MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 69

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On the first day of the luxury cruise ship [Ocean], Conan's cold worsened.

After the conversation with Kuroba Kaidou, Conan was obviously more worried. It's a pity that this worry is not a positive BUFF, but a negative one.

"That's why I said it, let you stay at home, you have to follow me."

Looking at Conan lying on the bed, Mao Lilan showed a helpless expression.

"I'm sorry Sister Xiaolan..."

Conan can't be described as suffering now.

He really didn't want to keep up, but he had to.

"Okay, take a good rest, and don't think about messy things." Mao Lilan slowly got up and sighed helplessly,

"I'll bring you food, don't run around today."

"it is good…"

The result was still troublesome.

Conan lay on the bed with no strength, feeling very aggrieved in his heart.

If only it could be restored to its original appearance.

It's a pity that the medicine is still in Hui Yuan's hands, and she definitely doesn't want to give it...

He didn't want to cause trouble for everyone.

After Mao Lilan finally left the room, Conan fell asleep for a while, and when he woke up again, he found that something had changed inside the room.

The door that had been closed was pushed open.

Almost from a subconscious reaction, Conan's heart was still tense for no reason.

Has anyone come to his room? ?

The answer is yes.

But when he came to his room, he didn't do anything, and he probably came to help him.

Conan's first reaction was Kaito Kidd, but why did he come to him at this time? ? Totally unnecessary, right? ?

With curiosity, Conan got out of bed quickly and planned to go to the closet to have a look. However, the moment his eyes touched the objects placed in the cabinet, he was still startled for no reason.

That's a pill.

He vaguely remembered that Haiyuan had given him a similar drug, but this time she didn't give him a second time.

"Every time I do a lot of messy things inexplicably, this time I won't condone you, Detective."

The other party said so, and Conan was speechless about it.

However, since it was impossible for Haiyuan to give him medicine, who gave this medicine? ?

Tsujimoto Yuma? ? Or... Tsujimoto is involved? ?

Conan stood on tiptoe, and he took out the piece of paper under the medicine, and several fonts of dragons and phoenixes quickly appeared in his sight.

[It's only half-finished, but this time the operation was successful, and I'll make you change back permanently.

Correspondingly, I need your help, Kudo Shinichi. ]

Need his help? ?

With that kind of tone, it should be Tsujimoto Yuma, right? ?

Conan continued to look down, and the content of the next letter shocked him.

Need to get him to investigate who wants to get the gem? ?

What a joke! ? This kind of thing... Could it be that there are people in the black organization who want to get the heart of the ocean? ? ?

No, not necessarily Heart of the Ocean. It would be better to say that the rumor of the Heart of the Ocean seems to have arisen during this period of time, and something is wrong no matter how you look at it.

Someone deliberately used Heart of the Ocean and Kaitou Kidd to attract the attention of some people, and those people are very likely to be involved with the Black Organization.

If this is bait, then what Tsujimoto Yu really wants to catch is definitely a big fish.

Some unlikely thought came to Conan's mind, but in the end he refrained from thinking any further.

At least he can confirm that Tsujimoto Yuma is indeed on his side... Calm down, calm down. Since he is willing to help himself, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

Most importantly, he wants to protect Xiaolan.

What Conan's body can't do, Kudo Shinichi can do.

"The target is almost locked."

Akai Shuichi put down the gun in his hand and said expressionlessly.

"Is this sure?" The young man with blond hair and dark skin smiled and looked at each other.

"I didn't expect Mr. Akai Shuichi to be very reliable at this time."


Akai Shuichi was silent.

Akai Shuichi chose not to answer.

The task given to them by Yuma Tsujimoto was very simple. They only needed to target a few people who might be the bosses of the Black Organization.

As for the screening, it was left to Tsujimoto Yuma himself.

"I'm not sure whether my lock is correct, I can only say that I can judge by investigating their background and actions." Akai Shuichi continued,

"I'm not as good as you in terms of intelligence sorting, so without your assistance, I couldn't do it."

"It's good if you can understand." Jiang Guling said indifferently.

As a result, the relationship between the two is still very bad.

But it's also normal. Akai Shuichi knows that Bourbon's vigilance has always been high, and even if the two are still in a cooperative relationship at this time, I'm afraid they can't relax their vigilance.

Not to mention, there was still a lot of conflict between the original Akai Shuichi and the lower valley zero.

Akai Hideichi didn't bother to say anything, he directly sent the information to Tsujimoto Yuma, and then he continued to station.

[Once I tell you the target character, you will shoot him as soon as possible. ]

[Kill the wrong person? No, I can't possibly kill the wrong person. My choice must be correct, you just have to obey me and that's enough. ]

Tsujimoto Yuzhen told him so.

Then it was enough for him to do as he did.

For Akai Shuichi, hitting the target may not be that important.

He is more interested in... Tsujimoto Yuma, what will he do next?


At this moment, in the central restaurant of the ocean cruise ship.

When it was time for lunch, the number of people in the restaurant gradually increased. Maurilan and Suzuki Sonoko also appeared in the restaurant.

Tsujimoto and Gin were still sitting quietly in the seats by the window. Although Suzuki Sonoko and Maurilan had seen Tsujimoto's face, they probably wouldn't have noticed, considering that Tsujimoto had done cross-dressing. Tsujimoto is concerned with the existence of people.

Most of the guests in the restaurant were talking about [Heart of the Ocean], and apparently most of them were attracted by the trailer of Kaitou Kidd.

"Really or not, the Heart of the Ocean still exists?? I thought it was just a legend..."

"It must be true! But where is the heart of the ocean?? Why haven't I heard of the heart of the ocean hidden on the ship before??"

"Since Kaitou Kid is here, it's a done deal! Even the Suzuki family has come here this time, it seems to be very important..."

"Didn't you say some time ago that the phantom thief Kidd committed the crime again?? Police officers Nakamori have already passed by, is it really a pretense?"

Tsujimoto started the paradox simulation again to scan, but in his field of vision, there seemed to be no particularly important characters identified.

One possibility is that the boss is not here at this time, and with his cautious personality, he will definitely not appear in person in person.

So let's see if the barrage has credible news?

Tsujimoto resolutely raised the transparency of the bullet screen, intending to see what the bullet screen said.

【Wow! Is this the rhythm for a case to happen! ? Or is the BOSS hidden in this group of people? 】

[The ones for the camera must be wrong! Aren't those three people who gave special shots before? 】

[The waiter who poured the water, the rich second generation who was talking, the gem connoisseur with glasses... just three people? I remember these three shots were given the most in the early days. 】

[I think the captain of the dining car is also very suspicious, he has been looking in the direction of the person just now...]

[The captain of the dining car seems to be his own? Did I see him talking to Kidd? ? 】

[How could it be one of four choices, how do you think those three people are more suspicious? 】

[These three people all looked at Sheren with suspicious eyes, **** it, the victim this time won't be Sheren, right? ? 】

[I'm starting to get scared...]

Waiter, rich second generation, and gem appraiser.

Tsujimoto's eyes swept past the three people, and quietly wrote down their names in his heart.

The waitress who poured the water, Hata Yuca, was a waitress who looked ordinary and could not be more ordinary. Her hair was neatly tucked behind her head, and she had dimples on her face when she smiled.

The second rich generation, Toki Kumagani, was dressed in luxurious clothes like a nouveau riche. He tapped the table with his fat fingers, wishing to spread his voice throughout the restaurant.

Gem appraiser, Gushi May, gem appraiser with glasses. It looked like a crepe, but the corner of the line of sight couldn't help but look in his direction.

Another classic three.

Tsujimoto felt that there was nothing wrong with the dining car captain, but the question came, who would be the victim of the three choices?

Shouldn't it really be him? ? But the boss is not going to target him, or is there another reason? ?

Tsujimoto's fingers lightly covered the wine glass and fell into deep thought.

[Tsujimoto is involved, I advise you not to play tricks, I know your actions well, and no matter what you want to do, I will see it. ]

This is the message BOSS sent him half an hour ago.

Tsujimoto suppressed the unpleasant look on his face, but in the end he didn't say anything.

This kind of feeling of being watched is not a good feeling... but when he thought that Yuma used to live under that guy's eyes like this, he was suddenly speechless again.

During the previous communication, he noticed Youzhen's emotions, but he couldn't show his emotions too much at that time - he put Youzhen's life safety first, at least he couldn't put pressure on the other party too early.

The silver-haired youth narrowed his eyes slightly, but his face remained calm.

Gin seemed to be a little impatient waiting, but this time he was very patient, at least he didn't show excessive emotions in front of Tsujimoto.

"When will the handover come?" Jin Jiu frowned,

"We've been waiting all morning."

"Maybe it will be like this for the next week." Tsujimoto said with a smile.

"After all, that gentleman is also quite vigilant. It's not up to me to decide."

Although Tsujimoto Shitoo promised to get the gem from the handover, but until now he has just sat here in a daze.

What the **** is Tsujimoto going to do? ? ?

"Don't be impatient." Tsujimoto said indifferently,

"He's coming, you just need to know that."

At this moment, the waiter Hata Yuina, who had been watching him secretly, finally stepped forward. She smiled and brought the plate in her hand, and at the same time bowed slightly, and politely said to Tsujimoto:

"Sir, here's your order—do you need anything else?"

"no need."

Tsujimoto glanced at the other party, but found the indiscernible smile in the other party's eyes.

"Is there anything else?" Tsujimoto looked at him inexplicably.

"It's nothing! It's just that you look familiar!" Hata Xina waved her hand a little embarrassedly.

"I offended! I'm really sorry!"


After Hatta Xina walked away, Tsujimoto looked at Gin seriously:

"Speaking of which, do I look like I'm easily approached?"

"What are you asking me for??"

Gin's face turned black.

The result is still nothing.

However, looking at Jin Jiu's expression, he doesn't seem to know anything about these three people. The next three events should have nothing to do with Jin Jiu.

Or is this an incident that has nothing to do with the winery? ? ?

Tsujimoto Shizuo picked up the knife in his hand and was about to unwrap the tableware in front of him, but the expression on his face suddenly froze.

he saw-

Beneath the thick lid, red numbers jumped wildly, as if on a countdown to life.

bomb? ? Who put it here? ? ?

Without saying a word, Tsujimoto opened the window on one side and threw the bomb that was about to explode in a parabolic pattern. During this rapid process, he conducted countless simulations and confirmed that no In the case of people, the bomb was directly disposed of.


When the violent explosion sounded in the air, the expressions of the passengers all around suddenly changed, obviously they realized something.

"What's the matter?? Someone attacked this gentleman??"

"Is that a bomb just now!? Definitely a bomb?? So why would someone put a bomb on a dinner plate!"

"Are you all right, sir! Are you injured??"


Tsujimoto patted his sleeve, and a shadow appeared in his eyes.

Someone wants to kill him.

He had thought about whether the boss was going to attack him, but this clumsy assassination method didn't look like he was from a black organization—

What's more, Jin Jiu is still sitting opposite him. If the other party wants to shoot, Jin Jiu will definitely be injured.

"The person who served the plate just now was Miss Hata, right?" At this moment, a young man wearing a hood suddenly said,

"If the food on the plate is not food, shouldn't Miss Hata Yuuna be the first to react? Why did you still bring the food?"


Hata Xina, who was suddenly named, turned pale, her hands trembling at a loss, and she didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"Hey! How do you know that Miss Hata is the murderer! Who do you think you are?? Maybe Miss Hatta just didn't notice!? How can you frame someone like this!"

One of the guests probably couldn't stand it anymore, but couldn't help but say one more sentence.

"I didn't say that Miss Hata Xina was the murderer." The youth spread his hands and said,

"I just think it's weird, or does Ms. Hata Yuuna think the question I asked is not easy to answer?"

"It's not like that!" Hata Xina hurriedly explained,

"I, I really didn't notice this... I was a little distracted at the time, it was my fault, but I really never thought about hurting this gentleman!"

"Hey, I said!"

Mao Lilan, who was on the side, finally couldn't stand it anymore, and stepped forward to stop the other party's further inquiries.

"Don't be so cruel to girls, I think this matter is strange... In short, Miss Hatta doesn't look like the murderer who planted the bomb, right? Do you want to investigate further before making a judgment?"

The girl looked like she was about to cry, but Mao Lilan still subconsciously felt that the other party could not be the murderer, and stood up out of protection.

But why does the young man in front of him look so familiar?


The young man smiled, but suddenly reached out and took off his hood.

The next second he did so, even Gin sitting beside Tsujimoto Shito was stunned. And Mao Lilan, who was standing aside, covered his mouth subconsciously, and could hardly believe his eyes.

"I must have my basis for saying this, but I don't mean to make girls cry."

The boy named Kudo Shinichi raised his face and showed a confident smile,

"If possible, do you need me to help explain the cause and effect?"


Looking at the sudden increase in the barrage, Tsujimoto held his forehead and suddenly felt tired.

It's really difficult to keep this guy low-key...

Read The Duke's Passion