MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 53

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The icy touch is like the rising sea water, submerging the last trace of consciousness little by little, and finally fell into absolute silence.

When the silver-haired man opened his eyes, it happened to be early in the morning, and the air was filled with a damp, misty breath, and it was cold when inhaled into his lungs.

He opened his eyes and closed them slowly. The sound of the waves rising, mixed with the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, was extremely clear.

so tired...

The first perception that popped into my mind was actually this.

The fingers moved subconsciously, and the soreness almost spread from one point to the whole body. The indescribable pain caused him to frown subconsciously.

he is injured?

It seems that it should be, but the current state of his body is not too bad, and he may be in the late state of recuperation.

But he should have been in a coma for a long time, and he kept lying down without exercising, and he felt sore all over his body. He had been in a coma for at least a while.

The injection tube was also connected to the back of his hand, and the potion in the medicine bottle flowed into his body little by little. Tsujimoto looked at his hand, but subconsciously tore the tape and pulled out the needle.

He doesn't seem to... remember anything.

Upon realizing this, an indescribable sense of fear rose from the depths of my heart, albeit only for a few seconds.

Obviously, his head was not injured, otherwise his head should be wrapped in heavy gauze now.

So why does he lose his memory? Did someone force him to have amnesia? ?

This possibility is very high, so it is very likely that he was imprisoned.

Tsujimoto noticed the monitor in the corner of the room and decided to do so. If he wakes up, someone will come later, and he must get out of here before anyone comes.

Opposite him is a floor-to-ceiling window, which is completely closed. Tsujimoto got out of bed with difficulty, and while moving his sore arms, he began to look for tools in the room that could smash things.

Get out of here - get out of here now!

The reverberating signal in his brain almost made him start to move subconsciously, Tsujimoto Shiren picked up a chair by his hand and smashed it in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling window without hesitation.


Countless pieces of glass shattered in the next second, and at this moment he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and pulled back suddenly.

The silver-haired young man's eyes widened, but he was pulled back by the force uncontrollably.

"what are you doing?!"

The first sound that sounded in his ears made Tsujimoto raised his head subconsciously, but his body still lost his balance and fell down, and the point of force was completely on the other party's clenched wrist.

The man with silver hair and green eyes stared at him condescendingly, and those azure blue eyes with confusion also reflected in his eyes.

Don't you mean amnesia? ? Why does he still want to run away? ?

What's more, this is the twelfth floor. If Tsujimoto can really escape from this place, it is indeed his ability.

"Who are you?"

I don't know how long it has passed, but Tsujimoto gently asked such a question.

"Gin, your partner."

He let go of the opponent's hand, and Tsujimoto Shito also fell to the ground. Just like his current state, it seems that he has lost strength all over his body.


An unfamiliar name, but it brought him a terrifying sense of familiarity.

This inexplicable urge to get close to the other party made him feel that something was wrong, and he even shuddered subconsciously.

Can't be manipulated by intuition... no...

This man is obviously not a good person, maybe even the one who imprisoned him, it is too scary to have a good impression and closeness!

Could it be that his setting is Stockholm Syndrome?

Is this a horror story? ! There is absolutely no way he is this kind of person!

No, there is another possibility besides that.

"How long are you going to sit here? Injured?"

Noticing that Tsujimoto was in a wrong state, Jin Jiu subconsciously asked, but was interrupted instantly by the other party.

"I seem to have vaguely remembered."

Tsujimoto Shito raised his head again, and seemed to speak hesitantly,

"You're actually... my brother? Or brother?"

It can only be so.

If the other person is your own relatives, it is normal to have such feelings.

What's more, the other party also has rare silver hair, maybe they really have that kind of relationship.

Gin: "…"

At this moment, he suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Although he remembered that the side effect of the drug was to trust the first person he saw, Tsujimoto Shito was obviously not so gullible.

He will doubt and reflect on himself, and an overly sensitive character will make him think and suspect subconsciously.

However, Tsujimoto Shito has always liked to think things in a positive direction, so he subconsciously positioned him as a relative.

If so, if you want to control him, it's not bad to use this relationship.

He didn't mind having an obedient younger brother at all.

"I am your brother."

After a long silence, Jin Jiu spoke with difficulty.

"it is as expected."

Tsujimoto Shito seemed relieved and stood up with difficulty.

Because he was in a hurry to escape, he didn't even have time to put on his shoes, and the place where the soles of his feet touched were full of broken glass, almost scratching several bloodstains on his skin.

But the silver-haired man didn't care at all, and was even happy because his guess was confirmed.

But Gin also noticed something that wasn't quite right.

For example... The original Tsujimoto Shito seems to have a serious ear problem, but he can hear now.

Is it because of drug side effects?

It's possible that...

"What's wrong brother?"

Noticing Gin's thoughtful expression, the silver-haired youth grabbed his sleeve and asked in confusion.

"Call me Gin." Gin pulled back his sleeves uncomfortably, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"We are partners now, and we must call each other by their code names. Don't call me brother."

"Codename, wow. We look like we're in a magical organization? The codename or the liquor kind?" Tsujimoto speculated enthusiastically.

"more or less."

"But, why are you imprisoning me here? Why am I hurt??"

Confusion appeared in the eyes of the silver-haired man, and his unease was almost written on his face.

"Did I do something wrong? I betrayed the organization? Why should I cleanse my memory?? Why should I forget the past?"

"Also, are you... hating me?"

A series of questions almost stunned Gin.

Looking at the obviously puzzled eyes, he took a step back subconsciously, the shock almost overflowing his heart.

Sure enough, even if he lost his memory, he still didn't lose his hunter's sense of smell.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't escape the fetters of the so-called [relatives].

"You did the wrong thing and got locked up, the only way to survive is this."

Gin explained dryly, feeling a little irritable for some reason.

After all, the original Tsujimoto Shito should also hate him, right?

Although he never showed his inner emotions, the sense of alienation still made him extremely irritable.

"I understand."

Tsujimoto stepped back two steps, but his tone was inexplicably quiet.

"So, I just did something wrong and was locked up. You all didn't want to believe me, so I forcibly washed my memory."

"I am willing to trust you because you are my elder brother and the only person who is willing to be close. Besides, I have no support in this organization, and some people even want to kill me."

He slowly raised his head, his blue eyes were no longer as confused as before, but became clear and gentle,

"Gin, or brother. If I do something wrong again, or even threaten the security of the organization, and everyone wants to kill me, will you choose to stand by me and let me survive?"

Is he testing himself? !

No, it's not just that.

Gin knows Tsujimoto Toto very well, so he knows exactly what Tsujimoto Toto wants to do now.

He's in an island state, and the only rock he can grab is him, so he won't let go easily.

He was testing his trust in him, or rather... loyalty.

Sure enough, even if he lost his memory, this man was still so good at disguising, and tried every means to take the lead in his own hands.

Oh, even with amnesia, he still can't change his own nature.


Jin Jiu, who gradually understood the other party's wishes, smiled, although that smile was not gentle at all, it could even be said that it made people feel inexplicably malicious,

"If you will trust me, then I will give you the same trust."

Since he was willing to put down the bait, Gin didn't mind grabbing the hook.

After all, that's how they've always gotten along, haven't they?


In the end, the doctor handled the relevant discharge operation for Tsujimoto.

Before going through the formalities, Tsujimoto went to find a piece of clothes to change into. The dress was a good fit, and it seemed that Gin knew her size well, too.

Even if he is not his brother, he is probably someone who knows him quite well.

Tsujimoto felt a little more at ease, he continued to check his own information, and occasionally glanced at Gin while reading, as if he was worried that he would leave here first.

The name of this organization is the Black Organization, and his code name is Gimlet... Coincidentally, it happens to be a Gin-based wine, and it seems that their relationship is indeed very close.

The name Black Organization doesn't sound like a good thing, in other words, he certainly isn't a good thing either. This is easy to handle. Now that he knows that his identity is so exciting, he can let go of some things to do.

As for the rest, nothing is known.

He only knew that the BOSS seemed to take a fancy to him, which might be a good thing or a bad thing. After all, the other party asked to see him as soon as he knew that he was awake, and seemed to plan to arrange his corresponding tasks in person.

"The boss's order is absolute."

Although Gin told him that, Tsujimoto Shito nodded to show his understanding, but his heart was inexplicably opposed to this [BOSS].

The reason why he lost his memory is probably also related to this BOSS.

The boss doesn't trust him, but he trusts Gin quite a bit. And he also has an inexplicable closeness to Gin, and it is very likely that the BOSS will deliberately induce him in this way because he has decided that he will obey Gin's orders or attach importance to Gin?

Unfortunately, the other party completely forgot one point.

It is impossible for Tsujimoto to be controlled by the character of others. If he really thinks that Gin is an important person to him, he will most likely choose to run away with Gin instead of staying here and doing white jobs for others.

But here comes the problem, Gin seems to be very loyal to the organization, and it seems a little difficult to take him away.

So what should he do?

Tsujimoto closed the document and tangled the ends of his hair with his fingers in annoyance. His body has not fully recovered, because of the long-term use of glucose for nutritional supplements, his stomach is also quite uncomfortable at the moment.

He needs to recuperate his body and restore his state to the best moment before thinking about other issues.


After probably packing up the relevant materials, Gin looked at Tsujimoto Shito, who was sitting quietly beside him. This was probably the quietest moment when the other party faced him in a sober state for the first time in history.

"Okay." Tsujimoto stood up, thought for a while, and continued to ask:

"Where do I live? With you?"


"I am hungry."

"...I'll take you to eat near you."

"Does the organization have tasks to give us next?"


So fast? ? He forced him to continue before he had time to take care of his body? ? Is this a dead end mission? ?

Tsujimoto was even more confused, but he concealed his confusion very well and followed up obediently.

The silver-haired youth seemed to be in a bad state of mind, and he couldn't even eat much of his lunch. On the way to see the boss, I was sleepy all the time, and even fell asleep directly on the back parking space.

The potion will have a certain effect on his mental state and physical state, but it is only temporary.

The only surprise is that his ear disease is cured, which will make Tsujimoto's task process a lot easier.

"Is he awake?"

After a while, the BOSS's voice came from the communicator.

"Wake up, my mental state is very poor. Of course, it's not impossible for you to see him now." Jin Jiu said in a low voice.

"Of course now. There's not much time for him to rest on this mission." The boss's voice was quite mocking.

"The auction will be held three nights later. Where you are at this moment is exactly the destination. I have already been in the secret room in advance, let him go in by himself, and I will wait for him."

"I believe in you, Gin. If it were you, you would definitely tune/teach him into an obedient tool?"

No, not at all, it even looks wilder.

Of course, Jin Jiu didn't say this, he just glanced at Tsujimoto Shito, who was sleeping lightly, and put down the hung up phone.



The silver-haired youth who was awakened opened his eyes and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Is there a problem?"

"The boss wants to see you. You go see him yourself."

Gin threw a door card to the other party, and said casually,

"You just need to follow the boss's orders. Pass this to the bartender and he'll take you to meet the boss."

"Aren't you going with me?" Tsujimoto looked at him.

"Boss wants to see you alone."

Probably because he is worried that Tsujimoto Shito has really lost his memory and wants to try again?

It fits the character of Mr.

"My car is parked outside." Meaning he would wait for Tsujimoto to come out.

"Okay, I see."

Tsujimoto didn't ask any more questions. He reached out and pushed open the car door. After a while, he closed the door again and leaned forward.

"By the way, until then, can you give me a gun?"

Gin: "…"

Gin: "What do you want a gun for??"

"Did the boss say you can't carry guns?" Tsujimoto asked curiously.


"That's it."

Tsujimoto got closer and whispered in Gin's ear,

"It's very uncomfortable without my brother around. Can you give me a gun if you can? I promise I won't do anything. I'm just trying to protect myself."

Another trial.

Although he trusted himself, he didn't believe that he would really trust him, so he repeatedly confirmed his attitude uneasy, right?

It feels quite new.

"I'll give it to you if you want."

Seemingly amused by what Tsujimoto Saito said, Gin still handed him the bo/rai/ta around his waist,

"Don't think about the impossible. If you don't want to die."

"How could I disobey my brother's orders." The silver-haired youth smiled gently,

"After all, you are my most important relative."


I don't know why, but this sentence inexplicably made Jin Jiu shudder.

Well, he really wasn't used to this guy's yin and yang's strange words... It might be because he subjectively thought it was yin and yang.

Tsujimoto didn't say anything more. He buckled the gin's bo/rai/ta to the belt around his waist that was designed to hold guns - in the process, he also found that he seemed to have muscle memory for using guns. , It seems that he should have used a gun often before.

It's over... It seems that he really may be a criminal. Does it mean that if he runs away in the future, he can only bring gin to Italy to mix/dark?

It doesn't seem to be impossible, it feels kind of cool.

Tsujimoto Tsujimoto, who had left the Porsche, immediately changed his expression, his brows and eyes seemed to have frost, a look of refusal.

The place where the boss asked him to meet was in a remote bar. The atmosphere here made him very uncomfortable. Many people who seemed to be indifferent also gathered here, drinking low-quality beer, telling low-level jokes, inexplicably harsh .

Tsujimoto walked to the bar without changing his face, and handed his card to the bartender.

The latter glanced at him, then bowed politely, and gestured for him to come forward with a smile.

It's time to meet the BOSS!

Tsujimoto was still a little nervous. After all, his only source of information was that Mr. BOSS, and he couldn't take it lightly.

After all, he hated the feeling of being controlled, and he would have wanted to go in and shoot the boss if he could.

Too bad he knew he couldn't do that.

The BOSS did not refuse to let him carry a gun, that is to say, he had enough ability that Tsujimoto could not kill him.

Is it a stand-in? Or maybe the other party has the confidence to subdue him. All in all, Tsujimoto Shitoo knew that he couldn't do it casually, and he couldn't kill the BOSS so casually.

But one thing he didn't say, he did need some psychological support, such as a gun, which might make him a little less uneasy.

"Go in by yourself, the next place is not something I have permission to enter."

The bartender left after saying this, Tsujimoto Shitoo gave him one last look, and finally turned around and walked inside.

The black corridor at the end of the scene had every bit of light, but the road on the ground was quite smooth. When he finally came to the door, Tsujimoto reached out and pushed open every locked door.

"You're finally here, Gimlet."

The man's low voice sounded not far away, Tsujimoto looked at the man who was slightly taller than him, and stopped slowly.


This was Tsujimoto's first reaction. He even took a step back subconsciously, and such a small movement was also captured by the other party.

"Don't worry, dear Mr. Gimlet. You are my beloved servant and I will do nothing to you."

The man who looked like a young man was polite, but his words made Tsujimoto feel extremely uncomfortable.


Almost squeezing the word out of his throat, Tsujimoto spoke with great reluctance.

So he clearly felt the other party's happier mood.

"Very good, I appreciate you like this very much, and only you can make me feel at ease."

The man approached step by step, he seemed to challenge the lower limit of Tsujimoto's tolerance, and Tsujimoto also walked back step by step until his back was completely against the door.


He still underestimated the oppressive force of the opponent. There are definitely many killers lurking around here. If he dares to act first, he will definitely be defeated.

However, even if he knew this, Tsujimoto Shitou still tightly clasped his fingers on the **** of the gun, and as long as he wanted, he could slap Bo Lei Ta on his head at any time.

"Don't be so nervous, Gimlet. To show trust, could you take your hand off the **** of the gun?"

Before Tsujimoto could react, the boss grabbed his hand first and pressed it directly towards the door, while Tsujimoto also almost reflexively pulled out the short knife from the opponent's waist, and instantly mortgaged it near the opponent's neck .

He felt the air tighten instantly.

"Don't do it, I know you won't hurt me."

The BOSS said so softly. Although he was wearing a mask, Tsujimoto Shito could feel the confident smile behind the mask.

He knew he couldn't really kill him.

"Don't be afraid, you've been shaking, Gimlet."

The man laughed and said, and finally let go of Tsujimoto Shiren's hand, and the latter finally got rid of the confinement, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

The wary look didn't seem like a fake.

If he hadn't lost his memory, he certainly wouldn't have shown such an expression. After all, that man has always been a very egoistic character.

He has no worries, and with Tsujimoto's human dignity, it is impossible for him to succumb to him, even in acting.

Unless he remembers nothing.

"I hate you."

The silver-haired man lowered his voice and did not hide his disgust at all.

"It's okay, I don't need your intimacy, I just need you to obey my orders."

The boss was still dressed and polite, which made Tsujimoto feel the urge to shoot him in the face a few times.

He knew that he had lost the momentum. The other party grasped his character very well, and I am afraid that he knew him well before he lost his memory.

Disgusting just about to vomit.

"For this mission, I ask you to get a gem for me. And this gem is called [Calamity], and it will be held in the Los Angeles underground auction in three days. Gin will inform you about the specific content of the mission."

The boss returned to his aloof look, but his eyes still didn't stop when he looked at him.

"Gimlet, you are the most perfect, I believe you can do it, right?"


Under the stare like a needle, Tsujimoto still squeezed out the answer through gritted teeth.

As BOSS said, he must complete this mission.

But after that, he will definitely make the man in front of him regret it.

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