MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 34

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"Anything to report?"

Tsujimoto asked in a low voice, closing the door of the compartment and pressing down the hidden earpiece of the hearing aid.

"I got in! They didn't kill me!" Alaska's voice was excited.

Tsujimoto involved: "...Oh, that's good."

I don't know why, but I feel a little pity.

"According to what you said, I disclosed everything about your current state and the plans to transfer to the public security class. They asked me to continue to stare at you. What should I do next?" Alaska's voice was very uneasy.

"Then listen to them, keep staring at me, and report the news truthfully." Tsujimoto said slowly.

"I understand! If the master wants me to kill anyone, I will kill it immediately! Just treat me as the best knife!" Alaska was eager to try.

"Don't call me master, it sounds disgusting..." Tsujimoto's brows knit together uncomfortably.

"You can just call me by my name, if you really can't do it, seniors are fine."

"I... can I use that qualification?" Alaska's voice trembled.

"Why don't you talk about the [anti-brainwashing] thing you said before." Tsujimoto was silent for a moment, and decided to stagger this topic.

"I remember you had a brief talk with me about you before. Did the organization in black interrogate and brainwash you?"

"There are too many things like that!" Alaska said nonchalantly,

"I have received training on the subconscious before, even if they are brainwashed, they will not get the most important news!"

"That's good." Tsujimoto didn't ask any more questions.

"When will the blackout plan be implemented?"

"Tomorrow at three in the morning, but you have to be careful, they should be going to find you..."

"I understand."

"Are you really going to come back? If you plan to get rid of the Black Organization, I don't have a big problem. After all, your choice must be the most correct..."

"I have my own thoughts, hang up first, you continue to lurk, just do as they say." Tsujimoto hung up the phone.

When he came out of the cubicle, Tsujimoto happened to meet Matsuda Jinhei who entered the door. After a face-to-face with the other party, Tsujimoto Shitoo pushed the door directly out, but was suddenly stopped by the other party.

"Is it because of my younger brother that you want to transfer to the public security class?"

Matsuda Jin's uneasy voice sounded from behind.

"Yeah." Tsujimoto turned to look at him, "Is it weird?"

Those azure blue eyes are as peaceful as before, but this tranquility is more like the calm before the storm, which makes people feel a little depressing.

"...Nothing. I have no right to speak and stop you."

After a long time, a helpless expression appeared on Matsuda Jinping's face,

"Stay safe, that's all I can say."

"Pfft, just transfer to a public security class, it's not that I can't meet in the future." Tsujimoto smiled helplessly.

"Don't be so pessimistic. I'm not here to die. You're doing it like parting with life and death."

- Do you think you haven't done enough things like sending yourself to death!

Although he wanted to say that, Matsuda Jinhei was speechless again when he saw the rather low expression on his face.

"If I have nothing to do, I'll go first. The Gugu Police Department asked me to go down and transfer the information first, so I won't waste time."

Tsujimoto left without looking back.

Three in the morning is a critical time for action.

But... According to the information from A, the experiment also seems to start tomorrow.

But the time when Jin Jiu and the others left the Black Organization also happened to be tomorrow, and it was not appropriate for the time to be earlier or later.

This is very troublesome.

Although there is a memory box to cover the bottom, Tsujimoto can guarantee that Yuma will not forget the past. But the triggering of the memory box requires a special condition, and this special condition must be a specified person.

[The memory box can only be activated after touching the designated target. ]

Tsujimoto Yuzhen's memory box trigger is of course him, and his memory box trigger is naturally Yuma.

When the brothers meet, Yujin will definitely think of everything.

The only worry is whether the first thing Yuzhen sees is the people inside the black organization. If he sees it, he can only let A find a way to kill it. Anyone who threatens Yuma must be eliminated.

Compared to the living, the dead are indeed the safest.

Tsujimoto's eyes darkened slightly, and a dangerous meaning gradually emerged.

"This gentleman."

Just when Tsujimoto was in deep thought, a young man's voice sounded in his ear,

"Excuse me, do you still need to buy the bread here? If you don't need it, can you let it go? You've been standing here for five full minutes."


Tsujimoto stepped aside and apologized politely,

"I was thinking about something, and I was in a daze for too long accidentally."

The other party smiled, but didn't say anything.

But at this time, the barrage in front of Tsujimoto Shiren suddenly became denser, and Tsujimoto Shiren quickly discovered the unexpected identity of the man in front of him:

【It's Brother Cat! Brother Cat finally came out to make soy sauce! 】

[Since Xiu Yi died and escaped, I haven't seen Brother Cat for a long time, woo woo! I didn't expect Brother Cat to have a rivalry with Sheren! 】

[I always feel that Brother Cat's painting style is a bit out of place. Speaking of which, Brother Cat has been Voldemort for a long time...]

【#Shock! The FBI and the Japanese police have a dispute! The reason is—#]

[If Brother Cat appears, will the actions related to the Black Organization be linked to Shuichi Akai? 】

[Hahahaha, I'm really looking forward to the sparks of Shiren and Xiuyi! 】

FBI? Escape to death? ? Akai Shuichi? ? ?

Who is it? !

A lot of information was concentrated in his brain for a while, but he still caught the keyword [Black Organization] at a glance.

That is to say, this man I met by chance is related to the Black Organization? ?

In this case, he can't give up this precious clue.

Tsujimoto was silent for a moment, and decisively turned on his skill [Polar Axis Tracking] that he had not used for a long time. At the same time, he also stretched out his hand and took out a piece of bread in front of him and handed it to the other party.

"The bread here tastes pretty good, I recommend this curry bread, I love it."

Since just now, he has noticed that the other party's eyes are on this piece of bread, and I am afraid that he also wants to take this piece.

And there is only one piece of curry bread left, and he will definitely not refuse his behavior.

"In that case, thank you very much."

The young man with short light chestnut hair smiled gently, but took the other party's bread without any qualms.

The moment they took the bread, their fingers briefly touched, and the mark of [Polar Axis Tracking] was completed.

Tsujimoto left without looking back.

He is not very interested in the FBI, but he is very interested in the man who has frequent contact with the black organization in front of him.

In short, use polar tracking to locate it first, maybe it will be useful in the future.

From the afternoon to the evening, Tsujimoto walked around the city center according to the original plan, and stepped in various places in turn. A's intelligence is synchronized with the Furugu police department, and it can be detected that someone is following him.

About five members of the black organization, including GIN, came here.

Tsujimoto was very vigilant. For the first time, he found out that he was being tailed and left the tailing spot as soon as possible, and drove away in his car.

He doesn't plan to go home for the time being. After all, there are probably people watching over there. For the time being, he still plans to live in the safe house arranged by the Gugu Police Department.

As long as he is in a completely closed room, he is safe, and this is also a skill that Tsujimoto Yuma gave him.

Thinking of this, Tsujimoto's mood was inexplicably worse.

"Have they come here already?"

When Tsujimoto returned to the room, the Furuya Police Department asked anxiously.

"Come on, I've confirmed it today." Tsujimoto nodded.

"Officer Zhufu, how are they preparing?"

"They have successfully infiltrated, and they can probably cause a brief power outage in the laboratory within the originally scheduled time. At that time, they will probably be able to take the opportunity to take Tsujimoto Yuma away from the laboratory."

"Has the location of the laboratory been confirmed?"

"It was found by Zhufu Jingguang and Jianggu Ling. Their abilities are beyond doubt, and now the black organization's mind is on you. As you think, there is really no defense there." Gu Gu police department is low sound.

"That's good."

Tsujimoto Shito turned on the communicator on the table, his hands tapped on the table one after another, and his heart twitched nervously.

Both of them were wearing locators, while Tsujimoto was remotely controlling the two to head towards their destination, while also observing whether there was any intrusion around them.

Once the power goes out across the experimental site, they only have at most ten minutes to search.

Time is running out, don't miss a minute.

"Don't be nervous, Shiren. You really will be fine." Gu Gu Police Department comforted.

"Thank you, I will try my best to calm down." Tsujimoto said in a low voice.

With three minutes to go before the mission begins, Tsujimoto's mood is getting more and more uneasy. Time passed by minute by minute, after bypassing countless difficulties and personnel monitoring, Gu Ling finally found an opportunity to detonate the main switch, and the entire laboratory was instantly darkened.


Because of the electromagnetic influence, the communicator was temporarily disconnected for a few seconds, and then connected again after a while.

Tsujimoto's voice was even more uneasy:

"Scotland, what's going on with you? Is everything going well?"

"In lurking, everything is going well" Zhu Fu Jingguang's voice was very low,

"We'll find him soon, we'll be there in five minutes, and I'm still on my way to the lab..."

The path of this piece is quite complicated. The door is unlocked with fingerprints. Even with the help of foreign aid, it will take a few minutes to open the door.

"Have you found where the laboratory is? Do you need me to send the directions again?" Tsujimoto continued to ask.

"I found it, Bourbon needs to confirm the status first... eh?"

After finally pushing the heavy door open, the expression on Zhu Fu Jingguang's face suddenly froze.

Under the light of the flashlight, there was no one on the test bench in the room. The only human figure was the doctor who fell to the ground. He was fatally attacked on his neck. **** smell.

The door on the other side had already been opened, and Tsujimoto Yuzhen was not here.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Tsujimoto's heart suddenly lifted.

However, there was no reply from the communication side, but there was a chaotic voice. Looking at the embarrassing scene in front of him, Zhu Fu Jingguang took a while to calm down and continued:

"The doctor in the laboratory is dead. If you guessed correctly, it should be Yuzhen's hand. As for Yuzhen..."

He paused, then continued in an unbelievable tone:

"He seems to have run away."

"Run?" Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment,

"Escape with a body like that?? How far can he run?? Catch up now!"

"I'm doing this." Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned,

"But I can't go this way, someone seems to be coming... just a moment!"


Communication is cut off.

Tsujimoto Shitou put on the microphone with a painful expression on his face.

I hope Yuu is alright.


The next day, inside the Kudo House.

The rain continued from morning to afternoon, and there seemed to be no sign of stopping.

The man who was picked up was thrown on the sofa by him, and he took off the excessively heavy protective clothing on the other side. Okiya Subaru found a piece of his own clothes and put it on him.

As a result, the clothes seem to be too large, and they still look ill-fitting.

Subaru Okiya still wanted to call the police at first, but when he took the other party back, Subaru Okiya could clearly see the pinhole on his arm, and the scar that didn't look like it would be left normally.

If something happened to him, shouldn't he call the police immediately?

Or, he didn't call the police, but to protect himself?

Okiya Subaru felt that this matter was still up for discussion, at least he had to wait until he woke up and then ask him what was going on.

As for whether to take him to the hospital... If the other party is really special, then taking him to the hospital is more likely to be in danger. And Subaru Okiya himself may also be implicated.

After thinking about it for a long time, Subaru Okiya decided to go to a private doctor to see it, and by the way, supplement the ingredients for the night's cooking.

The silver-haired youth curled up on the sofa was still clutching the blanket uneasily, his brows furrowed, wondering if he was having a nightmare.

Okiya Subaru straightened his glasses, and he picked up the umbrella at his hand to prepare to go out, but found that the corner of his clothes was suddenly grabbed.

"Where are you going?"

The silver-haired man opened his eyes at some point, and his blue eyes looked at him vigilantly.

"When you go out to buy ingredients, you have to find a doctor for you."

Okiya Subaru answered truthfully.

"don't want!"

Tsujimoto Yuma clenched his fingers and tugged the other party's clothes back, his emotions seemed to be even more excited.

"I don't want a doctor! You are not allowed to go out!"

This is not right.

When referring to [the doctor], he seemed to start to panic subconsciously.

Could it be that such a conditioned reflex is related to what he had experienced before?

Okiya Subaru was lost in thought.

"What's your name?" Okiya Subaru finally put down his umbrella.

"Can not remember."

The other party shook his head.

"Can not remember??"

"I don't know what happened." Tsujimoto Yuma lowered his eyes. He wrapped himself in the blanket and looked very lost.

"I don't remember anything."

Is this amnesia? ?

Shouldn't it be better to see a doctor if you have amnesia? ?

"Doctors are not good things." Subaru Okiya heard the voice of disgust conveyed by the other party.

"I understand." Okiya Subaru sat on the other side of the sofa,

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"I have no idea."

Tsujimoto Yuma let go of his hand, his face was filled with confusion and confusion, but he never let down his guard.

"I'm disturbed, it's like someone's been watching me... I feel bad about this house too. Is your room bugged or monitored?"

"How did you know??"

Okiya Subaru was stunned for a moment. He did set up monitors and bugs in this room, but how did this person see it? ?

"Intuition." Tsujimoto Yuma buried half of his face in the blanket, but his voice unconsciously became confused.

"It's strange, you give me a very familiar feeling... Did we know each other before?"

"I don't know, I brought you home." Okiya Subaru answered truthfully.

Familiar feeling? Shouldn't be, could it be that his dad secretly gave birth to another one outside? ?

No, not so much. This guy doesn't look like him at all, but rather, his appearance is very close to a person...

The man who has been on the news recently, Tsujimoto is involved.

Except for the slightly longer hair and darker pupils, the two are almost identical.

Could it be a relative of Officer Tsujimoto?

"Do you know who Tsujimoto is involved?" Okiya Subaru continued to ask.

"I don't know, but the name... it sounds very kind." Tsujimoto Yuzhen hesitated for a while, but replied obediently.

"Okay, I understand."

Nine times out of ten, it should be a relative of Tsujimoto Shito.

Find a time to contact the Metropolitan Police Department. Now that you know the identity of the other party, the next step will be easy.

"Then you stay here obediently, and I'll cook." Subaru Okiya stood up.

"Do you want curry rice?"


"Okay, then you wait here."

Okiya Subaru probably wouldn't have been so disturbed if he hadn't suddenly mentioned about the bugs and monitors just now.

His intuition is very keen. Just now, his eyes seemed to be looking around aimlessly, but he was actually observing the position of every monitor.

almost all.

What the **** did this guy do before? ? Is it someone from the police who came out of the Metropolitan Police Department? ?

I always feel that things are not as simple as I imagined.

Since there are not many ingredients, all Okiya Subaru can make is beef stew curry with potatoes. When the meal was almost done, he just went out, but found that the young man who was picked up was fiddling with his computer.

"what are you doing???"

Okiya Subaru was slightly taken aback, but what he said next surprised him even more.

"Your computer was hacked and a virus was implanted." Tsujimoto Yuma turned his computer to,

"They seem to have entered your computer with a purpose. I tried to fool it with false information, and by the way, I strengthened your firewall."

Okiya Subaru: ? ? ?

He took away his computer almost immediately, but after reading the computer-related content, he was surprised by the superb technique of the other party.

It's not just a simple [reinforcement], to describe the evolution process from ordinary tile walls to bank vault doors, and even set up an infrared anti-theft layer for you.

"Your phone has also been tracked."

Before Okiya Subaru could react, his mobile phone was instantly taken away by the other party, and after a while, a small ball-shaped tracker was found by him.

It was specially set by the FBI and placed in his mobile phone, and the man could see it at a glance.

"You have a voice changer, and you even changed your face." Tsujimoto Yuma looked at him,

"Are you doing any dangerous work?"

Okiya Subaru realized that things were not easy. .

He has lost his memory, and is likely to be a high-level public security figure, but even in the case of amnesia, he can immediately find any hidden danger in the corner.

He knew that the virus in the computer had invaded. The original backed up files were fake, and he planned to deal with it later. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him solved the problem faster than him.

Pretty scary ability.

"You don't have a name, do you?"

Okiya Subaru gently held his hand, the emotion in his eyes changed.


The silver-haired youth closed his eyes, got up a little, and rubbed the back of the other's hand affectionately with his face.

It's like a cat testing its owner.

"Then, I'll call you Yuu for the time being." Okiya Subaru chose a random name.

"Can you do me a little favor before I take you to meet your relatives?"

"What are you busy with?" the other party asked curiously.

"That's it." Subaru Okiya took out a USB flash drive and handed it to the other party.

"You don't need to parse it out, you can do it, it doesn't matter if you can't do it."

He also had the mentality of trying it out. Anyway, sooner or later, he would have to hand it back. It would not be bad if he could use this to analyze good information.


The silver-haired youth weighed the USB flash drive in his hand, and suddenly showed a wicked smile,

"I want a strawberry mousse and a black forest cake."


Subaru Okiya's face was blank for a few seconds.

"You're begging me to do something, don't I get paid at all?"

Tsujimoto Yuma straightly hugged his arms, looking very unhappy,

"I want it now, or I won't pay you back for this!"

Okiya Subaru was stunned.

Is this the kind of character you're familiar with? ? ? It's too hard to do, isn't it? ?

Considering that the data in the USB flash drive is quite important, Subaru Okiya thought for a while before standing up reluctantly and sighed helplessly.

"I see, I'll do it."

"It's good that you know, hurry up, and I will start helping after you eat the cake."

Tsujimoto Yuma raised his chin, the expression on his face was extremely arrogant,

"Also, I don't like this dress, I want to change it!"

"You choose from the closet."

"I'm going to use your shower too!"

"...then use it."

"Your bed is mine too! Go to sleep on the sofa!"

"Don't go too far. There are empty beds in the guest room. Do you have to sleep on mine??"

"I want the biggest one!"


I thought it was an obedient and well-behaved type, but I didn't expect that once the other party grabbed the handle, the guy immediately raised his tail.

But in general, he could still feel the inexplicable closeness of the other person to him, so Okiya Subaru decided to give it a try for the time being.

At least, before returning the other party, he still wanted to try to decipher the relevant information about the X organization he secretly investigated.

This information has been shelved for three years. If there is no further progress, the FBI will give up the investigation, right?

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