MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 71

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At eleven o'clock in the evening, when the hot search was still hot, Li Jundong sent a press release to major media and took the initiative to claim Shen Rongrong's daughter.

The summary of the meaning of the words is "a relationship when I was young, I didn't know the existence of the child due to some misunderstandings, I just knew it some time ago and recognized it with extreme guilt, thank you for your blessings and attention".

Besides, everyone knows each other, and the siblings are so loving, no matter what you say.

Some netizens have even made up a **** drama of "the heroine and the hero have misunderstood and ran away with the ball for many years and unexpectedly reunited".

Not long after the news of Li Jundong came out, Zhang Xuecen, his ex-wife, also accepted a telephone interview with reporters, and responded that he had always been aware of Li Jundong's relationship, and accepted the addition of a sister to his son, and said that everyone gets along now The land is harmonious and happy.

In this way, the two worked together to create a "happy reunion" atmosphere.

I have to say that Li Jundong is very scheming.

He knew that Li Sui'an would definitely disclose his relationship with Shen Rongrong to break the romance scandal, but he knew Li Sui'an's personality, so he kept his arms and quietly waited for the end of the live broadcast to send these announcements, for the sake of Just because he was afraid that Li Sui'an would know about it during the live broadcast, he would talk nonsense in the process and reveal everything he knew.

It was a live broadcast, and it was too late to withdraw.

So he chose to post it after the live broadcast, quickly seized the opportunity, killed the words, and created an illusion of harmony.

What's even better is that he hooked his hands and dragged Li Sui'an's mother Zhang Xuecen in.

At first, it will make people think that his ex-wife speaks for him, the credibility of what he said must be very high, and his character must be good.

Secondly, no matter how good Li Sui'an is, he will be worried about Zhang Xuecen, who has already ended in person, and keep his mouth shut.

Otherwise, he slaps her face hard.

Li Sui'an has a very black physique, and passersby's favorability is also low. Many Chinese people are accustomed to putting the parental support on the commanding heights. No matter who is right or wrong in this matter, if Li Sui'an doesn't talk to his father, and his mother can't come down for the sake of his half-sister, this will definitely become a wonderful event. The attack point made him black in a large area.

Even if you say it out, there is no real evidence, it will give people a bad feeling of sowing discord, and it will also attract black people.

But if you don't speak up this time, it's equivalent to acquiescing to Li Jundong's words.

If she waits for a long time in the future, she will not have the strength to turn over the old accounts, but it will make people feel that her attitude is repeated and very playful.

The mouths of the sister and brother are closed. For Li Jundong, it means that the future troubles are completely solved, once and for all.

Li Sui'an was very happy during the live broadcast, but he turned his head and was half-hearted, and even felt chills.

Even he would brazenly make up stories and public relations Li Sui'an was expected. He told his sister that he would definitely come forward and kill him.

Although the final result was that his sister told him not to act rashly, he agreed.

But he didn't expect this man to hit his mother's head again, drag her in, and his mother was really instructed by the man to turn around to contain his son, maybe now I'm still happy, for fear that I'm not doing enough!

Li Sui'an called to question Zhang Xuecen, but Zhang Xuecen persuaded him and said, "Isn't this very good. Even if there are conflicts, it is enough to resolve them internally. Our family is a public figure, don't you have to Make things so ugly at home and let people see our jokes?"

She's a rhetoric!

Li Sui'an felt desperate for her for the countless times, "I don't care how the old man plays tricks, what position do you have to come out and say those words? Did you get my sister's approval? You are so rushing Defend him? Do you want to give an award for the best ex-wife?"

"You!" Both the tone and the content of what he said were too heavy, Zhang Xuecen finally calmed down and said sadly, "I'm not afraid that you will be scolded by doing this. I don't want to see you fight him, I know you don't like him, but you are father and son, even if you only want to be close to your sister, don't ruin this family."

"Destroyed this home?" Li Sui'an sneered with red eyes: "Which home? Is it the home of the four of you and Li Junting?"

The sarcasm in her words made Zhang Xuecen both embarrassed and guilty. She sighed: "Of course you are talking about me, you and your father."

Li Sui'an said decisively: "No, you are a family that loves each other and is beautiful. I can't climb high, and I don't want to."

Zhang Xuecen became sad: "An An, did you deliberately say this to stab my heart?"

"Why is it intentional? Don't you think this is my truth?" His throat swelled, and he sneered: "Every time you look like you care about me, but you Think about it carefully, have you seen Li Junting more often than me? Is she your own?"

Zhang Xuecen said subconsciously: "No, it's not like this..."

She is not very attentive to Li Junting, but she wants to find Li Jundong, and she will inevitably encounter her.

But Li Sui'an did not wrong her by saying this. She and Li Junting met ten times, and it may be rare to meet him.

So she denied it but couldn't find anything to refute.

"Isn't it?" Li Sui'an was already very angry and aggressive: "Every time I have a rare chance to meet you, I also want to accompany you and talk to you, but you, choose It's always someone else! Always leave me behind!"

Zhang Xuecen felt sad and a little aggrieved when he heard what he said, and defended himself: "It's hard for me to meet your father, if you want to go with me soon, will you have the best of both worlds? Can't blame me entirely."

It wasn't a day or two that she knew she was obsessed, but Li Sui'an was still so angry with her that her face turned blue, "Why did you divorce him in the first place since you were so inseparable?? ? You forgot how he treated you in the first place? Can't you take care of your career? Can't you find someone else to fall in love with? Even if you find someone about my age to remarry, I'd be willing to call him Dad, but you're a It's just humiliating! Why do I hate him? Because I have been defending you from the beginning and standing by your side. What about you, I don't think I have much to say, and now I use myself to threaten him in order to protect him. Am I right? Do you really think I'll keep silent for your sake?"

In the past two years, it has become quite common for mother and son to quarrel because of Li Jundong, but tonight, Zhang Xuecen's uneasiness became stronger and stronger, and he changed his attitude quickly and said timidly: " An An, I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault, I..."

"Do you really know you're wrong? No, you're just talking about it! You don't care about me, you don't care about me, so now, I can tell you clearly, I don't either I need you." Li Suian's head was buzzing, as if it would explode in the next second, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Are you afraid of being seen as a joke? I'm not afraid, I'm Li Sui'an, I dare to say anything. Tell me, this time you are wrong! I want you to swallow everything you say to me!"

Zhang Xuecen became more and more flustered the more she listened, and when she heard the last sentence, the tone was raised a lot, and she hurriedly shouted: "An An has something to say, don't mess around! Don't mess around!"

Li Sui'an angrily said: "How can I tell you? I have been telling you for so many years, have you listened? If you don't break up with that dog, then you and me will be cut off from now on. !"

Zhang Xuecen gasped in disbelief, she never thought that it would be like this, and cried at a loss, "I didn't do this because I was afraid that you would be scolded when you came forward. I'm your mother, can't you think about my feelings? For the sake of my sister who has only known each other for a few months, you have to force me to cut off the relationship? Is she really so kind to you? You value her so much??"

She really still doesn't understand why he did this!

In that instant, Li Sui'an's original anger turned into a deep fatigue, and said: "Sister is indeed very good to me, and I do value her very much, but I value her, no Just because she was nice to me."

Zhang Xuecen sobbed.

Li Sui'an said word by word: "Because she is sober, she will not abandon herself, and has no self-respect to easily forgive and post a selfish and hypocritical scum who abandons his wife and children!"

Zhang Xuecen burst into tears and was suddenly stunned.

By the time she came back, the call had already been hung up.

She was shocked, thinking of Li Sui'an's words just now, she hurriedly contacted Zhao Yu and asked him to control Li Sui'an's Weibo account, and don't let Li Sui'an post something indiscriminately.

But it's too late.

When netizens were busy picking up Shen Rongrong's mother and her husband's identity, Li Sui'an posted three Weibo posts in the middle of the night.

The first one, the Weibo with the most manuscripts by Li Jundong has been forwarded.

Li Sui'an: "The following content is purely fictional, it is recommended to rewrite [smile][smile][smile]"

Comments are almost always a string of question marks, not sure what's going on.

Isn't she the sister she admits to, and she is also connected live, which makes her brother and sister love each other, how can you turn your head and say it's a fiction? !

But I have to say, because he never had good words for Li Jundong before, this Weibo made netizens smell the smell of doing things.

Although the previous melons have not been digested, it will not hinder their enthusiasm for continuing to eat melons!

"Father and son torn apart!? Red chicken! Too red chicken! Li Sui'an, hurry up!"

Live up to expectations, Li Sui'an soon posted a second Weibo.

Li Sui'an: In order not to affect her career, she used means to force her pregnant girlfriend away, so how did she become unaware of the existence of the child? Do you believe the story is too much? My sister only recognized me, and has a dime relationship with you? She called you Dad, do you have the face to answer? And drag my mom in to make me shut up, you can do it [thumbs]


"Is it true?"

"What? I suddenly feel like my brain is not enough."

"Magic, so magical, let me be quiet..."

"If this is true, then Li Sui'an is quite upright and principled."

"I rely on wonderful! I'm not going to sleep tonight."

"I'm suddenly sane!"

"Oh my god, the New Year's drama one after another hahahahahaha."

"Front row!! Eat hot melon."

"???! Sister A, it's all your credit, who wouldn't say something awesome after reading it."

"Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, I intuit that there is still more! Li Sui'an, I want to be right!"

"Um, Li Jundong's image has always been good, I didn't expect such a person."

"Li Sui'an is stimulated by something, I feel so angry."

"If that's the case, it seems to make sense that Li Sui'an has always hated Li Jundong..."

"You can't listen to his one-sided words. If things are not what he said, wouldn't they be wronged."

"He's too aggressive, he shakes everything out, let's not talk about Li Jundong, this woman Shen Rongrong is definitely not simple, tsk tsk."

Even if Li Sui'an's fans have experienced strong winds and waves long ago, and have developed a strong heart, but when they felt Li Sui'an's completely different emotions, they felt a little uneasy and anxious in their hearts, afraid that he would be too impulsive, Make a big mess.

Fans actually know that Li Jundong is not very good to Li Sui'an, and he is very dissatisfied with his character who loves women and mad, and also knows that Li Sui'an and Li Jundong, the father, do not deal with it, but they are still a little bit scruples.

In the past, at most, they didn't have a few words about the connotation of their big names.

But now, Li Sui'an has personally torn his face, what are they going to do?

I didn't give them much time to think, and within two minutes, another new Weibo was posted.

Li Sui'an: "I will delete all the manuscripts that I sent before dawn, and don't make a fuss about my sister in the future, otherwise once I become reckless, my mouth can't be closed tightly, and I will hold back for a while. Stomach words pour out in minutes [smile]"

This face is so torn that there is no room for turning back.

At this point, Li Sui'an's big fans are all unified, and they don't need to worry about anything. They immediately follow the footsteps and rhythm of the master, and begin to sue Li Jundong, an unqualified father.

And Shen Rongrong's fans are almost out of time, each one is more stunned, and their mood is extremely complicated. Originally thought it was just a fan of a voice actor, there must be nothing wrong with it, but how could it be so ups and downs and thrilling? ? ?

The melon eaters were not absent.

"...I used to think that Tiger Force was his concave character, but now I know that he is a real tiger. When he gets crazy, he even tears his parents!"

"It used to be just a tense relationship, but now it's a complete tear."

"Absolutely, Li Sui'an propped up a melon field with one person!"

"Anything else? It shouldn't be the finale yet, just wait."

"Why hold back if you have something to say! Li Sui'an must be kind, don't hide it!"

"Li Sui'an still has material in his hand, Li Jundong was skinned by his own son, what do you think?"

"Zhang Xuecen also came out to respond, Li Sui'an even slapped his **** face, this family is too interesting."

"Li Sui'an is still too simple, I have a little suspicion that Shen Rongrong instigated him."

"Will the manuscript be deleted before tomorrow morning? If it is deleted, it means that what Li Sui'an said is true."

"Will it be public relations by Li Jundong? After all, it is father and son."

"It won't be public relations, because I think Li Sui'an is a BUG at all."

"nsdd, this guy really never plays his cards according to common sense."

This comment is very true. Li Jundong's public relations team called Li Sui'an frantically. Li Sui'an answered the phone, turned on the phone, and left it aside. He let the people inside talk like a lotus flower and pointed out the stakes for him, but he always stayed on the sofa with a blank face. , Gudu Gudu Gudu Gudu Gudu Gudu Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du Gu Du

Now his stomach is full of anger, and he needs something ice to reduce the fire.

After drinking six cans in a row, Li Jundong finally got on it himself and asked, "What do you want?"

Li Sui'an licked the sweet milk stain on her lips, and the fire that had been forcibly suppressed by the ice milk came up again. Throwing the empty can in his hand into the trash can, his black eyes were cold, he laughed, "I asked you to delete things, don't you understand?"

Li Jundong restrained his anger and said patiently: "Do you think you are doing this for your sister's good? Let me tell you, things are not so simple, others will only think that she is behind Instigating. You are so good to her, you shouldn't have responded tonight! You should be the one who deleted Weibo!"

"Hey, it turns out you're doing it for your sister." Li Sui'an said in confusion: "Then, should I review what happened just a few days ago on Weibo, Look at you, an old man who keeps saying that it is for her good, how you indulge your own daughter to destroy the marriage of another biological daughter?"

"Li Sui'an!" Li Jundong finally got angry and roared: "You have to be against me like this??"

"Yeah." Li Sui'an said, "I don't think you've been unhappy for a day or two."

" think you offended me, what will happen to you?"

Where can a big man have hands and feet and can't eat? Do you think it will be useful to threaten me with such words?"

Li Jundong's breath is very heavy, obviously he is very angry.

"Okay, okay, I have a really good son!"

Li Sui'an said: "I am grateful to myself, I am not like you."

Li Jundong hung up first.

It didn't take long for Huo Yang to call. Li Sui'an was worried that he would blame him for being impulsive.

"Forget it, what are you scolding you for?" Huo Yang said: "You have completely offended him now, and I'm afraid you will suffer in the future."

His voice was quite gentle, even a little softer than usual. While Li Sui'an was strangely unaccustomed to it, his nose couldn't help but get sour, his fingers swiped back and forth on the sofa unconsciously, and said in a muffled voice: "Never mind, take one step at a time."

Huo Yang chuckled and said, "don't worry, your brother-in-law said he will cover you."

Li Sui'an rubbed his eyes when he heard the words, hehe chuckled twice, and then hummed: "Great, then I'll have to walk sideways in the future."

After the call ended, the two sisters and brother Weibo exchanged.

In the second half of the night, the announcements issued by some marketing accounts began to be deleted one after another.

What this says, it goes without saying.

Netizens who stayed up late to eat melons were in an uproar.

He is caring, dotes on his wife and daughter, has been divorced for so many years, and his ex-wife is still obsessed with it, one can imagine how good and beautiful he is.

Every time he was mentioned, it was closely tied to the word "good man". It is also the first choice for those "uncle control".


It’s like you find out that the star who claims to be a foodie actually induces vomiting after eating, and the innocent and well-behaved star suddenly looks like a social swearing swear word, you will feel disillusioned and false. The impact was complete.

Now that Li Jundong is a good man, he is not a good man. No matter what you do to cover up the public relations, or do anything to save him, it will not help.

And Li Jundong also has a name of pet girl, petting a stepdaughter who has no blood relationship at all, but she has abandoned her biological daughter for more than 20 years. It's ironic!

Li Jundong probably never thought that he would lose the first step with his son.

Li Jundong and Li Sui'an, one with high nationality, one with high traffic, plus the topic is too exciting, blood washes the hot searches of major websites, it can really be said that the entertainment industry is shaking.

No matter what circles on the Weibo forum, Li Jundong, Li Suian, and Shen Rongrong were basically swiped.

It can be said that the whole people eat melons.

Li Jundong was inevitably ridiculed, and his reputation has begun to decline. But as expected, Li Sui'an was not much better, and Shen Rongrong was also affected.

"Whatever you can do, you can hype it first."

"The entertainment industry and parents are torn apart, the first person in history."

"When that happened, Li Sui'an wasn't born yet, did he really think he knew it very well?"

"Who didn't make mistakes when he was young? As long as Li Jundong repented sincerely, I think Li Sui'an has overreacted."

"After +1, even if there was anything in those days, it should be Shen Rongrong's mother who spoke out. What kind of spokesperson should he be? Do you really think he is the embodiment of justice?"

"It's a bit ugly...I'm tired of eating melons."

"Is he going to contract this month's hot search? I vomited when I saw his name!"

"Who doesn't know Shen Rongrong now? It's so clever, this sister."

"It turns out that Shen Rongrong not only wants to be the top of the dubbing circle, but also wants to be the top of the entertainment circle, and more importantly, she has succeeded! Sister C debuted on the flower road!"

"Li Sui'an fans pay attention, with such a sister, you will be able to bear it in the future."

In addition, the live broadcast response was very big that day, and there were not a few people who liked the sister and brother.

The growth of Shen Rongrong's Weibo fans is even more astonishing, and she is almost approaching the million mark.

However, not all her Weibo posts were contracted by Li Sui'an's fans.

Because half of the comments are "Sister, I'm sorry, I have a crush on your husband [dog head]".


Whenever, appearance is the driving force of output.

As soon as the live broadcast ended, his various screenshots, video CUTs, and exquisite moving layers appeared endlessly, which were forwarded by tens of thousands, causing countless amazements.

Young and handsome, tall and handsome, and so gentle, looking at Shen Rongrong's eyes full of love.

The key is, he he he, he seems to be quite rich! !

Netizens expressed their disbelief: "Oh my God, does this kind of man really exist?"

This is perfect too.

They want to steal the identity of this man, but they haven't succeeded yet. The identity of Shen Rongrong's mother has not been dug up yet, but a painting hanging on the background wall of Shen Rongrong's live broadcast has been picked up. thorough.

Originally, this painting was far away from the camera, so it was not so clear. However, the eyes of netizens were too poisonous. After the screenshot was enlarged, it was pointed out that it was the work of a well-known painter, and the conservative price was 3 million.

Unexpected and expected.

"I'm moved by my sister who is so rich and dubs me T_T"

"Sister is still too low-key. If I have such a handsome husband and my family is so rich, I would like to show off so that the whole world knows about it."

"It's not me, she's too complacent, her brother is a big star, her husband is handsome and rich, and her father is a movie star, although she is scum... She never mentioned a word before. ! This terrible woman!"

"What's hanging on the wall is not a painting, it's a house, ah, why is there such a big gap between people?"

"I suspect that if this relationship hadn't been explained, she would never have said it for the rest of her life."

"I really want to hear the story of my sister and her husband, it must be very romantic!"

"I suddenly had an idea, was the nearly 400,000 reward at that time the handwriting of my brother-in-law?"

"It's very possible, 400,000 is really nothing to others."

"I'm just a whimpering lemonade right now."

"Aoaoao sister can always show her affection, I want to eat dog food!"

" Rich is indeed rich. What I care about is that her husband's voice is also very good. I think it is a bit like the voice of Kongshan God."

"...It turns out I'm not the only one who thinks this way! The Great God of Kongshan seems to be super rich, but it shouldn't be so coincidental, the sound is still a little different."

Of course there is a difference, because Shen Rongrong deliberately changed his voice during the live broadcast.

Unconsciously, three days have passed, and the online craze has not yet faded. When Huo Yang goes to the studio, he will still get secret glances from colleagues from time to time, as if it is the first time Really know him.

But other than that, they didn't come to gossip and ask questions, and they got along as usual.

Huo Yang said before that when everyone has time after the year, he invites people from the studio and a few friends from the circle to play at his house.

Huo Yang asked Zhou Xinglan to discuss, and Zhou Xinglan mentioned this when the whole meeting was held.

When Yao Yue heard this, she raised her hand very excitedly, her eyes shone brightly, and asked Huo Yang, "Mr. Shen, will Li Sui'an come?"

She has been very excited since she knew the truth, and it feels too mysterious to work with her idol's sister. At this time, she was actually just making a coax. She didn't expect Li Sui'an to come, but she heard Huo Yang say: "It depends on whether he has time. If he has time, he should come to join in the fun."

Yaoyue couldn't hold back her excitement and almost screamed.

Yunxi held her down and said, "Calm down, don't fall off the stool."

Finally, Zhou Xinglan made a plan and set the time to be a week later, when all the people went to Huo Yang's house to play for a whole day.

This afternoon, there were many people in the recording, and Lu Ang was there.

He looked at Huo Yang and hesitated for a moment, but he stepped forward and said to him, "I just have something to do next week, so I won't go to your house."

He actually had time, but ever since he learned that Mr. Huo he knew was Shen Rongrong's husband, he was always dominated by a strange feeling.

He didn't want to see him again and torment his brain.

Huo Yang was reading the script, and when he heard this, he glanced at him and said, "Okay, if you please."

Lu Ang has a very low sense of presence in him now. As an ordinary colleague, he will not care if he goes to his house. It's just that he doesn't go by himself now, and he can't tie him and force him to go.

Lu Ang smiled lightly and walked aside.

Huo Yang posted a new preview of the audiobook today.

This is the first time he has opened business after the announcement of the relationship between his siblings. Although it is an advertisement again, the number of remarks is amazing.

Li Sui'an directly liked and commented on the tumblr, and cheered for her, "support support, everyone sounds like~[ice cream][ribbon][ribbon]"

There is "Shen Rongrong", there is Li Sui'an, after this wave of popularity, this audiobook is really profitable.

Li Sui'an's fans came to hear the news and kept him firmly in the top spot.

They have had several fights with Shen Rongrong's fans before. Although the relationship has been suspended now, and perhaps a false peace is maintained, at least on the surface, they are showing affection to each other, making comments on each other, showing A happy scene.

An hour later, Li Sui'an couldn't help sending WeChat to Huo Yang.

An An is not casual: Sister, I have commented for you, please take care of me!

An An is not casual: fans are laughing at me now.

An An is not casual: [cry][cry][cry]

Huo Yang: It has been dealt with.

Li Sui'an returned to Weibo only to find that he replied with an emoji that touched his head.

"Have you and your brother discussed it? You give me the publicity, and I will give you the publicity 23333333"

Huh? What's the meaning?

Seeing the fan's message, Li Sui'an refreshed in confusion, only to find that his sister had reposted his new drink advertisement.

"Support support, everyone buys it."

Obviously copied his slogan and changed the punctuation. Li Sui'an smiled, the corners of his mouth raised.

The name Shen Rongrong has swept across the Internet recently.

Lu Ang, who was the most popular in the dubbing circle, has long been left behind.

The publicity of "Misty Forest" is very smart. The configuration of this show was originally not comparable to Xia Qiqi's drama. Now I finally found a breakthrough point in the dubbing, so I immediately Locking up the names of Shen Rongrong and the heroine, and spending money to buy some marketing to gain popularity, the effect is outstanding.

And Huo Yang had previously played a small web drama produced by a small team of "Don't Make trouble, Princess". He was even more daring. , dazzlingly sucking blood. Although he was scolded by Li Sui'an's fans, that's how the popularity came.

Read The Duke's Passion