MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 43

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In the middle of the night, Huo Yang opened his eyes, and the person beside him breathed evenly and fell asleep.

He got up lightly, put on his clothes, put on his shoes, and quietly went to the study.

Open the notebook and start checking the monitoring. The light from the screen is reflected in the dark eyes, and the mood is dark and unclear.

From the moment he saw the divorce agreement, he was sure that Rong Rong prepared it.

He didn't have any doubts in his mind at the time. After all, he did have a lot of deficiencies after the reaction, and it was reasonable for Rong Rong not to be disappointed with him. So I decided to not pick it out first, and use actions to save her.

But Rongrong has always been warm and gentle to him during this time, it doesn't seem like he has any feelings for him at all.

Especially this evening she was very firm in answering him: she said she was not disappointed in him, she said he was fine.

Huo Yang faintly realized what was wrong at the time, so he patiently waited for Shen Rongrong to fall asleep and got up to find out.

The room where the divorce agreement was kept was Shen Rongrong's frequent visit.

After thinking about it, he can already conclude that the divorce agreement has nothing to do with Shen Rongrong.

Because the thing was taken away by him for so long, she did not have any abnormal reaction, nor did she test him, obviously she did not know.

Sure enough, I checked the monitor, and finally found that when the cleaning aunt was wiping the cabinet with her back to the monitor, she paused suspiciously for more than ten seconds, and could vaguely feel that something was stuffed inside.

That was where Huo Yang turned to the divorce agreement. His eyes were dark and he sneered.

This aunt was introduced by a trusted housekeeper, and she left for physical reasons after a while. Of course he didn't think too much about such trivial matters, but he didn't want to think that there were ghosts in it.

This agreement was fortunately discovered by him, and he would definitely ask Shen Rongrong to question it, but if Shen Rongrong discovered it first, the situation would be completely different.

When he doesn't know, she will be farther and farther away from him.

Besides, the divorce agreement is only the first step, and there will definitely be follow-ups waiting.

Huo Yang's expression was cold and biting, and he put the divorce agreement into a shredder and shredded it.

Don't think he knows who did it.

That woman is really hard to change, she will never repent. She never cared about who he liked, all she wanted was to realize her perverted desire for control in him.

It's ridiculous. Did she really think that everyone would obey her will?

Huo Yang calmed down, he didn't plan to go to that woman now. Now that he has become Rongrong, he wants to see what tricks she will do.

Just after finishing the process, Shen Rongrong's voice came from the door of the study: "Husband, what are you doing when you're not sleeping?"

Huo Yang's face was gloomy and abrupt, turned around and smiled at her, walked over and said, "It's nothing, just suddenly remembered that there are a few important emails to deal with, so I got up and got it."

Shen Rongrong was still a little sleepy, and without any doubt, reached out to hold him and asked, "Is that dealt with?"

"It's ready, let's go back to sleep." With a thought, Huo Yang walked around behind her and lay on her back, patted her shoulder: "carry me back."

Shen Rongrong smiled softly and carried him easily.

Huo Yang put his arms around her neck and kissed her **** her ear. When she took two steps, he suddenly said without warning: "I ask you, if I am really a woman, and you It's a man, will you marry me?"

Shen Rongrong did not answer immediately. Huo Yang was immediately displeased, grabbed her earlobe and said viciously, "Why do you hesitate!? Say it!"

This is not for her to answer at all, the standard answer is with him, and the wrong answer is to send the proposition.

Huo Yang tugged at her ear again dissatisfied, Shen Rongrong tilted her head to avoid, and added with a chuckle: "Of course the most important thing is because I like you in my heart."

Huo Yang hummed: "it's almost the same."

Shen Rongrong put him back on the bed: "Okay, go to sleep."

Huo Yang stared at her face with burning eyes, when she just lay down, she pulled the quilt and covered the two of them inside.

"Don't make trouble..." Shen Rongrong said in a low voice, not knowing where he came out in the middle of the night, but he still did not escape.

Huo Yang: "Tell me, do you love me? Are you reluctant to leave me?"

Shen Rongrong said softly, "Yes."

Huo Yang's breath was heavy, and he kissed her tightly. The two rolled in the quilt for a while, and whispered a few words before hugging each other and continuing to sleep.

Shen Rongrong is tall now, Huo Yang habitually cuddles in her arms, his arms are on her, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

The thorn in his heart because of the divorce agreement was finally pulled out, he is now relieved and relaxed and happy, his eyes are wide open, and there is no sleepiness.

On the day of the broadcast of "Tomorrow's Love", "Mortal Tribulation" also released the final dubbing version at seven o'clock.

Even though many people said before that they would not watch the dubbed version, but when it was released, they all silently opened the video review.


Zude, all I find will be deleted and blocked.

—However, it turned out that her worries were too much!

The heroine and supporting roles are the first to appear. The heroine's voice is playful and cute, not bad, and the barrage is complimenting.


"Not bad."

"Pretty cute."

"It matches the face of the heroine."

Some people in the barrage also swiped words such as "come here", "don't open your mouth to destroy", "my Rong Ye" and so on.

Then, next, Rong Ye opened his mouth and said the first line.

It was said to the mistress who was hiding and peeking at him, very brief: "Who? Come out."

The style before and after the bullet screen has changed a lot.

"???The sound is good!!"

"Hey, it seems to be more than enough."

"Fortunately, it's better than I thought, keep reading."

"This is just the beginning, the main event is in the middle and later stages, I hope you can grasp it well and don't slap me in the face."

"The lines are nice! I'm relieved."

In a few more minutes.

"Really good!"

"So good."

"It's a good match, I'm starting to get excited!"

"The low panting makes my legs go soft, this night is great!"

In this way, ten minutes after the progress bar, the style of painting has already advanced violently by several levels.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, the sound is so good, I can do it, I can do it!!"

"Rong Ye Rong Ye This is Rong Ye!"

"This indulgent chuckle! I'm dead, I'm dead, I've died ten thousand times!"

"I'm really satisfied with this night!"

“…Gan!! I’m so fragrant!”

“Confession CV! I love you guys!”

What not to dub! Any dubbing will be turned black, and what will never be seen in this version, everything is counted!

Who said it, I didn't say it anyway!

Slowly, there was abuse between the heroine and the hero, and the two tortured each other, the night was domineering, sad, strong, desperate, wronged, painful, etc. All kinds of emotions are more vivid and touching under the god-like interpretation of the dubbing, which completely makes people forget the awkwardness of the mouth shape not matching, and also completely makes people forget that this is actually just a edited drama.

As if such a show really existed.

The barrage in the middle and late stages has gone crazy.

"My Rongye is alive! 5555555."

"I cried and really cried, how could I be so well deserved!"

"Fuck, this forbearance cry is too good!!"

"Too high energy, my blood is boiling!"

"I turned into a screaming chicken tonight, and the whole community became deaf because of me."

"Isn't this really a full play? I'm in a trance..."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohoo, the mountain is too fairy, what virtue I have accumulated in my last life can I meet such a good production!"

"Rong Ye is here tonight, I can't think of a more suitable match than Wu Han and Kong Shan!"

"I have a hunch it's going to be a classic."

"Ow ooh my goose bumps."

"The wind is strong, the empty mountains are big, you are my father, I kneel down for you!"

"I'm dying on this video today."

"I burst into tears, and I give you my life."

"Watching the subtitled version is just tortured to the point of heartache, watching the dubbed version is tortured to the point where my heart is bleeding..."

The end of the play, play the prologue.

"Catch the God of Kongshan is a mad kiss!"

"Rong Ye, Rong Ye, you are Rong Ye!"

"Thank you for giving Rong Ye the soul, I really appreciate it."

"The Great God of Kongshan! You are my Great God!"

"Are you a fairy?"

"From now on, Rong Ye will be you in my mind."

"Why did I despise you before, I repented a million times qaq"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa's'esesesssesssnrses stoes!"

"I exploded into a splendid firework 360 degrees spiral into the sky and spelled it into three big characters: I can!"

"You are too spleen, aren't you really a big vest?"

"I haven't recovered yet. I'm going to re-flash 10,000 times. See you at the beginning."

"I'm getting too excited right now because I don't have any expectations."

"Empty Mountain, if Wu Han really plays the mortal world in the future, would you like to dub it too? I beg!"

It's been more than an hour since it was posted, and the barrage has nearly 20,000, and there are more than 2,000 comments. In comparison, the presence of the heroine CV is much weaker.

When the wind blows, the Weibo is going crazy, and the comments are also repenting.

It has to be a sentence: "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have questioned you before. You and Kongshan God are really too strong!"

Because of Aite’s Weibo when the wind was blowing, Shen Rongrong was on Weibo at eleven o’clock in the evening, planning to see the finished product of “Mortal Tribulation”. The numbers were stunned.

I looked through it a few times, all of which were compliments, she smiled happily, and clicked on the main film to watch it from beginning to end.

The plot has not changed in general, but the connection is smoother than before, the tone is more uniform, and the dubbing is added. (

I went to station C to watch the bullet screen version again... Well, I went there and found that I couldn't see her face clearly, she still quit.

Because this video itself has a lot of fans, plus the dubbing fairy, the barrage and clicks rise like a rocket, and after one night, they rushed to the top of the list.

The video was moved to the forum for discussion, and there were also enthusiastic reposts by big Vs on Weibo. Soon this video became popular, and various tourist groups were airborne.

In less than a day, the four words "Words of the Empty Mountain" have grown in popularity.

Shen Rongrong's Weibo followers soared by more than 20,000.

This is not over yet. On the third day of the video's fire, the producer of the copyright owner of "Mortal Tribulation" reposted the Weibo when the wind rose.

—[thumbs] is amazing!

It has long been rumored that "Mortal Tribulation" was casting some time ago, and the male protagonist is likely to be Wu Han.

The producer suddenly retweeted, most likely to take advantage of the situation to stir up the heat. The original work of "Mortal Tribulation" is very popular, and the production team is also very good. It is a good cake and has a high degree of attention. Sure enough, after coming out like this, it caused a lot of speculation about the casting.

As usual, star fans have long criticized and criticized "take away, unofficial announcement will not make an appointment", and will not provide heat, but Wu Han's fans have a clear style of painting.

"Wu Han's acting skills are good and dedicated, and he fits well with Rong Ye. Kangkang my brother!"

"Brother, don't pick your feet, go to the audition for acting! Shock!"

"About us! As long as there is bread, we will make an appointment!"

"I'll lick this cake first!"

"Yes, my brother is quite suitable, Rong Ye tonight."

"Wu Han, you play it for me, this dubbing is good, I'll settle it first."

They did their best to repost, publicize and build momentum, and were ridiculed by people for "it looks ugly, if it's not your brother in the end, I'm not afraid of embarrassment!" People replied calmly: At most, we won't embarrass my brother. Embarrassing, licking is earning!

"Wu Han Fan Chen Jie" quickly became a hot search, so this clip video when the wind was blowing was once again pushed to an unprecedented popularity.

This was completely unexpected before. Seeing the number of clicks soared, I was shocked when the wind blew.

She edited with Wu Han because she liked him.

Shen Rongrong used to play the voice for several years, and his Weibo fans have not yet exceeded 100,000.

She changed her vest, and in less than a week, the number of fans has approached 100,000. This is really time and fate.

She could not laugh or cry.

Li Sui'an is a teenager who is addicted to the Internet. Of course, he will not miss the latest hot topics. After watching the video, he came to discuss with Shen Rongrong in amazement.

An An is not casual: [Link: Dubbed Version of Mortal Tribulation]

An An is not casual: wow, this is so amazing, it's cut like the real thing.

An An is not casual: Brother-in-law, take a look.

Mr. Huo: I have seen it.

An An is not casual: the voice of the male protagonist is really good, and the more I listen, the more I feel that it is a bit like your brother-in-law.

This is one of the reasons why he thought of discussing with his brother-in-law.

Mr. Huo: Really? I didn't pay much attention to it when I listened to it.

Mr. Huo: You seem to be saying that.

Shen Rongrong did not intend to take off his vest in front of him.

An An is not casual: [laughs haha]

An An is not casual: Brother-in-law, you also know a lot about dubbing. If you do it, you will definitely be no worse than him.

Mr. Huo: Really?

An An is not casual: Of course!

An An is not casual: I heard news from the industry, it seems that Wu Han's male lead has really been decided, and the contract has been signed.

An An is not casual: just wait for the official announcement.

An An is not casual: this video is so popular, the filmmaker will definitely ask this empty mountain language to match the male protagonist.

An An is not casual: The little transparent who has just debuted has soared, which is really amazing.

Mr. Huo: Haha. Yeah, good luck.

For Shen Rongrong, this development is really unexpected.

After the words of the empty mountain became popular, many people in the forum began to pick her up, trying to see if it was the vest of someone in the circle, but in the end they found nothing.

When the wind picked up, she quickly contacted Shen Rongrong. She had a friend named Dian Caihong. She planned to make a novel fan song PV, mainly singing pictures, but needed to insert/insert a few male sentences main line.

Now there is a very strong will to find her to record.

She is very happy to be able to receive work even while wearing a vest.

As long as there are no black spots in the future, she should take over the practice.

As Christmas is approaching, Huo Yang's "Meeting with Big Coffee" will finally be broadcast at 8 pm.

Several girls from the radio drama group were in Aite, asking him if he had time, and wanted to watch it together with Mic, so that it would be more lively.

Huo Yang replied inside.

Shen Rongrong: Available.

Shen Rongrong: But, I want to go home and watch with my husband.

Shen Rongrong: [cute cheek jpg]

They noticed that since Shen Rongrong's official announcement in the circle of friends, it was like a flood that was unstoppable and began to show her husband. When chatting with colleagues, she would mention "How is my husband?" Friendship circle related to husband. Of course, this husband will never be able to see his face, and the mystery is so heart-wrenching,

Although no one has really seen the husband he talks about so far, no one in the circle suspects that she is not married.

Screenwriter - Meow: Have you noticed that Sister Rongrong has been very rebellious recently.

Later period - Jia coconut: not ordinary rebellious

Producer-Lost: This is probably the power of love.

Screenwriter - Meow: How did I find out, why are we the only ones talking in the group recently qaq

Screenwriter - Meow: Ang Ge may not be bubbling for a long time.

Later stage-Jiayou: [covering his face and crying] You won't really think we are noisy, just block us all.

Windless: What are you thinking?

Windless: ==|||

Some people are excited: Catch Ang Ge! !

Windless: I have too much work recently, I am a little busy, but I will still watch you chat when I have time.

Windless: Very decompressed.

Screenwriter-Meow: Hahaha!

Producer-Lost: When you have time, let’s join the water group.

Later period-Jiayou: Busy, busy, busy.

Later period - Jia coconut: [Old mother sigh jpg]

Although they are not from Shanfeng Studio, they are all in the same circle, and there are some rumors when some things are passed on.

It is said that Lu Ang and Sister Rong Rong have been in conflict recently, so they don't talk much. They actually wanted to know what was going on, but they only dared to think about it, no one dared to ask.

After the dub circle solves one unsolved mystery, I am afraid there will be another one.