MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 47

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The studio's live broadcast location is in the lounge. There is a long sofa against the wall, there are small sofas on the left and right sides, and the coffee table is full of snacks, fruits and hot drinks.

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the corner.

It's almost eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Ang won't be there until a while, and there are other members who are delayed, so there are a total of twelve participants at this time.

Huo Yang was originally sitting on the small sofa on the left, but he was pushed up by a few younger colleagues and pushed to the middle of the couch to sit.

Huo Yang quit: "I'll sit there." Because there is no need to crowd with people.

Yunxi pressed him back again with a serious face: "Just here, don't move any more!"

People in the studio are very casual, if there is no camera, they will sit as they want.

But they are still very concerned about the seat and standing in front of the camera.

In terms of qualifications, age, and current popularity, "Shen Rongrong" should not sit next to him.

Otherwise, as soon as the barrage comes out, those who are younger and less popular will be scolded.

If Lu Ang is not here, Shen Rongrong and Zhou Xinglan must sit in the C position.

In short, you can't put her in a corner if you kill her. So Yunxi's tone was very firm and unquestionable.

He turned around again, took a cup of hot cocoa and stuffed it to Huo Yang, and instructed again as if he was worried: "Sit here and don't move, the live broadcast will start soon."

Huo Yang: “…”

He saw Yunxi turn around to help move the audio equipment - I heard that we can sing live karaoke later. Shen Rongrong had told him before that he would play some games, interact with fans on the barrage, etc.

The project is quite rich.

One minute before eight o'clock, the lights in the lounge were bright, twelve people were seated, and those who couldn't sit down simply sat on the carpeted floor, with Christmas songs playing in the stereo, a festive atmosphere Full-bodied.

"Start now!" Assistant Xiao Fang greeted and opened the studio's Weibo account to start the live broadcast.

The fans who have been waiting for a long time poured in instantly, and the number of viewers increased every second.

The soaring fans of "Shen Rongrong" appeared at this time. Except for a few other members in the barrage, they were basically "Lu Ang" and "Shen Rongrong". The name is contracted.

Xiao Fang, the only one who can see the barrage page, sighed in a low voice, it seems that the studio is about to release another popular king.

Lu Ang hadn't come yet, and it didn't prevent his fans from swiping the screen to make a move.

Huo Yang was unaware of these, and after unconsciously drank two sips of hot cocoa, he was so sweet that he frowned, put the cup back, and leaned back on the sofa.

After everyone said hello, the fan song request session began.

The studio's routine is to use another mobile phone to take screenshots. The first comment on the screenshot says whichever song it is.

"The first one, the fans want Sister Rong Rong to sing..." Before Xiao Fang finished reading, Huo Yang stood up abruptly without saying a word. Under the gaze of people's eyes, he quickly disappeared from the camera.

The barrage was shocked, a question mark.

"Where is she going??"

"What's wrong with me??"

"What's wrong???"

"What's wrong with my sister? Are you uncomfortable??"

"Scare me! What happened!?"

Zhou Xinglan took control of the scene in time and explained: "She has a cold stomach in the past two days and is prone to nausea. It's okay, she will go back when she goes."

"Huh...that's the case, did you take medicine?"

"It hurts!"

"Take care of yourself."

"The weather is really bad recently, and several of my family have caught cold."

"Why haven't you come back? It must be very uncomfortable."

"If you don't allow Sister Rong to stop the live broadcast, go home and rest early."

Huo Yang was so tired of the hot drink that he got sick to his stomach. After vomiting, Yunxi and the other were singing duet at the same time. It was obviously a love song, but it sang a funny temperament, which provoked Laughter bursts.

After he sat down, he found that the hot cocoa in front of him had been replaced by a glass of boiled water, and the people next to him came over to ask him if he was better.

Huo Yang: "Much better."

After he sat down again, the fans were finally active again.

"It's good to come back, I wanted to hear my sister sing the full version of "Have You", but forget it qaq"

"It doesn't feel good."

"I don't want to sing anymore, let's have a good rest today."

"As long as you can see people, it's not too much."

"Sister drink more hot water."

Fans care about him very much, even if there are late fans clamoring to listen to him sing, they are told that he is not feeling well and will sing later when the live broadcast.

But not everyone noticed it, so after two rounds of song requests, it was still blocked.

Fans have a lot of resentment for the song "Have You", so I still ordered this song.

Huo Yang had no effect after vomiting, and he was in good condition. When he clicked on him again, he got up generously.

As soon as Yunxi was lying in front of the computer looking for an accompaniment, she heard Huo Yang say no.

He borrowed the guitar that his colleague had just used, sat in the middle of the venue, took a good posture, and fiddled with the strings twice.

Playing the guitar is a student thing, he thought he would be rusty, but he didn't expect that after he got it, he felt okay.

"My mom can play guitar??"

"It must be professional."

"What a surprise, what else would you not know???"

"Absolutely! My sister will also do well when she becomes an idol."

"The person I like is so good, I feel a little ashamed."

Colleagues in the studio were laughing and booing behind.

"Expert." "Amazing." "Look at our total size." "Quickly brush up on 66666!"

Yunxi squatted next to Huo Yang holding the microphone, and Xiaofang got closer with the phone.

Huo Yang's dark and bright eyes looked at the camera and said, "change a song, sing another song today."

The barrage swiped "Good good good good!"

Xiao Fang is the only one who can see the live broadcast screen. Huo Yang suddenly raised his eyes to look at the camera, his clear eyes seemed to penetrate the lens and looked at him.

He was unprepared, his heart skipped a beat when he saw these eyes, he stammered before reciting the barrage: "She, they said yes."

"Look up and kill! awsl!"

"Cover my heart..."

"Deep in my sister's beauty."

"I listen to everything my sister sings, I like everything!"

"It's a pity, I really want to hear if the full version is available, but I'll be content if you sing."

"Come on! I'm ready!"

Huo Yang lowered his eyes slightly, fiddled with the strings, and began to sing.

“Do you remember the sunshine of childhood

The butterfly flower

It blooms beautifully on your head

exuding innocence

Grow up slowly

Change without notice

The Eternal Oath of First Love


Who can keep the heart unchanged

See the vicissitudes of life

Don't cry Don't cry and tell me

There is no ageless beauty

Who learns not to cry easily

Don't sigh Don't sigh and tell me

There is no ageless beauty


A little sad world, people can't help but hold their breath, for fear of destroying this mood.

Colleagues on the sofa shook their arms in accordance with the rhythm, without making any sound, except for his singing.

Yunxi, who had already heard him sing live, thought she was immune, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't control his round eyes, and looked at him with admiration while holding the microphone.

At this moment, Lu Ang came back with his bag on his back. When he came in and saw this scene, he was stunned for a while, and then he lightened his pace.

He planned to wait for the person to finish singing before entering the mirror, but when she heard it, Sister Quan caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of the screen, and hurriedly waved to him, gesturing him to go over.

Lu Ang had to walk quietly, sit down in the empty seat they left, and continue listening to the song.

Lu Ang's fans finally got to him, and they swiped with excitement. Shen Rongrong's fans were even more excited than them, and started the screen melee again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Sister! I'm calling for my sister!"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

"What kind of fairy lady is this, I can't get out of the pit!"

"Lu Ang Lu Ang Lu Ang Come and see Lu Ang, the only handsome guy in our circle."

"Ange is so old but hard to hide his handsomeness."

"Sister, I love you so much."

"I announced that from the moment I raised my eyes, my sister was my wife."

"Hurry up and sing, Ang Ge should have one too!"

"Sister is a treasure, the more you dig, the more surprises you will get."

"Are all your voice actors so amazing? It's so good to cry!"

"Giving my knee to my sister."

"Lu Ang is so handsome!"

"Sister Rong Rong sings with emotion, which makes people intoxicated unconsciously."

Huo Yang finished the song, put away the guitar and handed it back to the staff, slowly got up and walked back to his seat. The audience continued to be silent for a few seconds, and there were applause and cheers, and some people whistled.

Xiao Fang was ashamed and announced that there would be another round of K-songs. The two comments were all confessions to Shen Rongrong, so they had to be cut again, and finally Lu Ang was cut.

This time he sang, and the atmosphere continued to be hot.

After singing two more songs, it was time for the game.

It's still a screenshot of the fans' comments, similar to Yun Truth or Dare, if it's not too much, just answer, or do the same.

Otherwise, boys will be punished with ten push-ups and girls with ten sit-ups.

The first one is Lu Ang.

The fan asked him to call the fifteenth person in the address book order, say I miss you, and see how the other party reacts.

Lu Ang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, he silently opened his phone and looked at it. When he saw who the fifteenth was, his face changed slightly, and he waved his hands again and again: "No, no, this person is not. I'm too familiar, I don't dare to disturb others too much. I admit the punishment."

The barrage noticed that he was abnormal, and they were making trouble, "Won't it be a girl?" "Brother Ang, don't scare me with your reaction!" Let's go!" "Oh, I'm playing too big..."

Lu Ang took the phone and looked at the barrage, speechless for a moment, and said, "It's a man! It's just that I've only met him once, what do I think... Okay, I'll try it out. ."

Lu Ang felt a little nervous in his heart, dialed the phone, and turned on the outside voice.

It rang four times but didn't answer, Lu Ang closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, he probably didn't save his number, it's normal not to answer.

I was about to hang up when a pleasant male voice came from the opposite side: "Hello?"

Huo Yang, who was drinking water, almost spewed out the water when he heard the sound. His beautiful eyes were full of angry fire, and he stared at Lu Ang.

"Wow, it's really a man!"


"Is it also a CV?"

"Who is it! This voice-activated radar is on!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay if it's not a woman."

Shen Rongrong told Huo Yang about lending money to Lu Ang, he knew that the two of them had added WeChat, but it was just to pay back the money, and they didn't have much contact.

I didn't expect it to be on the phone during the live broadcast! ? ?

Besides, she picked up so quickly? ? !

Lu Ang's eyes lit up, showing an expression of unexpected joy, inexplicably a little nervous: "I'm really sorry to disturb you at this time."

"It's okay, I'm outside with my friends." The man opposite said in a gentle voice: "What? Are you looking for something?"

"Uh, um..." When he asked that, Lu Ang suddenly regretted it. He shouldn't have made this phone call impulsively just now, because this kind of thing would trouble him...

But at this time, it is already difficult to ride a tiger, and it is even more strange not to say anything. Just explain it to him after completing the task, I hope he doesn't get angry.

Lu Ang thought about it this way, turned his heart away, and said quickly, "It's nothing, I just miss you so much."

Huo Yang stabbed Lu Ang with his eye knife.

Lu Ang didn't have the time to pay attention to these at this time, and waited anxiously for the other party's answer.

Unexpectedly, there was a low laugh over there, no embarrassment, no anger or suspicion, but said firmly: "I knew you called me, there must be a reason, on the show Or live?"

Lu Ang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Yeah, you guessed it."

The other side asked: "How do I cooperate?"

Lu Ang said: "No, they just want to see your reaction."

Smiles across: "My reaction must have been boring and let them down."

Lu Ang was always polite and polite: "No, no, now the task has been completed. Sorry for bothering you, you can continue to play with your friends."

"Okay, have fun."

The phone hung up, Lu Ang breathed a sigh of relief, and realized that his brain was heating up.

The barrage didn't say it was boring, and they were discussing three other topics.

First, why do you feel so nervous? It's really unfamiliar.

Second, the voice over the phone is so good, and it sounds very temperamental and rich. I don't know why.

Third, what happened to Sister Rongrong? The eyes are going to kill hahaha.

Huo Yang nibbled at the potato chips fiercely, scolding women as big pig hooves, and was called by surprise.

Xiao Fang said: "Sister Rongrong, fans want to see your mobile wallpaper."

Xiao Fang approached. There's nothing to watch. Huo Yang took out his phone from his pocket and showed it to the camera after the screen was on.

The wallpaper is a hand-painted sunflower pattern, which Shen Rongrong has always used, he has never changed it.

"So chic."

"It's so beautiful, get the same wallpaper quickly!"

"Not bad."

"Does my sister like sunflowers?"

The barrage was starting to discuss, and a WeChat message popped up on the screen of the displayed mobile phone.

An An is not casual: [Voice]

Huo Yang felt the phone vibrate and took a glance. Fans must have seen it just now.

But they definitely don't know Li Sui'an's WeChat name, even if they know the same name, it's no big deal.

Huo Yang looked calm, nothing happened, and said to Xiao Fang: "Okay, the wallpaper has been read, you can go to the next one."

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