MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 74

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The ancestral hall of the General's Mansion has been sorted out, and two vacant seats have been removed beside the old general's tablet, and Yan Mingting solemnly placed the two tablets on them.

The two names "Zhao Jian" and "Yu Yin" were written on the tablet respectively, and Steward Tan handed them three more incense sticks. They took Zhao Yelan through the whole process, first offering incense and worshiping, and then kowtow.

All the ancestors of the Yan family are placed in the ancestral hall, and the family of meritorious deeds is respected by any name. Only his parents have not seen the light until now.

After becoming famous, he also wanted to rehabilitate his parents, but Anqing Hou's rebellion is a fact, the incident is widely involved, and it is an old thing. No one will care who died in the case of Anqinghou's rebellion, but it will make everyone Know that he was born a slave.

According to the regulations of the Xuan Dynasty, criminal slaves were not allowed to serve as officials, but could only be sent to the streets of the market, where they could be picked and purchased like objects.

Because his parents did not admit that they were part of the conspiracy until their death, he was released after staying in prison for more than a month.

It's just that before they are released, people like him will be branded with the word "slave" on their backs. When the red hot iron sticks to his back, he immediately faints from the pain. When he wakes up, he has already passed out. Locked in a cage and let people watch and laugh at them.

He has been picked and picked by many people. He is too immature, too thin, and he is not a good hand at work. In addition, his face is gloomy and dirty. He looks like Bai Wuchang who is about to come out to kill him. People bought him back as a slave.

He also saw Gu Niaoyou passing by in the cage, standing with a group of girls and being led to the brothel in front.

Gu Niaoyao is the daughter of the nanny of the Anqing Hou Mansion. The nanny was captured and exiled, and because of her good looks, she was forced to become a prostitute.

The crime of treason implicates the entire family, men are slaves for generations, and women are prostitutes for generations. This is the most terrifying sentence in the world.

Naturally, Gu Niaoyou also saw him, they knew each other since they were in prison, but they hardly spoke.

Once a prison guard slapped Gu Niaoyou, but his mother stepped forward to stop him. Later, his mother passed away, and Gu Niaoyou had no one to protect him, so she subconsciously hid behind him, without speaking to anyone, and then the two of them were beaten together. But exactly the same, neither of them cried, they just silently gritted their teeth while being bullied.

Life is like nothing, crying and fussing are useless.

Zhao Yelan stayed in the cage for a few days, during which it was raining all the time, he was shivering with cold, he had nothing to eat or drink, the other sin slaves were almost sold out, only a few people remained.

He lay in the haystack, motionless, only a pair of black eyes were rolling, reminding passers-by that he was still alive.

He is not waiting to die, others are picking slaves, but he is also picking masters.

Suddenly, he saw a well-dressed son-in-law passing by, not a few years older than him.

He heard someone calling that man the third prince.

It's the third prince... The unfavored and ambitious prince must really hate the dog emperor, right?

Zhao Yelan moved his fingers, turned his head to look at the sun, and raised the corner of his mouth—the opportunity has come.

Zhao Xuan didn't pay much attention to him at the beginning, a little slave who was younger than him, but because he looked pitiful and had a strong will to survive, he brought him back to the mansion to be a servant. But who would have thought that from time to time he would make shocking remarks at the staff meeting, and then gradually noticed him, and gradually entrusted him with important responsibilities.

After changing his name, Zhao Xuan asked him what he wanted to do.

"I want to be a master."

"Okay, if there is a day when we succeed, I will definitely let you into an official. No one will know your origin except me."

Now, there is one more person who knows his origin and has fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

——He lived a splendid life in the name of Zhao Yelan, but his parents couldn't even have an ancestral hall.

"Father, mother." It was Yan Mingting's voice.

Zhao Yelan was slightly surprised, looking at his familiar appearance, he was both funny and moved, while Yan Mingting still said sincerely to the two tablets: "I am Yan Mingting, and now I am also Mengting's husband-in-law. We are living a very good life, if you know anything under the spring, you must bless him in good health."

Zhao Yelan turned his face away, and suddenly felt a warmth in his heart, which made his blood a little hot, and the snow in his eyes almost melted into water all year round.

He suppressed this unknown emotion, it seems that he has been losing control of his emotions recently, and his eyes are red from time to time, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, my lord's parents tablet has also been moved into the ancestral hall. I will clean it more, and you can come to offer incense at any time in the future." Butler Tan said with a smile. He didn't know what kind of characters these parents were, but I feel that the old general and his wife will not be lonely under the spring, maybe the four of them can get together to play the horse hanging.

After everything was cleaned up, Yan Mingting was about to take him to dinner, but the other party silently lit another three sticks of incense, inserted them into the old general's incense burner, bowed his hands and said: "...Father, how many days have passed?" Please forgive me for being disrespectful, and I will treat Fangli well in the future." He burned incense on the old lady again, "Mother, the tea you grow is really delicious."

Yan Mingting listened to him talking about his father and mother, his heart was so warm, he was so happy, he simply didn't eat at home, and took people to Huichunlou, where he ordered a lot of dishes.

"Why are you starting to waste money?" Zhao Yelan teased.

"It's not a waste for you to eat." Yan Mingting happily picked up a lot of dishes for him, "Try it quickly, I haven't eaten here for several months."

Zhao Yelan ate a few mouthfuls, and his appetite improved. Is he a native of the capital, or local food suits his appetite the most.

"You eat too, what are you watching me do?"

Yan Mingting didn't even eat, just supported his head, looked at him and smiled foolishly: "Mengting, you are so kind."

"Where is it good?"

Yan Mingting put the Chisha sword on the table. It has been a day since he carried it. The whole capital knew that he had obtained a Shangfang sword. After his persistent showing off, everyone naturally knew that Zhao Yelan got it for him. .

But no one raised any objections. No one was more suitable than Yan Mingting as the master of the Chisha Sword. Everyone focused on congratulations, and curious about the relationship between the two of them by the way.

But this evening, Zhao Yelan embraced him in public, and I believe everyone will know about it soon.

Yan Mingting was happy just thinking about it.

"Just because of this sword?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"Isn't that enough?" Yan Mingting thought for a while, and then said, "But it's really more than that. Your goodness can only be explained clearly by one or two things."

"You are clearly love..." Xi Shi is in the eyes of the beholder.

But Zhao Yelan stopped talking just in time, and didn't have the nerve to continue talking.

After eating for a while, Li Yucheng's voice sounded from downstairs, asking Xiaoer which room they were in.

Yan Mingting opened the door, Li Yucheng raised his head, and immediately ran to their room, drank a few sips of tea as soon as he sat down, and said, "I just went to your house, and I heard that you are here."

"What's the matter?" Yan Mingting asked.

"I was summoned by the emperor this afternoon! My God!" It was the first time that Li Yucheng was personally summoned by the emperor for an important matter. He was excited just thinking about it, and said, "He officially handed over the silk tea business in Jiangnan and the capital to me. I have never heard of an official position as a civilian envoy, what should I do?"

Zhao Yelan smiled: "You can just do business normally. The emperor just wants to appoint you an official, so as to deter those businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River. In this way, the officials in the court will control the trade between the two places. Those people I don’t dare to fool around.”

"So that's how it is!" Li Yucheng laughed and communicated with him about the future arrangements.

Zhao Yelan saw that he had a lot of ideas and a wide range of ways. He said one thing and one thing, but he was really good at doing business, but he was easy to drift, and he didn't have any real talents. It was difficult for one person to maintain such a large business.

"Go and call Yin Pinglu." Zhao Yelan ordered Xiao Gao.

After a while, Yin Pinglu and Zuo Ran came together, and they were called to eat together before they had eaten.

Only then did Zhao Yelan ask Li Yucheng to continue talking, and Yin Pinglu knew that what he really wanted to do was coming, so he listened carefully and even forgot to eat.

While eating, Zhao Yelan listened to their conversation, and felt a little relieved. With Yin Pinglu to manage and supervise, Li Yucheng could also be more steady and steady. They were one in charge of the inside and the other outside, so it was a good match.

It took an hour and a half to finish a meal, and they were mainly talking about business. Towards the end, Zuo Ran was sleepy and fell asleep on Yin Pinglu's body.

Yin Pinglu smiled, patted her head, and continued to talk about business, but was interrupted by Zhao Yelan.

"Okay, since we're done chatting, let's go back." Zhao Yelan glanced at Yan Mingting, who was also fighting with eyelids.

"Okay." After Li Yucheng finished speaking, he finally talked about other things, "By the way, Fu Qian is back today."

Zhao Yelan raised his eyes: "What? Does their family really plan to send him to the General's Mansion as the second house?"

Yan Mingting woke up immediately: "What is the second room? Whoever tells me the second room, I am in a hurry with whom, even if you tell me, I can't do it."

Li Yucheng: "Tsk tsk, you are so flamboyant, are you afraid of sleeping in the study at night?"

Yin Pinglu smiled sullenly, woke Zuo Ran up, and the two left first.

"Don't worry, the rumor with Fu Qian has long been self-defeating. After he received the letter from the capital, he was so frightened that he quickly clarified that it was a rumor, and he didn't dare to have anything to do with you." Li Yucheng said, suddenly realized Yan Mingting kept touching the sword on the table, and said in surprise, "Is this the famous Chisha sword?!"

"Yes." Yan Mingting raised his chin.

"Can I touch it?"

"You have to ask his opinion first." Yan Mingting pointed to Zhao Yelan.


Zhao Yelan also didn't understand, since it was already his sword, why did he ask for his permission?

"Because he asked for a reward from the emperor for me." Yan Mingting said, "Do you know how difficult it is to get this sword? Do you know that he has worked hard?"

Li Yucheng: "..."

Zhao Yelan: "..."

"Don't touch it, I don't want to touch it! I can't bear this grievance!" Li Yucheng ran away angrily.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Yan Mingting shouted, then turned to look at Zhao Yelan.

Zhao Yelan supported his forehead, but the corners of his mouth were curled up: "Let's go, we should go back."

There is still work to be done.

The mansion has already prepared hot water. Since Zhao Yelan moved into the General's Mansion, these servants have gotten used to his lifestyle, and they will boil hot water every night, waiting for their master to take a bath.

After mixing the tub with water, Yan Mingting was about to go out, but Zhao Yelan grabbed his wrist: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going out." Yan Mingting's inertia dictated that in the past, every time the other party took a bath, he would drive him out.

Zhao Yelan didn't let him go: "Rub my back."

"Okay." A gleam of light flashed in Yan Mingting's eyes, maybe it was because he knew the secret behind his back that he invited him generously.

Yan Mingting looked down at his fingertips, there were many calluses, he was afraid that his skin would be scratched, so he washed his hands first, and specially used soap.

After washing, he smelled it, and it was fragrant, like sweet-scented osmanthus.

He picked up a clean handkerchief, walked behind the screen, and was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Zhao Yelan stood beside the bathtub, with his back facing him, his coat was draped over the screen, his inner coat was halfway off, revealing his smooth and firm back, his shoulder blades protruding slightly, like a butterfly about to fly.

Hearing the movement, Zhao Yelan turned his head and glanced at him, then took off his shirt as if nothing had happened, he knew that Yan Mingting was looking at his back and the brand mark. He could even feel a bit of distress in the other party's fiery gaze.

He took a deep breath, took off his trousers, raised his hand to take off the jade crown, the black hair poured down like a waterfall, and draped softly on his back, covering a welt mark that was neither deep nor shallow.

As delicate as he is, he will also feel a little annoyed at this time. He hopes that his body is as smooth as satin, without any wounds or scars. But when he turned around, he saw the temperature in Yan Mingting's eyes, which was higher than the hot water in the bucket, to the point where he could burn someone if he wasn't careful.

The last time we faced each other so frankly was at night, Yan Mingting didn't even have time to take a closer look at his body, but now when he saw him for the first time, his heart was still beating so fast. Then he watched Zhao Yelan step into the barrel, his hair was floating on the water, but his body was glowing white under the water.

"Then I'll start wiping." Yan Mingting's throat was itchy, and he notified jerkyly, then took the handkerchief and wiped his back repeatedly.

After a while, Zhao Yelan said, "You rubbed it into my ear."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yan Mingting quickly withdrew his hand, not daring to fantasize, but heard him say: "You haven't washed yet, do you want to come in and wash together?"

Can this be refused?

Yan Mingting was overjoyed, quickly stripped off his clothes, entered the bathtub in twos and threes, the water level immediately rose, and rushed out.

"..." Zhao Yelan turned his head to look at the water that flowed out, at least one-third of it was missing, and when he looked back at the other party, the other party smiled like a silly dog, and stepped on his foot with his foot.

Zhao Yelan stepped back.

The two stepped on each other silently for a while before Zhao Yelan said, "Childish."

"Then you still play with me?"

Zhao Yelan snorted lightly, and turned his head away from him. At this time, he heard the sound of water, it was Yan Mingting approaching him, but he didn't move.

The next moment, the other party came over and kissed his cheek. Zhao Yelan turned his head sideways, and when he was about to touch his lips, he stepped back a little as if nothing had happened.

Yan Mingting saw the flesh in his mouth run away, he couldn't wait to kiss him, supported the rim of the barrel with one hand, and imprisoned him in most of his arms, very tough and domineering, not giving him a chance to escape at all.

Zhao Yelan responded, twitching the corners of his mouth imperceptibly: "Are you coming?"

Of course Yan Mingting wanted to come, but he was afraid of failure, it would be too embarrassing for his wife, and he would never be able to see anyone in this life.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Yelan didn't ask any further questions, but just put his arms around his neck, kissing his lips, neck, and ears back and forth, deliberately aggravating the sound of breathing, deep and shallow, breathing hot air, seducing Yan Mingting. The soul is gone.

Yan Mingting wanted to bear it, but couldn't help it, he was so uncomfortable that he was about to explode. He picked him up, and the water splashed and splashed around.

Zhao Yelan said, "Go to the bed and wait for me first, I'll put on some clothes."

"?" What clothes are you still wearing at this time?

Yan Mingting still did as he did, after he dried himself off, he couldn't wait to sit on the bed, then lowered his head, and muttered in his heart: You can fight yourself!

In a short time, Zhao Yelan came out from the screen, casually wearing a white undershirt. Yan Mingting's Adam's apple rolled, and he stretched out his hand to pull him, but he pushed it back.

"I'll do it." Zhao Yelan sat on him pretending to be calm, leaned over to kiss him, felt a suspicious blush on his face after he gradually relaxed, and whispered privately, "I just made some preparations."

When Yan Mingting was wondering, he was suddenly taken into the Peach Blossom Spring.

He looked at the owner of this hot and humid land in disbelief. The other party frowned tightly. It seemed that he had encountered a winding and difficult road, and he was a little lost. His forehead was sweating thinly, but he still insisted on leading him to continue leading the way.

Yan Mingting's heart was in a mess, he sat up, hugged each other, and felt a little hot in his eyes: "Mengting, Mengting, why are you so good, I love you so much, what should I give you in return?"

Because he sat up suddenly, Zhao Yelan was caught off guard and walked to the end. He let out a muffled grunt, and after a while, heard him say this again, and replied uncomfortably: "Why don't you move a little bit."

Yan Mingting moved obediently, and he seemed to have found some fun when he heard an uncontrollable voice.

The drapery was lowered and swayed into the night.

Zhao Yelan was exhausted and felt a little regretful. He helped Yan Mingting solve the disease, but felt that he was going to be sick. Yan Mingting seemed to realize that his problem had healed, and he was eager to show off his abilities. He was as energetic as a dog and never stopped.

Zhao Yelan pushed him away, annoyed and annoyed: "Is that enough, go to sleep!"

Yan Mingting reluctantly got up, opened the door, knocked on Butler Tan's door, and looked at him hesitantly.

Butler Tan looked up at his expression, then at the moon, guessing the time to come to him, and suddenly understood: "I understand, hot water!"

Yan Mingting gave a thumbs up.

The drowsy Zhao Yelan was hugged by him and took a bath again. He felt sleepy as soon as he touched the pillow, but he always heard Yan Mingting whispering in his ear.

"Mengting, are you asleep? I can't sleep."

"Mengting, I'm so happy, really happy."

"I want to go punch right now."

"Mengting, why are you so beautiful?"

"Mengting, Mengting, wake up and take a look at me, I'm swollen again..."

"Mengting, I am pleased with you and admire you, what about you?"

Zhao Yelan also forgot whether he answered his question or not, he probably did, who can refuse such an annoying whisper?

He only remembered that when he opened his eyes weakly, the other party couldn't wait to pull him to rock together until dawn.

Well, the shower was wasted again.