MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 63 I'm afraid he fell asleep

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When he knocked open the door, Chu Yinlong's pupils shrank slightly.

The scene in the room was better than he had imagined, but it was also worse than he had imagined—the person who was crying was not the one he was worried about, but he never expected that Qin Xiao would prepare such a room!

His heart shrank suddenly, and his limbs throbbed with pain.

Chu Yinlong saw his boy turn around slowly, his eyes were filled with silence, neither sorrow nor joy, emotionless and desire, as if he didn't look like a living person.

At that moment, Chu Yinlong fell into an ice cave.

Jiang Dao turned around and saw that the person who came was Chu Yinlong, and couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the look in his eyes suddenly recovered, like a dead tree resurrected, and his voice was slightly surprised: "Why are you here?"

In the next second, his whole body was tightly embraced by a slightly heavy force, and Chu Yinlong's hot cheek was pressed against his temples, and his body was trembling slightly.

"'re fine..." His voice was hoarse and extremely low, "you're fine..."

Jiang Dao felt helpless and sighed softly.

He was mentally prepared to be found by the police, but he didn't expect that Chu Yinlong would come here in person after getting off the plane. It was...negligence.

Now, whether to use that set of fabricated a question.

Officer Xing walked to the door, saw the situation in the room clearly, frowned and cleared his throat.

Only then did Chu Yinlong let go of Jiang Dao, and looked at him with comforting eyes: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He took Jiang Dao's hand and squeezed it lightly.

Immediately, Ejima felt relieved, and decided to tell the truth to some extent.

Officer Xing entered the room, his eyes fell on Jiang Dao's face, he pointed to Qin Xiao who was still talking nonsense on the seat, and asked, "What's the matter with him?"

Jiang Dao: "He drank the wine prepared for me."

Officer Xing: …

Chu Yinlong looked at Qin Xiao who was **** in the restraint chair suddenly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, and the anger in his chest exploded immediately.

Wine for Ejima...

If, if Jiang Dao fails to fight back, then at this moment...what will...happen?

How dare Qin Xiao? !

Seeing that Chu Yinlong clenched his fists tightly and looked at Qin Xiao as if he could kill someone, Police Officer Xing hurriedly called a small police officer over: "You guys, take him to the hospital first, watch over."

The little police officer responded and called two companions to carry Qin Xiao together.

"You, come back with me..." Police officer Xing said half a sentence to Jiang Dao, seeing that Chu Yinlong's expression was not good, he immediately changed his words, "...let's ask something downstairs."

Back in the living room, Jiang Dao sat down on the sofa, his eyelashes drooping, waiting for questions.

Police officer Xing first asked the police officer if the five people were injured, and after learning that they had just fainted and no trauma was found after inspection, he then looked at Jiang Dao with a serious expression: "Tell me, what happened?" thing?"

"Last night, Qin Xiao called me and asked me to come to him this morning." Jiang Dao said calmly, skipping over the most problematic hours without a trace, with a face full of reason, "After I came, I found them There is something wrong with the wine prepared for me, so..."

When he said this, he paused, his eyes turned between Chu Yinlong and Police Officer Xing, and then said: "...I just poured that glass of wine back to him."

Officer Xing rubbed his forehead, remained silent for a long time, and then asked, "What happened to the other four?"

Jiang Dao replied obediently: "I'm dizzy."

This time Officer Xing was completely speechless.

Jiang Dao was originally the victim in this matter, and the other five people wanted to harm him, so he had the right to resist.

However, after he was out of danger, he was obviously over-defense by pouring medicinal wine back, tying up the other party, and stunning them.

Fortunately, he did not carry out any further infringements after he was too defensive. He did not injure the four people, nor did he do anything to Qin Xiao by taking advantage of the effect of the medicine. He also admitted it so straightforwardly, which made it less troublesome to deal with.

Thinking of this, Officer Xing said sternly: "Xiao Chu, this kid's thinking is a bit dangerous, you have to educate him well. If he is so self-willed, I worry that he will flout the law in the future...We practice martial arts to strengthen our bodies and help the strong and the weak. Can't be banned by force!"

Hearing what Police Officer Xing said, the problem shouldn't be too big.

Chu Yinlong breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to press Jiang Dao's head, and said, "Don't worry, I will teach you well."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the villa, and Officer Xing asked, "What's going on?"

The little police officer reported: "We woke him up. Mr. Li was not in a stable mood, so he cursed a few times. Mr. Zhu and Mr. Wang rushed to cover his mouth... We have persuaded him."

Officer Xing frowned upon hearing this: "They are suspected of an attempted crime, take them back to the police station and question them carefully."

The clenched fist in Jiang Dao's pocket slowly loosened.

Qin Xiao was sent to the hospital, and the on-site evidence collection was similar.

Seeing that Chu Yinlong was not in a good mood, Officer Xing let him take Jiang Dao home first, and then contact him if there is an investigation that needs cooperation, and then escorted a few men who looked like gourds with saw-mouthed gourds away.

It wasn't until he got into Chu Yinlong's car that Jiang Dao finally relaxed and pulled his hands out of his pockets.

When the car drove on the national highway, Chu Yinlong asked, "What time did you arrive?"

Jiang Dao said casually, "Eight o'clock."

Chu Yinlong: "Tell the truth."

Jiang Dao was silent, and replied in a low voice: "Last night."

After being silent for a while, Chu Yinlong asked again: "How did you spend the night?"

Jiang Dao: "...can I not say it?"

After another moment of silence, Chu Yinlong said: "Trespassing private houses is also a crime."

Jiang Dao's tone was cold: "He invited me."


Chu Yinlong parked the car on the side of the road, turned around and stared at Jiang Dao's face, his eyes were bloodshot.

His voice trembled slightly, but his tone was firm: "You better remember, if one day you trample on the law and hurt others, not only will I not help you - I will send you to prison with my own hands! You better remember! "

Jiang Dao lowered his eyelashes and said nothing.

"I'm sorry..." Chu Yinlong's voice was hoarse and exhausted, "I... didn't intend to scold you. This matter is Qin Xiao's own fault. They are the ones who made mistakes, and they are the ones who should be punished by law. You can protect yourself, I'm actually very lucky, after all, I can't be... sorry all the time."

"You don't need to apologize," Jiang Dao whispered, "I know you were scared by me."

Chu Yinlong exhaled slowly: "Yes, I'm scared."

Jiang Dao looked at him suddenly, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and he suppressed it: "Are you afraid of me?"

Chu Yinlong smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid... If you do such a dangerous thing again, will I really see you being taken away by the police one day? Jiang Dao, I don't want to see you being hurt by anything , but I also don't want to see whatever you want and end up hurting yourself."

Jiang Dao was silent again.

Chu Yinlong restarted the car, drove all the way to the villa where he lived, and parked in the garage in the yard.

For a long time, neither of them got out of the car, they just sat there quietly and silently, each with their own thoughts.

After some time, Jiang Dao spoke first: "How did you guess that I broke into the villa last night?"

Chu Yinlong pinched his brows: "What I can do, it shouldn't be difficult for you to do... But Xiao Dao, martial arts is not for the purpose of ignoring the rules, understand?"

"I understand." Jiang Dao looked at his fingertips and replied in a low voice.

"You understand, why are you still looking for Qin Xiao?" Chu Yinlong had a headache, "Why did you take the risk when you knew he was targeting you? What if something happened to you..."

"I'm not afraid that he will target me. My relationship with him is destined to be impossibly good. If he just threatens me, I won't talk to him at all." Jiang Dao took the lead and spoke eagerly, "But he bought the people around you People, stealing the secrets of your studio, he wants to attack you, and he also wants to blame me and provoke our relationship—he has crossed the line!"

Chu Yinlong was speechless for a moment.

For a moment, Jiang Dao's exploding momentum slowly stopped and hid, and he returned to that harmless young man, pursing his lips, looking aggrieved: "I don't want...lose you..."

A burst of numbness suddenly spread in Chu Yinlong's heart, and his fingers moved slightly, almost wanting to grab the boy's hand immediately and hold it in his palm.

But Jiang Dao slowly completed that sentence again: "...this friend."

Chu Yinlong's half-stretched hand froze in the middle.

"I don't want to lose any friends anymore." Jiang Dao said, closing his eyes, his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible, "I don't want to turn against each other because of a misunderstanding..."

At this moment, Jiang Dao looked sad and fragile, as if he was about to withdraw from this world.

Even though they were so close, Chu Yinlong felt that there seemed to be an invisible barrier between the two, forcibly separating them in different dimensions.

Panicked for a while, Chu Yinlong finally grasped Jiang Dao's hand tightly, wrapping his cold fingertips into his palm.

Feeling the scorching heat wrapped around his fingers, Jiang Dao looked away slightly, clenched his teeth, and forced back the soreness in his nasal cavity.

He suddenly felt that he was a little hypocritical, which was obviously not the case before.

In the past, he didn't have so many useless emotions. Regardless of sadness, anger, shock, or fear, he could handle them with ease, and finally transformed all these emotions into combat power.

Sure enough, a comfortable world can make people weak.


He hadn't cried since he was ten years old.

Crying will not only fail to help him survive, but will also make people see his helplessness, and the bullying will come even more unscrupulously.

"If you feel uncomfortable," Chu Yinlong tugged at Jiang Dao's hand, "Cry if you want."

The corners of the child's eyes were red, and I don't know what kind of grievance he felt... He obviously didn't have red eyes when he was injured or scolded on the set.

Jiang Dao had suppressed his emotions.

He opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yinlong with clear eyes: "Why should I cry?"

Chu Yinlong sighed.

Feeling Jiang Dao's cold fingers being slowly warmed by him, he let go and rubbed Jiang Dao's hair: "Okay, get out of the car, go in and eat something, take a shower and sleep, and have a good rest .”

After eating something to satisfy his hunger, Jiang Dao followed Chu Yinlong up to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Chu Yinlong dug out a set of pajamas from the closet and handed it to him, a little sorry: "It's not new, it's clean, if you don't mind..."

Jiang Dao shook his head and reached out to take it.

Chu Yinlong cleared his throat: "I don't have any new underwear to lend you...but you can wash yours, there is a dryer at home."

Jiang Dao nodded and said nothing.

Chu Yinlong led him to the main bathroom: "Let's wash here. People don't come here very often, and things in the guest bathroom and guest room haven't been used for a long time... Just rest on the master bed after washing."

Seeing that Chu Yinlong turned to leave, Jiang Dao suddenly called him, the first time with his first name and surname, in a solemn tone.

"Chu Yinlong." He looked into the man's eyes, "We will always be friends, right?"

—I can always trust you, I can give you my back, I can let you see all my unbearable and self-willedness, and you can always pull me to prevent me from stepping into the abyss when I make mistakes... We will always be like this friend?

When Chu Yinlong heard these words, his heart was filled with complexities, and his expression was subtle and tangled.

Always been friends?

Saying this to a little bad.

Before waiting for an answer, Jiang Dao was a little surprised at first, and then came to a sudden realization.

That's right, it was exposed that the original owner spent a lot of money to bribe the director. Even if Chu Yinlong is willing to help him this time, he must weigh whether he can always trust him and be friends with him.

Seeing the expectation in the big boy's eyes gradually disappear, Chu Yinlong's heart sank: "Of course, we will always be friends."

Anyway...boyfriends can be friends too.

He still has a chance.

While Jiang Dao was taking a bath, Chu Yinlong turned on the silent phone, and sure enough, he saw several missed calls on the screen, which were from Secretary Zhang, the public relations department of Longqi Entertainment, and the legal department. He dialed back one by one to confirm the things he had arranged as soon as he got off the plane today.

"Have you found a lawyer? Then send a letter."

"The traffic police department of Yanyi District must give an explanation as to why the monitoring of that section of the road leaked out. Continue to exert pressure from public opinion until they reply."

"Caught the ghost? Cleaner... Heh, when will the cleaner be able to open the confidential filing cabinet? She must be a commercial spy. Qin Xiao can't get away with it!"

"Sure enough, there are traces of editing? Contact Galaxy Media and make sure to get the complete recording."

Chu Yinlong stood in front of the study window with a serious expression on his face.

After answering all the calls, he looked down at the phone screen for a long time, and finally made up his mind to dial it.

After waiting for a while, the person on the other side picked up the phone. The mellow female voice said with a smile, "Finally you are willing to call me?"

Chu Yinlong choked for a moment, and said: "That's right, I still call you quite often..."

Lu Xiaorong said: "When you call me, it's all about good news and not bad news. What happened to you and how people scolded you? I know more from watching the news and trending searches than listening to you. Change the subject with me...why, it can't be done this time?"

"It can be done this time, and we have already started to deal with it." Chu Yinlong said, and hesitated again, "That's it..."

"I just feel that I can't let Qin Xiao go, and I want to push him down, so that he can't turn over, and dare not show up again?" Lu Xiaorong smiled, her tone was gentle, "I understand, you have the ability to solve the crisis in front of you, but Haven't learned to take the initiative to deceive people."

Chu Yinlong choked again: "...Mom."

"It seems that you really like that Jiangdao." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile, "You have been so merciful since you were a child, and you don't want to deceive others. This time it is a failure."

Chu Yinlong simply didn't speak.

There was a noise on the phone. It seemed that someone on the other side said something to Lu Xiaorong. Lu Xiaorong laughed a few times and returned to the receiver: "Your Uncle Xiang asked you how much you want to play with Tianqin Capital? Only Qin Xiao ? Or kill Qin Jiangshan together?"

After finishing speaking, he was still funny: "Your uncle Xiang said that his surname is Xiang, and it is justified to destroy Qin."

Chu Yinlong: ...

He knew this was the result, so he didn't want to ask his mother and stepfather for help.

Although Xiang Yuancheng is a financial giant, Tianqin Capital is not weak. To put it simply, if the two sides are really in a deadlock, Xiang Yuancheng will have to bear a high risk.

But... this time, he didn't want to give Qin Xiao any chance to recover from the ashes.

Last time, he thought that the entertainment business could be resolved within the entertainment circle, so he let Qin Xiao go, but in the end, Jiang Dao suffered more damage, and was even nearly...

"I don't want him to be hurt like this again." Chu Yinlong said, "Qin Xiao must pay the price for his actions."

Only by first pulling out the capital he was relying on can he be truly knocked down.

"Well, I got it." Lu Xiaorong said calmly, "Leave it to us, and you can just shoot your scenes. Also, pay attention to safety and avoid getting hurt."

Just as Chu Yinlong was about to say something, suddenly there was a knock on the door of the study, and he subconsciously asked someone to come in.

Jiang Dao pushed open the door in his pajamas, with a troubled face: "Uh, I...can't sleep, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Okay, wait a moment." Responding to Jiangdao, Chu Yinlong was about to say goodbye to his mother on the phone, but suddenly heard a chuckle.

As expected, Lu Xiaorong and Lu Zhengrong are sisters, and she just teased: "Yo, I was worried that you would recite too much Buddhism, and you wouldn't fall in love. Fortunately, after all, I'm the one who is young and vigorous, so I worry too much... Then I I can't bother you anymore, hurry up and coax people to sleep, bye!"

Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Chu Yinlong: ...

Why are they more anxious than him, the righteous master?

Can this kind of thing be rushed? !

Silently, Chu Yinlong turned the phone to silent again, raised his hand to cover his feverish ears, walked towards Jiangdao, and brought him back to the master bedroom, asking, "Why can't I fall asleep?"

Jiang Dao pursed his lips and sighed: "I don't know, I feel flustered when I close my eyes, and listening to books doesn't I want to try the Buddhist scriptures."

Perhaps it was because he recalled too many bad things yesterday, and the worry about "losing" in his heart has not subsided so far. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that he would wake up from that silent battlefield, dragging a serious injury, a A face that turned away from a comrade-in-arms who is no longer alive...

The body is obviously tired, but dare not fall asleep.

This kind of thing never happened when he was still on the battlefield. Falling asleep and waking up at any time is an essential ability for a soldier.

How could these memories have such a bad influence on him now that he was in a comfortable place?

Ejima couldn't figure it out at all.

Back in the master bedroom, Chu Yinlong took out a stick of sandalwood from the box and lit it, and began to recite scriptures.

Jiang Dao closed his eyes, and in his ears was Chu Yinlong's slightly low voice, singing ethereal and pure Sanskrit sounds, which quickly calmed down the restlessness, anxiety and fear in his heart, leading him to gradually sink into a very comfortable dreamland .

Chu Yinlong opened his eyes, got up from the futon by the bay window, and sat down by the bed.

Seeing Jiang Dao's brows finally stretched, he raised his hand and gently stroked there with his knuckles.

For a moment, the finger was down, hovering over Jiang Dao's beautiful nose bridge, tracing his lips in the air.

The throat rolled uncontrollably, Chu Yinlong withdrew his hand abruptly, and took a short breath.

He picked up his mobile phone and went back to the study, ordered a series of affairs, and then told the secretary and assistant that he needed a lunch break to deal with jet lag, and do not disturb if there is no emergency.

Then he quickly took a battle shower, put on clean pajamas, returned to the master bedroom lightly, stepped forward slowly, lay down beside Jiang Dao, turned sideways, and quietly looked at the sleeping boy.

After a long time, Chu Yinlong moved his fingertips, moved over, and hooked the boy's hand that was lying beside him.

In the next moment, his hand was clenched tightly, just like that night in Taoyuan Residence not long ago.

Chu Yinlong held Jiang Dao's hand instead, and sighed silently.

He closed his eyes and thought: Sure enough, people will become more and more greedy.

Jiang Dao seldom had good dreams.

His dreams are often filled with fragments of fighting or chasing and fleeing. If he can still remember sporadic fragments when he wakes up, he will feel extremely tired even after waking up.

But this time, he didn't want to wake up from the dream.

He dreamed that he was swimming in the magnificent ocean, surrounded by gorgeous flowers and schools of fish, and someone was holding his hand and leading him to swim through the miraculous underwater rainbow... Unfortunately, that person was wearing a diving suit, and he couldn't see it. He has a clear appearance, but he is sure that the other party is his extremely trusted friend.

They reached a coral-strewn sea and lay on coral bubbles as soft as clouds. The man gently hugged him into his arms, the embrace was warm and reassuring... The man slowly approached him, and the soft lips under the goggles were close at hand.

want to kiss me

Jiang Dao suddenly remembered the description he saw in the script.

Yes, in the scene here, Chu Yinlong should kiss... But why did he stop?

In a daze, Jiang Dao subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and the dream image slowly disappeared. He felt that he was surrounded by people, and there was a calm and long breath in his ears.

Jiang Dao's eyelashes trembled, but he didn't open them.

He kind of didn't want to wake up from the dream.

I don't know if I continue to sleep now, can I return to that dream and let the dream continue?

Not that he was expecting that kiss...

...but the scenery under the sea is so beautiful.

I want to brew sleepiness, but my mind is stubbornly becoming more and more awake.

Jiang Dao became a little angry for no reason, opened his eyes quickly, and decided to get up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved to get out of Chu Yinlong's arms, he felt the man tighten his arms suddenly, turning over and half pressing him down.

The heels of his legs were pushed against him, and Jiang Dao was stunned and did not move.

Chu Yinlong opened his eyes, still a little confused, and rubbed Jiang Dao's cheek with the tip of his nose. Then his movements froze suddenly, and the blankness in his eyes quickly faded away, revealing the turmoil hidden within.

Ejima felt something pressing on the heel of his leg move away carefully.

With a calm face, Chu Yinlong let go of his arms and moved to the side.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Dao couldn't help being happy.

He chuckled a few times, turned over and lay on his side, looked at Chu Yinlong, blinked and asked, "What good thing did Teacher Chu dream about? Tell me about it?"

Chu Yin got up soaringly, stretched out his hand and lifted the quilt to cover Jiang Dao's head, covering the pair of eyes that tempted him to make mistakes, and then he didn't even have time to step on the slippers, and strode out of the master bedroom with bare feet, and turned into the next door. Guest toilet.

If some things are not released for too long, there will indeed be problems—Chu Yinlong thought angrily with red ears.

In the master bedroom, Jiang Dao sat up holding the quilt, resting his chin in one hand, and looked at the door that Chu Yinlong didn't have time to close when he left.

Seeing him walking in such a hurry, I don't know whether to find a quiet place or deal with it quickly?

If it is dealing with... He is usually so serious, what will he look like when dealing with that? What speed do you like? What method are you used to?

...wait, what am I thinking? !

Jiang Dao shook his head violently, thinking that he might have fallen asleep.