MTL - After He Swapped Bodies With His Pregnant Wife-Chapter 25

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The meeting ended with the strong reluctance of the fans.

Backstage, about a dozen people talked about going out for dinner.

Although everyone is assigned to the same drama, they are basically their own parts of the single recording. It is not easy to be together.

"Rongrong, let's go together." Zihongbai came over and took Huo Yang's shoulder. Huo Yang let her go without a trace, letting her take a break, and Zi Hongbai retracted her hand embarrassingly.

Huo Yang glanced at her and said, "I won't go, I have something to do."

Purple, Red and White don’t force him anymore: “That’s fine.”

Huo Yang greeted them and left first.

Lu Ang went to the bathroom and came back. He looked around to find someone for the first time, but he didn't see that person.

"Where is Sister Rongrong?"

Hearing his question, Zihongbai replied, "I left beforehand, I just went out."

Lu Ang chased out, but it was still a step too late, and no one could be seen.

Lu Ang stood on the stairs facing the wind, his eyes gradually sinking into contemplation.

He was actually a little strange.

Before the studio asked them to write a form similar to self-introduction, he clearly remembered that in the most feared animals column, Shen Rongrong wrote cockroaches and snakes.

But the snake she caught just now was not afraid of the real snake, and it was so stable that it was absolutely impossible to pretend.

Did she fill in it randomly, or did she become more courageous?

In short, she hasn't changed a lot for a while. Lu Ang's mood was a little complicated.

As soon as Huo Yang walked to the side of the road, Shen Rongrong's car drove over, as if the time was right.

Huo Yang got in the car and sat in the co-pilot. When the car started, Shen Rongrong noticed that his face was not very good, and could not help but ask his doubts: "I watched the live broadcast, did that fan say something rude to you?"

Huo Yang didn't answer, looked at her and asked, "Rongrong, how are the fans you met before?"

"It's all good." Shen Rongrong told the truth, the fans of the offline activities are quite gentle.

"Really?" Huo Yang was suspicious. For her, he really lacked too much understanding, and he felt that Shen Rongrong was habitually unwilling to share this with him.

"It's true." Shen Rongrong looked at the road ahead, thought about it, and added: "But you have seen it in the radio drama before, there will be some black fans, but only on the Internet, I don't have to look at it."

The computer screen is like a barrier. People who are usually human may turn into ghosts when they touch the keyboard.

It only started before, and most of the cyber attacks and abuse are concentrated on celebrities. Now that the Internet is developed, the attention of various circles is gradually increasing, and it is assimilated by the thinking of fan circles, sports circles, novel circles, music circles, dubbing circles, beauty circles, two-dimensional elements, and even cross talk circles... As long as you have a name, no matter what circle you belong to , who is not scolded.

The ones she met before were relatively mild.

Although Huo Yang's heart is strong enough, Shen Rongrong still advises: "You should read less in the future, especially Weibo private messages." Reading too much of this kind of thing will really pollute your eyes and mind.

"Private letter?" Huo Yang captured it keenly and asked, "Have you received a bad private letter before?"

"Well, everyone who attended the meeting today should have received it." Regardless of Lu Ang's popularity, there are not a few people who criticize him. When the attention is high, there are pros and cons, which is impossible.

Huo Yang's breath sank.

Shen Rongrong noticed that Huo Yang had been reluctant to tell her what the fan said.

It is estimated that the words are really ugly, and he really does not want to tell them.

Shen Rongrong never thought that there would be someone offline ANTI, and she just happened to be bumped into by Huo Yang.

She knew that looking at Huo Yang's reaction, she would definitely not let it go like this.

He is tolerant and can ignore everything. But in truth, the gods and demons are unstoppable.

All the way back, Shen Rongrong focused on driving, Huo Yang restrained his expression, took back his original mobile phone from her, watched the live broadcast for a while, then took a few pictures and kept sending messages .

After returning home, Shen Rongrong's WeChat account suddenly had a lot of messages.

At the same time, they sent a link to ask what happened.

Huo Yang opened it and saw that it was a small paper on the interaction of the fan meeting posted by a Weibo blogger named "Lu Ang's wife is me", which mentioned that she was interacting with Shen Rongrong to dub that fan.

The small essay of several hundred words, the front praises the **** Lu Ang, and the latter when talking about Shen Rongrong, the words are ambiguous and unclear, but there is a feeling of sadness and disappointment in the writing.

The more this is the case, the more suspicious it becomes.

She posted on Lu Ang's super chat. After posting, there were more than 300 comments, and it was still rising.

Comment Someone took a screenshot of a moving picture, which is the mouth shape of Huo Yang's black face at the meeting. Although there is no microphone to pick up, it is very obvious that he said "you fucking" three Character.

Flawless Wind: Did Shen Rongrong scold you?

Lu Ang's wife is my reply: I didn't plan to say it, but... Yes, as you can see.

Flawless Wind: Haha, I have been smack on some low-key and quiet little fairy design before, it is so disgusting, and finally overturned.

Lu Ang's wife is me replying: It's hard to say, I didn't expect...I was a fan of Ang Ge, although I really wanted to interact with Ang Ge, but in order not to embarrass her in the cold, I still try my best The atmosphere was messed up, but she [Erha stuck out her tongue][Erha stuck out her tongue][Erha stuck out her tongue] Maybe she thought that I had insulted her professionalism by handing over my lines.

God of Love: No, I used to like her a lot, I think she has a very good personality!

Ang: Oh my God, this is too unreasonable! I couldn't believe it at first, but this mouth shape...Isn't it necessary to wash it?

Sugar Sugar: Tsk tsk, you sister Rong in society, so many people watching her live without any scruples. And I think her fans are also quite shameless. They keep saying that Wu Jia is interested in her and also knocks CP. Wu Jia is just being gentle with the whole world, okay?

When you see it, please remind me not to chop your hands on Double Eleven: Uh, when I watched the live broadcast today, I felt the atmosphere was so strange, I didn't expect to curse. She has changed so much, is she stimulated by something?

Did it turn a thousand times? Comments are calling husband, huh, huh.

Lu Ang's wife is me replying: [spit tongue] Let's not, we are all quality people, and I don't care too much.

Brother Wufu's Little Rabbit Tooth: My sister has been wronged, so let's admit that you are the wife of Wufu brother for the time being! And quietly say, you deserve much better than she deserves, your excellence will definitely be seen [hug] [heart] [rose]

Lu Ang's wife is me replying: um~ thank you, I will do my best