MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 37

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When Shen Rongrong took the initiative to add Fengqi, he did not need to verify and passed directly.

A message will be sent over there soon.

When the wind blows: empty mountains? ? ?

When the wind blows:Is that you? ? ?

In order for her to confirm her identity, Shen Rongrong directly sent a voice to the past, low and short words: it is me.

When the wind blows: ! ! !

When the wind blows: Ah! I am alive! !

When the wind blows: [Groundhog scream jpg]

Even through the screen, Shen Rongrong could feel her full of excitement.

Over there, when the wind blows, it seems that she doesn't dare to waste her time. After restraining her emotions, she immediately introduced herself briefly, and then sent a link.

It really is "Mortal Tribulation".

When the wind rises: Great God, I want you to help match the male protagonist of this video, Rong Ye.

When the wind blows: take a look first if you have time.

Mr. Huo: Good.

When the wind blows: Rong Ye has a lot of lines, the price is up to you, I can accept it.

Mr. Huo: If you don’t have money, just practice your hands.

The actor who was used as Rong Ye's material is called Wu Han, and his image and acting skills are very good. She adjusted it a little, and her voice should be close to her face.

The price is very loose. As long as she can afford it, she must be invited.

I didn't expect people to say "money is enough".

I was surprised when the wind picked up, but the other party didn't want it, it didn't mean she didn't give it. Before the conversation, when the wind started, he insisted on transferring 3,000 hard work fees to her.

Shen Rongrong didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

When the wind rises: By the way, do you have a Weibo?

When the wind blows: I want to follow you.

When the wind blows: [star eye jpg]

Mr. Huo: No.

In fact, there is, but it is "Shen Rongrong", Huo Yang did not have Weibo before. After her reminder, Shen Rongrong decided to register one later.

At night, when the wind picked up, I discussed the plot lines with her. Because this is an edited drama, the actor's mouth shape must not match the lines of the novel, which cannot be perfect.

Shen Rongrong did a search, and there is indeed such news, because this edited video is very popular, Wu Han's voice is very high, the producer must have considered it.

Shen Rongrong felt that the wind was really strong.

You are all waiting for me to find your head all over the place!

Every word is full of joy, and it is accompanied by an emoticon pack of [exploded into fireworks].

Comments are guessing.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Is it what I thought?"

"Mortal Tribulation?"

"Wuwuwu, who are you asking for? I'm so nervous."

"Don't ruin Rong Ye's match, alas."

"Uh, don't get your hopes up, I'll stick to the subtitled version."

Shen Rongrong is professional and very efficient. He was familiar with every line that day, and had a good grasp of emotion and rhythm, and then drove to the appointment the next day. The recording studio was completed in less than two hours.

When Shen Rongrong went, she specially dressed up, wearing a hat and mask.

I took off the mask when I got to the shed.

After the recording was finished, the recording engineer looked at her and exclaimed: "You are so professional." At the beginning, although most of the face was covered, the excellent temperament was unmistakable. Tiancheng, anyone with eyes can see that he should be a handsome guy, so everyone in the shed is quietly guessing which star it is.

Shen Rongrong pulled the mask, smiled and said, "It's okay."

Shen Rongrong sent the recorded dry tone to Feng Qi.

When the wind blows, I am shocked: You are so fast!

As usual, she thought she would wait for a while.

Less than five minutes have passed.

When the wind blows: [paralyzed and inhaled oxygen.jpg]

When the wind blows: [heart empty.jpg]

When the wind blows: The empty mountain is huge, are you a fairy?

When the wind blows, I listen to it completely, there is no place to return the sound, and every line should be properly treasured.

Weibo update when the wind blows: I kneel.

With a kneeling cry. I don't know, so the fans were startled and babbled below.

"Will it work?"

"Then don't post it."

"So I said no dubbing."

"What's wrong with the wind? Why are you crying? I'm flustered."

"Let's crowdfund, please invite a professional to come."

Huo Yang went to the airport with Yunxi, so he didn't ask Shen Rongrong to send him off.

The ticket is provided by the company, and it is not known until the airport that it is economy class. Mr. Huo has never sat in economy class since he was a child, but he just didn't have any extra seats, so he couldn't be upgraded, so he could only sit down to his destination.

After getting off the plane, she put on a black hood and looked a little stinky.

The person who came to pick up the film hadn't seen it yet, and suddenly a bunch of people crowded around him to take pictures, and the camera clicked.

Yunxi was startled by this posture, and helped Huo Yang to stop the person who was about to run into it, shouting: "The wrong person, the wrong person. We are not."

It seems that they heard that there is a female celebrity on this flight. Now there are a lot of photos taken on behalf of the airport, just to make money by taking pictures. In fact, many of them don't even recognize their faces.

It may be that Sister Rong Rong's dress is too outrageous, so she was mistaken by these people when she came out.

"The stars are behind, behind! We are not." Yunxi kept explaining, but those people didn't seem to hear it and ran after him.

Many people around were curious to ask: "Who is this?"

Huo Yang frowned, and subconsciously raised his hand in front of his lower abdomen.

"Sister Rongrong!"

"Sister Rongrong, look this way." There were vaguely excited voices from a few girls.

There are actually fans here. Huo Yang turned his head to look at the sound, and a girl was holding her phone and couldn't stop backing away.

The moment she fell back, Huo Yang grabbed her with a quick hand in the midst of exclamations.

The girl was so frightened that she screamed, thinking she would fall, but she was brought back by a force, and she finally stood firm after shaking. Fortunately, the phone did not fall.

Several girls next to me wowed a few times when they saw this scene.

Huo Yang retracted his hand with the velvet glove and said in a cool and cold tone, "walk well."

Glancing at his jet-black eyes, the girl's heart was beating wildly, her face was flushed with embarrassment, and the mosquito-like voice responded with a hello, and I don't know if he heard it or not.

In the Internet age, of course, news spreads the fastest.

The latest post from the Gossip Group—Tai is funny! The airport shooters and fans rushed to shoot a voice actor, and there were not many people around when Meng Lu came out! Face is black!

Two video comparisons are posted below.

One is a picture of a female voice actor surrounded by a raised camera phone, and the other is Meng Lu, who is wearing sunglasses, a mask and a hat, and there are few people around.

Meng Lu is a famous actress, famous for a youth movie and a puppet show, but it has only been popular for less than a year. She used to wear hollow pajamas to flirt with men in the same group The actor was clearly photographed by the paparazzi. Later, there was school violence and others were set up by Shi Hammer. The image was damaged, and the fans lost their fans. Gradually, they became a little floppy.

However, no matter how old you are, he was someone who was close to being in the traffic. The number of people who picked up the plane was too shabby.

Moreover, this mockery is not a small number.

"To tell the truth, I watched the video, and it is indeed that the voice actor is more like a star, walking with wind and aura, and I am also wrong hahaha."

"Sister Meng is really... God appreciates the earth to eat. Some people believe that this airport dress is my second aunt."

"What kind of mask are you wearing, and no one is going to take pictures."

"She is really confused, my little sticky wall has more people than she picks up."

"She killed herself, who's to blame?"

"Is that Shen Rongrong? The legs are so thin and straight, Mueller."

"This sister planting grass has a coat, she is dressed in a style, is she really just dubbing?"

"The gloves are so cute!"

"Misery! We Yun Xixi must have been treated as an assistant."

"Ooooooooo, I saw that video of her helping fans! A face!"

"The latest news, it turns out that Sister Meng and Shen Rongrong are going to record the same issue of "Meeting with Big Celebrities"!"

"Wow, in society, will your sister Meng attack us on the spot because you are not happy with our Xiao Shen? Let's wait and see!"

The hotel arranged by the film party is quite sincere, and the environment is not particularly bad. Huo Yang will stay here without changing the place.

After watching the video of the airport, Shen Rongrong suddenly raised her heart and immediately called him "How is it? Did you get crowded today?"

She had never encountered this at an airport before.

But when she watched the video, when Huo Yang appeared, it seemed that she had her own lighting, which was indeed too eye-catching, no wonder she was mistaken.

"No." At first, Yunxi helped to stop him, but someone behind him wanted to squeeze him, but he was swept away by him, and he kept a distance.

Afterwards, there seemed to be some people who reacted and took the wrong picture, so they dispersed.

Shen Rongrong breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Huo Yang said firmly: "don't worry, I will protect our children."

Shen Rongrong couldn't help laughing when she heard the words: "Then it's hard for you, husband." After thinking of something, she said to him: "By the way, the female star who is at the airport with you today should be recording with you tomorrow. programme."

"Really?" Huo Yang didn't care too much about this.

He and Yunxi just came to perform a live dubbing, publicize the studio, and have no contact with other people.

After all, they were notified two days in advance, so I guess they wanted to use the dubbing to stir up a wave of heat and topics.

I didn't expect to go to the rehearsal the next day to check the process with the director and found out that they are not the background board, and they have to participate in the game project with the hero and heroine, and record the whole process.

In this way, people are also very sincere.

Yunxi is a little nervous, this is his first time on the show, for fear that something will go wrong. However, seeing that Huo Yang was always calm and calm, he seemed to have taken a reassurance, and his mood gradually eased.

The male and female protagonists of "Tomorrow's Love" are both cutting-edge actors. The actor who plays the male protagonist Chu Tian is called Chen Zhuoyang, twenty-three years old, tall and handsome.

Although they are not as popular as the traffic, their popularity is not bad.

The two young people are very polite and humble. During the rehearsal, they took the initiative to greet them with a smile and a friendly attitude.

Huo Yang casually chatted with them, the only feeling is that these two are more likable than the main men and women in the play.

It had been a while since the rehearsal, and Meng Lu arrived late, walking past them on high heels without squinting.

Since the collapse of the Qingchun Xiaohua people, she has stopped pretending and started to take the so-called "true temperament" path.

Chen Zhuoyang took the initiative to say hello, and she only nodded lightly.

Yunxi also read some posts on the Internet last night, and said to Huo Yang in private: "Sister Rongrong, that Meng Lu won't regret that you stole her limelight yesterday? If you stay On stage later..."

"What do you worry about, what do you think she can do to me?"

Yunxi looked at him for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "That's right." The current Sister Rongrong is not easy to mess with.

Huo Yang secretly observed it again and felt that he really thought too much.

Compared to him, this Meng Lu obviously has a greater opinion of Xin Ke, and her unfriendly eyes are not concealed at all.

Huo Yang didn't understand the grievances and grievances of these little stars.

There is no direct relationship between Meng Lu and Xin Ke, but it is indeed a bit of a relationship.

Meng Lu lost a major director's drama because of a series of negative/negative news. In the end, the female No. 2 was taken by the senior sister of Xin Ketong's company, and because of the popularity of this drama Soaring, opening up the popularity.

There are rumors that it was the team of Xinke who broke her black material. Because the director of that play is notoriously well-respected and doesn't like actors with bad character.

Huo Yang guessed that Meng Lu had lost a good opportunity to soar.

The recording officially started in the afternoon. When Huo Yang came on stage, he unexpectedly saw that there were lights and banners of "Shen Rongrong" under the stage.

As soon as he came out, the cheers were no smaller than the stars on the stage, and the line was full.

After a brief introduction, he and Yunxi performed live dubbing respectively.

Huo Yang has now used it freely, with several classic TV series and movie clips, and his performance is calm and brilliant.

Yunxi was a little nervous and a little jerky, but it was not bad and won a lot of applause.

After the performance, Xin Ke seemed a little touched, picked up the microphone and took the initiative to talk about some dubbing actors, and finally said a paragraph with special sincerity: "I really appreciate the hard work behind the scenes of the dubbing teachers. The hard work adds to the icing on the cake for our drama.”

It is undeniable that she is very sincere, but out of seeking truth from facts, Huo Yang couldn't help thinking silently in his heart: it's not the icing on the cake, the carvings on the rags are almost the same.

Xin Ke continued: "This time, I specially discussed with the filmmakers, saying that I must invite the dubbing teacher to come over and appear on this show. I just want more people to know them and understand them. , I also hope that the fans can be more friendly to the teachers, it is really difficult for them, and some things should not be borne by them."

In the end, I couldn't help but my eyes were red and my throat was choked up.

It was definitely not acting, because Huo Yang, who played the complete drama, said that her acting skills were not so good. And I dare to say that it seems that I really want to maintain the voice actors.

This is a good heart.

Huo Yang showed a rare look of joy on his face, and followed the audience to applaud.

Unconsciously, I have been in touch with dubbing for some time.

Although so far, he has not developed a strong love for the dubbing career like Rong Rong.

But when people talk about dubbing, he already subconsciously regards himself as a part of it.

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