MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 46

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Question, how do you explain that you happened to be at the scene of a murder when an important character bumped into you?

Normally, Tsujimoto can use his identity to prove most of his suspicions. After all, as soon as the identity of the police officer is taken out, it is decided that the first class is easy to use.

But he can't get it out now, he's disguised.

Not only is he a cross-dresser, he is still a member of the Black Organization, and even plays a rich master.

Tsujimoto looked at the figures of the two in front of him, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

"The police here will take care of it, there's no need to invite those trash from the Metropolitan Police Department!" Tsukujiang Yusuke raised his head proudly, his face full of disdain,

"And we also have the famous Mr. Kogoro Mori here. It must be a matter of minutes to find the murderer!"

He looked so confident.

Tsujimoto stood there with a blank face, and quickly noticed the gloomy gaze that Gin, who was in the crowd not far away, threw at him.

That look was probably saying [how did you screw it up again].

This is not what he wants to screw up! He didn't even go to dinner! What should he do with this? ?

"Well... this matter is indeed a bit strange." Kogoro Mouri fell into deep thought,

"Excuse me, Mr. Tsukue Yusuke, is there any surveillance here?"

"Yes, yes, yes! But I have to go backstage to mobilize." Tsukujie Yusuke said quickly.

The deceased's name was Kawamura Hazuki. It was the female secretary who was suspected by the barrage from the beginning. She looked weak and weak, so she was first recognized as one of the murderers by the audience of the barrage.

Unexpectedly, she was the first to die.

【It's actually a dead person? ? I thought she must be the murderer...According to 73's urine, the weakest character is always BOSS or something.]

[73: I predicted your prediction! Did not expect it! 】

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha involved people, you are too miserable! This is the first time! A few times before, I was able to show your identity as a police officer to confirm, but this time I jumped into the Yellow River and I couldn't wash it out! 】

[The expression of Shiren is really aggrieved, Master Qin's anger value is about to reach MAX, right? 】

[Shiren: Do you think I thought that! This kind of debuff is a negative BUFF that can't be eliminated by the studio next door! 】

[Then the question is, who is the murderer? Anyway, Conan must be showing his hand again at this time, right? 】

[I don’t think it’s so fast. After all, this is just the beginning, the murderer must be hiding deep, right? 】

【Anyway, Mori Kogoro! Cover the back of your neck! 】

Life is not easy, involved people sigh.

Anyway, the crime will definitely be washed away in a while. But since the main battlefield is at Tamir's Heart's booth, nothing bad will happen now.

At least eight eggs shouldn't explode here.

"I remember that there should be surveillance in the elevator, and there must be surveillance in the corridors nearby. Take it out and check it out." Mouri Kogoro arrived,

"Mr. Koyo Nishiya, what were you doing just now?"

"Rest in the room," Tsujimoto replied truthfully.

"In the room? But wasn't it time for lunch just now?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes sharpened.

"I don't have a good appetite, so I don't really want to eat it for now." Tsujimoto said.

"Is it really just a bad appetite?"


At this moment, the person who was sent to check the surveillance happened to come back.

"Report to Mr. Tsukujie! All the surveillance in this area has been invaded! The original screen cannot be inquired at all!!"

"Has been hacked??"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and the eyes that looked at Tsujimoto Shiren became more vigilant.

"Humph! I think the result is obvious!"

Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Tsujimoto Shiren, and said in a very confident and determined tone:

"The murderer is you! Koyo Nishiya!! You are the mastermind of this operation!! You deliberately hacked the surveillance system in advance to kill Miss Kawamura! This will make it easier for you to kill! If it wasn't for Xiaolan and Conan who came up to see it earlier. This scene! You have long since escaped!"

"Confess! Even if you destroy the evidence, it's useless! In my eyes, Kogoro Mouri! You can't escape!"

"As expected of Mr. Mori! The murderer was found out so quickly! It's really amazing!" Tsukujie Yusuke was still complimenting him.

"Of course, I am the famous Maori Kogoro!" Maori Kogoro laughed.

Tsujimoto was silent.

Tsujimoto's eyes turned to Conan, who was beside him.

Conan! Help, Conan! Don't give up so easily! Take out your invincible anesthesia needle to wake him up!

...however this time Conan was lost in thought too, and he was clearly stuck.

It is indeed difficult to find the murderer without surveillance. But what is certain is that the murderer must have the opportunity to sneak into the monitoring room, that is to say, in the case of high probability, the murderer should be his own person, not Nishitani Koyo.

The surveillance cameras that can be seen are only a little ahead. Just ten minutes before Tsujimoto found out Miss Kawamura's death, she could still see Miss Kawamura walking into the elevator alone.

No one knew how many people were in the elevator at that time. The murderer threw the Ke / Er / Te / Zuo Lun / Hand / Gun at the crime scene. The murderer wiped all his fingerprints, but he couldn't find it at all. to any clues and evidence.

The only way is to find out who entered the elevator on each floor during that time, but the workload is extremely complicated, and I am afraid that it will not be done in a few days.

"Anyway, let's lock up Mr. Koyo Nishitani first." Someone finally put forward an opinion,

"Mr. Maori said so, I think Mr. Nishitani is indeed very suspicious."

"I remember that Mr. Nishitani has an older brother, he..."

"I have a perfect alibi." Gin said silently,

"I was in the restaurant all the time, as you can see. This has nothing to do with me."

Tsujimoto involved: "…"

Very good, as expected of the gin, so I distanced myself from him.

Considering that this is a case comparable to the theatrical version, it should not be solved for a while, so the culprit probably will only reveal his tricks at the Tamir Heart exhibition.

Could it be that he has to be imprisoned until the case is over before he can leave? ?

Stop it!

"Wait a minute! Miss Kawamura seems to have something in her pocket!"

At this moment, Conan, who ran in at an unknown time, suddenly called out, and everyone's eyes suddenly looked over, and they quickly noticed where Conan was pointing,

"Looks like playing cards? Why are there playing cards here??"

"Could it be that... it's the phantom thief Kid??" Tsukujiang Yusuke was startled.

"It's really possible that it's the phantom thief Kidd?? But doesn't he kill people??" Mao Lilan was puzzled.

"Cut! Maybe it's because he found his sinful nature and finally couldn't help but kill?" Tsukujiang Yusuke hummed,

"Even if you want to get Tamir's heart, it's too childish to threaten in this way! Tell me! Even if I die! I will never give Tamir's heart to anyone! This is mine! Life!"

Phantom Thief Kidd?

Tsujimoto looked over, and sure enough, there was a playing card in the other party's shirt pocket, and on the playing card was written the notice letter left by the phantom thief Kidd.

Very good, Kaiju Kidd, it seems that he is not the only one to blame. Today they are the good brothers of the blamer.

"How is it possible that it is clearly confirmed that Nishiya Koyo is the murderer?? Why is there another phantom thief Kid??" Mouri Kogoro showed a blank expression.

"Isn't it obvious?" Tsujimoto said tiredly.

"I'm not the murderer, it's better to say that I hit the muzzle of the gun completely!"

He has to complete various complex tasks next, and he has no time to waste his energy here. Since he is a scapegoat, it might be better to let the thief Kidd bear the blame alone.

"I understand." Maori Kogoro nodded, showing a thoughtful expression.

"It's good if you understand." Tsujimoto Shito sighed in relief.

"So don't pretend, Mr. Nishiya." Mouri Kogoro pointed his finger at the other party. ,

"Actually, you are Kaito Kid! Right!!"

Tsujimoto involved: "…"

Wait a moment? ? ? How did you link him to Kaito Kid? ?

He doesn't look like Phantom Thief Kidd!

This roar caused everyone to fall into silence, including Conan, who were scared by Mouri Kogoro's inference.

"Yes, you are Kaito Kidd! All this can be explained clearly!" Mouri Kogoro said confidently,

"If you disguised as Koyo Nishitani, and then blamed the phantom thief Kidd! Wouldn't you be able to escape the golden cicada? This kind of thing is entirely possible, right?"

"That's good, why don't you let everyone see if you have disguised yourself. Since you are not Kaito Kidd, this kind of thing should be obvious, right?"

Tsujimoto was about to fall into a cold sweat.

Mainly... he really changed his face, so the other party should be able to find something wrong with a little inspection.

Although he didn't want to be mistaken for a murderer at all, he also didn't want to be stripped of his vest on the spot! !

At this time, the expression on Jin Jiu's face was a little loose, but he quickly thought of something, and finally fell into a calm, while watching him with playful eyes.

That look just said [if you can't even solve this kind of thing you don't stay at the winery].

It seems that he really can't count on gin wine, this guy is terrible for damage.

"I refuse." Tsujimoto said decisively.

"I cannot be checked here, it is distrustful and insulting to me."

"Really? Since you're not Kaito Kidd, why did you refuse to check? A little check can confirm your identity?" Kogoro Mouri was aggressive.

"that is because-"

"Everyone has their own private secret, right? I think it's normal for Mr. Koyo Nishiya to be so excited. We need some gentle communication, don't we?"

Just then, the voice of a young man came from the crowd. Everyone's eyes followed the direction of the voice, and a slightly familiar face quickly appeared in front of everyone.

It was a young man with blond hair. His clothes were not eye-catching, but his temperament was quiet and comfortable. However, many people also recognized him, and quickly called out his name in surprise:

"I remember him! Isn't this the great new star detective Mr. Matsukawa Xiasheng not long ago! He actually got an invitation ticket too??"

"It's the first time I've seen such a big scene, and I'm terrified."

The other party bowed politely, and at the same time said to the unhappy Maori Kogoro:

"It is also my honor to be able to meet the rumored [sleeping Kogoro]. I don't think you would suggest that I be the judge and examine this Mr. Nishitani's body, right?"

"Cough cough... Of course you can."

Probably the attitude of the other party gave him a good feeling, and Kogoro Mouri also had a good impression of this humble junior.

"Then it's settled, Mr. Tsukue Yusuke, do you mind?"

"Of course, if it is Mr. Maori's request." The other party replied quickly.

Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously looked at the detective named Matsukawa Xiasheng. The other party happened to be looking at him. The moment those beautiful golden-green eyes looked at him, the other party's eyes flickered. The look on his face made Tsujimoto feel a familiar aura inexplicably.

Wait a minute... This Matsukawa Xiasheng, has he seen each other before? ?

"Come on, Mr. Koyo Nishiya." Matsukawa Xiasheng stepped forward, he gently stretched out his hand, and took the initiative to hold the opponent's wrist.

The touch from the wrist brought Tsujimoto's thoughts back to reality, and in the next second, Tsujimoto noticed that the crystal blue interface suddenly popped up, and a line of small words quickly appeared in his sight.

[Ability: Role-playing activated]

role play? Isn't that Tsujimoto Yuma's skill? ?

really! This detective is Yuma!

After learning the identity of the other party, Tsujimoto's heart instantly calmed down. Tsujimoto Yuma's ability role-playing is different from ordinary disguise.

The ability to role-play can be said to have directly changed the structure of this person, so even if Yuma Tsujimoto dressed up as a woman before, she could still be seen by most people.

In other words, his current state is not the disguise of Tsujimoto, but the real Koyo Nishitani's appearance.

Soon Tsukujie Yusuke invited an appraiser, Koyo Nishitani—or Tsujimoto, who was inspected in front of the public, and the final result was self-evident.

"I'll just say, you're definitely not Kaito Kidd."

The smile on Matsukawa's face seemed to deepen and deepen, and Tsujimoto's heart that had been hanging on him finally let go.

"I wasn't originally." Tsujimoto said firmly.

"And I'm not a murderer either. I believe the murderer wanted to frame me."

"No, you are definitely not Kaito Kidd. But there is a little suspicion that you still haven't been able to clear." Mouri Kogoro seemed a little lost, but still said firmly,

"Maybe you are the helper of Kaitou Kid? You can't clear this up, right?"

"It's impossible. Our Nishitani family is not interested in gemstones, and I can also expose some of the information exchanged during this period to you. I don't think this is something that cannot be clearly stated." Tsujimoto said.

"But you still can't clear your identity." Tsukujiang Yusuke looked at him very unfriendly,

"If you can, I still hope that you can accept temporary imprisonment/imprisonment. We will not do anything to you, but at least you can't come out until the Tamir Heart exhibition ends."

"This is also for the safety of the exhibition, sorry, Mr. Nishitani."

As a result, after a long time, it is still necessary to close the confinement! What is the point of this trial? !

As for the gin...

He looked as if he had completely given up on himself.

As expected of his good partner.

The people behind him were still whispering something, but Tsujimoto was no longer in the mood to listen. Tsukujie Yusuke prepared a special room for him, and set it up on the top floor of the entire floor, and sent his specially hired bodyguards to guard the door, and friendly invited Nishitani Akira to settle in.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nishiya."

Matsukawa Xiasheng's attitude towards him is still very gentle, or in other words - since Tsujimoto Shitou noticed, the other party's attention seems to have been focused on himself,

"You'll be fine, and you'll be free when Mr. Maury successfully captures the murderer."

Tsujimoto involved: "...Really? I don't believe it."

The entire room was under surveillance, and it would be difficult for him to jump out of the window and escape.

The premise is that Yuma is not here.

Tsujimoto sat quietly in the room, and his communicator was secretly stuffed into the other party at the moment of contact with Yuzhen, so it was not taken away.

As for gin...he should continue his plans.

In short, no need to worry.

"To be involved in a homicide case, involving people, you're too careless."

Tsujimoto opened his eyes, he saw the blond young man walking from the door, and the familiar smile on the other side's face,

"Sure enough, it's still not good for Shiren to leave me."

"Pfft, it's okay if you say so." Tsujimoto couldn't help laughing.

"Sure enough - I still can't leave Yuzhen."

I have to say that Tsujimoto has always been reliable when it comes to straight balls.

The expression on Tsujimoto Yuma's face was obviously choked, then he turned his head subtly, and coughed lightly,

"In short, if you want to board the ship that day, there is no problem at all. At that time, you can knock out a character and limit him here. I can still change your appearance."

"How did you set up the bodyguards at the door?" Tsujimoto asked curiously.

"Could it be that you paid for them?"

"No, they are all roles played by members of the Metropolitan Police Department." Tsujimoto Yuma smiled.

"That is to say, it's all my own people here. I can hack the surveillance and let you change your appearance. You can go anywhere you want."

"...You brought the entire Metropolitan Police Department with you???"

Tsujimoto was shocked.

What is reliable? ?

This is called reliable! !

The whole world is my own! Is there a better start than this! Said to be imprisoned / imprisoned, in fact, his degree of freedom is not restricted at all!

"I can't worry about you. Now that I think about it, my original behavior was indeed correct." Tsujimoto Yuma leaned a little closer and whispered in his ear,

"As for the murderer, in fact, I have already investigated almost."

"Do you know who the murderer is?" Tsujimoto asked curiously.

"I know, but I can't expose it in public." Tsujimoto Yujin sounded helpless,

"The end of this scene needs him, so he can't die for the time being. Once he dies, Tamir's Heart will not be available."

"In other words, the murderer is actually..." Tsujimoto suddenly understood.

"It's Tsukujie Yusuke, and it's because of him that the little guy didn't think about it for a while—or rather, it was useless for him to think about it."

Tsujimoto Yuma got up, he opened his hand, and lying in his palm was the earring that Tsujimoto took from him,

"Should this be returned to me? Brother, I also want to keep in touch with you. Since our brother has also returned to cooperation, there is no need to take care of me in the greenhouse so carefully."

There was still a gentle smile in his eyes, but there was some obvious demonstrative nature in that smile.

Obviously, before he expressed Tsujimoto's small-scale dissatisfaction with what he had done.

"It's okay, isn't this a moving greenhouse to accompany you." Tsujimoto looked behind him with his head tilted.

The expression on Tsujimoto Yuma's face froze, and the expression on his face instantly darkened.

"...Zhufu Jingguang, when did you come in?! Did I let you in??"

"Sorry, but important news."

Zhufu Jingguang, who had dressed up like Tsujimoto Yuma, stood behind him, with no expression of remorse on his face at all.

"Your monitor was found, it was by that little kid."

"It's alright, I specially tattooed the phantom thief Kid's logo on it, which was done by the phantom thief Kid." Tsujimoto Yuma waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

"Uh... That's good, I'll go first if I have nothing to do." Zhu Fu Jingguang expressed his understanding, and at the same time nodded at Tsujimoto and left quickly.

The door behind him closed, and the room with only the two of them was silent, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"It's okay, I didn't see anything..." At most, he thought Kaitou Kidd was too miserable.

"I know that you will worry about me when it comes to people, so I will come to you in advance and ask for your opinion."

After lightly putting the earrings back on, Tsujimoto Yuma gradually turned the topic to the point.

"The next plan, I hope you can support my ideas."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Tsujimoto said with great interest.

“The murderer is basically Tsukue Yusuke, and [The Princess’s Feast] was decided from the beginning to be blown up. The trigger is on the heart of Tamir, and once that gem is taken off, the entire booth will be blown up. ." Tsujimoto Yuzhen said,

"The reason why I know this is that Hazuki Kawamura told me the news. I disguised myself as a policeman who had sneaked in and revealed my identity to her. It's a pity that I couldn't stop him from killing the secretary-when When I came out of the room, the secretary had already been killed by Tsukue Yusuke."

"The secretary knows the secret of Tsukue Yusuke." Tsujimoto understood,

"That's why he wanted to kill people, but unfortunately you found Hazuki Kawamura first."

"Tsukujiang Yusuke wants to create such a feast, just to drive up the value of that gem." Tsujimoto Yuma shook his head.

"In addition, he also has a few troublesome targets that he wants to solve, so he also wants to take advantage of this action to secretly get targets. Several targets he wants to kill were also invited by him to the crowd. among."

"He is unwilling to call the police, not only for his contempt for the Metropolitan Police Department, but also for the sake of safety, not to let his purpose be discovered."

"As for why the Mouri Kogoro family was invited... I think this should not be the choice of Tsukue Yusuke, but the proposal of the X organization."

Sure enough, Tsukujie Yusuke had a ghost in his heart.

Considering that the X organization has not been captured by the black organization so far, it must have a certain strength. With the strength of Tsukue Yusuke alone, he wouldn't be able to play the phantom thief Kidd in the palm of his hand.

But in this way, will Tsukujiang Yusuke also have some relationship with the X organization? So far, Yuma Tsujimoto has not spoken about the actions of the X organization... Is it inconvenient to disclose, or is it not in time?

Tsujimoto was once again lost in thought.

"But that's not the most important thing."

Before Tsujimoto's thinking was over, Yuma Tsujimoto's voice softly appeared in his ears again,

"I know gin has always been a problem for you. So getting involved..."

"Why don't we get rid of the gin completely this time?"