MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 35

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The first hot comment is "????? Is there something wrong with Xia Qiqi's line?? [doubt][doubt][doubt]"

Over 70,000 likes.

Like those people, they didn't know that all her dramas were dubbed, let alone who did the dubbing.

So many passersby who watched the trailer expressed their confusion.

"Why is her voice different from what I remember?"

"Uh, the lines are weird."

"It's so rigid. I read my favorite lines in the original book. Why is this happening? I'm in tears."

"Is she a primary school student reading the text? No, the primary school students should be more emotional than her."

"The sound is not good, and I feel that my acting skills have also deteriorated."

"What's the matter, I remember her front lines were very good!!?"

The insider who once watched Xia Qiqi fans pinching and dubbing came out to gloat.

"wxtms, when I pinch the dubbing actors to no avail, I thought Xia Qiqi's lines were so good! What happened?"

"I kindly make a suggestion, Xia Qiqi fans hurriedly kneel and beg Shen Rongrong's forgiveness, maybe you are the Lord and there is salvation."

"I'm sorry, my sister Rongrong has been very busy recently, so I don't have an appointment!"

"Ah, my ears, my ears! Someone save my ears!"

"Xia Qiqi fans slap in the face hahahaha."

"The fans of the original book said... Use dubbing, really, this is just a notice for investment promotion.

"Fans are holding back the series, the main line is a few pounds and a few taels are not in their hearts, and they also pinch the dubbing lady away. The result is just like this. Waiting to be ridiculed by the group."

Don't wait, it's been mocked by the group.

As traffic, you will be ridiculed every day if you are not caught, not to mention that this is a mocking point delivered to your door.

No matter how many fans there are, there are no more than passers-by and black fans. The front row of this Weibo is full of bad comments. Fans can’t defend themselves in the building, and they begin to abuse. The senses are very poor.

"What about your mother, go back and look in the mirror, take care of that."

"Are you dead? Are you so concerned about our Kiki?"

"When everyone is using dubbing, my Qibao Ken is already very good at using the original voice, why should I be embarrassed? Have you eaten your rice?"

"I was thinking, this is just a piece of cake, and the one who is rushing to ridicule will not live to the day it is broadcast?"

"What face does [question mark] hit? I think Qiqi's lines are very good, don't everyone like Aunt Shen's dubbing, okay? It ruined how many characters of Qibao I have."

"Aunt Shen's fans pretend to be passers-by and step on them, you're right that you won't be able to see tomorrow's sun [smiles]"

Does Shen Rongrong have fans? That must still be there, especially recently in the dubbing circle, her style has changed, and she has attracted a lot of fans.

Can she, a fan of a voice actor, beat the popular Xiaohua Xia Qiqi? That must still not be possible.

No comparison at all.

But why does Shen Rongrong have the upper hand in public opinion? First, Xia Qiqi is really not good at performance, and fans are slamming it, which makes people feel bad. Second, Xia Qiqi has many enemies, and many people take advantage of it At this opportunity, he fished in troubled waters, took advantage of his strength, and stomped Xia Qiqi to death in the name of liking and supporting Shen Rongrong.

Some of them took advantage of the heat and moved Shen Rongrong's latest selfies to the forum, compared with Xia Qiqi, saying something like "Shen Rongrong is obviously more beautiful and star-like than Xia Qiqi, with good lines, debut Acting will definitely be more popular than Xia Qiqi" and so on.

Will this cause Shen Rongrong to be scolded? That has nothing to do with them at all, their purpose is just to use her to step on Xia Qiqi happily.

She slaughtered her square, and then sent people to patrol the squares of various keywords and even keyword abbreviations.

As long as there are people who help Shen Rongrong speak, they will go up and ridicule;

This is nothing, there is a better operation, that is, they know that Shen Rongrong offended Lu Ang's fans some time ago, so they deliberately pretend to be Shen Rongrong's fans to open her and Lu Ang's fans Super talk, called "Shrimp Rong CP", posted a post to provoke war.

This is how the rice circle is. Sometimes it is obvious that someone is deliberately making trouble, but there are many people who are deceived.

Lu Ang's fans are almost all his girlfriend fans, and CP is the most taboo.

Firstly, Shen Rongrong is not as popular as Lu Ang, Lu Ang will definitely be sucked blood, secondly, both of them are young, and they are colleagues. All a little uncomfortable. Now you come to make a cp super talk, isn't it pure answering people?

In fact, some of Lu Ang's fans don't know that it is Xia Qiqi's fans, but their camp is too large. Instead of becoming enemies, it is better to become comrades-in-arms. In addition, I was holding back my anger before, I didn't want to miss this opportunity to use the topic, so many Lu Ang fans couldn't hold back their anger, and they took the initiative to hand Xia Qiqi fans knives.

"Hehe, I used to step on my fans to get to the top."

"The girl is wrong, but she shouldn't be so ruthless, and who knows if that video is true or not?"

"I heard that Shen Rongrong got married, but her husband has never shown up, and no one in the studio seems to have seen him. So you know..."

"Aunt Shen doesn't know what her background is, she really covers the sky with one hand."

"At the beginning, her gold owner gave her nearly 400,000 yuan, but it gave her a face."

"She really wants to be popular, and she is still giving away lipstick in a lottery on Weibo, and she is extremely charming."

"She's been doing this lately... Could it be that she really wants to enter the entertainment industry, she used to step on my house and always wanted to get close to him to fry CP, now it's Xia Qiqi's turn, it's always been Qiqi Road Well, it can only be said that everyone is too pitiful and has become her stepping stone."

The two quickly established a revolutionary friendship, praised each other, regretted each other, and then scolded each other.

After the hot search on "Xia Qiqi's lines", the battle became more and more fierce, and some good people also brought in Li Sui'an, who had shouted that the next play should use the original sound.

—@李 Suian, look, Xia Qiqi’s today is your tomorrow, give it up, don’t be irritating.

One step on two, one successful pick.

Li Sui'an's fans are not vegetarians, so they swear and join the battlefield. I don't know where the conflict started, and I fought with Xia Qiqi fans for two days and one night without rest.

Of course, Shen Rongrong was not left behind, and received all kinds of swear words.

Huo Yang mocked Xia Qiqi in the comments that day, so he didn't pay much attention to the follow-up, but Shen Rongrong himself watched the scheming of this hostile restaurant circle.

She remembered that she also had a favorite star when she was a child, but star chasing was much easier at that time, buying postcards, stickers, magazines, happy, where would it be like now?

It is not a time when there is no positive, but you never know where the lower limit is.

Anyway, she couldn't understand.

When I was guiding Li Sui'an's lines this day, I talked about this incident by the way.

Shen Rongrong didn't know him well before, but she has been in contact with him more recently, and she thinks that he is quite cute, sunny and energetic, outspoken, and serious in everything he does. But he has negative/negative labels such as "trash", "grass bag", "tiger", "low emotional intelligence" and "poor quality".

He can be said to be the most scolded traffic now. It is said that there is a group dedicated to mocking him. How can his emotions not be affected by so much malice?

An An is not casual: When someone scolded me before, I pretended not to see it.

Mr. Huo: What about now?

An An is not casual: I have a trumpet account, and I will scold anyone who is unhappy.

An An is not casual: [King's contempt jpg]

Shen Rongrong couldn't help but smile, this is a good idea. You have to vent, otherwise, being denied too much is really easy to get depressed.

After contacting Li Sui'an, she searched the news because she was curious about why he was said to be of poor quality and low emotional intelligence, only to find that he had publicly belittled his father Li Jundong in front of people more than once before.

She was a little surprised. I heard him say that he hated Li Jundong before, but she didn't expect to hate Li Jundong to such an extent.

Li Sui'an hardly mentioned anything about her family to her. Shen Rongrong didn't know why he did this.

But she could feel that Li Sui'an really wanted to get close to her sister, and often gave Huo Yang some gifts that women would love. Even if Huo Yang always loves and hurts him, he still jokingly leans up, never gets angry, and relies on him inexplicably.

Because he is very busy, he has to film and catch other announcements, and he has no time to meet, so he will often make video calls to chat with the two of them.

I finally wanted to have a meal together this day, but Huo Yang and Zhou Xinglan went to record an interview. After the interview, I had to record an audiobook update, which could not come.

But Shen Rongrong, the "brother-in-law", went to the appointment, and he was very happy.

The two chatted and ate, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

He smiled brightly: "My line teacher and the opposite actor both said that I have improved a bit recently, and I think I will finally be able to do it!"

Li Sui'an has practiced hundreds of dubbing clips.

The reason why a voice actor is called an actor is because doing this job requires acting skills. When an actor cries, you have to cry, when an actor laughs, you have to laugh. When an actor roars, you have to roar. You must accurately control your emotions, and you must stick to the actor's face, so that there is no conflict.

The actor's own lines are different, there are not so many restrictions, and they can play according to their own understanding.

But the method is the same. If the dubbing can be done well, the lines will not be bad, and you can even improve your acting skills a little.

"Well." His diligence was in his eyes, and he couldn't help reaching out, rubbing his soft black hair, and encouraging him generously: "You It is indeed progress, and the hard work will pay off, keep working hard.”

I was caught off guard by a soft touch on the head, Li Sui'an's neck shrank slightly, and two blushing colors appeared on his cheeks.

It was as if he was suddenly drunk with two sips of spirits, and his brain and heart were boiling hot.

He is indifferent to his father, and his mother is a lover. Although he loves him, he pretends to be that dog man more in his heart.

My grandfather and grandfather dote on him and care about him, but maybe they haven't seen each other for a long time.

At this moment, this sudden action that represented caring made Li Sui'an a little sad, a little helpless, and a little uncontrollable excitement and joy.

He touched his hair for a while, and scratched his ears for a while, pursing his lips that he wanted to raise, and did not speak.

Shen Rongrong didn't notice that he was so careful, so he filled him a bowl of soup and put it in front of him.

"This soup is good, try it."

"Okay." Li Sui'an looked at her with clear black eyes like a deer and smiled: "Thank you brother-in-law." Well-behaved, cute, and soft.

Because he had to rush back to the studio, although Li Sui'an was reluctant, he was leaving after eating.

After sending him out, Shen Rongrong looked at his phone, it was only after seven o'clock, and he was alone when he got home, so he wandered the streets for a walk.

She is slender and handsome, walking slowly in the crowd with her long legs.

Shen Rongrong could feel that there were many girls around, screaming with restraint and excitement, peeking at her and taking pictures of her.

She has gotten used to it for a while, and she looks calm, and finally found a path with few people to go through.

It's only the end of November, and it snows earlier than usual.

Under the street lamp, Shen Rongrong stretched out her hand to pick up a snowflake, looked up at the black and blue night sky, but was frozen by the snowflakes falling on her eyelashes and closed her eyes.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Huo Yang.

—Husband, it’s snowing outside.

Then I took a picture and sent it to him.

Although he is definitely still working and can't see it at this time, but like a person is like this, and I want to share with him a little novelty.

Before she thought Huo Yang would not like these, so she never did.

But it took her a while to realize that Huo Yang was actually very happy. He seemed to be a little bit upset that she didn't tell him anything before.

The night wind became more and more deserted, Shen Rongrong looked at the time again, turned around and walked back, and suddenly heard a quarrel coming from the side.

"You don't bring money to buy anything, you look like a young man, how can you still deceive people!"

"I'm not lying, I just forgot to bring my phone."

The second voice sounded very familiar, Shen Rongrong couldn't help turning her head to look, just in time to see the door of the shop on the side of the road, with a helpless face of Lu Ang.

He held a bottle of water that seemed to have been drunk in his hand, and was explaining to the boss: "I just borrow your mobile phone to log in to the account, and you can transfer the money, or you can make a phone call. Succeeded? I asked my friend to send money over, so I won't lie to you anyway."

He looks handsome and lovable, if this boss is a sister or aunt, he must have agreed long ago.

Or secretly transfer the money in him and stubbornly refuse.

Lu Ang had no choice. He rarely had time to spare. The bad thing was when he opened it and took two sips to pay, only to find that he didn't bring the money or his cell phone.

He has been like this for a while, always absent-minded and lost.

The uncle raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, scolding: "What kind of water do you have no money to buy? Get the most expensive one? If you don't give the money, I will call the police and let the police arrest you!"

Lu Ang is also the young master of a wealthy family. He has never been embarrassed by money. A low and warm voice sounded: "How much? I'll give it."

Lu Ang turned his head in amazement, and suddenly bumped into a pair of beautiful black eyes, the eyes were bright and soft, as if thousands of galaxies were flowing quietly.

He looked at him with a faint smile.

Lu Ang was inexplicably heart palpitations.

"You want to help him? Six dollars." The uncle snorted.

Shen Rongrong took out the money to pay, and Lu Ang, who had recovered, felt a little embarrassed, clenched the water bottle in his hand, and said to her, "I'm so sorry, please leave a message. way, I will pay you back."

Acquaintances are in front of them, but they cannot recognize each other. Shen Rongrong smiled and said indifferently, "Forget it, there's not much money."

"Although there is not much money, but what should be paid should be paid back. This is the principle." Lu Ang insisted, Shen Rongrong knew that he did not want to owe others, so he put the phone No. told him.

This number belongs to Huo Yang, and the WeChat added through this number will display "Mr. Huo", he should not notice anything.

Lu Ang silenced the number, nodded and said, "I'll add you when I get my phone back."

"Okay." Shen Rongrong felt that he had been staring at his face, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Ang hurriedly said, "No, it's nothing, I'm rude."

Shen Rongrong smiled and said goodbye to him: "Then I'll go first."

"Hmm." Lu Ang looked at the man who was walking away in the drifting light snow, and the expression on his face became more and more dazed.

He can be 100% sure that this is the first time he has met, but...why does it feel so familiar?

Huo Yang finally finished work. He stretched his body out of the recording studio. After saying goodbye to the other main players, he took out his mobile phone while walking and saw the message sent by Shen Rongrong.

Is it snowing outside?

He stayed in the recording studio all day, and he wouldn't know when the sky fell.

Huo Yang's eyes lit up and he quickened his pace.

The family members are here to pick them up.

Shen Rongrong smiled, strode forward, grabbed his cold hand and covered it again, passed his temperature to him, and took out a pair of newly bought gloves from her pocket to give He put it on.

She knows her own body, and when the weather is cold, her hands and feet are easy to get cold.

Shen Rongrong asked him, "Are you tired today?"

"I'm exhausted, talking all day." I recorded the interview and audiobook today, and my mouth didn't stop.

Huo Yang raised his gloved hand and looked at it again, the sense of crisis that had been forcibly suppressed before came again, and looked at her and said, "You must not do this to other women, you know ?"

Lu Ang still has a lump in his heart. Don't forget that he is a man now. If he doesn't pay attention to distance, he will provoke a few women back for him.

"I know, I'm only good to you." The last time she met the girl in the orphanage, it was because of her scruples that she didn't accompany her to the end. She is a man now, and she really needs to pay more attention.

Huo Yang was satisfied, raised his hand to hold the back of her head, and kissed her slightly on tiptoe.

Shen Rongrong reached out and gently brushed the snowflakes from his hair, wrapped his arms around his waist, walked in the direction of the parking lot, and told him: "The ground is slippery, let's slow down."

"I know." He is about two months pregnant now, and he will consciously pay attention to all aspects. He does not drink or drink coffee, and he also pays attention to his feet when walking. He is a very qualified novice "pregnant woman".

After the car started and walked for a while, Huo Yang suddenly remembered something and said to Shen Rongrong: "By the way, my brother called me today to say that Xie Shu was in a coma and was hospitalized, we will go to the hospital tomorrow to see he."

Xie Shu is also a child of a wealthy family. Although he and Huo Yang grew up together, their relationship is not close, but because the two families are close, they have been walking around.

Not long before they exchanged bodies with Shen Rongrong, they both attended the same party and drank with him, but when they heard the news again, they were already hospitalized.

Counting the time, his wife should have already given birth, but now he is in a coma.

"I don't know, I haven't found the reason yet." Huo Yang heard from his brother that Xie Shu's vital signs were stable, but he never woke up. The Xie family really had no choice, and had already started to invite the master to summon the soul.

Shen Rongrong drove the car steadily and said, "Okay, let's go to the hospital tomorrow."

The author has something to say:Thank you for your support, thank you for giving me the nutrient solution, I will try my best to update it!

This article is about the dubbing circle + entertainment circle. It is inevitable that some things in the rice circle will be written. If you don’t like this kind of stuff, just skip it!

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