MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 39

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[Hastily! Hastily! Hastily! 】

[I'm sorry, I'm so excited, I'll just say grass! ! 】

[Woohoo oo 【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【【乖 乖 乖 乖 乖 嘿 嘿]

[Calm down above, I warn you that the cat and cat are mine! None of you can rob me! 】

[However, Youzhen Maomao just wants to stick with his brother, and it will be super fierce to others. 】

【Isn't that better? A cat that doesn't struggle is not worth being sucked in! The more fierce, the more I like it! 】

[It's terrible, it's full of perverted cat-sucking madmen... Hehehe even though I am too! 】

[Speaking of which, Yuzhen Red Fang should be a stone hammer, but what the **** is going on? ? Why did he suddenly call himself Black? Why are the people in the Black Organization so familiar with him? ! Why! 】

[Did you see Shihe and Yuzhen walking into the room just now? ? Why the fuck! I really want to know what the brothers were talking about! Why did the involved people leave alone in the end! 】

[I have a terrifying thought, shouldn't it be... Shiren is actually the black side, in fact, he has been undercover from the Metropolitan Police Department all the time, but my brother doesn't know? ? 】

[Hahahaha... Your brain hole upstairs is too terrifying. Nothing involved has done so far like Black, okay? How is that possible! 】

[Laughing to death, as if the previous Bourbon was like a red square. 】

【puff. 】

[Help, I'm dying of laughter hahahahaha! ! 】

[I don’t care whether the involved person is red or black, anyway, I can rush regardless of whether the involved wife is red or black. The justice police and the undercover who cut the black are very fragrant! 】

[I don't care either, I only care when streaking Jun. 】

【That's right! @Streaking Jun, I have already followed you, and when 73 is completely stone hammer involved, it was originally a black party, remember cos gin streaking! 】

【Good guy hahahaha! @Streaking Jun, I am waiting for your live broadcast room! 】

The barrage is still swiping the screen in full swing, but Tsujimoto has no time to care about this.

His black square interface has advanced a little bit forward, from zero percent to five percent.

This is not surprising, after all, he did express the fact that he is Black very calmly, and it is normal to increase the interface.

The only strange thing is that his red square interface actually went up instead of going down? ?

The data bars of black and red have risen together, this is really a long time to see...

As for the black-clothed organization, when the news of the boss reached the ears of every high-level member of the black-clothed organization, it naturally shocked many people.

Let's not talk about how Tsujimoto got the BOSS's intimacy. It is quite scary that this Tsujimoto can sneak into the deep part of the Metropolitan Police Department and get information without being discovered by anyone.

Even they themselves have been deceived! Who knew that Tsujimoto Shiren was actually a member of the Black Organization!

"Wow, you look really hurt."

Belmod probably came to pick up Tsujimoto's people personally after receiving an order from the boss.

However, when she saw the scene where Gin was being hugged by Princess Tsujimoto with a displeased face, she couldn't help but just laughed.

"what's so funny."

Gin is extremely low pressure, as if it will explode in the next second.

"It's nothing...Pfft, I just think this scene is a little bit hilarious." Belmod covered his mouth gracefully,

"It's a rare thing to see you deflated."

"To shut up!"

However, Jin Jiu's face is extremely pale now, and the wound on his abdomen is not light, and there is even a scald caused by the blast of the bomb on his body, which is unexpectedly the same as the injury of Tsujimoto Shitou that day.

"Yeah, I will be very happy to see the gin shriveled." Tsujimoto smiled politely, while throwing the gin on the back seat of the car,

"Remember to send him to the hospital, don't let him die. Of course, it doesn't matter if he accidentally dies, after all, the doctor tried his best."

"You hate me that much?"

"I don't hate it, **** for tat, I just did what you did to me again." Tsujimoto looked at the other person,

"I'm very careful, and of course I'm very tolerant most of the time, but those tolerant people are for the designated person."

"Like your stupid contemporaries?" Gin sneered.

"They didn't do anything to me. Mr. Gin, take a good rest and raise your spirits before you can resist me."

As a result, the arrogant character still did not change, but it was because of the intensification of anger.

However, when Tsujimoto was sitting in the passenger seat of the car and carefully wiping his fingers, Belmod really had the feeling that the man had come back.

As one of the early members of the Black Organization, Tsujimoto had been out of touch for a long time, so long that everyone thought he had defected.

The person who acquiesced in brainwashing Tsujimoto Kan was also a boss. Maybe the boss himself didn't trust Tsujimoto Kan, so he allowed that kind of action.

As a result, it directly made people angry, and the last anger fell directly on Jin Jiu.

"What are you looking at?"

After wiping the dust off his hands, Tsujimoto looked over curiously.

"It's nothing, I just feel that after so many years, I still see this face, I feel a little surprised." Belmod smiled.

"Wow...the same sentence applies to you, Belmod. You haven't changed much." Tsujimoto said sincerely.

"Are you still angry with the boss?"

"I can't help it, didn't I get eaten by the boss? I can't run if I want to." Tsujimoto sighed,

"You can just stay obediently at the organization in black and let it be dispatched."

Ghosts will believe him.

If this man really wanted to be dispatched, how could he come back on his own initiative? ?

Or is there any reason why he needs to come back?

Looking at Tsujimoto's calm profile, Belmod didn't dare to speculate too much.

Although it is said that Tsujimoto is polite to her, in fact, he is polite to everyone before stepping on his bottom line. Tsujimoto's impression of her has always been relatively easy-going.

Hmm... just a general impression.

Because most of the people who have seen the other side of him are no longer there.

As for gin, that might be an accident. It might be better to say that before Gin became [Gin], he was indeed someone Tsujimoto cared more about, right?

Too bad these are all in the past.

After sending the gin to the special underground hospital of the Black Organization, Tsujimoto followed Belmod back to the Black Organization. The first meeting was in an unfamiliar place. Black-clothed organizations rarely have a fixed meeting point, which is also for everyone's safety.

"You plan to go out with this face?" Belmod asked curiously.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Such a famous face will cause us trouble." Belmod smiled,

"Aren't you going to cover up? Or do you have some kind of bad taste and want to make someone you once trusted completely collapse the moment they see you?"

"No." Tsujimoto was confused,

"Yi Rong is so troublesome, I'm just lazy. If you're willing to help me, I'm willing."

Belmod: "…"

Very good, this guy hasn't changed at all after so many years, but his character is getting more and more annoying.

As a result, in addition to gin, other members of the organization also came to the scene. Jin Jiu really wanted to participate in this gathering, but the BOSS kindly asked him to go back to rest, and he reluctantly gave up.

Tsujimoto got out of the car and walked into the very remote door. The others had already come to the scene, and Belmod and he were supposed to be the last.

Most of the people present knew the original identity of Tsujimoto Shito, and none of the members of the organization who joined later came here except Chianti and others who accompanied him, so there were not many people.

"Tsujimoto involved people, you are finally here."

The boss's low voice sounded from the darkness, Tsujimoto Shizuo didn't speak, but he also noticed that the atmosphere around him was more depressed.

"Is there no code name?" Chianti muttered.

It is true that ordinary members of the organization should have a code name, but from the moment Tsujimoto was taken over, everyone called him by his name, not by his liquor name.

"The code name is given to someone else." Tsujimoto explained,

"After all, everyone thought I was dead at that time."

"?? Huh?" Chianti was stunned.

"Then what was his previous code name?"

"I thought it was clear." Belmod laughed.

"Kun Sheren's previous code name was Jinjiu. It's just that he later gave this codename to the current Jinjiu."

"I thought I couldn't go back to the Black Organization at all." Tsujimoto shrugged.

"Who knows that someone has a bad heart with me, not only wants to kill me, but also wants to brainwash me—"

His words already contained extremely unpleasant emotions, and everyone could see the dissatisfaction in this man's heart.

"I'm sorry, after all, I didn't know you were investigating the X organization at that time. There are always surprises." The boss's voice came from the dark,

"I have already received the information about X. I didn't expect that there is such a mysterious veil behind this organization. This really surprised me."

Tsujimoto didn't say anything, just stood there coldly.

"It just so happens that this time we have investigated the remnants of X again, and we need you to investigate. As compensation, you can make any reasonable request."

"That's good." Tsujimoto's eyes lit up.

"I want to organize the potion that I studied earlier."

"...What do you want that for?"

"There will always be useful places in the future, and I remember that there are only two potions of this potion, and the remaining one is not too much for me, right?"

"It's really vigilant." The voice sneered,

"No problem, I will fulfill your request. But who are you planning to take on this mission?"

"Gin wine." Tsujimoto said without hesitation.

"Gin? But he's still seriously injured..."

"Wouldn't that be better? Wait for his life to come to pit me?" Tsujimoto said confidently.


Okay, everyone present can see that Tsujimoto has a grudge against Gin.

As for A, he has been downgraded because of the previous mutiny, but he is currently affiliated with Tsujimoto Shito, so naturally he also acts with him.

"But the code name is still needed." The other party continued,

"Gin can't be used anymore, you can change it."

"It's too much, can't you give me the gin back?" Tsujimoto was a little disappointed.

"I'm afraid not. The organization's impression of gin is basically stereotyped. I'm afraid everyone will not be used to your sudden retake of your own code name?" Belmod laughed.

"That's fine." Tsujimoto shrugged.

"You can call it whatever you want, I don't care."

"Since you like gin so much, how about calling it Gimlet? It's based on gin anyway..." Rum gave a suggestion.

"Okay, then this is it."

As a result, things were so certain.

Before leaving, Belmod gave him a mask, probably meaning to let him cover his face, so as not to be discovered. Although Tsujimoto felt that it was a bit unnecessary, he also accepted the other party's kindness.

The members of the organization are very friendly to him, but this friendship is only superficial. In fact, everyone has doubts about the identity of Tsujimoto, but the investigation of the X organization is the highest priority, so everyone chooses to trust him.

Tsujimoto took out his gun, aimed it at the target, and started training his sniper level again. In fact, his sniping level is quite satisfactory, not how bad, but definitely not how good.

Rather, the Gin guy is much better at sniping than his own.

Of course, if it were melee combat, Tsujimoto Shiren still felt that he could win Gin Jiu steadily. After all, Jin Jiu's physical skills were taught by himself, and Tsujimoto Shiren knew everything about the opponent's melee combat.

"Sure enough, it's still a step back."

Tsujimoto Shito put down the gun in his hand a little annoyed, a little frustrated.

If this goes on, he can only fight hand to hand with a sniper rifle. He always feels that it is difficult for such a quasi-head to get along in the black organization...

"Gimlet? Is that you?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind, and Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment, then looked behind him subconsciously.

The man with blond hair and purple eyes was standing behind him. Although his temperament and expression on his face were completely different, Tsujimoto Shitou still recognized the other person at a glance.

Speaking of which, he was also curious. No matter how the face of the valley zero looks like, it doesn't look like an ordinary person passing by, right? According to the popularity of their police academy, it was shocking enough that Jiang Gu Ling went undercover without even disguising and was not even discovered.

Did Drop Valley Zero learn some hypnotic Dafa? ? The kind that can make everyone subconsciously feel that his face is raw and so on.

"It's me." Tsujimoto retracted his gun,

"What are you doing here?"

"I follow the boss's orders to teach you to shoot." Bourbon smiled politely and distantly,

"I heard that your sniping skills are weak?"

"Sniping is true, but spear fighting should be fine." Tsujimoto was a little embarrassed.

Gunfighting, short for fighting with a gun as a weapon, he is still very skilled at this.

"It's okay, it's simple."

Bourbon reached out and took the other's gun, and at the same time he took a few more steps in the direction of Tsujimoto's involvement.

"If it was you, you should be able to get started soon. After all, you are also someone that BOSS likes very much, right?"

Will transforming into a bourbon state subconsciously turn on the yin and yang strange energy mode? As expected of you, you are down to zero!

Considering that this is also the necessity of the other party's disguise, Tsujimoto didn't care too much.

If I remember correctly, the sniper skills of the valley zero seem to be the best in their police academy, right?

This time I was taught by the younger generation.

Tsujimoto handed the gun to the other party, his azure blue eyes raised slightly, as cold as whisky mixed with water.

"Teach me."

Very standard imperative tone.

He had taught the same about gin long ago.

Isn't it just acting! He is most familiar with this kind of thing!

It's just that the eyes of the two are full of drama, and just relying on eye contact is enough to chat for an entire morning.

Jiang Gu Ling: [It’s amazing, the police officer involved in people, to make the boss trust you so easily, really amazing. ]

Tsujimoto involved people: [After winning the award, I also saw the legendary Bourbon, as expected of the No.1 in the police academy, I am still a lot worse. ]

Jianggu Ling: [Your brother is doing well, don't worry. But you still have to be careful. Although they trust you on the surface, they don't trust you at all in private. They are still in the stage of temptation, right? ]

Tsujimoto involved people: [That's good, I'm afraid he'll do something again, it's the best thing to be more obedient. As for the Black Organization, I'd be afraid if they trust me too much, that's fine. ]

Secret skill! eye contact!

"Oh, when you learn a sniper technique like this, it's going to suck, right?"

Just as Bourbon was teaching Tsujimoto to be involved, a mocking voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment, then put down the gun and looked behind him. Jin Jiu, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was standing not far behind him. He changed into looser clothes, and finally didn't wear that black trench coat that he didn't change all year round.

However, there was still a bandage around his waist. Obviously, the previous injury left him with a lot of damage.

He actually didn't wear standard matching clothes!

For a moment, Tsujimoto Kawasaki almost didn't recognize each other.

"Why are you looking at me with those eyes? It's weird?" Jin Jiu lowered his hand holding the cigarette a little, and the expression in his eyes was obviously very unhappy.

And some elements of this unhappiness point to Bourbon.

At this time, Bourbon also noticed the confrontation between the two, and he had some guesses in his heart.

That's right, after all, Tsujimoto was almost brainwashed by Gin, and Gin was almost killed by Tsujimoto, so it's normal for two people to dislike it?

"Please stay away from me." Tsujimoto stepped back and looked disgusted.

"I don't like smoking, please put out the cigarette and talk to me again."

Down to zero: "???"

Wait a minute, is this the point of the matter?

Gin's face was obviously dark, but he threw the cigarette away after being silent for a while, and then stomped it out.

...wait for gin? Are you really a gin? ? How did you actually do it? ? Shouldn't you have a fight or a drawn-out confrontation as normal?

However, Tsujimoto's next sentence shocked Bourbon even more.

"The cigarette butts are going to be thrown into the trash can, can you be a little bit more qualified?" Tsujimoto said in dissatisfaction.

"What if it happens to be near a chemical factory or other pharmaceutical factory, and your soot ignites a combustible explosion? I'm very disappointed in you, gin."

"Tsk, I see."

The mood on the man's face fluctuated for a few seconds, and he actually bent down to pick up the cigarette butts.

Gin actually picked up the cigarette butt.

He really picked it up!

The valley zero stopped thinking.

Drop valley zero to start the cat cat universe.

Who is he! It's not gin, it's vodka in the shell! !

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