MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 31

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Tsujimoto Shito finally fell into a deep sleep.

Zhufu Jingguang originally thought that after learning about Tsujimoto Yujin's situation, Tsujimoto Shiren would collapse, but his attitude was even calmer than he imagined.

Facing the gazes of Furuya Chuanren and Zhufu Jingguang, the silver-haired man's eyes only dimmed a little, like a light that went out.

But when he raised his head again, his voice returned to its former calm.

"I see. I'll have a good rest. Don't worry about me, you guys hurry up and rest too."

"Mr. Shiren..."

But the more calm it is, the more disturbing it is.

Can he really be completely relieved? Can he really accept this kind of thing to his brother? ?

how is this possible.

The two watched in silence as Tsujimoto Toshito lay down quietly again, covered the quilt and fell asleep.

For a moment, they seemed to be able to feel Tsujimoto's pain, but Tsujimoto kept these emotions hidden in their hearts as always.

It was obvious that he didn't want to trouble them.

"Let's go." Furuya Chuanren patted Zhu Fu Jingguang's shoulder,

"You haven't had a good rest for a long time, so go to bed early at night."


Zhu Fu Jingguang took a last look back, and quickly followed Furuya Chuanren out of the room.

If Tsujimoto's emotions could be more obvious, even grabbing him and scolding him might make him feel a lot better.

But the more tolerant behavior, the more sad he felt.

Tsujimoto Yuma and Tsujimoto Shito are obviously two personalities.

Tsujimoto has always been direct and always calms down before anyone else. And Tsujimoto Yuzhen is self-willed and self-willed, and never hides his emotions without disguise, which makes Zhu Fu Jingguang feel closer.

At least Tsujimoto Yuma's spirit was indeed implicated in him for a while.

He could feel the pain in Tsujimoto Yuma's heart, and he could also feel the exhaustion and compromise that the other party occasionally showed. There were times when he was about to step on the opponent's bottom line, but Tsujimoto Yuzhen still tolerated him.

If he could have discovered the identity of the undercover agent earlier, maybe he would have been more gentle to him.

A moment of remorse flashed in Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes.

But can't go back.

Without him by his side, what should I do next?


At this moment, inside the black organization.

"I think you need to explain, Glenz."

Jinjiu looked down at the yawning man, his face extremely ugly,

"Why did Tsujimoto Shito escape?"

There is a huge loophole in the black organization, specifically, there are traitors.

The experimental body that was originally prepared suddenly disappeared overnight. According to what others said, they did not know what happened. The monitoring seemed to be fine, and no one knew how Tsujimoto Shiren escaped.

The only person who can directly contact the relationship is the Glenz wine, but the other party is still calm and has no meaning to explain.

"What are you talking about, does this matter have anything to do with me?" Tsujimoto Yuma wrapped her arms around her.

"Don't frame anyone casually, Gin. After all, you should be the person who has the closest relationship with Tsujimoto, isn't it?"

"I was out on a mission that day, how could it be me?" Gin narrowed his eyes.

"Really? I wasn't feeling well that day and was resting, so how could it be me?" Tsujimoto Yuma shrugged.

"You think I can't see it? If you destroy the evidence, you will be able to stay away from suspicion?" Jin Jiu sneered,

"Being able to hack the system in the organization and disguise myself as me and take away the people involved in Tsujimoto, who else but you?"

"Why can't I say that it was because someone deliberately wanted to frame me to make up this illusion? Gin, do you suspect that people at least come up with evidence? Use your sensitive nose that is useless and even misses countless undercover agents to judge right and wrong. , is it a bit too ridiculous?" Tsujimoto Yuma mocked mercilessly.


Rum's voice sounded from the darkness, and he could tell that he was impatient.

"It doesn't matter if the experimental subject has already escaped. Since this is the case, I can be sure that there is an undercover inside the black organization."

"Grenz wine, although I don't really want to suspect you, but your suspicion is indeed the biggest."

"I know."

Tsujimoto Yuma stood quietly on one side, but accepted what the other party said.

In fact, everyone knows the truth, but they really can't do anything to Tsujimoto Yuma if they can't produce evidence.

"If we need to verify your identity, you certainly won't refuse, Grenz wine?" Rum asked.

"It's like I have the right to refuse." Tsujimoto Yuma sneered.

"Rum, what do you mean?" Gin was obviously unhappy,

"There's a lot of suspicion about the Glenz, and I think that's pretty obvious."

"That's right, even if this matter has nothing to do with Grenz, the escape of Tsujimoto's involvement is inseparable from Grenz's negligence, right?" Belmode held up her beautiful blonde hair and smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Grenz, you are always strict and never make mistakes. How can you not even notice the escape of a person who was overdone by injection of anesthesia. This is very strange."


Tsujimoto Yuma was silent.

Everyone in the room no longer trusted him, although they never trusted him in the first place.

But as a member of the black organization, once you lose everyone's trust, you don't need to say much about your fate.

Even if Gin didn't shoot directly at himself, it was probably because of an order from above. Otherwise he wouldn't be alive to see Gin.

"I need to rest and recuperate. I don't think it's a problem. Besides, I'm taking over all the intelligence work organized during this period. You can guarantee that you can detect a mouse in this high-intensity work situation. Run away?" Tsujimoto Yuma raised an eyebrow.

Grenz's physical condition is well known to those in the organization.

Because after A injured him, Grenz's health deteriorated to the point of disappearing for several days in a row. Although doctors in the organization have examined his body, they have also expressed that long-term recuperation is needed instead of high-intensity work.

Organizations don't need worthless people, and Yuma Tsujimoto never knew that.

Therefore, he rarely allowed himself to take vacations, and he could always maintain high-intensity work even while dragging his sick body.

"We really haven't been able to take care of Grenz's body. Why don't we put our work aside and [recuperate for a while] by the way?"

There seemed to be a voice coming from the dark, everyone looked at Tsujimoto Yuma, and the sight in their eyes was self-evident.

"This proposal is not bad." Gin was satisfied.

"Oh, poor little fellow." Belmod shook his head.

"I agree with BOSS's choice." Rum also gradually retreated into the darkness.

Countless shadows approached the corner and finally reached the edge of the cliff.

Tsujimoto Yuma's back was pressed against the icy wall, coldly staring at the playful gazes from the surrounding, without saying a word.

Do you think he is useless? Do you want him to replace Tsujimoto as an experimenter? It's really a waste of time.

Knowing that his physical condition is extremely poor, he still makes such a choice...

Sure enough, you are starting to doubt him, right? But there is no conclusive evidence, and I want to persecute him in this way.

"If Mr. Grenz had no grudges in his heart, he wouldn't refuse such a kind gesture, right?" Rum's voice lowered slightly,

"Or, what does Mr. Glentz have to say about it?"


Can you have any opinion?

Since they all intend to push him into the abyss, it is impossible to give him the way back.

A rough hand grabbed his collar, and with the force of the forward pull, Yuma Tsujimoto was forced to stumble and follow the researcher toward the room.

The intelligence work is temporarily handed over to Bourbon, and he needs to [recuperate] his body well.

It's just that from the beginning to the end, this young member of the organization has not yet shown a hint of resistance and fierce expression. He is like a volcano about to erupt, suppressing extremely unstable emotions.

"You're a bit similar to Tsujimoto," Jin Jiu said coldly.

"Really? If in doubt, maybe you can test it with a DNA test." Tsujimoto Yujin raised his eyes.

"You should trust the news from my body more than the news from my mouth?"

"It seems that you are very self-aware."

Looking at the Glenz wine lying on the operating chair, Gin's expression is very happy,

"Hope you don't cry in pain."


Tsujimoto Yuma's pupils stagnated for a second, and his fingers suddenly curled up as the needle was inserted.

For the average person, it was just the pain of a needle prick, but for him it was like a knife cutting through the body.


"As I guessed, Grenz should be a sensitive body. I remember his response to pain was more clear than the average person." The doctor's voice sounded,

"Let me guess, did you go through that experiment?"

"What experiment?" Tsujimoto Yuma turned his head, frowning in pain.

"A group dedicated to cultivating geniuses, they will forcefully develop the brain through drugs, but they will also bring certain side effects." The doctor grabbed his arm and looked for the location of the blood vessels.

"The brains of those who receive the experiment will be further developed, and they will have stronger memory and analytical skills than the average person, but their perception of pain will also increase tenfold."

"So, are you actually afraid of pain?"

Are you testing his origins? It seems that the boss's investigation of him has already begun.

"You might as well kill me directly." Tsujimoto Yuma showed an undisguised mocking smile and skipped the other party's question.

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to cut the corpse data?"

"I don't dare to destroy such a precious experimental body casually." The doctor also smiled. He gently stroked the man's side face, but his tone was chilling.

"But don't worry, we won't treat you the same way we treated Tsujimoto. You are too fragile, it's like it's made of glass, and you'll be crushed with a little force, so we'll be very careful during the research process."

"Until then, let's have a good time here."

The tube of medicine was placed not far from him, and the red liquid in the transparent tube was inexplicably dazzling.


The next morning, in the hospital.

Even after so much, Tsujimoto's biological clock is quite accurate.

He lay quietly under the quilt, feeling the complete silence of the world, and at the same time saw the barrage rolling in front of him.

[I was dumbfounded by the knife. 】

[Abaabaaba... I'm also stupid, I'm completely stupid. 】

[I just want to cry now, help... In the end, Yuma stayed in the dark, and when I watched them disappear into the door little by little, my tears fell directly woo woo woo...]

[He gave his brother and hiro the hope of living, help... I'm dead, I'm dead, damn, I was cut to pieces by a knife. 】

[So no matter how you look at it, it's a red square! In fact, both brothers are red square! Why don't you want to tell your brother! Don't you know that he is really worried about you! 】

[Brother and younger brother are both idiots! Fool! You always hurt yourself because of each other's consideration! Can't you take care of yourself more, Brother Baga! 】

[This kind of person who is bored and doesn't say anything is too difficult to deal with. Hey, after thinking about it, the result is that Hiro is the most reliable. 】

[So aside from being involved, Yujin seems to only show a vulnerable and real side to Hiro, but he let Hiro go...]

【Do you really want to face the black organization alone? ? It is impossible for the organization to not find out if such a big living person is directly taken away! 】

[I also think that there is a problem with involving people. Didn't I say that involving people amnesia? Yuzhen has always been reluctant to let Sheren know about the Black Organization because she doesn't want Sheren to recall bad memories? 】

["Because you are the most important person, so I just need to watch you attract everyone's attention.

If you leave, don't come back. It's better if you can forget everything. This shouldn't be where you stay.

It doesn't matter what I do, because from the beginning to the end, the only person I care about is you, my brother. "]

[Woooooo... I can't breathe because of this abuse, I need to watch the fanart posted by my brother to ease it up! 】

【Yuzhen! You need sandwich stickers for wading and hiro! I order you to come out and post now! 】

[Hiro can meet Zero, and Shito can see Matsuda and Hagi again, but Yuma, my Yuma, he has nothing...]


It **** in every way.

From the moment he realized that something was wrong with him, Tsujimoto had a certain suspicion in his mind. He didn't believe it at first, but after verifying step by step, he finally found that the truth was not right.

Then the problem can only come down to the system.

Tsujimoto grabbed the hearing aid that had been repaired on the bedside table and put it on again. If he guessed correctly, the hearing aid that was broken by the gin should have been repaired by Yuzhen.

In this case, he should also ask what happened to the system.

"System." Tsujimoto said abruptly,


The crystal blue panel appeared, the mailbox slowly popped up, and the gifted skill [Safe Room] quickly appeared in front of him.

If I remember correctly, this should be Tsujimoto Yuzhen's skill.

Tsujimoto Yu is really a very insecure person. He likes to hide himself in dark and quiet corners. It seems that only in this way can he feel more at ease.

For him, such a skill was as important as life.

But he gave him the skills.

[I am here…]

The voice of the system customer service became uneasy.

"What's going on with the black progress bar? What's the matter with the gift of skills?" Tsujimoto asked calmly.

"Also, what did you and Yujin do without telling me? I need your explanation."


The system stuttered and even started to panic,

[I do not know either! I just found out that I was cheated! I'm just a newbie system and I really don't know anything...]

"Deceived? Who?" Tsujimoto raised his eyebrows.

[At the beginning, we issued the task according to the information given above. No matter how you look at it, it is correct. I don't know what went wrong...] The system sounds like it is about to cry,

[After we found something wrong, we made repairs as soon as possible. According to the original script, you should have the black script, and Tsujimoto Yuzhen is the red script! But it was really no problem when we issued the task! ]

"Oh." It was still an emotionless reply.

[Well, I'm really sorry, we don't know why this happened. ] The system embarrassed,

[We have discussed it, and we will give you some compensation next, but your mission has to continue, there is no way to change this...]

"In other words, Yuzhen should actually be the red side, and I should be the black side, right?" Tsujimoto's voice was still calm.

But the calmer it was, the more the system felt that Tsujimoto was terrifying.


"You've done a good job. If you're so careless, it doesn't seem like you can forgive me casually."

[I, we can give your brothers double compensation! ] The system hurriedly said,

[As compensation, these are all points that I have accumulated as a system in exchange for you, you don’t need to spend even a single point! ]

"Not enough." Tsujimoto held his chin, his azure blue eyes were silent like stagnant water,

"It's not enough. If Tsujimoto Yujin is dead, then all this will be meaningless. Do you know what I mean? System?"


"He's different from me. Even if you throw me into a blender, you won't necessarily die, but Yujin will." Tsujimoto shook his head.

"I don't really want to be angry, but I'm almost at the edge of my emotions. Guess what I'll do when my emotions collapse?"

[Host, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't be angry! Let me do anything woohoo woohoo! Just ask for it! I promise everything! ! ] The system almost fell to the ground and cried.

Did he keep a host! He is raising a grandfather!

"That's easy to handle. I need an item that can store memories and restore lost memories under prescribed conditions. This should be easy for you, right?" Tsujimoto said.

[Hey? ? Is it so simple! ] The system was stunned.

"Is it so simple? Then I'll think of something more complicated..."

[Stop woo woo woo I'm wrong, can't I! Host, what are your requirements, just mention it! I can satisfy all that I can! ] The system wailed.

"Not all requests can be made, right?" Tsujimoto looked at him.

"If you are the same as the wishing machine, at least Yuzhen will not miss this opportunity. I will not squeeze you. Except for the props in memory, I only need you to tell me the truth."

"What happened when the task was assigned back then? I lost my memory, and I can't remember the situation very well."

[Can't remember! ] The system is shocked,

[At that time, I remember the situation as if... your brother passed out for some reason, and you took over the task instead of him. According to the original judgment, it should really be the black side and the real red side. ]

"Did I take it?" Tsujimoto was stunned for a moment, "No, why would I take the red side and throw the black side task to Yuma?"

[I, I don't know either! ] The system is really about to cry,

[The place where you started to land was when you were in your 20s. The first time was in an orphanage, but you were too young at that time, and it was not easy to assign camps and the like...]

"Understood, so I took the mission during my police academy period. Yuzhen happened to be by my side when I received the mission. I chose the red route and accepted the black route for Yuma?" Tsujimoto understood. ,

"At that time, Yuzhen and I looked almost exactly the same, right? How did you tell me and Yuzhen?"

[Uh... this is very simple, your brother has long hair and you have short hair! ] The system responds in seconds.

Tsujimoto watched silently at the crystal blue panel.

[Ok I was wrong woohoo! In fact, you have already marked it when you were young! The one with long hair is the younger brother, and the one with short hair is the older brother! After all, you all look exactly the same, so that's how we distinguished each other in the first place. ] The system stammered.

"Have you ever thought that I can have long hair too, and Yuma can actually cut it short?" Tsujimoto said quietly.

[Hey! Is that so! ] The system shook.

"You were deceived by Yujin." Tsujimoto sat up slowly,

"Didn't you say that [Yuzhen] took over the task for him when he was in a coma? In fact, the person who was in a coma should be me, and the person who took the task should be Youzhen, right?"

"The scam has been laid since I was very young. He pretended to be me to go to the black side, and I was deceived by him and you to the red side, and I didn't know anything about it."

"System, is your full name Silly White Sweet System?"

[I... woo woo... I, I was wrong! I was really wrong! ! ] The system burst into tears.

"I can't completely blame you for this matter. After all, Yujin is the leader, and you were deceived by him." Tsujimoto lifted the quilt. continued:

"Then system, can you give me a data pen to change the panel at will?"

[Chen and concubine can't do it! ] The system screamed and cried again, [Host! If I could really do this, I would have drawn a positive infinite value for you! I really can't do it! ]

"Then make my physique and stamina full, and recover from the injury by the way, no problem?"

[Yes, yes, yes, but the injury may only recover a little, and the value cannot be full... After a discussion, I can't add too many buffs to you, I will be fired from the company, and your body can't bear so many debuffs what!! ] The system is pitiful.

"How much can I add at most?" Tsujimoto asked.


"Okay, then 70."

Tsujimoto felt that he was still a good talker, and there was hardly a more conscientious host than him.

Of course, if the system hears it, it will definitely cry and scold him as an unscrupulous capitalist.

[I risked my life to help you! You, you, you must not overturn! ] The system wailed.

"Understood, isn't it just to go back to Black, by the way, this memory box is also matched with Yuzhen, you should be able to control it remotely, right?"

[With...] The system is wronged Baba.

"That's good, you can get out." Tsujimoto said with a smile.


He's in a really bad mood, but that doesn't mean he has to take it out on other people/systems.

If you think about it, he has a good temper.

"Officer involved?? Are you alright??"

Noticing that Tsujimoto Shiren had gotten off the bed, Zhufu Jingguang, who had just entered the door, hurried up.

The silver-haired police officer stared out the window silently, as if caught by something or lost in thought.

"Involving people... Jun?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang slowly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him,

"Are you okay? Can you walk down the ground??"

Has this been restored? ? Even though he was still in a semi-conscious and wounded state last night, he was actually revived with full blood today?

The police officer involved is indeed a Saiyan!

Zhufu Jingguang started the cat cat universe.

"Ah, is that Officer Zhufu?" Tsujimoto turned around and stretched out his arms to hug him while the other party was dazed.

"Thank you for taking care of Youzhen during that time. It's been hard work. There must be a lot of scratches on your arm, right?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang who was suddenly hugged: "Uh?? What???"

"It's much better than I was at the beginning." Tsujimoto let go of Zhu Fu Jingguang, checked the other's arm a little, and said with emotion,

"Hey, his character is much better than he is now. At least you don't have as many scratches on your arm as I did before."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "???"

Is this some kind of cat-raising experience exchange conference? ?

wrong! This is not the point now!

"By the way, I'm going to find Yuma, where is the Furuya Police Department?"

"What are you going to do??"

Being stunned by the other party's jumping thinking like a frog, Zhu Fu Jingguang was at a loss for a while.

"I'm going to find Yuma, and I can bring him back with the assurance that I'm completely fine." Tsujimoto looked into his eyes and said word by word,

"Take me to the Gugu Police Department, and then I'm going to see A. Isn't he the most loyal to me? Wouldn't it be a pity not to show a little self-worth?"

Didn't the Black Organization want to bring back the former Tsujimoto involved?

If that's the case, then he will give them such a Tsujimoto Shiren.

Such a heavy chip should be enough to replace Yuma, right?

Read The Duke's Passion