MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 10

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There is a one-hour nap time at noon in No. 5 Middle School. Classes are required to turn off the lights and draw the curtains, and no one is allowed to make a sound.

No one is allowed to go out to play at this time.

In the innermost staff lounge on the third floor of the canteen, there were four angry students who skipped class.

Li Shenyu sat in the innermost position and asked thoughtfully, "He asked you to take care of the discipline?"

Peng Jun irritably "um".

I wrote a physics problem in the office for a noon, and my whole body became numb, and now my mind is still a little bit hard to turn around.

Ding Yifan held a glass of lemonade in his hand, took a sip, and said indifferently, "Whatever he wants to do? He's a jb. Brother Peng, don't listen to him."

Peng Jun's face was bad: "He said that if he didn't manage it well, I would have to go to the office to ask him questions at noon."

He opened his mouth and bit the word "feeding" into his mouth.

Xiang Lei gave a "fuck", his face stiffened for a long time, and he scolded aggrievedly: "Then let's stop talking!"

Ding Yifan bit the straw: "Then let the surname Shen succeed?"

Xiang Lei was so annoyed that he glared at him: "Then what the **** are you talking about?"

Ding Yifan was also annoyed: "It's useless for you to tell me!"

Seeing that he was about to fight on the spot, Li Shenyu blocked the meeting and ended the meeting with two words: "No solution."

Peng Jun looked at him: "Speak human words."

Li Shenyu glanced at him, and his face was very calm behind the lens: "You can ignore the surname Shen, then he will come to squat you at the door of the class at noon every day. Even if you skip class, can you escape math?"

"He will always squat to you for a few days a week, dragging you to answer your questions. As long as you don't get water in your head, your grades will definitely go up."

"His purpose has been accomplished."

Peng Jun cursed.

Li Shenyu was unaffected and continued: "If we keep quiet in order not to let you go to the office, then his other purpose has also been achieved."

"No flaws."

The lounge was quiet.

After a long time, Peng Jun stood up and kicked the trash can next to him, his expression distorted with irritability: "I'm **** fucked!"

Xiang Lei stood up immediately, leaned beside him, took out a cigarette, put it to Peng Jun's mouth thinking he was handsome, and raised his eyebrows to look at him: "Brother Peng, do you want to fight?"

Peng Jun bit the cigarette, frowned fiercely, remembering the humiliation of this day, and clenched his fists: "Go, die, fight."

Li Shenyu's eyes moved, but he didn't say anything.

Here, Shen Luyang slept in the office until the alarm clock rang, then bounced off his chair, took two steps to the door, opened the door and rushed out.

Zong Weiqing was stunned: "Mr. Shen, what is this doing?"

Biology teacher Jiang Nuanyu touched her chin and analyzed: "In such a hurry, are you looking for a girlfriend?"

Shi Fan, a chemistry teacher who just came back from the hospital: "Mr. Shen did look at his phone before leaving."

The three people's eyes met, and at the same time they showed the expression "Mr. Shen is in a situation".

Shen Luyang didn't know that these teachers were so gossipy, so he hopped down the stairs quickly and walked to the lobby on the first floor before he remembered that he had sent a message to Xie Weihan.

[Teacher Shen: Teacher Xie, can I go there now? ]

Opposite back in seconds.

[Teacher Xie: I just arrived, don’t worry. ]


Shen Luyang didn't expect that the bad problem he had pinched would actually overturn the car here, and he was late for the appointment of medicine.

What a system!

He rushed to the infirmary at the same speed as he ran to the art building yesterday, stood at the door, and immediately pushed the door in.

Fortunately, the infirmary was very close to the teaching building, so that he wouldn't look like a scumbag who had completely forgotten about what happened at the moment.

The teacher in the infirmary was not outside, and he pushed aside the compartment where the students were resting.

Xie Weihan was sitting on the back of the hospital bed, fiddling with a small first aid kit. He had already taken out the iodophor and cotton swabs, and there was a bottle of medicine next to him.

"Sorry," Xie Weihan's eyes filled with a smile when he saw him, "I came too early."

Shen Luyang walked over and took the iodophor in his hand, feeling embarrassed: "I'm used to pinching it out. It's because I came out late. Teacher Xie, unbutton it and I'll show it to you."

Xie Weihan obediently took off his suit jacket, the white shirt was the same as yesterday's.

When Shen Luyang was playing with iodine, his eyes always glanced at his hands unconsciously. The memories of yesterday came uncontrollably in the surging waves of the Honghu Lake. The touch of your fingertips… unbelievably clear.

Xie Weihan's right hand was still wrapped in gauze, so his movements were a little slow. His neatly trimmed and rounded fingertips slowly opened the top button. The light powder on the fingertips made the skin on his neck even paler, like a piece of fine cold jade.

Shen Luyang got a little closer and felt that it should be a piece of warm jade, otherwise why would he look hotter and hotter.

Time seemed to be stretched on purpose, and a few buttons took away most of Shen Luyang's energy, so when the purple-red tooth marks appeared on his collarbone, he was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time.

"Fuck." This was the voice of Shen Lu Yang, who just graduated.

Looking at Xie Weihan's slightly surprised eyes, Shen Luyang realized that he had turned his heart into a voice, he coughed, and quickly changed the subject: "Mr. Xie, let me take you to the hospital, it's too scary to look at. "

Xie Weihan lightly touched the wound with his fingertips, and his expression was completely different from that of the class.

Shen Luyang didn't insist any longer. First, he used iodophor for basic disinfection.

Xie Weihan lowered his eyes, looked at his cautious hand quietly, and said casually, "A student in the first grade has suffered from heat stroke."

"No wonder," Shen Luyang turned to get the anti-inflammatory medicine, took a pause, sniffed, and sniffed left and right suspiciously, "Mr. Xie, have you smelled... a very sweet smell?"

"Sweet taste?" Xie Weihan tilted his head and thought for a while, and after a while, gave a negative answer, "Did Teacher Shen smell it wrong?"

Shen Luyang had just woken up and was not yet proficient in Alpha's business, so he smelled it carefully.

This time it was more clear that there was indeed a sweet smell in the air.

Not food, not flowers, but... pheromones!

"I'm sure," Shen Luyang was worried about which student had a sudden conjunctive fever or a susceptible period. He stood up, "Mr. Xie, wait for me for a while, and I'll check if it's a student."

Shen Luyang went out to smell it, but the smell became weaker and weaker. He subconsciously followed Alpha's intuition and walked back, all the Xie Weihan.

The two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a moment, Shen Luyang looked away first, in disbelief.

Such a sweet taste is actually from Teacher Xie?

Xie Weihan leaned casually by the bedside, his half-smiling gaze fell on Shen Luyang's face, his long eyelashes covered his dark pupils, and also concealed his hidden emotions. The air flow seemed to be slowing down, and the corners of his lips were drawn. The arc gradually expands.

Although he didn't believe it, Shen Luyang still felt that the taste of pheromones came from Xie Weihan, who had just ended his susceptible period yesterday.

He couldn't help looking at it.

As if he had guessed through his thoughts, Xie Weihan's deep facial features restrained his emotions, and his hands were relaxed at his sides, allowing him to look at him indifferently.

He would never take the initiative, but gently handed all his rights into Shen Luyang's hands, and then calmly watched him dazed, struggling, and losing control...

His eyes seemed to have a lingering warmth, branded on the skin, moved inch by inch, and finally settled on the corner of Shen Luyang's lips, his tone was as tolerant and considerate as ever, as if telling him that it doesn't matter if he guessed wrong.

"Mr. Shen think it's me?"

Shen Luyang hesitated. The first time he used "Alpha's intuition", he made a mistake in judgment?

Xie Weihan's S-level alpha pheromone may not be known to others, but he knows it better.

Whether it's the terrifying violence when oppressing people, or the temptation and charm when...they are not so sweet.

Shen Luyang frowned slightly, and sniffed again unwillingly.

Xie Weihan is still very sweet.

He looked at the back of Xie Weihan's neck, chose to believe in himself, and asked calmly, "Mr. Xie, can I smell it again?"

Shen Luyang didn't know, for Alpha, this was quite an offensive remark.

Xie Weihan's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at him quietly for a moment, suddenly stood up, and approached without warning.

Shen Luyang breathed for a while, raised his head slightly, his eyes followed the tooth marks on his collarbone, across his Adam's apple, chin, lips... and finally settled on those thick ink-like eyes.

Xie Weihan lowered his head and rested his chin lightly on Shen Luyang's shoulder. The heat he exhaled dyed his ears, and his voice was hoarse and tempting, swept away reason.


Shen Luyang swallowed subconsciously, he didn't quite understand it, but he really had a desire to bite the glands in the back of Xie Weihan's neck.

I have to use an analogy. I haven't had milk tea for about half a year, and suddenly I saw a cup of cocoa slam that was put into his mouth with a straw...

He endured and slowly supported Xie Weihan's shoulder.

After hesitating for a while, he finally touched the fragile skin of his neck with the tip of his nose.

The warm sweetness is no longer hidden, and its true colors are revealed. The intoxicating aroma of wine penetrates the tip of the nose and penetrates into the flesh like a liquid eagerly, clearly showing the desire.

Shen Lu raised his waist and put a hand on him at some point, as if he was simply supporting him. The wind outside the window seemed to be still, and there was only dry heat in the air.

"Do you smell it?"

Shen Luyang didn't feel the abnormality behind his waist, his eyes were dazed for a moment, and he said firmly, "Mr. Xie, it's really your pheromone."

Xie Weihan's tone was not much surprised, he casually loosened his arms on his waist, looked into his eyes, and guided patiently: "How can it be sweet?"

Shen Luyang didn't know either, so he could only tentatively touch the glands on the back of his neck.

The skin is hot, the concentration of pheromones in the glands is extremely high, and the flesh touches like a drunk.

"Isn't it, your susceptible period is over?" Shen Luyang couldn't help but leaned forward a little, Xie Weihan's body temperature should be lower than his, otherwise why would it be so comfortable to approach.

Xie Weihan pulled away without hesitation, as if nothing had happened, sat back on the hospital bed with a playful expression, and said coaxingly, "The susceptible period is not just over."

Shen Luyang's eyes followed him, alcohol gradually eroded his brain, and he realized it after a few seconds of reaction.

Yes, yesterday was the susceptible period, and he helped solve it.


"Perhaps," Xie Weihan paused and put forward another term just right, "frequent susceptible period."

Shen Luyang blinked.

The system gave him popular science yesterday.

Because the possibility is too low, if the S-level Alpha encounters an object with a high degree of fit, their instinct will induce them to have frequent susceptible periods in a short period of time, forcing them to find each other, combine, multiply...

Thinking of something, Shen Luyang was shocked—


Shifan's pheromones made Teacher Xie frequently susceptible to the scum!

Read The Duke's Passion