MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 59 (1)

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The explosion sounded over and over again throughout the entire underground auction house. At the moment when the FBI members filed in, Tsujimoto and Kuroba were also on their way to retreat.

With Kuroba Kuito's strong backup force, this journey has been very smooth, or it has been a little too smooth.

Even Tsujimoto Toshito himself was surprised.

The only thing that worried him was that Tsujimoto had tried to talk to Gin several times along the way, but Gin still didn't reply to him.

Shouldn't something really happen to the gin? ? ?

Because I haven't been in touch for a long time, Tsujimoto is still a little worried.

After all, the explosion still made him very concerned. Before the explosion, Gin also messaged him that the gem had been obtained.

In other words, Tsujimoto's information about people is indeed effective, and Loren has been counter-killed, and now he only needs to go back with Jinjiu.

As for what happened before, and Kuroba Kaito...

Tsujimoto's interesting gaze fell on Kuroba Kuito, who was inexplicably chilled.

"Again, what happened again..."

Whenever Tsujimoto looked at him with this kind of eyes, there was nothing good, and Kuroba Kuito felt that he was about to have PTSD.

"It's nothing, just thinking about what to do after you." Tsujimoto said seriously,

"After all, I'm also a member of the Black Organization in name, right? I don't think letting you go casually doesn't meet my criteria."

Kuroba Kaito: "...?"

Wait a moment? ? How can you play like this! ! After working together for so long, is it possible that you are still planning to go against the water? ?

"You did save me, so I decided to let you go."

Fortunately, when the conversation changed, Kuroba Kuito's heart that had been hanging all the time finally fell.

"I'll give this back to you, I don't need it anymore. Also, count the time and you're almost ready to go." Tsujimoto returned the electronic map to him,

"Thank you very much on the way, did I cause you a lot of trouble?"


The sudden reversal stunned Kuroba for a moment. He looked at Tsujimoto Shiren in confusion, not understanding what he wanted to do for a while.

"I don't like to be the one who drags others down. I hope you can go back first."

Looking at the rising water on the ground, Tsujimoto explained,

"But I also didn't want to leave my partner casually. So I decided to check it out anyway."

"Are you going to find gin??" Kuroba Kaito was about to explode.

"The lot over there is about to collapse! Are you sure you want to go over there! You can't save him if you go there now!"

"I know." Tsujimoto looked at him, but his tone was unexpectedly calm.

"You're here to protect me. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably have been killed by Loren right from the start."


"I do thank you. And the younger brother who has never met." Tsujimoto Shiren was silent for a moment, then continued,

"But I can't leave my partner alone either. Whether he cheated on me or not, I don't think it's enough to completely distrust him."

"There are too many people who deceive me in this world. In fact, I don't care about such things. But... At least, it's not a bad thing to have one more person who cares about me survive, right?"


"Go back, if you don't go back, I'm afraid you won't survive."

Tsujimoto looked at Kuroba Kaito for the last time, turned and left.

He has almost written down the general route to leave. As long as he follows the original route, there will be basically no major problems.

Next, as long as you have a reconciliation with Gin, and then get the gem back to the Black Organization, everything will be over.

Tsujimoto Shibuto walked through the long corridor. Because of the narrow terrain, the water in the corridor almost spread over his knees, and the rate of rise was accelerating rapidly.

The original plan was to cause agitation through the explosion of the aquarium, and take the opportunity to assassinate Loren... This goal can be considered achieved.

However, something seems not quite right.

The road that does show on the digital map leads to the central hall.

But according to the route on the map, he only needs to walk five minutes to get there. But now seven or eight minutes have passed, and he has not been able to see the end of the road.

On the contrary, the water under his feet gradually decreased, and he could feel that the terrain was gradually rising, and his footsteps stopped subconsciously.

No, that's not the way to the gin side at all.

To be precise, the electronic map can be changed in real time. If his younger brother doesn't want Gin to survive, then he can choose to tamper with the map.

In other words, that person wanted to kill Gin.

Tsujimoto looked back and saw that the water in the low position had risen from his knees to about half his waist.

If he goes back now, I am afraid it will spread directly over his head, right?

But... can he really leave his partner alone?

Obviously it can't be done.

In fact, he didn't want to go back to the Black Organization, but there was a hunch that prompted him to move forward.

Tsujimoto resolutely turned around and planned to go back, but suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice behind him.

The closed door slowly opened, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Tsujimoto, where are you going?"

who? ? ?

At the moment when he heard the sound, Tsujimoto's footsteps stopped abruptly.

When Tsujimoto looked back subconsciously, he quickly saw himself in another pair of very similar eyes.

The silver-haired man walked down step by step, took off his glasses, revealing those indigo blue eyes with a gentle smile.

He has an almost identical face to himself.

Tsujimoto Shiren subconsciously wanted to escape from here. He always felt that something deep in his brain was trying to get out, but it intensified in the end.

Nine times out of ten, it's probably the [younger brother] Kuroba Kaito told him about?

In fact, he was also very curious about this unwitting twin brother, but the moment he saw each other, Tsujimoto Shitoo noticed his extremely abnormal reaction.

"Long time no see, Shiren."

Tsujimoto Yu was really in a good mood, he even tilted his head slightly, his long hair slanted down along with his movements,

"What? It's hard to meet, you don't seem very happy?"

"Not at all."

Since they are brothers, they shouldn't be hostile to themselves, right?

Tsujimoto still believed in the reliable younger brother in front of him. So after thinking for a while, he still tentatively said:

"Are you here to help me?"

"Of course. Not like it?"

"It's not like that." Tsujimoto hesitated for a while, but answered truthfully:

"Just think you're a little dangerous."

He still maintains a certain safe distance.

In fact, the man standing opposite him who was very similar to him did not show any hostility, but even so, Tsujimoto Shiren still did not let his guard down.

twin brother...

His most important family.

And, this guy actually has the same hairstyle as Gin, is it more popular these days for white and long straight hair?

"Are you afraid?"

Seeing Tsujimoto's small gestures, Tsujimoto Yuzhen's eyes showed a strange emotion.

"No. I'm not afraid." Tsujimoto tried to calm down.

"What are you trying to do with me? Do you want me to leave the Black Organization and go back with you? Let me guess, is there some extremely rough experience to recount? For example, family heirs?"

Tsujimoto Yuma: "...Sorry, no."

"Is there not?!" Tsujimoto was shocked.

Zhufu Jingguang, who was quietly watching not far away, also fell silent.

Compared to Tsujimoto Yuma, who is always vigilant at all times, Tsujimoto is more easy-going. that sometimes it goes a little too far.

"If you can, I still hope that you don't continue to retreat, brother."

Looking at Tsujimoto Shiren who wanted to leave here subconsciously, Tsujimoto Yuma said lightly,

"The water behind you will soon flood this corridor, and you have no way out."

Indeed it is.

Tsujimoto has noticed that the water level is gradually rising. If he continues to stay here, there will be no good end.

He didn't want to die so early, but before that, he remembered that the gin seemed to be still in the auction hall.

Do you want to leave your partner and leave? ?

Tsujimoto is not so cruel when it comes to people.

"Where is the gin?" Tsujimoto asked directly.

"You just let me go, but you didn't plan to let him go too? I can see that you don't like him, so you want to kill him?"

He noticed that the other party avoided the answer about gin, and also noticed the hostility that surfaced after he uttered the word [gin].

...So this shouldn't really be a family ethics drama, right? I always feel like I've been involved in something weird.

"He?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen restrained the expression on his face and said indifferently:

"I can tell you where he is, but before that, please get out of here with me, okay?"

He took the initiative to extend his hand to Tsujimoto Yuma with a very sincere expression.

"Or, what are you worrying about?"


Tsujimoto was silent for a while, but he still made a decision.

"Ok, I trust you."

He shouldn't be too vigilant, or in other words, the people in front of him won't make him feel a sense of crisis.

It shouldn't be a bad thing to trust each other a little, right?

After hesitating for a long time, Tsujimoto Shiren took a step forward and took the initiative to hold Tsujimoto Yuma's hand.

But the moment he made such a move, he noticed a sly smile on Tsujimoto Yujin's face.

"Of course, if you can recall everything slowly, I'm definitely willing to express my truest thoughts to you."

Tsujimoto Yuma's fingers clasped the opponent's wrist slightly, and his eyes shifted to the other party's slightly shrunken pupils.

"Although I'm sorry, but this is the only way to make you recall everything, Shiren."

"You...what are you..."

With the contact of the other's fingers, the tear-like pain seemed to be more severe.

He heard a cold mechanical sound coming from his ear:

[The memory lock has been triggered. ]

The memories hidden in the depths gradually poured out of my mind, and everything went according to the original plan.

The only slightly uncomfortable side effect is probably mental oppression.

Tsujimoto Shizuo wanted to break free from the opponent's hand like an electric shock, but Tsujimoto Yuma didn't mean to let go at all. He just looked at the young man in front of him with a blank expression, and then fell into even more tormenting pain.

If it weren't for such a side effect, Tsujimoto Yuma would have appeared in front of Tsujimoto Shitou long ago.

The stage of recovering his memory will also be his most vulnerable stage, at least he can't be exposed like this at the very first moment.

But... I can take the opportunity to deal with the gin when Tsujimoto can't resist.

"Don't worry, involved."

Tsujimoto Yuma walked forward with a smile, and he gently supported Tsujimoto's shoulders so that he wouldn't fall directly,

"Go back to sleep and everything will be fine. As for gin... The guy who betrayed you, do you still need to care?"


Tsujimoto Shiren subconsciously looked at the clothes on Tsujimoto Yuma's shoulders. He subconsciously wanted to say something, but in the end he lost the ability to speak.

He tried hard to clear his mind, but more memories were mixed in with messy things, making it impossible for people to calm down and think.

The powerful pulling force dragged his consciousness little by little into the abyss, and even though he struggled to get out of there, he still couldn't break free.

Until the end, he let go of his fingers and lost consciousness at the last moment of the struggle.


Noticing Tsujimoto Shito, who had finally completely lost consciousness, Tsujimoto Yuma also had a satisfied smile on his face.

"We can almost leave here, everything is really going according to the plan... According to my expectations, Kuroba Kaito is about to get the gem and leave here."

What he saw at the beginning was Kuroba Kuito's quick enough action, and after cooperating with Akai Shuichi, the two also successfully achieved the purpose of pitting gin.

"You left the gin over there alone?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked.

"That's the best ending for him." Tsujimoto Yuma shrugged, "In his brother's opinion, he definitely doesn't want Gin to die. So he can only temporarily pass out this way."

Although Tsujimoto Shito is indeed quite dissatisfied with Gin, it is indeed impossible for him to watch Gin fall into a life-or-death situation and ignore it.

Gin was the most important person in the past, and Tsujimoto was always tolerant of those he cared about.

Unfortunately, Tsujimoto Yuzhen is not a tolerant person.

If someone must be a villain, let him be the villain.

"Are you going to tell your brother?" Zhu Fu Jingguang continued to ask.

"If he asks, I will answer." Tsujimoto Yuzhen said naturally,

"I'm not going to hide anything from him. If he hates me because of it, he hates me."

He also didn't close all the doors of survival. Considering that gin also has a certain value in use, seeing his brother's meaning is also to want to have one more piece, he doesn't mind leaving a way to survive for the other party.

As for whether Gin can escape from there... Oh, it depends on his own luck.

As the topkiller of the organization, you can't even do this, right?


The humid air filled the air with a strong smell of blood.

When Gin woke up, this was what he saw.

The violent explosion nearly knocked him unconscious. But after being in a coma for about ten minutes, he barely woke up.

He was tricked.

Gin has realized this, and his hard-earned gem has been snatched away.

It seems that the other party had long expected that he would kill Loren, so he chose to backstab directly after he succeeded.

This is indeed what he neglected.

The man with silver hair and green eyes stood up with difficulty, and he pushed away the stone that was pressing his arm—the marble stone nearby was blown up a lot, but luckily it didn't hit him right.

Gin gritted his teeth and stood up. He noticed that the water here was about to spread to his waist. If he continued to fall into a coma, he might drown here.

Gotta get out of here quickly.

Gin took out the communicator from his pocket. It must be said that the organization chose to pay a little more for the waterproof communicator. It was the right choice. At least he can now try to contact Tsujimoto.

It can be seen that Tsujimoto Shito seems to be very worried about him, and even repeated many messages to him, and said that he would come to him.

But the last message, just a few minutes ago, took Jin Jiu's entire attention.

[Gimlet has been arrested, if you want to get his life back, remember to find him in the mailroom. ]

Mailroom? ? ?

Gin had a general idea of ​​what the building was made of, and knew where the mailroom was.

But the mail room is at least ten minutes away from here, but this place will be filled with water in twenty minutes.

It only takes five minutes to get out of here. He remembers that the nearest stairs can be reached in five minutes. It is not a problem to leave here with his ability.

"Tsk, it's really going to cause trouble."

Jin Jiu scolded secretly, and he looked at the exit not far away, but still turned and walked towards the mail room.

That idiot probably planned to save him before he was taken away by those FBI bastards.

Is his brain watered? !

But consider that Gimlet is really important to an organization. According to the boss's idea, if Tsujimoto Shito dies, it will also be a great loss for the Black Organization.

He only went back to find Tsujimoto for the sake of organization.

Of course it couldn't be because he cared about him or didn't want him to die. This kind of thing sounds ridiculous.

What Gin didn't notice, however, was that the original [exit] was already filled with water in less than five minutes after he left.

At the end of that exit, the heavy iron gate has been completely merged, and it is impossible to get out from here.

Life and death are only a split second.


When Tsujimoto Shito was sent to the nearest hospital for examination and treatment, Tsujimoto Yuma closed his computer and looked gloomy.

He didn't expect that Jinjiu would still choose to rescue Tsujimoto.

He left the last exit in the mail room, and if Gin decided to leave Tsujimoto and leave by himself, he would 100% die.

It's a shame he didn't do that.

Tsujimoto Yuma never thought of himself as someone who is easy to be soft-hearted. It would be better to say that since joining the Black Organization, he has never softened in matters other than his brother.

The reason why he will leave a way for Gin is to test the importance of involving people to him.

He just simply didn't want Tsujimoto to be unhappy.

The pale-faced young man closed his eyes tightly, and he could see that he was having a very painful dream.

It is not so much a dream, it is better to say that it is the most real memory.

Tsujimoto Yuma actually knew the true effect of the potion.

In fact, that potion was originally used by Tsujimoto Shito. In addition to the ability to lose memory, when the user was originally in a state of amnesia, it would have the exact opposite effect.

Forget the present memory, but recall the previous memory.

That's what BOSS is for. What he needed was Tsujimoto who recalled his past memories, not the current Tsujimoto.

And the world they were originally in, the so-called [other world], is the world that Tsujimoto really remembers.

The doctor said that Tsujimoto was just too tired. He had no significant trauma, and it could even be said that his body functions were not affected.

The only thing that was hurt was probably his mental side.

The more you recall, the more time you need to slow down. Unlike Tsujimoto Yuma, Tsujimoto probably remembered more than twice as much as he did. What's more, he was already shaky before he regained his current memory, and it was because of this consideration that Tsujimoto Yuma never appeared in front of Tsujimoto's eyes.

Once he appears in advance and triggers the memory box, Tsujimoto Shito will definitely collapse in an instant. If he happened to bump into Loren or Gin, that was the last thing he wanted to see.

So Kuroba Kaito became a necessary option.

It's not difficult to gain Tsujimoto's trust with his abilities, and his escape ability is indeed on the line. Coupled with the fact that the exchange allows him to take the gems smoothly, it can be said that he is the strongest tool person.

Considering Kuroba's ability, Yuma Tsujimoto went directly to the other party's house for a friendly exchange without hesitation, and the result was as smooth as he imagined.

The only surprise was the gin.

It can be seen that the involved people still can't let go of the matter with the gin.

Anyway, Tsujimoto Yuma definitely didn't like Gin. After Gin left the underground auction, Tsujimoto directly hired the FBI to arrest Gin, and he couldn't let him leave Los Angeles.

Tsujimoto is different from Tsujimoto Yuma, he is very open-minded about many things. Carmen, who had betrayed him once, Tsujimoto Toto also accepted him again.

However, he was betrayed a second time.

But Tsujimoto Yu is really different.

Whether it is from the very beginning of the world, or during the time of the X organization, or the life process of the black organization, or even now. He also never betrayed Tsujimoto Shitou once.

This is also the reason why Tsujimoto has always regarded him as a family member.

"How long are you going to stand at the door, Carmen?"

Tsujimoto Yuma put down the water glass in his hand and looked towards the door,

"It's not good to keep hiding like this, or... do you prefer me to invite you in in person?"

"...How did you know I was outside the door?"

The man's dull voice sounded.

"I advise you to be less crooked. There are a lot of people lurking around here. If you want to make a move, they will kill you before you raise the gun." Tsujimoto Yuzhen put down the water glass in his hand,

"Or, did you come here specially to say something to your ex-boss?"

"You really know everything." Carmen squeezed her fingers.

"You keep saying you want revenge, I'm curious, what kind of revenge do you want?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen said in confusion.

"I don't think Shiren lacks anything for you."

"He left the X organization and went with us." Carmen gritted his teeth,

"He betrayed us first!!"

"I don't think he betrayed you, that's the best choice." Tsujimoto Yuzhen was very calm.

"But why didn't you lose your memory?" Carmen was still puzzled.

"I remember you clearly at that time..."

"At that time, I just pretended to have amnesia, so it's normal for you to miss me." Tsujimoto Yuzhen smiled.

"Tsujimoto, the leader of the X organization, lost everything after being betrayed by his friends and subordinates. In the end, he can only maintain his broken memory to live. Are you still willing to let him go?"

Tsujimoto Yuma's face was completely gloomy, and there was an unconcealed anger in his smile.

"Carmen, who do you think is the real **** person?"

For a while, the whole room fell silent.

Carmen and Tsujimoto Yuzuru were speechless, and no one wanted to continue on this topic.

"That's why you plan to stay?"

It wasn't long before Carmen's voice sounded dry.

"You have no right to care about my choice." Tsujimoto Yuma narrowed his eyes.

"I still have no intention of giving up. But not now." Carmen whispered,

"I don't care about the Heart of Tamir. You know my character."

"From start to finish, all I care about is Organization X."

"If that's the case, what's the purpose of your coming now?" Tsujimoto Yuma sneered,

"Are you here to look for Shiren? It's a pity that he hasn't woken up yet. Let me tell you the truth, I don't think you are qualified to see him. The betrayal no longer has any trust from the moment of betrayal."

"I want to talk to Tsujimoto Shizuo!" Carmen's face was almost contorted,

"I know you managed to restore his memory! I must talk to him!"

"Sorry, I repeat, you have no right to approach him." Tsujimoto Yuma sank his face,

"Right now, get out of here."

When he said this word, Tsujimoto Yuzhen's anger was indeed true, and Carmen, who felt the enemy behind him, also stared at him through gritted teeth, and finally turned around unwillingly and prepared to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, a voice stopped him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The voice was very soft, as if he was sighing in exhaustion.

But it is normal. After experiencing the torture of countless memories, Tsujimoto Shiren may not even have the strength to lose his temper.

He was like a cartilaginous fish photographed on the beach, and it was difficult to move.

"Involved? Are you awake??"

Tsujimoto Yujin suddenly raised his heart, while Carmen was standing not far away, not knowing whether to go forward or leave.

"Wake up early."

Tsujimoto rubbed his swollen temples with an expression like he had eaten a hundred catties of okra.

"I just have a headache... You know, it's not easy for me to sort through a huge amount of memory."


Carmen looked at Tsujimoto Shiren, not knowing what to say for a while.

"What do you want to ask?" Tsujimoto asked.

"Why did you leave the X organization and leave?" Carmen asked directly,

"If it wasn't for betrayal! How could you abandon the X organization and ignore it!? You don't know how many people died because of your departure! The X organization was also destroyed!"

"Do you think all this has nothing to do with you! Why are you showing such a natural expression!!"

The room was suddenly silent.

Tsujimoto Yuzhen's face was already ugly, and it could be seen that he would soon physically let the other party get out.

It's just that Tsujimoto's relaxed attitude interrupted what Tsujimoto Yuma was going to say next.

"So what? I did." Tsujimoto looked at him quietly,

"It just came out of my mind, and I always do what is right for me and has a clear conscience."

"I can say that I have a clear conscience, Carmen, can you have the same conscience as I do?"


"What is the X organization doing in private? You think I really don't know anything?" Tsujimoto smiled, but his smile was extremely cold.

"I don't want to talk about other things anymore. If you do something wrong, you must learn to take the blame. You are no longer a child, Carmen."


Carmen stared at each other, his nails almost embedded in the palm of his hand, but he still couldn't say anything.

"Look, isn't there nothing to say?" Tsujimoto Shuren narrowed his eyes.

"I can understand your anger, but again, I would still choose to do it."

"So sorry, Carmen. You can choose to turn left and get out of here. The FBI won't do anything to you—not because we don't want to kill you, but because I know we can't kill you."

"If you want to hate me, hate me. I don't care. You are not the only one who wants to use me anyway."

After calmly expressing his opinion, the young man who looked quite similar to him gave him one last look, but turned and left with a complicated heart.

The quiet room fell silent again.

"You remember?" Tsujimoto Yuma asked softly.

"Of course, my head is about to explode!" Tsujimoto was involved in a mask of pain,

"For a while, I suddenly feel that it's better to have amnesia... Ah, I'm just making an analogy. After all, you know that I don't like troublesome things..."

"Just leave the troublesome things to me." Tsujimoto Yuma whispered.

"How about that?" Tsujimoto shook his head helplessly.

"Yuzhen, sometimes you shouldn't put too many things on yourself. Anyway, I'm also a brother. If I don't have the responsibility at all, it would be too embarrassing."

"You still can't kill Carmen with a hard hand, have you?"


Being exposed by Tsujimoto Yuma all at once, Tsujimoto was more or less embarrassed to be involved.

"It's not that he can't be ruthless. If he really comes to me with the idea of ​​​​killing me completely, then I will definitely shoot him without hesitation."

"But he's here to talk well, so there's no need to have such a bad attitude."

"Involving people."

Tsujimoto Yuma closed his eyes, with obvious helplessness in his tone,

"You're still too soft-hearted."


There was a moment of silence between the two.

"I want to go home."

Tsujimoto murmured,

"Speaking of which, I'm almost forgetting the process of living in the world over there. Time has passed for too long, and my memory will be washed away..."

"I'll remember when I go back."

"That's right. So Yujin, where did the gin go?"

Tsujimoto's words about people turned sharply, almost didn't make Tsujimoto Yuma directly stunned.

Sure enough, the topic could not get around the gin in the end.

"You killed him?"

Tsujimoto asked a question.

Although the tone of this question is as natural as [Have you eaten tonight].

"I wanted to kill him. But he survived." Tsujimoto Yuma looked away,

"it's a pity."

"Pfft, it's probably really a pity for Yujin." Tsujimoto said with a smile,

"Don't worry, I won't let him threaten me. After all, sooner or later I'll have to run away with gin."

"...You want to kidnap the gin??" Tsujimoto Yuzhen was stunned for a moment,

"This kind of thing is impossible, right?? Can that guy be kidnapped??"

"It might be a fantasy to be someone else, but I'm very confident about it." Tsujimoto said with a smile,

"I believe he will go with me."

Just like at first believing that the child will follow him.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. You can do whatever you like."

Tsujimoto Yuma looked away, her expression obviously not very good-looking.

"Don't be angry, Yujin, even if I kidnap Gin, the most important family member in my heart will definitely be you—"

"I'm not angry."

"Okay." Tsujimoto smiled.

"We don't have much time together, Yujin."

"Are you going back to find gin?" Tsujimoto Yuma frowned.

"In order not to attract the attention of the Black Organization, I can't stay here for too long." Tsujimoto Shibuto picked up the coat near the house and chair,

"I originally planned to lose my memory, wasn't it just to make the boss trust me completely? Now that I have finally achieved such a goal, I have to go back."

"That's true."

However, considering that he has his own backing, Tsujimoto Yuzhen is not worried about what will happen to Tsujimoto's involvement.

It may take some time for him to digest the information in his brain, but there is no problem with his body.

As for Carmen, Tsujimoto Yuzhen felt that the other party would not come back for a while. So also dispatched out of worry.

"...Speaking of which, Shiren, your ear disease seems to be getting better?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen said coldly.

"Ah... it seems to be alright?"

Tsujimoto only then realized that he didn't need a hearing aid anymore.

Not only that, but some of the bruises he suffered during the action before seemed to have almost disappeared.

Speaking of which, not long ago, he found that his body's resilience was much stronger than that of ordinary people. There seems to be some connection between the two.

"Probably recovering." Tsujimoto shrugged.

"Who knows, it won't be a bad thing anyway."

I have to sort out some information in my head...

About the past, the Black Organization, the X Organization, and the connection between him and the Black Organization BOSS…

The relevant information is mixed together, which is a bit too confusing.

There was nothing wrong with what the man said.

Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. People who know nothing are often the happiest.

But then again, I don't know where Gin has gone now...


When the night shrouded the last ray of light, the entire lane was finally completely darkened.

It took a while to be completely out of danger. The FBI's nose is more sensitive than a dog's, and it is not easy to escape their pursuit.

Fortunately, Gin has always been very experienced in this kind of thing.

He was covered in injuries, and the aftermath of the explosion caused a lot of damage to his body, but he was still not fatally injured.

This kind of thing has not happened once or twice, but it is indeed a troublesome thing to miss a mission.

The disappearance of Tsujimoto was also more troublesome than the missed mission.

The communicator was destroyed in the explosion, and it was still able to connect to the line, but now it cannot receive even the most basic signals.

He wasn't worried about whether Tsujimoto would have an accident, that guy always had a lot of things in his mind... If he confirmed his loyalty to the organization, Gin would even have no doubt that the other party could escape the palms of the FBI.

The problem is that Tsujimoto has made it clear to him that he hates the organization.

If he wanted to leave, there was no way Tsujimoto Shito would come back.

Jin Jiu tugged at his sleeve a little embarrassedly, because the various injuries caused by the explosion were really unbearable, but considering that it was not the first time that he had encountered such a thing, Jin Jiu was still very concerned about it. skilled.

After the emergency treatment of the wound, the situation of the mission must be reported to the organization. This time the task is a little more complicated.

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