MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 60

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"I have two things in my hands."

The silver-haired man looked at him condescendingly, holding a gun in one hand and a bag of coins in the other,

"You can choose to take one thing, a gun to protect yourself, and money to live a good life for a long time. How? Which one do you choose?"

The young child stared at the smiling man in front of him, intuitively telling him that this man was dangerous, but this was the only man who let him escape the misery.

He was too young to be good at using a gun. Even if you take the money bag, you may not have the power to protect money.

Choose one of the two, no matter which one you choose will not necessarily make him survive.

So he thought for a moment, and finally stepped forward and grabbed the man's hand.

"I want this."

Under the man's surprised gaze, the child raised his head and gave the answer firmly.

Gin was already in the safe house when he woke up.

The room was very quiet, and the air was filled with the smell of medicine, which was slightly choking.

He was lying on a bed in the center of the safe house with most of his wounds bandaged. Even the clothes were stripped and replaced.

Tsujimoto's bandaging skills are not too bad, but the bandaging skills are just as wild and casual as his own, and he can only barely say that he has handled the wounds. Wandering among mummies.

Jin Jiu was silent again and again, but he still did not have the impulse to remove the bandage and tie it again.

He can't remember how he slept last night, maybe halfway, or maybe he passed out after reaching the safe house.

I remembered what Tsujimoto had been saying all the time. He impatiently told the other party to shut up, but the guy was still chattering.

"How did you make yourself like this?? You are too miserable, hahahahaha!"

"I've made it clear on the boss side, we can go back later, just treat it as a halftime break."

"I heard that there are a few good restaurants in Los Angeles. Do you want to go and see when you're almost done? Hey, don't sleep! I won't take you back halfway through your sleep!"

"You actually dislike me!? Forget it, if you're going to be in a coma, go into a coma. I promise to transport you back safely..."

and so on.

Tsujimoto is really not serious when he is involved in people's seriousness, but he is really reliable when he is serious.

In short, it is a very subtle existence.

He stood up slowly and looked silently at the messed up medicines and bandages on the table. He could probably imagine the chaotic scene last night.

Gee, a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know where his coat went, but there were spare clothes in the safe house. Gin took one and changed it. At the same time, he also noticed the Bo/Lei/Ta on the table and the faint blue one. gem.

Where did Tsujimoto go? ?

Such a question came to mind, Jin Jiu looked around, and quickly landed on the sofa not far away.

Tsujimoto was lying on his back on the sofa, his pale face leaned to one side, and he was sinking into the sofa. Only one hand hangs down slightly, and the phalanx just touches the floor.

His sleep was as bad as ever.


Seemingly noticing that someone was approaching, Tsujimoto was quickly awakened. He looked at the person in front of him with blurred eyes, and was confused for a while, but he still didn't wake up very much.

"Am I having a nightmare... Why does gin appear? I really didn't sleep well..."

"Nightmare?" Gin showed a kind smile,

"Dream me a nightmare?"

"Of course not—hush!"

Just as he was about to get up, Tsujimoto only felt something in his brain twitch slightly, and he fell directly to the ground. And the messy things scattered on the sofa also fell down with him, looking very embarrassed.

Looking at Tsujimoto Shito, who was tangled in bandages on the ground, Gin could only drink for a while: …

He is very good at taking care of others, but unfortunately he can't take care of himself at all.

"You're just looking at gin! Are you just standing there watching jokes! You make me sad!"

Trying to tear off the bandage on his body, Tsujimoto patted the dust on his clothes, still looking tired,

"I've already contacted the boss. If it wasn't for your accident, I would have gone back last night."

"How did you take the gem from the FBI?" Gin narrowed his eyes.

"Grab it." Tsujimoto said simply and neatly.


"Yes, I remember being a sniper." Tsujimoto recalled Shuichi Akai's face,

"Probably wearing a knitted hat? He's good at sniping. It's a pity he met me."

"You are good at sniping??"

"No, I just broke his gun."


This is indeed Tsujimoto's style, no doubt about it.

It is very subtle that Tsujimoto actually met Shuichi Akai.

But at least I finally got the gem. After identification, this gem is indeed the rumored [disaster]. At night, it can also reflect the mysterious blue light by the weak light.

It is said that this gem is the same source as the rumored [Hope], and it is also a gem that can bring disaster to people. Although it is only a rumor, judging from what happened last night, it can indeed be regarded as a [disaster].

The largest underground casino in Los Angeles collapsed. Although it was said that the FBI and Yuzhen were behind it, it was too much trouble.

But it's not a big problem. If you have Yuzhen, you basically don't have to worry about future problems.

than this...

Tsujimoto, who had finally recovered his original memory, slowly raised his head, and after the barrage, he saw these dense words after a long absence.

Then he fell silent.

【Boiled ah ah ah! ! ! 】

[Shutren, please sober up, Shiren! ! They are lying to you! You mustn't trust Gin and them... blah him! He believed it! ! 】

[Gin, you are so shameless! Someone involved is obviously your senior, but you actually say it's your brother! Aren't you taking advantage of others? 】

[Yuzhen: Go away, I don't want to have two brothers! 】

[It's over, this time Shiren completely loses his memory and turns black, will he really shoot at his brother... What if he shoots at his brother! ? I don't want to see the situation of brothers being murdered! I will cry! 】

【Will not! Think of the lucky E of involving people! How could he have been so unlucky to have played with his brother! It's better to be played by my brother! 】

[Pfft... I'm dying of laughter, grass, don't persecute people like this! Hey! If people are lucky, E will cry, okay?]

[Speaking of which, the boss's attitude towards Shiren is really unusual. I initially thought Shiren should be the senior of the black organization, but the attitude of the boss is not like facing the former subordinates, more like a flat level person? 】

[Karasuma Lianye, what are you trying to do, you poor old man? ? Don't think no one will recognize you if you use a younger version of the holster! 】

[In other words, why did the ear disease get better after the person lost his memory and was brainwashed? ? Does the medicine actually have the effect of restoring physical function? ? 】

[I think it's not just such a simple thing, but don't you think that the wounds healed quickly when you were injured before? 】

【right! ! There was a story before, I remember that the entire palm of Shiren was punctured by a knife, but it was only a flesh wound when I went to the hospital for examination. It was incredible, right? ! 】

[I mean, is there a possibility... In fact, Shiren already has extraordinary recovery ability, and the potion is only one of the driving forces? 】

【Wait a moment! If we look at it together, the X organization was once dismissed for some reasons, and the original members of the X organization, Carmen and Nozomi, were obsessed with Tsujimoto. What does this mean! ? The answer is already obvious! 】

[Before the person involved in amnesia was the boss of the X organization? ? I think so too! And you see, in addition to designing high-end luxury-related industries, Organization X also has some explorations in the field of games and pharmaceutical companies, and the BOSS they organize is also called Pandora! It's so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious! 】

[In other words, the boss and Shiren were probably old friends a long time ago? Maybe even a friendship? It is more inclined to be partners and friends. All in all, the old **** BOSS must have done something sorry for involving others, otherwise, why is the attitude of BOSS so subtle? 】

[Wow... If Shiren is the same age as the boss, isn't Shiren also very old? ? Why does he still maintain his youthful appearance? ? 】

【Boiled! Do you remember! The name of the boss of the X organization is Pandora! Pandora means longevity stone! Since it is a longevity stone, it is likely that Sheren has already taken similar drugs, so it can lead to the appearance of immortality, right? ? 】

[The old monster of BOSS is likely to take the same medicine as Shiren to keep his youth forever, so the silhouette that appears is the feeling of a young man. 】

【What about Yujin? ? If that's the case, what happened to Yuma? 】

【I do not know! ! What can be confirmed at the moment is that Sheren must be completely black after being brainwashed, and she was tricked by gin to leave the winery... Damn it, I also want a good Sheren sauce! ! 】

[No, I think Shiren-chan has become even wilder after losing his memory, the kind whose direct nature is exposed...]

[But the aura is completely crushed by the BOSS! I'm sorry, if it's really the same as what the barrage said, then I can drink again...]

【Da Ba Da Baa! I can play the piano or the brother group! This is not right! That's an old man! ! 】

[Although, according to the bullet screen, the age of the people involved may not be too young...]

【It's not about people! It's impossible to be involved! Anyway! Absolutely not! Challenge the lower limit is yes! ! 】

[I feel that whether it is Alaska, Carmen, or Hope, although they call themselves members of the X organization, they have no sense of respect for the boss at all... Alaska is completely a personal cult, and Carmen wants to kill it. Shiren, I hope that I obviously want to use Shiren, and it is not as reliable as gin wine after a long time. 】

[If the person involved is really a BOSS, then this BOSS must be too embarrassed...]

[Or is this the real reason for the disbandment of the X organization? ? I think it needs to be investigated.]

[Let's not say anything else, at least in the episode of getting the disaster, people really care about gin! Especially the scene of the support in the moonlight! Boil! 】

[ belongs to the part where the gin party eats sugar and the brother party eats knives...]

[Damn, is the animation team really not going to make a memoir! I'm in a state of anxiety right now! I'm really curious about the past of the people involved! ! 】

【support! ! Make a memoir! Children are really hungry for memoirs! 】

The barrage is almost going crazy.

But I have to say that many barrages are indeed accurate. For the sake of being a little scary.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that the barrage doesn't seem to know that he has recovered his memory. So he still thinks that his black square is pure, so his black square value has skyrocketed all the way, and by the time he reacts, he has already crossed the passing line by 60 points.

In this way, his purpose has indeed been achieved.

As for the plot in the hospital, Yuzhen probably took the initiative to close the barrage before it was cut. This time the plot is mainly from Yuzhen's point of view, so Yuzhen also skyrocketed a wave of red square values.

That's fine.

After solving the problem of numerical value and barrage, the next step is the black organization.

Tsujimoto shut down the barrage. He glanced at the communicator again, and Belmod really sent a message:

[Belmode: The efficiency is good. I didn't expect the action to be so fast. You guys made a lot of news this time. ]

[Gimlet: That's the way it is, we can't go back now, the FBI probably hates us and is arresting us all over the city. ]

[Belmode: You're playing really big, Gimlet, the boss will probably be very happy. ]

[Gimlet: That's fine, I feel like he's eager to hang me up right away...]

When Belmode arrives at the safe house, they can be picked up smoothly. It's actually very easy to leave here, as long as he and Yuzhen talk a little bit, he can easily leave this place.

The only trouble is the BOSS.

Recalling how the BOSS tested his performance before, Tsujimoto's face sank instantly.

It's not that he can't accept betrayal. After all, he has experienced backstabs more than once. But after the betrayal, the backhand wants to continue to use him, which is somewhat excessive.

But BOSS is still kept in the dark, so he has a lot of room for activities.

After getting [Tamir's Heart] and [Calamity], the boss's target must be Pandora.

And where Pandora is, only the original Tsujimoto involved knows this matter.

If you want to get Pandora, you must first get the Heart of Tamir and Calamity, these two gems are the keys to the living Pandora.

But even if it's the boss, I'm afraid he won't know how to get Pandora.

He needs Tsujimoto to restore his original memory, but he cannot restore the current memory.

That's why he planned everything and waited for Tsujimoto's return.

Tsujimoto Shiren closed the plan, and after writing this mission report, he had to go back to see the boss.

According to Belmod, he is very satisfied with the two big moves Gimlet has made, and wants to go back and talk to him a little bit.

The so-called talk is probably not just an ordinary [talk]. If he guessed correctly, the potion should allow him to recall some of the previous related events, that is, how to find the memory of Pandora, the immortal stone.

So the question is, does Tsujimoto know about Pandora?

Tsujimoto Shiren threw the plan aside, a subtle smile hidden in his eyes.

Of course not.

As long as he acts like he doesn't know anything, he doesn't know.

Probably noticing Tsujimoto Shiren's weird expression, Jin Jiu unconsciously looked at him twice, his eyes filled with confusion.

"what are you laughing at???"

"I remember happy things."

"What are you happy about??"

"Belmode said that BOSS is very optimistic about my next development and wants to see me alone." Tsujimoto raised his eyes,

"Isn't this a plan to get me a promotion and a raise? What do you think? Gin?"

"How do I know." Gin was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"If the boss wants to kill me, what are you going to do?" Tsujimoto asked suddenly.

"how is this possible?"

Gin frowned, looking at him with a [is there something wrong with your brain] look.

"It's just a hunch." Tsujimoto put his hands together, his expression a little low,

"After all, my luck has always been bad."

Generally speaking, Tsujimoto's hunch is always accurate when it comes to doom.

But since the boss wants to see him, he must still see him.

What tricks will he play? Want to test whether he can remember the memory of the past? Or do you want something from him? ?

Maybe both.

After all, they are no longer the [friends] they used to be.

Read The Duke's Passion