MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 59

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Li Junting went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup in front of the mirror, but she was actually listening to the movement inside. After a while, Huo Yang came out, and she immediately turned her head to say hello with a smile.

Huo Yang raised his eyebrows and walked over to wash his hands.

Li Junting: "It just so happens that we go out together."

Huo Yang didn't answer, the phone rang suddenly, he took it out of his pocket and saw that his name was QC.

After Qi Chen sent him a message last time, he deliberately saved the number.

Pretending to be unaware that Li Junting was peeking out of the corner of the eye, and after the movement stopped for a while, Huo Yang hurriedly hung up and put the phone back.

qc? It's Qi Chen! Li Junting checked some news related to Shen Rongrong before, and this Qi Chen was the actor who was rumored to be entangled by her to ask for WeChat at that time.

It turned out to be really added, it turns out that they have always been in contact... The name of this deposit is abbreviated in Pinyin, which is really trying to hide it. And the reaction after being discovered by her just now was also abnormal.

There must be something wrong.

Li Junting looked calm and asked with a chuckle: "Who is it? Why don't you answer the phone?"

Huo Yang smiled: "no one, go out."

Huo Yang took the lead to leave, Li Junting was a few steps behind, followed, watching his back.

But in her eyes, Huo Yang was obviously very good to Shen Rongrong and cared very much, and this woman pretended to be flawless in front of Huo Yang.

If Huo Yang is told that Shen Rongrong is not so peaceful, or if he finds out that she has done something betrayal, Huo Yang will definitely not tolerate it.

This Qi Chen is definitely a good breakthrough.

Li Junting's mind is full of thoughts...speed up to keep up.

Before leaving, Li Junting looked cheerful, suddenly remembered something, and asked Shen Rongrong to ask for her phone number and WeChat to add it on the grounds that she wanted to send blessings soon after the Spring Festival.

Shen Rongrong was silent for a moment, then glanced at Huo Yang from the corner of his eye, but did not refuse.

On the way home, Shen Rongrong told him what Li Junting said after Huo Yang went to the bathroom, he sneered, can this woman be more obvious?

After this day, Li Junting did not send her a message immediately, but always chatted with Huo Yang.

Sometimes Huo Yang ignores her, she can always talk to herself and send a bunch of cute emoticons. As soon as I have time, I run over to wait for Huo Yang to get off work, give him some cakes made by herself, pester him to talk, and try to express her sincere love for the sister "Shen Rongrong".

A few days later, she asked Huo Yang to go shopping together, but Huo Yang didn't agree, she turned around and sent a message to Shen Rongrong.

"I want to buy some gifts for my sister." "What size does my sister wear?" "What shade of lipstick do you like?" "Chat with her naturally, or call her directly.

It is a gradual process.

Shen Rongrong actually didn't want her to continue. Until the last moment, she had room for regret.

But Li Junting seems to be determined and does not need this "room" at all, and it is even more and more urgent.

"Wife, look at this." Huo Yang sat next to Shen Rongrong with the tablet and handed it to her.

Shen Rongrong didn't know, so she glanced at the screen and moved her lips: "This is..."

The above is a photo of Li Jundong and Li Junting together.

Huo Yang motioned to her: "Look carefully, do these two have similar eyebrows?"

Shen Rongrong was slightly stunned and stared at it for a few seconds. The facial features are indeed very similar, even more like her.

When she first saw Li Junting in the orphanage, she had a vague idea of ​​where she had seen it, but she didn't think much about it later.

When Huo Yang mentioned it, she suddenly realized something.

Huo Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the stunned her and said, "It stands to reason that Li Junting is Li Jundong's stepdaughter and has no blood relationship. But now it seems that this is not the case. I asked people to inquire about the news in Korea. Li Jundong and his current wife, Yin Zhihui, actually met on the show 20 years ago. Before Yin Zhihui, the marriage was almost in name only, but it took eight/nine years to get divorced, and she grew up as a child. It requires Li Junting to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture, plus she is so similar to Li Jundong... Her real life experience may not be as public at all."

What is the truth, there is no need to say more.

"Learn Chinese..." Yes, Li Junting once said that she was asked by her mother to learn Chinese from elementary school, but Shen Rongrong didn't know her identity at the time and didn't think about it.

Now it seems that Li Junting is very likely to be Li Jundong's biological son, but she and Li Sui'an are less than one year old, doesn't that mean that Li Jundong has already cheated in marriage? Maybe even cheating during pregnancy.

Shen Rongrong calmed down only after being surprised for a short time, because these things happened to Li Jundong, it seems not surprising.

Huo Yang added: "Now think about it, it makes sense that Li Sui'an hates Li Jundong so much."

"Yes." Shen Rongrong murmured in a low voice. Although Li Sui'an looked very outgoing, he was actually a very principled person. He knew that Li Jundong had abandoned her and her mother back then, and he knew about Li Jundong's derailment in marriage. Naturally, he didn't like this man anymore.

Huo Yang has been paying attention to her expression, put one hand on her shoulder, and asked in a soft voice, "what's the matter? Feeling sad?"

Shen Rongrong laughed, looked at him and shook her head: "No, I just think it's a bit funny."

Li Jundong never felt sorry for her and her mother, but Li Suian, who had never done anything, felt resentful about it. Fortunately, this child is in a good mood and has not been raised crookedly.

But this Li Junting has a similar pattern, and she is not right at a young age.

Li Jundong is a well-known "female madman" in the entertainment industry. According to Shen Rongrong's feelings, Li Jundong really cares about her. He will not be clear about what Li Junting is doing now.

Is he indulging? Or will it stop?

Shen Rongrong closed her eyes halfway and let out a sigh of relief.

Li Junting has no intention of retreating at present, and she will not dismantle it, because she wants to see what these people can do.

No matter how busy Li Suian is, he has been practicing his lines. After Shen Rongrong's hands-on guidance and the torture of his line teacher, his progress has been slow from the beginning, and now he has reached a new level.

Of course it's not outstanding, but at least it can be heard and won't play.

Shen Rongrong is quite pleased.

For some reason, it was New Year's Eve, and Shen Rongrong asked him where he was spending it.

An An is not casual: I will perform at the Spring Festival Gala this year.

Mr. Huo: So powerful? Then we'll be watching your show when the time comes.

An An is not casual: go home after the party.

Mr. Huo: Very good, go home and reunite with my mother.

An An is not casual: [putting his mouth] My mother has other arrangements.

An An is not casual: I went back to my own house, and there was nothing cold.

An An is not casual: [tears]

Although I don't know what happened to him and his mother, it's just that he said it pitifully, and Shen Rongrong couldn't help but move slightly.

Mr. Huo: Why don't you come to us after the end, my sister and I will be more lively.

Almost the next second, Li Sui'an replied: Good!

I then added another sentence: That's it!

Shen Rongrong couldn't help chuckling, and replied: Well, it's settled.

About the Ozawa incident, after the child was taken away, Ozawa's mother had no money-gathering tools, and splashed it on Weibo again, without feeling that she had done anything wrong, and even scolded Netizens were nosy and separated her and her son. In the end, under the pressure of public opinion, some official media issued a signal to rectify the industry, and the wind direction became more and more scary, and she was as quiet as a chicken.

On this day, netizens posted a video of encountering her on the street. In the crowd, she was wearing a mask and hat, but many people recognized her and took pictures of her with their mobile phones. She wanted to dodge, but she didn't know who was kicked from behind, just like she kicked Ozawa at the time, she threw herself to the ground with a thump, no one sympathized around, but instead let out a burst of laughter.

Ozawa's mother turned pale, propped herself up, and left in a hurry.

The bottom of the comment is full of applause, scolding her for what she deserves.

It is said that her husband seems to be divorcing her, and she is also involved in an economic dispute and is about to file a lawsuit. I am afraid that the next day will not be easy, and it is also because of her own evil deeds suffered a backlash.

Shen Rongrong didn't know how much of it was Huo Yang's handwriting, but she was sure that if it wasn't for his secret push, Ozawa's matter might not have been resolved so quickly. Of course, no one knows except her.

The person who wronged Shen Rongrong because of Ozawa's scolding created a voting frenzy, which pushed out Lu Ang, who was the top popular person in the circle, and who had never missed a hand, causing the original criticism of Shen Rongrong. The resentful Lu Ang fans were very dissatisfied, and felt that Shen Rongrong's first name was not worthy of the name.

They gritted their teeth to catch up, but Shen Rongrong's votes were also skyrocketing.

Xin Ke also voted for Shen Rongrong silently, and accidentally synced to Weibo automatically. After being seen by fans, some also came to vote for friendship, which helped Lu Ang's fans invisibly. Pissed off.

In recent years, in the dubbing circle, apart from a few well-known predecessors, Lu Ang is one of the most popular.

Shen Rongrong was the same as those seniors before, he was well known in the circle, but not many die-hard fans.

But things are different now, just a few months later, after a series of incidents, her popularity has skyrocketed, and she has a fascinated powder-absorbing physique.

I just said that recently those who were just scolding her wrong and regretting to vote for her, after seeing her face, learning about her dubbing works and some deeds, and listening to her songs, many of them This got me into the pit.

The number of fans of Chaohua has increased tremendously. When I enter, I almost get punched and posted by new fans, and many say that it is the first time they like dubbing actors.

The dominance of one family that has been maintained is about to be broken, how can Lu Ang's fans not feel a sense of crisis?

No matter how flustered, things are still moving in the direction they don't want to see.

Although Shen Rongrong is still more assisted by passers-by today, he can't completely match Lu Ang, but if things go on like this, overtaking is just around the corner.

The popularity of Shen Rongrong is getting more and more popular. It is not Huo Yang who feels the deepest feeling, but the other friends in the studio. If you post a new Weibo or vlog with Shen Rongrong's name or footage in it, the number of comments and reposts will be significantly higher.

Shanfeng Studio has opened a new radio drama with two male protagonists. Huo Yang's match is only a vicious female supporting role who rarely appears. Ten Dou was contracted by Shen Rongrong, and the likes are very high, which shows that the recent popularity is really good. (

However, Huo Yang did not deliberately open for business because of this. Except for occasionally holding a water glass back and forth twice in his colleague's vlog, fans couldn't see her at all.

The new fans are not without disappointment, and the old fans who have come from the new fans have learned that the old gods are there to comfort: "I was the same as you from the beginning, just get used to it. My sister has always been like this, there is no way to force it. , just pay more attention to the works.”

However, a Weibo from the studio soon saved them who were waiting to be fed.

The studio will also be closed on Valentine's Day in February this year. As a rule, they will hold a small annual meeting some time in advance, and everyone will attend to eat and sing together.

Zhou Xinglan will also buy something out of his own pocket for the lottery. The prizes will be at least 200 yuan in red envelopes, and no one will come home empty-handed, so the children in the studio are still looking forward to it.

In the past, the annual meeting was played by themselves, and some interesting clips were shot and released later. This year, not only Lu Ang's fans, but Shen Rongrong's fans also strongly demanded under Zhou Xinglan's Weibo, "Live broadcast must be broadcast live!"

The studio also needs to be open for business. Now, while the live broadcast is taking advantage of the popularity, you can also promote other newcomers in your hand, which is not a loss.

Besides, live broadcast is not a difficult requirement to meet nowadays, you can just take a fully charged mobile phone. Zhou Xinglan thinks it can, so he sent a live broadcast preview in advance.

Shen Rongrong's fans were very happy, beating gongs and drums to tell each other in the super talk, rubbing their hands and waiting for next week's live broadcast.

Huo Yang came out after recording the part of the radio drama, and changed others in. He took out his mobile phone and saw the message from Qi Chen.

Qi Chen always remembered the promise of having dinner, but because of the announcement, he had no time for the time being, but he kept in touch with him intentionally or unintentionally, without interruption every day.

Walking to the lounge, looking up and seeing Yunxi and Yaoyue sitting on the sofa with their phones in their hands, both of them were extremely depressed. Yaoyue is a female colleague in the studio, a few years younger than Shen Rongrong. Like many young girls, she likes to chase stars. Looking up, they saw Huo Yang coming, and the two greeted him.

Huo Yang saw that they were the same with a sad face, sat down and couldn't help but ask with a smile: "What happened to you two? Are you being trained?"

In the beginning, he had a cold attitude towards everyone here. But it's different now, not to mention how close friends he is, he can already get along with them sincerely.

"No training." Yun Xi said: "I wanted to go to the recording site of Wenxin Goddess to support her, but I couldn't get tickets at all."

Huo Yang: "Warm heart?" The variety show "Dancing the World" is very popular recently. Several people in the studio are chasing it. Huo Yang often hears them discussing. It turns out that Yunxi has developed into a warm-hearted fan.

It was easy for him to get two tickets, Huo Yang looked at Yaoyue: "You too?"

Yaoyue shook her head, almost burst into tears: "I want Li Sui'an's signed poster, last time he came to the studio, I wasn't here, I regret it! I bought more than 2,000 this time. Only the yogurt is eligible for the lottery, but in the end, I didn't get any empty woo woo woo!"

Huo Yang's mouth twitched twice. No wonder she used to hand out yogurt all over the studio. A person like her who hasn't made a name for herself and doesn't have much money in a month, she still has the courage to spend more than 2,000 on these things just for an impossible signed poster, which is self-willed.

However, it is a coincidence that he knows these two people, and it is his effort to satisfy their wishes.

Huo Yang sent out a few messages respectively, and he heard back after a while.

The tickets are available, not to mention Li Sui'an's signed poster.

In his own words, there are as many as you want.

Within five minutes before and after, Huo Yang put away his mobile phone, raised his eyes and said concisely to the two of them: "It's all settled, I'll wait for the delivery tomorrow."

Yunxi and Yaoyue: "???!"

When Huo Yang walked away with the script book, they both looked at each other, and they both saw uncertainty in each other's eyes.

"What does it mean? Is that what I meant?"

"I-I don't know."

The two looked at each other and did not dare to follow up to ask, so they had to wait anxiously and eagerly for tomorrow.

The courier arrived at the same time in the afternoon of the next day. Yunxi and Yaoyue, who had been waiting for a day, explained well what an excited heart and trembling hands mean. Look.

Then they both boiled at the same time!

"Ticket! It's really a ticket!" Yunxi's ticket was for the recording of "Dancing the World", and it was also a very good front row area, which was something he never dared to think about before.

"Signed poster!" Yaoyue was about to run around excitedly. And there is a to sign, and her name is written, I wish her a smooth work and happy every day.

It is indeed Li Sui'an's handwriting, although the handwriting may also be counterfeited, but this is too real. And because it was given by Huo Yang, she didn't have the slightest suspicion.

She looked at Li Sui'an on the poster so that she could see the suffocated face and the signature on the poster, feeling that her blood was rushing, and she was dying of happiness.

Why is Rong Rong so powerful? The to sign can be obtained so quickly, does she... really know Li Sui'an?

Yao Yue glanced in the direction Huo Yang left, and pursed her lips. Although there are many guesses in her heart, she will definitely not talk nonsense everywhere, and she is very happy to get the autograph.

Yunxi and Yaoyue were very excited. If Huo Yang hadn't gone to work in another recording studio that day, the two would have already served tea, water, and leg massage.

But in the end, they all sent WeChat and sincerely expressed their thanks.

After Huo Yang finished work, he went to make an appointment.

He agreed to a meal appointment for two people at the same hotel, but at a different time.

Li Junting at nine o'clock, Qi Chen at ten thirty.

Li Junting was dressed brightly, looking forward to it in the luxurious private room, but only to see "Shen Rongrong" coming alone, she couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed, but she still had a smile on her face, "Mr. Huo What? Didn't you say we'd come together? Why, are you afraid I can't afford one more person?"

Huo Yang said calmly: "I have something to do, I can't come."

If she can't come, don't tell me sooner, so she can find an excuse to change the time. She wants to see the young master of the Huo family, not this woman. During this time, she consciously got a lot closer to Huo Yang, and it would be better if she could meet a few times.

Li Junting still smiled: "That's it, then it's good for the two of us to eat together."

"Really?" Huo Yang said with a smile, "then why did I look disappointed when I looked at you just now?"

Li Junting hurriedly waved her hand: "How is it possible? Why would you be disappointed to have dinner with you? You must have read it wrong. Let me tell you, the dishes here are really unique! You can order whatever you want. , please, don't be polite to me."

Li Junting changed the subject, Huo Yang bent the corner of his mouth, "truth?"

"Of course it's true."

Huo Yang said happily: "Okay."

Then he was really rude, and he chose the dishes recommended by the palace, with rare and expensive ingredients, and asked the chef to cook it himself. Roughly, a table would cost nearly 30,000…

Li Junting's original smile stiffened slightly. It's not that she can't afford it, and she spends a lot of money. It's normal for a package to be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but for her, spending all this money on "Shen Rongrong" really makes her very resentful.

But if she wanted to treat a guest, she said it herself, and she definitely couldn't go back on it, otherwise she would be slapped in the face.

Huo Yang's eyes are dark and bright, and his eyebrows are curved: "Actually, Huo Yang and I come here often, and we like a lot of things. But I'll take it easy because you are still a student. Better."

Li Junting only felt that a breath was stuck in her throat, neither up nor down, she laughed twice, took a cup of water to cover up her uncontrollable expression, and kept scolding in her heart.

While waiting for the food to be served, Li Junting tried to slow down and asked, "Did Mr. Huo not come because he was busy with the company?"

Huo Yang kept replying to someone's news with his mobile phone in his hand, without looking up, he said vaguely, "Well, yes."

Li Junting's eyes could not wait to stick to his screen to see, her body began to move forward, and her buttocks left the chair unconsciously.

Huo Yang was caught off guard and raised her eyes. She sat back down and brushed the hair beside her ears, "What's the matter, the food is so slow here." She whispered.

Huo Yang continued to chat, but raised the phone screen a little.

Li Junting noticed it, and felt more and more that she had a ghost in her heart, but because she couldn't see it, she was itching for a while, gnashing her teeth.

Huo Yang was actually chatting with Shen Rongrong. Shen Rongrong and Huo Chao were attending a dinner party. At this time, they were looking for a secluded place to send him a message.

Shen Rongrong: I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, I met Li Jundong at the banquet.

Shen Rongrong: He seems to want to chat with me very much, let someone pass the word to me, and ask to meet after the banquet.

Shen Rongrong: I agree.

Huo Yang: Why do you care about him?

Shen Rongrong: [drops of sweat]

Shen Rongrong: I just want to find out what purpose he is looking for instead of looking for you.

You can guess, it won't be a good thing anyway. But since she said so, Huo Yang didn't stop her.

Huo Yang: Then be careful.

Shen Rongrong: Well, you too.

Huo Yang: Don't worry.

After eating here, Li Junting was paying the bill, Huo Yang "accidentally" released the voice from Qi Chen: "It's coming soon." The second half was quickly pinched off.

Li Junting immediately turned her head and glanced at him, Huo Yang looked at her as if nothing had happened: "Are you all right? Let's go."

The author has something to say:Sorry, because it’s still Kaka, it doesn’t make much sense to write less and put it up, so I won’t put the leave request form, just like this a little more code Just put an update.

I promise not to be pitted, if you think the update is slow, you can wait until I finish it and watch it If I try harder, it shouldn't be too long.

Thank you~~!

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