MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 51 (1)

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[I started to have visions, why did the people from the X organization suddenly appear here? What exactly is going on? ? 】

[I remember that I had killed the other party once before I got involved? Does this guy have multiple shadow clones and he won't die? ? 】

[No, is there a possibility that these are not real Carmen? His purpose should also be the heart of Tamir, probably something like a puppet? ? 】

[This is not scientific at all! Grass, is it possible that Carmen is Naraku and can play clones? ? 】

[Calm down, the world of Ke Xue has even magic, how could it not be Ke Xue! 】

[What I care more about than this is that this incident involved Kaitou Kidd, too. Could it be that the X organization and Kuroba Pirates also have a certain relationship? 】

【I think it is very possible! Besides, the X organization is also looking for news about Pandora! It's clearly connected, right? 】

[...So Shiren is also in contact with Organization X and Pandora? Hiss, I feel that there is still a lot of relationship between the identity of the person involved and the X organization. 】

[Walking people is really good woo woo woo... Even though he is on the black side, he still can't help but try to save other people... 】

[The involved person must be injured, right? I don't believe that there is no injury at all! He didn't even show it! 】

[But since he is Red Fang, why did he blow up the glass tower? Even if you fry it yourself, you still instigate the gin to fry it together? ? Don't just put on the filter just because of his good intentions for a while, okay? 】

[I also think, maybe the person who was tied with the bomb was actually a member of the organization? ? I still believe that people involved are black! Don't be fooled by his appearance! 】

[Continue to look down first, even if it is real black, it is not necessarily pure black. I feel that 73 must have many foreshadowings that have not been laid out! 】

Tsujimoto Yuma watched the barrage quietly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At least he can confirm that Tsujimoto is safe, and without any means of communication, he can only confirm the other party's situation in this way.

Arranged in front of him is an extremely complex code, and the box in front of him is locked. In order to ensure the rigor of the contents inside, a bomb is even set up.

Once the error is resolved, the bomb will explode immediately. The box is not necessarily a problem, but the person is not necessarily.

"Are you okay? Can you hold on?" Gugu Police Department asked softly.

"Give me fifteen minutes." Tsujimoto Yuma rubbed his eyebrows,

"Of course, you can leave directly. Brother should come to you."

"You want to stay here alone??" Gu Gu's face changed.

"It's useless for you to stay here, it will only cause trouble for me." Tsujimoto Yuzhen said impatiently,

"Can't you go quickly?? You must stay here to disturb me??!"

"Forget it, Gugu Police Department! We'd better leave soon!" Someone outside the door finally showed a displeased expression,

"Who can stand it every time! We kindly waited for him here and he scolded us in turn! I don't know what to do!"

"Hey! It's too much to say this!" Furugu Police Department said sternly,

"This matter has nothing to do with Officer Yuzhen. He is still dismantling these things in a bad state. You should also pay attention to it..."

"I wasted half a minute of my time just talking to you, and I'm likely to die because of wasted half a minute. Are you sure you're going to continue wasting my time alive? Dear Sergeant? "

Tsujimoto Yuma put down the work at hand and looked at the other party with a gloomy face. It was obvious that he was in a terrible mood.


"Okay, stop talking! Let's go out first!"

The Gugu Police Department quickly left the place with the policeman who was stunned to the point of being speechless. And said he would leave soon.

Of course, no matter what, there will always be a reliable person left.

And that person is also the only person he trusts here.

"I'll continue, Zhufu Jingguang. You know I need a quiet work environment." Tsujimoto Yuma turned around,

"We'll get out of here as soon as I fix the EMP thing."

"Okay." Zhu Fu Jingguang replied briefly.

Zhufu Jingguang didn't disturb Tsujimoto Yujin's work, his duty was just to stay here with him.

"Crack, cack-"

Zhu Fu Jingguang noticed that his communicator began to make intermittent hoarse sounds, and he was overjoyed.

"Yuzhen! The signal is reconnected! We can go—"


Tsujimoto Yuma suddenly grabbed Zhu Fu Jingguang's hand, his fingers tightly pressed against his lips, but his expression did not relax at all.

"Don't speak... We went out through the back door, and someone came by the front door."


Only then did Zhu Fu Jingguang notice some small footsteps.

This is an underground room, because there are usually no people, and the interior is empty, as long as there is a little sound, you can hear it clearly.

Tsujimoto Yuma had heard the slight footsteps since just now. After repairing the electromagnetic pulse, he dismantled the bomb on the handle and planned to take the whole box with him.

"I knew he would come." Tsujimoto Yuma took out a gun from his pocket and stuffed it into Zhufu Jingguang's body.

"If he comes in, you just shoot him."

"Could it be that that guy is..."

"Yes, he is Carmen."

Tsujimoto Yuzhen is so sure of this, and it is also related to the information he has.

The electromagnetic pulse is just a bait, because the other party knows that Tsujimoto Yuzhen will definitely come to this room for his brother, so he must come back to arrest him.

And Tsujimoto Yuma knew that Carmen would definitely come back here. If everyone else in the Metropolitan Police Department was there, Carmen would not be there.

Both sides believe that the other is the prey, and this is also the deal between the two.

Tsujimoto Yuma walked ahead without saying a word. This monitoring room has basically been invaded by Tsujimoto Yuma, and it is easy to investigate the situation outside.

It's just that Zhu Fu Jingguang was still startled when he saw the other's face.

It was a man with silver hair and blue eyes. He had a face very similar to Tsujimoto Yuma, and his long hair was tied into a high ponytail. But the long black trench coat and gloves are very similar to Tsujimoto.

It's like a replica of the two brothers.

"It's very complicated to explain, and I'm too lazy to explain it." Tsujimoto Yuma was carrying a suitcase, he quickly contacted Tsujimoto, and sent the message to the other party,

"The building is sinking and we can't stay in this room any longer."

Fortunately, there are two front and rear doors in the monitoring room, and there is no one in the back door. With the sound of footsteps approaching, Tsujimoto Yuma and Zhufu Jingguang also touched the back door, then pushed open the door and walked away.

"Go up by the elevator?" Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated a little while looking at the only way to the top.

"Let's go. The elevator should not be broken. The electromagnetic interference system is here. As long as the electromagnetic system is not turned on, it can still operate normally."

Tsujimoto Yuma stepped into the elevator first. There is only one up button, the one that goes to the top level.

Even if the basement is added, the entire booth is only three floors, but it is clearly written on the fourth floor.

Where can the fourth floor go? ?

"It should be a glass tower." Tsujimoto Yuzhen said,

"But the glass tower was bombed, so I'm afraid we will stop in unexpected places."

Tsujimoto Yuzhen's idea is very simple. You may not win in an open space, but when there is only one door left at the exit, once the elevator door opens, the man will surely die.

As the elevator slowly stopped, the door was finally opened. The black waves rolled under the night sky, with the peace and tranquility unique to the night.

Fortunately, even if the glass tower was bombed, there was still a small part of the platform that was built more sturdy. Looking out from here, you could see the flashing lighthouse not far away.

The breeze gently floated Tsujimoto Yujin's long hair, and the pale face was as expressionless as ever, but there was something more in his eyes than before.

"It's almost time to contact the Furuya Police Department and the others." Tsujimoto Yuma took out his mobile phone,

"If nothing else, Carmen should catch up soon. If he does, then you should shoot him directly. Don't hesitate."

"He has the exact same face as you." Zhu Fu Jingguang was a little disturbed.

"But he's not me, and he's not my brother." Tsujimoto Yuma narrowed his eyes.

"He's a fake, a guy like that doesn't deserve care and sympathy at all."

Sure enough, Yuzhen has a lot of secrets hidden in her body.

Aware of the other party's tone, Zhu Fu Jingguang shook his head,

"I won't pursue it, but are you sure he's not the police officer involved? If the other party is really him..."

"No." Tsujimoto Yuzhen said firmly.

"Only involving people, I will never mistake him."


With the sound of the pause button of the elevator sound, the thick iron door slowly opened, and Zhu Fu Jingguang's gun was stubbornly facing the door. The moment the figure appeared and confirmed the object, he buttoned it. trigger.


Red blood spread out on the white shirt, and the man in front of him stumbled a few steps and fell to the ground.

he died? ?

Tsujimoto Yuma still didn't believe it. He took Zhu Fu Jingguang's gun and fired a few more shots at the guy's heart. After confirming that he was dead, he finally calmed down.

"It seems to be a fake again." The expression on Tsujimoto Yuma's face was not very good.

"Damn, how many fakes are there?? There are already three... That guy never gets tired, does he??"

"How can you be sure that he is the real Carmen?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked with a gun.

"I've never been able to confirm who Carmen is, I only know... Carmen won't be killed so easily." Tsujimoto Yuma said in a low voice,

"He has the same IQ and hacking skills as me, and also has the power of his brother. It can be said that he was created by combining the advantages of both of us."

"Unfortunately, even if he has a strong learning ability and knows how to imitate and become me, he will never be able to truly become me."

"After all... artificial intelligence without emotion can't become a human, can it?"

The expression on Tsujimoto Yuma's face was full of disgust, he really didn't want to go online with Carmen. First of all, Carmen is an extremely difficult existence, and secondly... Carmen has never been willing to reveal his true side to anyone.

She has also tried to accept the other party, and gradually gave up after being stabbed in the back.

"You who said that other people are fakes, aren't you one of the fakes yourself? Yuma Tsujimoto?"

Almost silently, or a voice like a ghost suddenly sounded, the silver-haired youth hadn't reacted yet, but found that the [corpse] on the ground slowly stood up at some point, and lifted the gloomy, full of with a sneering face.

"Don't move."

Without waiting for Tsujimoto Yuzhen to make the next move, the sharp knife touched Zhu Fu Jingguang's chin, and the man easily imprisoned Zhu Fu Jingguang with his back facing him with one hand, and dragged it back with force. drag away.

- was attacked! ?

"Are you Carmen?"

Tsujimoto Yuma took two steps back. He clenched the suitcase in his hand, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Yes or no, what does it have to do with you? Yuma Tsujimoto?"

The man's strength is very strong, and the action of imprisoning even makes Zhu Fu Jingguang unable to move. In order to ensure his own safety, Zhu Fu Jingguang still chose to remain silent, and was caught in the throat by the other party motionless.

"You should remember me, Yujin."

The man said leisurely, but his tone made Tsujimoto Yujin inexplicably creepy.

"The feeling of stabbing the throat with a needle is not at all wonderful, but I also admit that you are cruel enough, which is quite cute."

He always felt like he had heard such a voice before.

No... At that time, he was in the weakest state, and he couldn't concentrate and think about anything at all.

But he will never forget, in such a dark and depressing laboratory, the doctor standing next to him wearing a mask tightly, and the eyes of aggression behind the other's lenses.

He killed him with his own hands, but the man returned to him like a ghost, and even had the exact same face as himself.

It's more creepy than the scariest horror movie ever.

"It's disgusting."

Tsujimoto Yuma had a look of extreme disgust on his face,

"Damn! You were actually in the Black Organization at that time... What the **** did you want to do??"

"I am not a person who likes to kill, but I, like you, are greedy, eager to be watched and noticed, and a person who hopes to leave their mark in this world."

Carmen's hand was on his heart, and his expression looked very sad - if it was really his expression,

"I tried to keep you by my side, but you ran away. I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it."

"It's this man—I'm curious, how would someone like you trust anyone else? That's a fantasy. I thought you only cared about your dear older brother."

"Oh. So?" Tsujimoto Yuma raised his brows.

"So, it doesn't matter if I kill him?"

The blade in Carmen's hand took a step closer inward, and the sharp blade left red blood stains on the skin, which looked a little shocking.

Zhu Fu Jingguang clenched his fists subconsciously. He realized that he couldn't be impulsive. After all, the passive power was in the opponent's hands. As long as he made a little move, he could easily cut his own throat.

He doesn't want to die yet.

"You can try." Tsujimoto Yuzhen sneered,

"You kill him, I will kill you immediately in the next second."

"Pfft—you're so innocent and cute." Carmen couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, killing him wouldn't do me any good, and it would be very troublesome for Kami Tsujimoto to get involved... After all, I went to see him twice and he killed me without a word, so there is absolutely no room for negotiation."

Compared with Tsujimoto Shiren, Tsujimoto Yuma seems to have better control.

After all, he can't beat Tsujimoto Shiren in terms of strength. That guy's explosiveness is stronger than his own, and he will definitely suffer if he has to face it head-on.

"I'll give you a choice." Carmen said softly,

"You can trade yourself with him. I have no interest in this young Mr. Public Security, but he is probably very important to you, right? If I kill him, maybe you will be very sad. Even if someone with the same face shows that kind of expression, I will feel distressed."

"I understand." Tsujimoto Yuma clenched her fingers, but relaxed again.

"Then I'll go with you."

"now it's right."

"Yuzhen! You—"

Without waiting for Fu Jingguang to continue speaking, the blade of the throat seemed to be deeper, and the severe pain also came.

"Don't say anything disturbing, Mr. Undercover."

Carmen's voice suddenly became dark and cold,

"I don't want to kill you, doesn't mean I can't kill you.", that's not right.

Whether it is about him or Tsujimoto, Carmen seems to know a lot about him. And according to the conversation between Yuma Tsujimoto and Carmen, it seems that there is some connection between Yuma and Carmen, and that connection is the real reason why Yuma Tsujimoto left the Black Organization.

But... do you really want to give Tsujimoto Yuma to Carmen?

He believed that Tsujimoto Yuzhen would not just follow the other party without thinking about it, but Carmen's hostility to Tsujimoto Yuzhen was genuine.

He seems to be jealous of him, and the twisted feelings are mixed together, as if seeing the exquisite collection displayed in the museum, there will always be an impulse to destroy it.

"That's it, as long as you come over, I will let him go immediately."

Noticing the shaky look in Tsujimoto Yuma's eyes, the smile on Carmen's face got even bigger.

"Come on, Yujin, am I more than your brother..."

"What more? You'd better think it through before answering."

Before the two could react, a cold voice sounded behind itself. Almost at the same time, everyone's attention was taken away by the sudden intrusion.

The silver-haired man held Bo/Lai/Ta, and a terrifying cold killing intent appeared in his raised blue eyes.

The real hunter will always appear at the last minute.

"You're still here. Tsujimoto is involved."

Carmen dragged Zhu Fu Jingguang away quickly, and his expression became a little gloomy.

"I'm not satisfied with killing me twice, and you plan to kill me a third time?"

"Kill as many times as you come."

Tsujimoto raised the thing in his hand, and that thing made Carmen's eyes suddenly widen.

"Are you looking for this? Let Zhu Fu Jingguang go, and I'll exchange this with you."

A pink, alluring gem, the Heart of Tamir.

The mysterious gem that has been pursued by the X organization and the black organization for a long time reflects a beautiful red under the moonlight.

And that color also made Carmen briefly show an obsessed expression.

"Of course, this is enough." Carmen still had no plans to let go of Zhu Fu Jingguang, but his expression softened a lot.

"But you have to give me the gem first, otherwise I won't be able to let go of him."

"Is that so?" Tsujimoto smiled.

"Since you want it so much, then I'll give it to you."

He raised his shoulders, and under everyone's shocked gaze, he threw the gem directly out!

The precious heart of Tamir crossed a graceful arc in the air, and fell violently from the height of the four-story building. Almost at the same time, Carmen directly threw Zhu Fu Jingguang aside, and he threw his hands away from the booth. Leaping down, he stretched out his hand to grab the gem—

But the next second, Tsujimoto Shitoo grabbed Carmen's back collar again. Without waiting for the other party to react, the gem fell into the hands of Tsujimoto Shiren again, and the two of them turned around and quickly fell from the fourth floor!

"Tsujimoto is involved!!"

In the next second, Tsujimoto heard the sound coming from his ear, and the white glider flew in his direction, as if trying to grab his hand. However, Tsujimoto Shito just smiled and threw the gem in his hand to the other party.

"Take it, Mr. Monster Thief."

The silver-haired youth who fell quickly smiled extremely lightly, as if he didn't care about his current situation at all.

"Don't forget to give it back to me later."

"Are you crazy! Fall and you'll die!"

Kuroba hurriedly caught the gem, but watched as Tsujimoto and Carmen fell off the high floor, smashing a huge hole in the glass floor.


The transparent glass fragments are like huge waves that fall into the water and splash out one meter high, and they are like countless crystal clear gems, scattered on the floating dark blue water, beautiful like a pair of sprinkles. Sea salt smudged watercolor.

However, the floating waves brushed over the ground, leaving behind a dazzling red.

"you you…"

The man who was almost penetrated by the steel bar twitched his body, and a huge anger appeared in his eyes, but at this moment, the weakness of his body made him unable to move.

Jumping down from such a high place, normal people have to be disabled even if they don't die.

However, Tsujimoto just patted his clothes and stood up like a normal person, completely different from him who was so embarrassed.

Does he have to die because he is a fake?

Why? ?

"I've killed you three times."

Tsujimoto stepped through the water almost as deep as his knees and walked in the direction of Carmen. The red blood has dyed the sea that spread up, and even dyed his clothes red.

He looked down at Carmen, without the slightest sympathy in his eyes,

"This time I decided to listen to you, why did you kill me and Yuma? What grudges do you have with us? Is it necessary to make such a fuss?"


Carmen was breathing hard, he was catching the rare oxygen in the humid air, his lungs were also damaged because of the fall, and he was not far from death.

"I won't die, but I can't really live either."

Those dimming eyes stared at him, but they were more complicated than the original ones.

"If you want to know where I am...just...try to find me...maybe...I'll just wait there..."

He couldn't finish the rest of the sentence, and his eyes completely lost their brilliance.

The dark water covered his body, consuming him like a corpse.

Looking at the man with a tragic death, Tsujimoto finally retracted his gaze. He walked up the high platform step by step from the sea with some difficulty, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and checked the time—

Fifteen minutes left.

Also almost enough.

"Tsujimoto is involved!"

Before Tsujimoto could react, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, and under Tsujimoto's blank eyes, the collar was also pulled up.

"What the **** are you doing! Don't you know you might die like this! Are you crazy!"


Tsujimoto looked at the unfamiliar face, not realizing what was going on for a while.

"Who are you? Why do you look familiar??"

The little black curly hair does look familiar, but the face doesn't seem right.

"It's me! Matsuda Jinping!"

The other party reluctantly tore off the disguise on his face, and Tsujimoto showed an expression of sudden realization.

"Matsuda, didn't expect you to care about me to such an extent? After chasing it all the way from the Metropolitan Police Department to here, I believe in love again."

"Stop talking about this nonsense - so you're not hurt?"

Matsuda Jinhei was also stunned when he noticed that Tsujimoto was unscathed.

Also jumped from the fourth floor, and the other one became a corpse. Could this guy really be a Saiyan? ? ?

"No, I also know about the Furuya Police Department. He told me that this operation is one lesson two lessons away from the cooperation of the public security department." Tsujimoto was concerned about humanity,

"Most of the water down here, I got a kick when I fell, so I didn't get hurt."

"...Your physique is indeed a Saiyan." Matsuda Jin said with no expression.

"Where are Hagihara and the others?" Tsujimoto looked back curiously.

"It's already here, Nuo, right behind." Matsuda Jinping pointed back angrily.

Only then did Tsujimoto Shito notice the figures of the Furuya Police Department and his group. Among them, Tsujimoto Yuma had the worst face, but after seeing the unscathed Tsujimoto Shiren, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Without saying a word, Tsujimoto directly extended his hand to Kuroba Kuito.

"Alright, alright, that's all for you."

Kuroba Kaito threw the gem into the opponent's hand unevenly,

"You really scared me to death at that time! I risked my life to save you! You actually asked me to save the gem first!?"

"Once the heart of Tamir falls, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it for a long time." Tsujimoto sighed,

"It's just shallow water below, you won't be injured if you fall."

"As for Carmen, he's out of luck."

Bad luck, I didn't open the lock and hang like him.

"You seem to be very confident in your luck?" Tsujimoto Yuzhen asked coldly.

"Ah, this..."

"Forget it. When I didn't say it."

When Tsujimoto Shitoto showed such an expression, it basically meant that he didn't want to say anything.

After all, he also sees the system's preference for Tsujimoto's involvement, but he thinks it's not bad.

Tsujimoto Yuma looked to the side of the shore, the huge explosion caused the mirror wall used for camouflage to collapse directly and shattered, and the yacht prepared in advance by the Furuya Police Department also transferred all those tourists away early.

Tsujimoto seemed to be still talking to the Furuya police department. He casually told the other party the whole process of the matter, and the Furuya police department's face changed several times in an instant, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You...haven't you ever been at ease?"

Furuya Police Department's face was a little helpless, but it was hard to say what Tsujimoto was involved in.

"I'm fine."

Tsujimoto pondered that he had a blood lock anyway, if he hadn't confirmed this, he wouldn't dare to mess around.

However, this operation did kill Carmen by accident. After the electromagnetic pulse failed, he also got the news of Tsujimoto Yushin for the first time, and rushed over there as soon as possible.

"Speaking of which, you disguised as the FBI to kick the door this time?" Conan approached curiously,

"Why are you pretending to be the FBI, is there any special metaphysics?"

"Huh? Because that's what the FBI is like." Tsujimoto laughed out loud.

"A tennis club can turn into a terrorist organization if they want to."


At this moment, Conan suddenly wanted to record this passage for Akai Shuuichi to listen to, probably to get quite wonderful feedback.

But before he had time to think about it, the angry female voice behind him quickly brought him back to his senses.

"Conan! Where have you gone! Didn't I tell you to stay here! How dare you go to such a dangerous place alone!?"

"Wow, Miss Lan, listen to my explanation!"

"So the person involved really turned to the police."

Hagihara Kenji, who took off the disguise, breathed a sigh of relief, and the nervousness on his face finally improved a lot.

"It was an accident, that guy appeared suddenly, and even I was startled."

"There are still many things that the police officers have to be busy with. The incident happened suddenly, and this time is also an accident." Gu Gu Police Department hurriedly said.

When Tsujimoto has to leave here, he has to find a way to hide what he is going to do next.

"He's always been so busy." Tsujimoto Yuma looked away.

"If I can go to the police, maybe I can collide with Zero and the others." Hagihara said with emotion.

"I don't know if the people involved are used to the life there."

"Isn't he used to wherever he goes?" Matsuda Jinping shrugged,

"Speaking of which, wasn't Sheren still here just now? Where did the others go?"


[Are you sure you want to do this? ]

Tsujimoto Yuma said in a low voice,

[I said in advance that if you really plan to leave your flaws to the Black Organization, they will definitely treat you like me. ]

[You mean injecting me with amnesia drugs? Of course I know. ] Tsujimoto Shito shook his head,

[But—have you thought about it? If I don't do this, the boss will never trust me, the boss doesn't want to trust me, and I can't get more information. ]

[The most important thing is that if you want to increase my Black stats, this is definitely not enough. ]

[I don't want you to do that. ]

[Coincidentally, I don't want to either. But this is also the only way to gain the boss's trust. ] Tsujimoto is concerned with humanity,

[You were able to restore your memory at the beginning because of the effect of the memory box. ]

[My next mission will be communicated to you through Bourbon, as long as you find a chance to contact me, my memory will be restored. ]

[…I’m not sure what they will do to you during this time of amnesia. ] Tsujimoto Yuzhen frowned.

[Rather than always having someone staring at me behind my back, I would prefer to directly eliminate this estrangement. ] Tsujimoto said with a chuckle,

[And I don't have any resistance to this kind of thing. It's a big deal to recover my memory and then take revenge. ]

[Yuzhen, there is no need for you to bear everything every time, and occasionally I want to be a fairly responsible brother. ]


In the end, the conversation with Tsujimoto Yuma ended up being unhappy.

This is an exchange only with Tsujimoto Yuma. Tsujimoto intends to carry out his plan to make the boss trust him completely.

Tsujimoto Yuma didn't object, but he was very unhappy.

Tsujimoto knew that the boss of the black organization must be looking for opportunities to attack him. As long as it is unsuccessful, he will not be able to completely believe in himself, nor will he be deeply involved in the investigation of the X organization.

He still doesn't know the relationship between himself and the X organization, let alone the relationship between the black organization BOSS and him, at most he knows that he seems to be the predecessor of Jinjiu.

This information is too little to allow him to truly probe into his past.

The BOSS took a fancy to his abilities, and it could even be said that he cared about him very much. What the reason is, Tsujimoto definitely doesn't know.

To know these reasons, you have to gain their trust.

Tsujimoto clenched the real gem tightly, but his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

But honestly, it's really stressful.

After all, the price is to temporarily lose all of his memories and let others be at the mercy of others. Thinking about that scene makes my stomach hurt.

The black-clothed organization has already sent him a communication, and there will be someone there to pick him up.

Their yacht would be docked in a fixed place, and Tsujimoto remembered where the order said.

Before that, he had to confirm one thing.

If you guessed correctly, Pandora's interior contains a class of small gems, the shell is only used for disguise, and the interior is the real value of this gem.

The moon revealed its luster from the black clouds, and the inner luster of the gem flashed by, but there was no other gem in it, nor did it shine with the dazzling red light as rumored.

But a line of writing gradually appeared inside the gem.

It was a line of extremely small handwriting, and if it weren't for repeated scanning with paradox simulation, Tsujimoto would not even be able to detect that sentence.

[Gift to my friend]

There is only such a very short sentence, and there is no superfluous information beyond that.

Gift to a friend? Heart of Tamir is a gift for a friend? ? Who gave it to whom? ?

Tsujimoto Shiren let go of Tamir's heart, silently recorded all these messages, and sent them out through the communicator of the hearing aid.

After sending the last message, Tsujimoto laboriously removed his hearing aid. He struggled to pry open the lid of the wooden crate with the rum beside it, threw the hearing aid in, and closed it again.

There is too much information about Tsujimoto Yuma stored in the hearing aid. After that, Tsujimoto Yuma should come here to collect the hearing aid and get all the information about him.

In addition, he had to pretend that he was seriously injured by Carmen's sneak attack... But Kamen had been beaten up three times by Tsujimoto, and he had to pretend that he was successfully attacked by the other party.

[Hey host! You look so bad! ? ]

The system asked nervously,

[Can you hold on? ? ]

"Do you think I look like I can hold it up?"

Tsujimoto's fingers were a little flimsy, and he almost failed to grab the communicator.

When he was at his worst, it only dropped to 50%, and the 10% debuff was still too strong.

[Why don't you stay in the red side! It's not that you don't know that your brother cares about you! As long as you explain the reason clearly, they will definitely send you to the hospital for treatment! Are you stupid! ] The system said bitterly.

"Are you stupid?" Tsujimoto was expressionless,

"Once I return to the red side, then I will not be able to gain the trust of the black organization at all. I need to get more information, not just one or two times."

This pain is nothing at all. Yuzhen suffered much more pain than himself, right?

He didn't want Yuzhen to go deep into the darkness for him any more. If he wanted to get more news, he couldn't do it without making a little sacrifice.

Tsujimoto was never a coward. Since you want to gamble, you must put all the chips in front of you.