MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 40

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That night, Shen Rongrong, who hasn't updated his Moments for a long time, updated.

Shen Rongrong: With you by my side for more than half a year, every second is happiness.

An attached photo.

Although the other party did not show his face, some people can see the young and noble temperament only by looking at the hair and the back of the head.

Although the picture is simple, the emotions flow freely, plus the meaning of the words, you don't need to think much to know the relationship between the two of them.

As soon as this one was posted, there were more than 30 comments in the blink of an eye, all of them were amazed.

"! OMG!! What did I see???!"

"Oh oh oh! Is that what I thought??!"

"I'm going~ Xiao Rong'er, you are really married!"

"You are finally willing to post, one of the ten unsolved mysteries in the dubbing circle has finally been solved, but when will you post a positive face? [cover face laugh]"

"Is this an official announcement??? Congratulations!"

"Oh yo yo! Let me come to Kang Kang Who is this."

"I feel like a handsome guy, don't be low-key anymore, when will you bring it out to meet [grin]"

"My God, congratulations to my sister Rong, only today did I believe that you really didn't fool me, hahaha."

"In the future, let's sunbathe more, don't always touch it quietly, waiting to eat your wedding candy."

Sister Quan also posted: "Congratulations."

Li Sui'an is also very fast: "Wow wow wow, swallow this dog food with tears."

From getting in the car to going home, there have been more than 100 replies in the circle of friends, all of which are from colleagues and friends. Each comment is either with a question mark or an exclamation mark. .

After all, as said in the comments, Shen Rongrong's marital status has become one of the ten unsolved mysteries in the dubbing circle.

It has been more than half a year, and now it suddenly comes, who is not surprised?

Han Ziyu, who just added Huo Yang's WeChat not long ago, also silently gave a like. The radio drama group and the group of dubbing colleagues are talking about this, which can be said to have caused a sensation in the circle.

Huo Yang was half leaning on the bed, he only looked around, the corners of his mouth were upturned, and he didn't go in to reply.

At this point, his heart was much more comfortable.

This is long overdue.

Huo Yang threw the phone aside, pushed Shen Rongrong who was still reading the comments, climbed on top of her, and leaned down to kiss her.

After kissing, with big eyes and small eyes, there was a silent silence.

It will take nearly two years, and the two of them can only watch like this... Just thinking about it, Huo Yang's heart that was already hot will dry up in an instant.

In the end, they turned off the lights and lay down, covering the quilt and chatting.

Huo Yang is more lethargic now. He gets tired when he talks, and falls asleep in her arms.

Shen Rongrong kissed his forehead, hugged him and fell asleep.

When Huo Yang went to the studio the next day, he was surrounded by all kinds of jokes. Huo Yang smiled and chatted with them.

"It's all confessed to love, when will it be brought to us all to see?"

"That's right, I don't show my face in the photo, I'm so anxious."

"What does your husband do?"

"How is your mother-in-law, how is she?"

Lu Ang passed by with the script book, and was stunned when he saw him surrounded by the crowd.

Huo Yang's eyes met him inadvertently. Lu Ang's body stiffened slightly, twitching the corners of his lips, and smiled at him in a low voice, "Congratulations."

Huo Yang nodded slightly, then continued to chat with the person next to him.

Lu Ang stared intently for a while, it was as if a stone was stuck in his throat, it was extremely dull.

"Mr. Shen, come and take a Polaroid, you need to sign!" Studio assistant Xiao Fang came over with a camera in his hand and shouted.

Huo Yang walked over after hearing it, and cooperated with Xiao Fang to choose a place to take pictures.

"Sit here and take a picture."

"Yes, yes, this pose is fine."

"Wow, not bad."

Xiao Fang admired while taking pictures, after all the pictures were taken, Xiao Fang's self-confidence in his photographic skills soared: "This is also very good, it looks like a magazine cover. "

The surrounding environment is very ordinary, Huo Yang's movements are also very casual, but there is a kind of indescribable style between his gestures, his eyes are very special, and the shooting effect is excellent.

Xiao Fang took a golden pen to sign for him, there were three in total, and Huo Yang signed them in a few strokes.

Xiao Fang took a closer look, then looked at Huo Yang in surprise and smiled: "Mr. Shen, your signature style is too cool, it's completely different from before."

Just like him, he has changed a lot.

It used to be a beautiful and lovely font, and it looks like it was written by a girl. But this signature pen is sharp, just like him now, with a sharp and threatening edge.

Huo Yang said casually: "It's just the font, it's normal to change the style."

Xiao Fang praised: "Multi-talented and hidden, I heard Brother Liu say that you can speak French. You are really talented in dubbing here." Brother Liu is from Shanfeng Studio sound engineer.

Xiao Fang inadvertently blinked and saw Lu Angan quietly pestering there, hurriedly beckoning: "Mr. Lu, come quickly, you have to take a picture too."

Huo Yang had already walked away to do something else, Lu Ang approached, picked up a few photos he put on the sofa, glanced at the signature, his long eyelashes trembled, and he exhaled.

It's different, it's really different.

Why is this...

Shen Rongrong was driving to the orphanage when she heard WeChat messages on her mobile phone. After arriving, she was not in a hurry to get out of the car, and took her mobile phone to check.

There are Huo Yang, Lu Ang, and when the wind blows.

Shen Rongrong looked at Huo Yang first and asked about the itinerary routinely.

Huo Yang: Where have you been?

Shen Rongrong replied: I went to see the elders at noon with my eldest brother and sister-in-law. I will come to the orphanage when I have time in the afternoon.

Then look at Lu Ang. After Lu Ang added him to pay back the money last time, he did not delete each other. He would occasionally chat with her.

Lu Ang: Come out and invite you to a meal when you have time.

Lu Ang: I haven't thanked you for the last time.

Shen Rongrong is a man now, he must have no other intentions to ask him to eat, but after thinking about it, he politely refused.

She was worried that because the two were too familiar, she would accidentally reveal the contents.

The last is when the wind blows.

When the wind rises: Great God, I found a "Words of Empty Mountain" on Weibo, which is the same avatar as your voice celebrity show.

When the wind blows: Is that you? If so, I'll follow it right away!

Shen Rongrong replied: It's me.

When the wind blows: wow wow, ok!

When the wind blows: By the way, the voice of the heroine of "Mortal Tribulation" has also been handed in. I will revise the video again and I will post it in a few days.

When the wind blows: then you will be praised=v=

It was a pity when the wind picked up. The female lead vocals I found were okay to listen to, but compared with the male lead, they were a lot inferior. But this is also something she can't do. She has been searching for a long time, and this is the best she can find within her ability. The male lead voice was a complete surprise.

Shen Rongrong got out of the car and handed over the things he bought to someone to move in. Before she took a few steps, she heard a burst of laughter inside, as if children were playing games.

Shen Rongrong stepped up a little, went in and saw that on the small playground, a young and beautiful girl was playing ball with the children.

Shen Rongrong stood still, the girl turned her head suddenly, her eyes suddenly full of surprise: "It's you!"

Shen Rongrong smiled lightly at her: "It's me."

It was the girl with a slap in the foot that I met here. I didn't expect to meet it again by coincidence. Judging by the way she was jumping around, her feet should be fully healed.

How can it be a coincidence? Shen Rongrong didn't know that last time Li Junting asked her friend to send her back to the orphanage after he left to see her feet, and asked the people inside about her identity.

But I didn't expect that the people here are very strict, intimidating and enticing, and they won't reveal a word.

She was furious and full of loss. After returning home, she kept crying, making her parents cry, and for a while helping her to ask around.

My feet are healed, but the person I was looking forward to has not yet appeared.

Just when she could barely hold on, this person finally came!

Li Junting only felt that her originally gloomy heart became clear in an instant, and fragrant flowers bloomed, and her mood became full of sweet taste.

Li Junting ran over to talk to her.

"My name is Kim Nami, how about you?" Because of her father, she used to say her Korean name when making friends outside.

"Huo Yang."

Li Junting raised her hand and brushed the hair on the side of her ear, looking at her affectionately: "The name is so nice."

Shen Rongrong also felt that her name was very special, and her eyes could not help but ask a little question. Li Junting immediately understood what she meant, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I'm Korean." She has been Korean since she was a child, and even if her mother married his father, she couldn't change it.

Shen Rongrong nodded clearly: "Your Chinese is pretty good." She couldn't hear her accent at all.

Li Junting said truthfully: "Because my mother taught me to learn Chinese since I was a child, there is no problem in communicating with people."

Shen Rongrong smiled slightly and did not answer.

Like last time, Shen Rongrong looked at the children, sent them the things they bought, and played with them for more than an hour.

Li Junting was with her the whole time, but her attention was not on the child, and she was completely sucked away by the man beside her.

She stared at his warm and quiet smile, her heart seemed to be violently hit by something, and her brain burst into heat, she felt like she was about to faint.

Why did such a good man get married before he met her?

Li Junting took a deep breath, and her full of passion suddenly turned into resentment and jealousy.

Who owns him? No matter who it was, she felt dissatisfied.

Shen Rongrong didn't interact much with Li Junting except for the polite greeting at the beginning.

Huo Yang's appearance is too confusing, the little girl probably accidentally said, and her eager eyes were not concealed when she looked at her. She thinks it's better to keep a distance, so as not to really cause any trouble.

After Shen Rongrong said goodbye to the children, she planned to withdraw.

Li Junting chased after her with a hug, and naturally accosted him: "I'm leaving now? Where are you going?"

She got a little closer, Shen Rongrong moved away from her without a trace, and said, "Go pick up my wife from get off work." In fact, it was still early for Huo Yang to get off work.

Li Junting bit her lip and asked with a smile: "What does your wife do? To be with you, she must be a very good person."

"Of course, he's fine." Shen Rongrong's expression was indifferent, he nodded to indicate that he was leaving first, then walked to the side of the car with long legs and drove away.

"Hey, wait, wait..." Li Junting couldn't keep her at all, and she stumbled angrily as she watched her car go away.

Although I asked for his name, I still don’t know what he does, where he lives, and whether he can be found next time is unknown.

When she was angry and sad, Li Jundong called and Li Junting answered: "Why? Say something."

She was in a bad mood and had a bad tone.

Li Jundong didn't care much, and said with a low smile, "What's wrong with my little princess? Dad finally found out the identity of that person for you, don't you want to hear it?"

"Really??" The call came too timely, Li Junting was ecstatic, and immediately said: "Speak up, speak up! Who is he?"

"Look at you, I'm happy, is that person more important than dad?"

Li Junting said: "Of course you are important, tell me who it is?"

Li Jundong didn't give a **** anymore, and said directly: "He is the second son of the Huo Group, a serious wealthy family, daughter, your vision is really good enough."

The second son of the Huo Group... Yes, his name is Huo Yang.

The dullness just now disappeared, and Li Junting was elated: "That must be good, can I like it if it is worse?" She had heard of the Huo family, and this net worth was better than she imagined She couldn't be more satisfied.

"But..." Li Jundong added: "As far as I know, he got married more than half a year ago."

"I know he is married." Li Junting said indifferently: "It is not absolute to be married, just like you and my mother are not..."

"Stop, stop." Li Jundong said earnestly: "Can this be the same? You are still wishful thinking, I am afraid people don't even know who you are."

"Now is now, can you tell in the future?"

Li Jundong is still pouring cold water: "Jun Ting, I think you should forget it, but Dad heard that the second son of the Huo family is not easy to mess with, I'm worried that you will suffer from him. "

"No." Li Junting immediately retorted: "Others are nice, but gentle."

"Really? That's not what Dad heard."

He seemed to want to say something else, but Li Junting didn't want to hear it, and interrupted him directly: "I don't care, I want him! You go and check with me immediately, who he married and what he did Yes, am I beautiful? I have to find out all of them, and I will find a way to replace them!"

Li Jundong had no choice but to say: "Okay, listen to you, I'll go check it out for you." He reminded her: "But Dad has something to say in the front, and I will ask for it later. How about you, don't make any news for me."

"I know, I will be careful." Li Junting hung up the phone, looking in the direction where Shen Rongrong left, showing a complacent smile.

Huo Yang now has two animes, an audio novel, and the "Misty Forest" to be recorded soon.

There are not many anime lines, only one episode in one to two weeks, the workload is not heavy. After reading the audiobook that day, he opened a video in the lounge to discuss the script with Han Ziyu.

Han Ziyu was worried that he would be nervous at first, and planned to chat for a while before starting. I didn't expect him to be much more relaxed than he thought, and his expression did not waver: "Let's start directly."

Han Ziyu smiled: "Okay."

This drama tells the story of Qiu Yichi, the eldest and heroine who was originally indifferent to the world, was forced to flee to France after being tragically betrayed by relatives, friends and fiancé. She was overwhelmed with pain and regretted that she had met the male protagonist in France who forced her to grow up and become powerful. Three years later, she was reborn like Nirvana, returned to China to take revenge, and mercilessly stepped on those who harmed her to **** one by one, and took back the company.

In the early stage, the heroine was still carefree, but in the short-term despair and pain, in the later stage, the killing was decisive and merciless.

There is a very obvious change in the mood of the third paragraph, so the dubbing should also be changed.

Han Ziyu loves this character very much, chatted with Huo Yang for nearly an hour, and even put forward her own ideas on how to express the key lines. After the video ended, she sent him the character biography she wrote to help him understand the characters more deeply.

Han Ziyu: I listened to several auditions at the time, and I chose you without hesitation because I thought you were too suitable.

Han Ziyu: It will be your hard work next, I believe we can complete this role together.

Han Ziyu: If I have time, I will definitely come to visit the class.

Han Ziyu: Thank you ^^

Not long after the chat, Huo Yang found that Han Ziyu was following his Weibo.

This time he has become more proficient in his business and will return soon.

I then called Shen Rongrong and shared it with her.

Encountering such a crew and such an actor, Shen Rongrong was extremely relieved to hear: "Treasure with your heart and perform well."

Her dubbing for so many years, such a TV series is really rarer than pandas.

Huo Yang: "Well, listen to my wife."

After chatting a few more words and hanging up, Huo Yang saw the message Li Sui'an had just posted in the group.

An An is not casual: sister, sister, husband! I am free tonight!

An An is not casual: let's have a meal together! !

An An is not casual: [holding heart and looking forward to jpg]

Li Sui'an lives up to the "black and red" label, and has been scolded recently because he threw the gifts from fans directly into the trash.

Li Sui'an's big fan has issued a statement that he confiscates the gift at all, it was the fan who forced it. And fans aren't actually fans. They're a notorious illegitimate child. They don't go to work every day.

Li Sui'an knew her early, and she forced her into a gift. How many people took pictures with their mobile phones, but they threw it into the trash can next to her without any cover, with a cold expression that scared people to death.

In the circle, who is not troubled by illegitimate children?

Words, after all, the sky and the earth are big, and it is not illegal for people to walk here, right?


In the end, even if you are patient and reason with her, she may become more excited because you talk to her, and then continue to follow you like a ghost to satisfy her inner desires.

This simply cannot be stopped.

But Li Sui'an has always been very clear about his private attitude, so clear that there is no room for him. The rice is fucked.

Because of this, he caused a lot of criticism. There are also many illegitimate students who have compiled a lot of black material that does not exist because of this "fan turning black".

This time, the video of him throwing gifts is naturally trending. Some people have long been accustomed to "joke when they meet safety", who cares about the reason behind it. Even if I know it, I will only sigh that I have low emotional intelligence. There are so many mobile phones taking pictures. I don't want to return it, or I can find a place where no one is quietly throw it away, and I want to be on the hot search again.

Shen Rongrong has been with him for so long, but she already understands his temperament a little. He is a very principled child. If anyone breaks through his bottom line, he will definitely take Show the coldest and most decisive side. His character is very disadvantageous in the entertainment industry, and it is too scolding.

During this time, there must be a lot of people staring at him, and it is definitely not appropriate to meet outside.

Thinking about it, Shen Rongrong and Huo Yang had a private chat, and then replied to his message in the group.

Mr. Huo: Yes, your sister and I have time tonight.

Mr. Huo: Come to our house directly.

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