cold, the deep and magnetic voice was also cold.

Shen Luyang raised the back of his hand and wiped the wound, hissing in pain: "Just now with—" He paused, and pressed the back of his hand to the corner of his mouth, "This teacher, there was a little misunderstanding."

Said and looked behind him.

Duan Chen retreated a few meters away, half-kneeling on the ground in embarrassment, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, staring vigilantly at Xie Weihan who suddenly appeared, his eyes moving to Shi Fan behind them again and again.

Shen Luyang looked to both sides, making sure that no students saw it before he was relieved, and subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth again, frowning in pain.

Xie Weihan blocked his hand, swiped his fingertips on the wound, the dark color in his eyes dissipated with the appearance of the sun, as if he had never been displeased, and said calmly: "Don't touch."

Shen Luyang put down his hand obediently.

The terrifying pheromone flashed by, Shi Fan took a long time to wake up, and tentatively called out, "Teacher Xie?"

Xie Weihan glanced at him lightly, the shadow on his side and Shen Luyang, who was bathed in sunlight behind him, formed a strange and harmonious contrast.

"Teacher Shi."

Shi Fan took a step back, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Shen Luyang didn't notice Xie Weihan's expression, but saw Shifan's embarrassment and guilt. Shifan was not good at explaining, and Shen Luyang himself volunteered to help.

"It's just a misunderstanding," Shen Luyang explained for him, smoothing out, "Mr. Shi, go back to the office first, Teacher Zong is waiting for you."

Shi Fan was worried about him: "Your injury—"

Shen Luyang patted Xie Weihan on the shoulder and waved his hand carelessly: "It's alright, Teacher Xie is here too if there's something to do, just scratch the skin, you go."

Shi Fan hesitated for a few seconds and looked at Duan Chen.

They are all Alphas, and he knows that Duan Chen's current state is suppressed.

Avoiding the other's eager gaze, he clenched his fists and turned to leave.

Shen Luyang looked back again, Duan Chen gave them a deep look, said nothing, stood up straight with difficulty, and stumbled away.

Only then did he realize that Xie Weihan moved the pheromone.

Everyone left, Shen Luyang's force was completely over the top, he squeezed his arm, and his face twitched in pain: "Fuck."

It must be swollen and bruised.

Shen Luyang rolled up his sleeves and blew, and asked heartlessly, "Mr. Xie, do you know that teacher? It's Duan Chen."

Xie Weihan held one of his hands and pressed the other hand on the red and swollen skin. He didn't answer his question, but instead asked, "What happened just now?"

Shen Luyang's eyes were attracted by these hands, and he said casually, "That teacher wanted to drag Teacher Shi away, but Teacher Shi didn't agree. When we almost got into a fight, I went over there and acted bravely."

Xie Weihan carefully inspected his arm, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his deep voice carried unquestionable strength: "Go to the infirmary."


The doctor looked at his arm and said, "Ouch": "How did you do this? It's really festive with all the colors."

Shen Luyang took off his coat and made up nonsense easily: "rolled down the steps."

"Then you roll very skillfully, evenly distributed, and overlapping."

Shen Luyang watched him apply medicine to his arm, and couldn't hold back his joy: "I can let you see that I can't do anything else, I'm especially good at wrestling."

The other party glanced at him, then glanced at Xie Weihan behind him, his eyes flashed thoughtfully: "You can still fall like this with Teacher Xie, didn't you fall on Teacher Xie?"

"Fang Yi." Xie Weihan pulled out his chair and sat beside Shen Luyang, looking at him with a half-smile.

Fang Yi raised his hand and surrendered: "Yes, I won't speak anymore."

Shen Luyang saw that "Fang Yi" was written on his badge, and the alpha pheromone was arrogant and not completely restrained, it was the scent of lemon.

Fang Yi suddenly shut up, and Shen Luyang felt bored, so he raised a question: "Doctor Fang, how many days should I go back and apply this medicine?"

Fang Yi was still thinking about which characters could be brought by Teacher Xie in person, and made a fool of himself: "Just wipe it for a few days."

"That's what I said," Shen Luyang leaned on the back of the chair and was very happy. He was not happy enough, and he even slapped Teacher Xie with his arm, watching him laugh together, "Listening to your words is better than words."

Xie Weihan's lips curved, and he didn't laugh out loud, but Shen Luyang was still very contented and happier.

When I applied medicine to the corners of my mouth, I didn't know what medicine it was. Just as I pressed the cotton swab on it, it was as if I had sprinkled chili noodles, and the pain rushed all the way up to Tianling Gai.

Shen Luyang ducked back uncontrollably, and then hissed for a while: "Doctor, don't wipe this little injury, it will grow back on its own in a while."

"Alright," Fang Yi said very well, and asked after a while, "You're making people beat up."

Shen Luyang saw that he had a good relationship with Xie Weihan, so he didn't continue to hide it: "It's not that I was beaten, I was fighting someone."

Fang Yi said "Oh" meaningfully, "It's not serious, don't get wet when you go back, don't touch it, just keep it for a few days."

Shen Luyang said "thank you".

"It's really the cycads blooming," Fang Yi said while prescribing the medicine, "The first time I saw you bring someone here, is the sun jumping directly from the east to the west today, it's not too much..."

Shen Luyang didn't pay attention to what Fang Yi was muttering, saw a small stack of business cards beside the table, and took out one.

[Fang Yi: 1xxxxxxxxxx]

He saves it to his mobile phone to prevent students from having a headache and being unable to find anyone.

As soon as he looked up, Fang Yi stood behind Xie Weihan at some point and sniffed: "The pheromone is so stable, unlike you, what panacea have you taken?"

Shen Luyang didn't understand.

Except for the time when Art Building and Shi Fan were alone for more than an hour, which led to the susceptible period, Xie Weihan's pheromone has always been stable.

Xie Weihan didn't answer Fang Yi's words directly, picked up the prescribed medicine and looked at Shen Luyang: "Let's go."

The author has something to say:

The author took a sip of tea with a big tea jar and said: Yangyang is injured, and this matter will not go away.

Yangyang: I just did my best to see righteousness!

Teacher Xie: Well done, don't do it again next time.