MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 69

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No notice, no notice, a live link directly appeared on Shen Rongrong's Weibo.

This move, no one admires, no one is curious, and no one wants to join in the fun!

—Is this Shen Rongrong planning to face the wind and rain? This is too slay!

Maybe Li Sui'an will appear in the camera. Just thinking about it makes me feel so excited that my blood is surging, and my heart is full of joy!

The live broadcast screen shook for a while before Shen Rongrong's face appeared in it.

She was wearing a thin cashmere sweater, short black hair, fair and clean skin, rosy lips, and heroic eyebrows.


The number of live viewers is increasing like crazy.

"I'm ready!!"

"What's your relationship with Li Sui'an? Are you really in love?"

"Sister's temperament is amazing!"

"I can't wait to say it!"

"Sister, hello cow, you can start a live broadcast at this time, I admire it!"

"Shameless, it's better to post less! No man will want you!"

"Sister is live streaming at home? The background looks really rich!!"

"Wow, this floor must be a luxurious mansion! My sister is really hidden."

"It won't be Li Sui'an's house, right? The two live together?"

"Does Li Sui'an know about your live broadcast? Are you planning to respond by yourself?"

"If you deny it, we won't believe it!"

"Pear God cpszd! I will never allow be!"

"You are not worthy of Li Sui'an, stop delusional, go go!"

"What are you doing live? If you dare to talk nonsense and post it, be careful when you walk at night."

"Sister, I love you! Sister, don't be afraid!"

"Sister Rongrong, you should close it, some fans are terrible."

The barrage was dazzling, Huo Yang didn't see anything, raised his hand and casually fiddled with the hair on his forehead, pulling the corner of his mouth, a smile appeared on his originally expressionless face, and finally spoke speak.

"It turns out that so many people are interested in my 600,000 fans' welfare live broadcast." The articulation is clear, the tone is clearer and cleaner, and the pronunciation of every word is extremely comfortable and refreshing.

Shen Rongrong now has many more fans than before, but at this time, many of the people watching the live broadcast don't know her very well.

At this time, when she opened her mouth, the barrage was extremely excited.

"Sister's voice is so good!"

"As expected of a CV!"

"The hot voice is really beautiful!"

"Sister say a few more words, I love to hear it!"

"It's a real pleasure to listen to."

"Suddenly I thought of many heroines in my mind, so 94 you!"

"The voice is so nice, why don't my sister come to a song?"

Huo Yang saw it and said, "Sing? Okay, you always want to hear me sing in the comments. This live broadcast is for the benefit and satisfy you."

He didn't get to the point like this, many people became impatient, and they were both urging and scolding. Li Sui'an's army of fans is also clamoring for her to clarify quickly, the words are unbearable.

But there are also people who are quite interested. Seeing him in such a relaxed state, not in a hurry and in the mood to sing, his curiosity has been aroused, and he wants to continue watching what he wants to do.

"Fine, sing, sing!"


"Kuoyi, let's not hide from you that sister, I am your fan!"

"Hahaha, this sister is really stable!"

"I don't know why it's so funny, I feel like Li Sui'an's fans are going crazy."

"They are scolding people, they deserve it, they should treat these dirty mouths."

Fans came out to defend him.

"This was originally a welfare live broadcast made by my sister, and some people rarely come to KY!"

"That's right! It's the welfare we ask for, don't come to destroy my pure land!"

"Fuck anyone who curses! This is not a place for you to be wild."

"I hope you sing for a long time, I didn't expect this kind of situation, ah ah ah."

"What are some people anxious about? You don't look down on our sister Rongrong, and we still despise you."

"It's funny to scold my sister, it seems that Li Sui'an likes you."


"I didn't expect a voice actor to be so heartbroken. Fortunately, my sister has a strong heart. Come on, sister!"

“Sister, sing, I love to hear you sing!”

"The small bench has been moved, come quickly!"

"What song do you want to listen to? Listen to my favorite song? Okay, then I'll find the accompaniment first." Huo Yang lowered his eyes, looked for the accompaniment on the tablet, and whispered in his mouth Said: "Please wait a moment, I..."

At this moment, there was a sudden collision.

Huo Yang didn't finish his words, he quickly raised his head and glanced to the left. His eyes were sparkling, and he pursed his lips into a smile. His smile was like a red plum reflecting the snow, which was silent and dazzling.

The intense emotion on the eyebrows and eyes is completely different from the appearance of no emotion just now.

Shen Rongrong was actually sitting outside the camera all the time. At this time, she was distracted by looking at him and didn't pay attention, and accidentally knocked off the phone.

Seeing him smiling and looking over, he was a little helpless, and raised his hand slightly to signal him to continue.

This interaction takes no more than five seconds, but the barrage is already crazy.


"!!!Who the **** was it????!!!"

"Gan! Is there someone next to me!! Who is she looking at???"

"The atmosphere is too sweet! Sister, discuss if you can move the camera to the side?"

"I betrayed, if it's true I bless you."

"Is that Li Sui'an???! I'm going to croak!"

"Is it him????"

"My God! It felt like my heart was about to burst out in those few seconds!"

"Mom and Dad, please announce it soon, I can't take it anymore..."

"...I'm out of breath, I'm going to get some quick-acting heart pills!"

"Have you noticed that none of Li Sui'an's fans have come out to curse?"

"Because they're suffocating in front of the screen 23333333"

"I guess I should kneel down and ask the Bodhisattva now."

"It's really exciting, if Li Sui'an appears in the camera next second, it will be the most dramatic scene of the year."

"Are all Li Sui'an fans fainted?"

"Sister is so black-bellied, deliberately scaring Li Sui'an's fans hahahaha."

"Who told them to be cheap? What's wrong with a woman who is really in love? Is it really a man who is a giant baby without his own thoughts?"

"Pear God cpszd! szd! szd! szd!"

"I'm on my knees in a flying spiral, sister, hurry up and stop torturing me!"

Huo Yang retracted his gaze and glanced at the barrage, only to know that they were all thinking crooked.

It's just before the agreed nine thirty, Huo Yang raised his eyebrows and chuckled, and said, "I've found the accompaniment, let's sing first."

Huo Yang didn't know, the number of viewers of his live broadcast at this time had broken a record, and many people could not get in directly and were stuck out.

There was a screeching sound outside.

And the few seconds of the video of him and the outsider laughing at each other have been cut out. Because it is too exciting, the forwarding exceeded 10,000 in minutes. At first glance, the grand occasion of the exclamation mark is similar to that in the barrage.

Huo Yang is always calm, as if the outside world has no influence on him.

He turned on the accompaniment and began to sing.

It was his favorite ballad.

Originally, many people in the barrage were irritable and painful, but when he opened his mouth, he immediately turned into amazement.

"Open your mouth and kneel, sister!"

"It's good!!"

"Not bad, really good."

"This is a real person and beautiful voice."

"It's a little surprising, aren't all the voice actors so good?"

"Wow, this is much better than Li Sui'an."

"Li Sui'an, stand by and take a peek, come and learn from your girlfriend."

"I still sit and sing, and my breath is really steady."

"?? I heard someone say that she sings well, but it's not bragging."

"The public is not open to the public, I want to listen to the song."


"Sing more! It's so good!"

"I'm crying, I'm just here to join in the fun. Why do I feel like I'm about to fall into the pit?"

Huo Yang sang two of his favorite songs, looked at the time, it was nearly ten minutes before nine thirty, Huo Yang asked: "Do you have any songs you want to listen to? You can said in the barrage."

Huo Yang noticed that there was a song "Rumours" that was mentioned the most. After searching, he found that it was the ending song of a recent popular ancient TV series, but he had never heard it.

Put in the headphones, he turned on the song and it sounded, not his usual style, but it sounded good. I can also understand why this song is popular, because the melody is popular and easy to learn.

Huo Yang glanced at the barrage, and after humming along, he whispered, "Try to sing."

Then rap and sing along with the accompaniment, except for occasional stagnation, the pitch is completely fine.

In this way, everyone was amazed and sang it all over again.

"I just listened to it once, so I learned it???!"

"It's true, she was still studying just now."

"Gan! Why is there such a big difference between people???"

"You really didn't know it before? How did you sing so well?"

"Are you pretending? Deliberately appearing to be very powerful."

"Silent, is there something wrong with singing so well?"

"qaq, you are so good, it can be said that you sing better than the original song."

"From the adoring eyes of the tone-deaf!"

"The screen has been recorded and added to the playlist."

"Sister should be a singer, she's already a fan."

"Ooooooooooooooooo, let's do another song, sister!"

"Raise your hand! Still want to hear!"

"Sister, why don't you sing a song by Li Sui'an hahaha."

"I pretended? Why did I pretend? It's the first time I listen to it and sing it for the first time. As for why it will be done once -" Huo Yang read the barrage, his eyebrows slightly raised, and he was neat The ground shot back and questioned: "Of course it's because I have a good brain."

The voice is not loud and the tone is very light, but there is a kind of arrogance.

The barrage is hilarious.

Many people said, "Sister is so spicy, I like it."

The on-demand song continues, but Huo Yang interrupted.

"Wait, I'll drink some water."

Huo Yang stood up slightly, took the water cup passed by Shen Rongrong outside the camera with a smile, then sat down again and took two sips.

In just a few seconds, the barrage was obliterated by the exclamation mark again. This time, it's not a roller coaster, but directly into the sky!

"! Belly!!"

"Look at your belly!!"

"My God!! Can you see my belly!"

"!! Really pregnant!"

"Aren't you dazzling??"


"Spicy, eat melons!"

"This shape is at least five months old, amazing!"

"I have experience, it's definitely not getting fat, it's definitely having a baby."

"That looks real?!"

Huo Yang is very warm at home, he wears less clothes, and his clothes are close-fitting. The shape of his stomach is obvious.

No one noticed at first, just got up and was clearly recorded in the camera.

This is tantamount to dropping a drop of water in a hot oil pan.

Although the barrage was too fast, Huo Yang still saw what they were shocked.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Huo Yang no longer gives them a chance to spread out, and the corners of his lips are slightly raised, and he said, "I'm pregnant, but don't guess anymore, otherwise my husband is will be angry."


"Husband??? Who is the husband??"

"Really married?"


"Tell me more!"

"What do you mean?"

"Speak up!"

"Does this mean denial?"

“… a little disappointed.”

"Isn't it? Why so close?"

"What the **** is that?"

"Should you know each other?"

It's half past nine.

"Knowing is knowing." Huo Yang said: "As for my relationship with him..."

He didn't finish his words, and the style of the barrage changed sharply.

"Report!!!! Li Sui'an posted on Weibo!!!"

"Fuck you go see!!"

"Oh my god, what a freshman show!"


"???? What are you kidding me?"

"It's awesome!"


"The tour is coming!"

"Tour +1"

"Come here immediately after seeing Weibo!"

"???? This is really unexpected."

"Black question mark face?"

"I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy, I'm dizzy, what kind of **** plot is this???"

"This is more exciting than falling in love hahahahaha!"

“…let me pause for a while.”

"No, why is it so funny I'm dying of laughter."

“Life is really ups and downs, fun and interesting.”

"Li Sui'an's fans are probably setting off firecrackers to celebrate now."

"Eating a melon is thrilling, I took 2333"

What's the matter? What's the matter? ?

People who don't know the situation are impatient and don't want to miss the opportunity to eat melons. They are very excited and hurriedly exit the live broadcast to find Li Sui'an's Weibo, wanting to find out.

That Weibo was posted on time at 9:30.

Li Suian: @Sister Shen Rongrong, if you made it public with your brother-in-law earlier, there would be no such misunderstanding

A screenshot of the WeChat chat history of the two people the day before is attached.

An An is not casual: Sister, it is better to send a photo with your brother-in-law for your 600,000 benefits!

An An is not casual: Announce love to the world, how sweet =v=

An An is not casual: I will open countless trumpets to give you crazy likes! [witty]

Shen Rongrong: Your brother-in-law said that this is a good idea, go and prepare the trumpet first.

An An is not casual: [Groundhog scream.jpg]

An An is not casual: sister, sister, husband szd! zdszd!

An An is not casual: I'm going to prepare!

Li Sui'an's fans were shocked, Shen Rongrong's fans were shocked, and all the way to eat melons were also shocked.

Someone was shocked and asked in the comments, "Baby, what kind of sister? Cousin or cousin??"

Li Sui'an answered loudly: "My dear sister."

—Good guy, she’s still a real sister! !

So Shen Rongrong and Li Suian are not lovers at all, but sisters and brothers!

This is even more shocking than Sister A's exposure of romance.

If it is a real sister, then all Li Sui'an's previous behavior can make sense.

Talking on WeChat, watching variety shows, giving a thumbs up, eating dumplings together, holding a wrist, what else is there to do? It's normal for a sibling to have a good relationship!

According to Shen Rongrong's age, when she was born, Zhang Xuecen and Li Jundong didn't know each other, so she could never be their daughter.

The question is, are Shen Rongrong and Li Sui'an half-father or half-brother? Is it the result of Zhang Xuecen's passion when he was young, or is it a mistake Li Jundong made when he was young?

Come on, I thought it was an idol drama in the middle of the year. ? ?

Although the answer to this most important question is not yet clear, the netizens on the top of the melon have already started busy running to tell them.

The latest comment on the Weibo posted by Sister A has completely fallen. It's all hahahahahaha, full of ridicule.

Li Sui'an's fans also went to vent their anger.

"Let's thank Sister A, a lover will eventually become a brother and sister!!"

There is no doubt that the hot search on Weibo has exploded again, even with Li Jundong and Zhang Xuecen on the hot search.

The hot search square at the moment has become a melon field, which can support everyone.

Huo Yang saw that the style of the barrage has changed, and there are many people wearing Li Sui'an's avatar. At first glance, people who are his fans ran in and queued up obediently to shout "Hello, sister". Li Sui'an's statement has been issued.

"Have you seen An Anfa's Weibo? Yes, I'm his sister." Huo Yang said: "Some people have been very curious and concerned about my love life before, and this time it happened again. Such a big misunderstanding. To avoid unnecessary trouble—"

Huo Yang's expression remained the same, but a little smile was unconsciously mixed in his tone, and he said, "taking this opportunity today, I will solemnly introduce a person to everyone."

Huo Yang turned his head slightly.

Someone noticed something, and the barrage scrolling became more and more crazy.

"Sister, An An is in!"

"Baby, you came to see my sister's live broadcast!"

"Gosh! So excited!"

"Front row photo!"

"Fuck! Li Sui'an is really here!"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Ah ah ah ah ah ah my son is here!"

"What danmaku did Xiaobao post? It's too fast to see clearly!"

"What's the matter with the inexplicable excitement???"

"Did this kid come after posting Weibo?"

"Sister, take care of An An!"

"I'm so excited, I can't help shaking my legs..."

"What does my brother-in-law look like? I'm curious."

"An An is coming here to be beaten by her brother-in-law hahaha!"

"Baby started to swipe gifts 23333333"

"Brother-in-law, don't be jealous, the child is already beating."

"So just now my sister saw that person was my brother-in-law?"

"Brother-in-law come out quickly!"

Huo Yang did not see this.

He looked in the direction just now, his black eyes were bright, and he reached out to Shen Rongrong, "Husband, come here."

The author has something to say:It’s almost 500 for work, please help! Thanks thanks!