MTL - After Canary Was Reborn, He Was Favored As a Boss-Chapter 1291 Episode 34-Dazzling Girlfriend

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  Chapter 1291 Episode 34- Dazzling Girlfriend

  Tonight's game was saved by Gu Siyu, and he specially chose a quiet place with few people. The purpose, of course, was to show off his fresh and hot girlfriend.

  For this reason, Gu Siyu arrived half an hour late.

  Because it was a gathering of our own people, everyone brought their wives or fiancees, and Su Zhi was also there.

  After giving birth to Doudou, she hasn't come out to play for a long time. It's rare that Jian Jie helps take care of Doudou at home tonight, so she can go out with Lu Hanyao to relax.

  In the spacious and luxurious box, everyone played in twos and threes.

  Several powerful young masters and second generations in the Beijing circle were playing cards, while Su Zhi stood in front of the pool table watching Lu Hanyao and Ji Cheng play pool.

  Gu Siyu and Lin Xin came late.

   "Let me introduce to everyone, this is my girlfriend, Lin Xin."

  Lu Hanyao, Ji Cheng, and Su Zhi all knew Lin Xin's true identity, so it wasn't too surprising to see him.

  The others looked at Lin Xin's face, dumbfounded.

   Isn’t this TM the female version of Shi Wei? !

   Now, everyone looked at Gu Siyu with meaningful eyes.

  When Weiren died, he found a substitute who looked like him. This is how deep the love is.

  Gu Siyu didn't care about everyone's teasing and ridiculing eyes, and happily brought Lin Xin to Lu Hanyao and Ji Cheng's side.

   "Brother Yao, Cheng, I'm sorry, I'm late. I'll treat you tonight."

  Lu Hanyao looked at the two with a half-smile, then beckoned to the waiter.

   "Take the bottle of 'Silence Boat' that you put in the lobby and open it, and help us, Young Master Gu, to have fun."

  The waiter hesitated for a while, seeing that Lu Hanyao was bound to win, he could only leave in response.

   "Silent Ship" is the most expensive champagne in the world, produced in 1907, with a total of 2000 bottles. In 1916, the ship carrying this batch of champagne sank for some reason, and the 2,000 bottles of champagne also sank to the bottom of the sea along with the shipwreck. It was not until 1998 that the batch of champagne on the sunken ship was salvaged. After inspection, it was found that dozens of bottles were still sealed and intact.

   Afterwards, these dozens of bottles of wine successively appeared in major auction venues around the world. Because of the scarcity of the quantity, the auction unit price of a bottle is no less than 8 figures.

  Gu Siyu was in pain for a second, and then he became happy again.

   His good day, why not open a bottle of champagne of this price to celebrate?

   Don't say 10 million, even 100 million, he will drink it today!

  Drinking champagne was not satisfying, Gu Siyu ordered other wine, red foreign beer is always available.

   Drinking until 11 o'clock, Gu Siyu got drunk and was helped away by Lin Xin.

  Watching Gu Siyu's car disappear at the entrance of the street, Ji Cheng turned his head and smiled at Lu Hanyao: "It seems that Siyu really fell into it this time."

  Although Gu Siyu loved to play since he was a child, it was the first time for him to see the other party as happy as today. The kind of true feelings from the heart cannot be hidden or pretended.

  Lu Hanyao was noncommittal, "Is your wedding date set?"

   "Well, it's scheduled for September. The location hasn't been selected yet, so it shouldn't be in China."

  Lu Hanyao patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, let me know in advance so I can make arrangements."

"it is good."

  Back home, Su Zhi went back to her room to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then went to the nursery to see her son.

  Compared to when he was just born, Lu Zhiyu now looks white and tender, like a beautiful doll.

  Backing to the bedroom, Su Zhi didn't take a few steps, but was suddenly hugged by Lu Hanyao from behind.

   "What do you want!?"

  Lu Hanyao lowered his head and kissed her bright red lips, "Guess what?"


  Hmph, she doesn't want to guess.

  (end of this chapter)