MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 19 He didn't even think about it at first

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Back at Taoyuan Residence, the faces of the people who are good at expression management have completely lost their clues.

Jiang Dao was assigned to change clothes, and the others walked into the kitchen with the ingredients, talked and talked about what to cook with a smile, and then began to prepare lunch together.

Chu Yinlong was naturally pulled away by Mu Zhixing, and he was not allowed to get close to the kitchen.

After simply rinsing his hair with cold water and wiping himself, Jiang Dao changed into a suit of clothes and came out. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Qi Peng talking to Haitang.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qi Peng raised his head and said with a smile, "It seems that you are in a good mood. Did you blame Xiao Chu for scolding you?"

Jiang Dao laughed: "No."

Chu Yinlong's few words are so good. When he first joined the army, the group of instructors scolded people harshly. Compared with them, Chu Yinlong can be called gentle.

Besides, people who have never been hungry probably cannot understand his conditioned reflex of desperately saving food, and it is normal to have other speculations.

Qi Peng said again: "Actually, Xiao Chu's intentions are not bad, but he has a quick temper and speaks out loud. When he saw you diving into the water, he probably thought you fell, and his face was blue. He almost went into the water to save someone himself, but was still caught The pastor held him back... So, he was so angry when he found out that you jumped down by yourself, purely from embarrassment."

At that time, Jiang Dao was totally focused on getting vegetables, so he really didn't pay attention to Chu Yinlong's face. Thinking back now, the first time he fished cabbage up, he did not hear Chu Yinlong's voice, and he was scolded only the second time he came up.

I just didn't expect that there are so many stories in it.

Looking at the look on Jiang Dao's face, Qi Peng knew that the child was really not settled, so he was completely relieved.

"Come on, help your mothers cut some dishes, and I'll let the camera come over and take close-ups for you." He assigned the job with a smile, and turned to call the camera.

Jiang Dao worked quickly and quickly cut up all the ingredients for lunch and put them on different plates. Then he followed Haitang to fight, and observed the stealing teacher by the way.

Seeing that Jiang Dao seemed eager to try, Haitang handed him the shovel: "Will you handle the next dish? Try it."

Fifteen minutes later, all the five dishes and one soup for lunch came out of the pan. Haitang asked An Zhe to call for someone, Jiang Dao and Cheng Zhiyi propped up the table and set up the dishes.

Everyone was seated quickly.

After eating two mouthfuls of vegetarian fried cabbage, he felt that the taste was different. Qi Peng raised his eyebrows and looked at Haitang. Haitang smiled, and nodded Jiang Dao who was sitting beside her with the corner of her eyes.

Qi Peng coughed lightly, stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a lot of cabbage and put it in Chu Yinlong's bowl.

"I think the stir-fried vegetables are pretty good today, delicious!" He praised, and added two more chopsticks of mushrooms and rapeseed to Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong tasted it and nodded: "It's really good."

Qi Peng smiled and said, "Is it to your taste? Ginger and garlic are fried in oil and then fished out, leaving only the taste and no residue, so you don't have to choose."

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong smiled at Haitang: "Don't worry, sister."

Haitang shook her head: "I didn't fry these two dishes."

Chu Yinlong was stunned for a moment.

Haitang smiled and patted Jiang Dao: "It was Xiao Dao who reminded me that you don't eat onions, **** and garlic, so I picked out the seasonings in the dishes. Moreover, this stir-fried vegetable cabbage, shiitake mushrooms and fried bacon with dried beans are all delicious. Kojima is at the helm. I'm taking it easy today."

Next to him, Mu Zhixing took a big mouthful of cabbage and hummed twice in satisfaction.

Then, relying on his high status in the circle, he picked up which pot he didn't open: "And these dishes were rescued by Xiao Dao, otherwise we would only have two dishes and one soup for lunch."

Chu Yinlong: ...

"Just pamper him." Chu Yinlong smiled wryly, his tone of anger had long since disappeared, and there was still some helplessness.

After lunch, Qi Peng and Director Mu dragged Chu Yinlong who wanted to help wash the dishes, preventing him from getting any chance to approach the kitchen.

"You are too superstitious, I will be fine if I don't touch the fire!" Chu Yinlong tried to argue.

But they were suppressed by the two: "No, the earthen stove can't be extinguished all day long, and it usually warms the water with a small fire. It's too dangerous for you to go in."

"Good guy, I'm not a bomb..." Chu Yinlong was speechless.

Seeing Jiang Dao and Cheng Zhiyi cooperate to put away the dining table and carry it back to the kitchen, Mu Zhixing smiled and said, "This kid is really good, let alone professional skills, at least he is not squeamish."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Peng was happy: "And it's rare to be able to confront Xiao Chu. Hey, I was shocked when I was on the boat this morning. At his age, he is not at all afraid in front of Xiao Chu. Talk back, and it's quite clear. You didn't see, Xiao Yi was so frightened that his face turned pale."

Chu Yinlong folded his arms and hummed softly from his nasal cavity.

Mu Zhixing: "What are you humming, if he is really willing to film, he will definitely catch your aura."

Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows: "Is this what you like?"

Director Mu stroked his chin, and thought for a moment: "I have taken a fancy to the character, and the temperament is indeed very suitable for the little gray wolf, but the appearance is too beautiful, the defect is wild, and the body is not strong enough. Game test and test?"

"Success, I'll discuss with the director about leaving a camera to work overtime." Qi Peng immediately agreed.

After chatting for a while, Chu Yinlong decided to go back to his room and take a nap to gather energy for the afternoon activities. As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw Jiang Dao crouching on the rattan chair by the door, frowning and fiddling with his mobile phone.

Chu Yinlong took a look: "The phone is broken?"

Jiang Dao sighed: "The water has entered. Now there is only sound, and the screen is not bright."

Chu Yinlong was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand: "Let me see."

Jiang Dao raised his face to look at Chu Yinlong, and smiled: "You didn't scold me for asking for trouble?"

Taking the mobile phone from Jiang Dao, Chu Yinlong said: "I trained you because I was afraid that you would be in danger. It's all over, can you still hold on to it?"

While speaking, he turned off the phone and shook it gently by his ear.

Jiang Dao said casually, "I just can't bear to waste food."

Chu Yinlong was speechless: "Which is more important, food or people?"

Jiang Daoman didn't care: "I'm sure there will be no accidents, so it's important to eat."

Chu Yin laughed angrily: "Stubborn. I fell into the water with a cabbage at the same time, you fish the cabbage first?"

Jiang Dao nodded solemnly, "Get the cabbage first."

Chu Yinlong: ...

Did he humiliate himself?

Seeing the prank succeed, Jiang Dao couldn't help laughing.

"After all, cabbage can't swim, and it can still fill your stomach." He continued, "Otherwise, I'm starving, so I want to eat you?"

Hearing this, Chu Yinlong looked at Jiang Dao with a strange expression. Jiang Dao nestled in the rattan chair, resting his chin in one hand, and smirked at Chu Yinlong.

Chu Yinlong understood right away—the kid said that on purpose, just to take advantage of him verbally.

"Tsk, childish."

"Hmph, hypocrite." I can understand it.

"I never said I was a gentleman."

With a few jokes, the conflict between the two was resolved. After all, they are not hypocritical people, and no one takes small things to heart.

"Give this mobile phone to the director team first, and let them take it to the town for repair." Chu Yinlong said, "I don't bring any tools, so it's inconvenient to dismantle it, otherwise I can handle it myself."

"Ah..." Jiang Dao looked confused, "Then what should I listen to when I sleep?"

"I'll borrow it from you first," Chu Yinlong said, just seeing the Bluetooth headset on the bedside, and said with a smile, "It just so happens that I don't have to re-match it. But I don't have a drama tracking platform installed in my phone... listen to e-books Is it?"

"It should be fine, as long as it is a human being." Jiang Dao said, showing a sweet smile to Chu Yinlong, "Mr. Chu, you are really a good person!"

Chu Yinlong glanced at him: "Don't pretend to be good, you pretend not to be."

As he spoke, he called the director's assistant, handed over Jiang Dao's cell phone, and gave a few instructions.

Back in the room, he randomly picked out a popular science e-book and broadcast it to Jiang Dao, then lay down on the bed with all his clothes on, and seized the time to take a nap.

Jiang Dao plugged in a bluetooth earphone, lying beside Chu Yinlong, listening to the magnetic voice in the e-book, almost fell into a deep sleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Then, he fell into a nightmare.

The dream was very vague, without any specific things, but the panic and despair brought about gripped Jiang Dao's heart tightly, as if he was being torn, bit, chewed, and devoured by something...

"Small island!"

A voice came from far away.

"Xiaodao... Jiangdao, loose mouth..."

kept calling him.

"Enoshima... hello!"

After an unknown period of time, the world was suddenly quiet.

So quiet... as if ten thousand beasts were dormant before the disaster, as if the human race was wiped out after a great war...

The trembling from the soul pulled Jiang Dao out of the dream, he finally woke up, and opened his eyes suddenly.

What came into view was Chu Yinlong who was frowning and having a troubled face. Chu Yinlong was pinching his chin with one hand, prying his thumb into his jaw.

Jiang Dao backed away and stared back puzzled.

"It's the first time I've seen it. I had a nightmare and bit myself bleeding."

As Chu Yinlong said, he put the bluetooth headset he took off and asked again: "Does it hurt you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Dao belatedly felt a tingling pain in his lips, and his mouth smelled of iron. He raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and his fingertips were indeed stained with water red.

"Don't touch your hands, I'll get the medicine." Chu Yinlong rolled over and got off the bed.

"It's okay, this is a small injury," Jiang Dao stuck out the tip of his tongue and slid it twice, "Just lick it."

Seeing that Jiang Dao really didn't care, Chu Yinlong didn't insist. Sitting back on the bed, he asked, "What did you dream about, that you are so cruel to yourself?"

Jiang Dao closed his eyes and curled the corners of his mouth.

He stretched his body, stretched his waist long, then opened his eyes and looked at the beams, with a nonchalant tone: "I dreamed that I was eaten..."

At the end, he added: "This time it's serious 'eating', like peeling the skin and eating the meat and bones."

Chu Yinlong: ...

He didn't even think about it at first.

This is superfluous poor explanation.

It was late, and the two of them didn't go to sleep at all. They got up and finished tidying up, just when Qi Peng knocked on the door.

"Get ready to pick watermelons." Qi Peng's voice sounded outside the door, "Get up and get ready."

"I woke up early." Jiang Dao muttered and opened the door and went out.

As soon as they had a face-to-face meeting, Qi Peng was stunned.

After a long while, he frowned: "Xiao Dao, you mouth..." He looked suspiciously into the room, and his eyes fell on Chu Yinlong's face.

Chu Yinlong knew that there was a catastrophe, and his face was full of helplessness: "He bit himself in a nightmare."

Qi Peng didn't believe it: "Who can bite himself like this in a dream? You really didn't hit him?"

Chu Yinlong stared: "You really think I can do this!"

Jiang Dao was delighted to hear this, and walked into the yard with a smile.

Director Mu came out of the room with a thermos bottle in hand, and when he saw Jiang Dao, he was stunned: "What's wrong with your mouth?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Chu Yinlong.

Jiang Dao is clever: "It's a nightmare, I bit it myself."

Chu Yinlong spread his hands towards Qi Peng: "Look."

At this time, Haitang came lightly, passed by Jiang Dao, and said in surprise: "Ah, Xiao Dao, what's wrong with your mouth?"

Then, she frowned and looked at Chu Yinlong reproachfully.

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