MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 70

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When Zhao Yelan went out, Xiao Gao followed subconsciously. He said he was looking for Gu Nianiao, and after sending Xiao Gao away, he went out alone. Instead of going to the Hongxiu Building openly, he walked into the small house used for communication, then walked through the tunnel, and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door of the room opened, and Gu Niaoyou was wearing a thin coat with her shoulders exposed, standing at the door and yawning: "You just came back to Beijing, so you ran towards me, isn't it good?"

Zhao Yelan glanced at the scene inside the house.

"Come in, there is no one else." Gu Niao waited for him to come in, closed the secret door, went out of the room again, told the surrounding maids and servants to retreat, then went back to the room to pour a cup of tea and light a stick of incense, " I haven’t seen you for a few months, but you can still come back alive, good luck.”

Zhao Yelan took a sip of tea, took out a bag of spices and a pearl hairpin, and put them on the table.

"You still know how to bring me something? Then I won't be polite." Gu Niao sat down with a smile, picked up Zhu Chai, looked at it for a while, and said, "It's very unique, you even know the things in the girl's house so well?"

"By the way."

Seeing Yin Pinglu staring at this hairpin for a long time, Zhao Yelan asked Yan Mingting to buy it for her, and bought another one by the way.

"You just have to be stubborn." Gu Youyou smiled and inserted the hairpin into her hair, looked at the bronze mirror, was very satisfied, then picked up the spice and smelled it, "This is good, you can put it in Qingyan's room , benefactors keep like it."

Zhao Yelan twirled his fingertips and remained silent.

After a long while, Gu Niao put away these things, sighed, and her face gradually darkened: "You don't think these can calm me down, do you?"

Zhao Yelan looked at her.

"I've been preparing for your feigned death for so long, and I almost sneaked up to collect the corpse. If you cancel the plan, you cancel it. The next day, you slip away to Jiangnan and Yan Mingting to have a loving relationship. I'm so happy." Gu Curly said unhappily.

"Sorry, it happened suddenly."

Gu Niaoyou looked at him for a while, then waved her hands: "Forget it, since it's your own choice, what can I say? How are you two doing now?"

"Very good." Zhao Yelan took another sip of tea.

"What you said is very good, and it should mean very well." Gu Youyou observed his expression, "Tell me, you came to the door in person as soon as you came back, what do you want to see me for?"

"Did you get the tattoo on Qingyan's body?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Some of the girls in the building want flirtatious tattoos to tease the guests, and some girls have scars on their bodies that can be covered up with tattoos, and of course some just like tattoos.

"Yeah, I did all the tattoos on the girls, and I learned a special skill." Gu Niaoyou said, she paused suddenly, looked at him in surprise, and her expression became strange, "No, you Want a tattoo too?"

Zhao Yelan nodded without showing any signs.

"You... are progressing very quickly." Gu Niaoyou teased, paused again, shook her head and said, "No, no, does that mean that he hasn't seen your back yet?"


Gu Niaoyou suddenly showed awe to Yan Mingting, and sighed: "Wait a minute, I'll go get some tools."

About a quarter of an hour later, Gu Niao came in with a big box: "Take off your shirt and lie down on the bed."

Zhao Yelan watched as she unfolded the cloth bag with ease. There were silver needles of different thicknesses inside, and there were several paint boxes next to her. He lit a candle, took out a needle, and baked it on the flame.

Gu Niaoyou noticed that his gaze was on the needle all the time, and said: "The process is quite painful, aren't you most afraid of pain? How about I bring you some sweat medicine? By the time you wake up, it will be over. "

Zhao Yelan thought for a moment and agreed. Then he took off his shirt slowly, lay down on the bed, and asked, "How long will it take?"

"If you take the medicine, you won't feel the pain, and I can make it faster, about half an hour." Gu Niao said.

"Try to hurry up." Zhao Yelan glanced at the sky outside, if he stayed too long, Yan Mingting would definitely look for him everywhere.

Gu Niaoyou put down the needle and prepared to get the medicine for sweating. Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, he was stunned, and slowly retreated back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Yan Mingting appearing at the door, walking in step by step, staring at Gu Niaoyou sharply, then turned his head to look straight at him.

Zhao Yelan was stunned, and suddenly realized that he had taken off his shirt. This scene seemed to be easily misunderstood. He immediately sat up, put on his clothes, and hurriedly tied his belt, but he couldn't do it for a long time. He asked self-destructively: "How did you come?"

Yan Mingting passed by the table, glanced at the tools placed on it, and then walked to the bed, his expression darkened: "Come back with me."

Zhao Yelan looked up at him, those eyes that were always smiling seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, frozen into ice, even the tone of voice had a hint of compulsion, which was very different from the usual Yan Mingting, which made people feel uncomfortable. Some flustered.

He explained embarrassingly: "It's not what you see, I just... I just have something to do with her."

"What needs you to take off your clothes?" Yan Mingting asked.

"Not undressed..." Zhao Yelan muttered, suddenly felt a pain in his waist, Yan Mingting grabbed his belt and fastened it tightly.

He groaned in pain, Yan Mingting looked up at him, but relaxed his hand.

"Talk slowly, I'll go out first." Gu Niaoyou stopped meddling at this time, so as not to make the scene more and more chaotic, after closing the door for them, he sent someone to arrest Yan Mingting who came to the brothel The news was withheld.

Zhao Yelan looked at the person who was still sulking, raised his hand, slowly held the other's hand, raised his head and said, "I really have nothing to do with her."

"Then why did you take off your clothes? You have never undressed so easily in front of me." Yan Mingting looked down at him, sullen and jealous, "Is it in your heart that I still don't have **** with her?"

"How could it be?" Zhao Yelan stood up and kissed his lips, "How can she compare to you?"

Normally, whenever Zhao Yelan took the initiative, Yan Mingting would be as excited as a dog in heat, but at this moment, he was indifferent and his face was cold.

Zhao Yelan kissed several times in succession, then kissed the cheek and neck, but there was no response from the other party, so he frowned indiscernibly, knowing that he was not ordinary angry.

"What do you want me to do to trust me?"

"Take off your clothes and show me." Yan Mingting looked at him indifferently.

Zhao Yelan stared at each other silently for a long while, pulled off his belt, took off his coat and jacket, and hooked the belt of his inner coat, but his hands couldn't move for a long time, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a broken light in his eyes: "Can we stop here? "

"Yes." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan was stunned, a little unbelievable, he couldn't believe that he compromised so quickly, but he was even more flustered in his heart, and after careful study, he realized that it was a kind of disappointment.

Yan Mingting was disappointed in him.

"You can stop whenever you want. If you don't want me to watch it, I won't watch it. You can always do whatever you want with me. Whoever makes me tempted first will admit defeat first." Yan Mingting laughed at himself mockingly. After a while, the smile didn't reach the eyes, a little pale and feeble.

Zhao Yelan's heart trembled, and then he pulled hard, and the last layer of clothes fell to the ground. His skin was as white as porcelain jade, and his waist was very thin, like a fragile willow branch. There is also a shallow scar on the waist and abdomen, but it is very long and continues to the back.

"Turn around." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan's face turned pale immediately, and he took two steps back unconsciously, shaking his head all the time: "No, no, can I do it in a few days?"

Yan Mingting took a step closer, stood in front of him, lowered his head, stroked his cheek, and shouted in an uncompromising tone: "Mengting, show me your back."

Zhao Yelan wrapped his arms around his neck in disbelief, licked and bit his lips recklessly: "Is it okay next time? I will show you next time..."

Just when Zhao Yelan thought he was doing useless work, Yan Mingting finally responded. He hugged his waist, sucked his lips hard, leaving traces on his lips in an aggressive and vengeful manner. , tasted a bit of rust, but Zhao Yelan didn't say anything, and even felt a sense of relief, if only this could relieve him.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the other party kept rubbing his thumbs on his back, and then he heard Yan Mingting ask in a hoarse voice: "Is it because of this? The word 'slave'?"

Zhao Yelan's whole body seemed to be drenched in a basin of ice water, as if falling into an ice cellar, he froze, even the sound of his heartbeat seemed to have stopped, his eyes were absent-minded, looking in the direction of the void, the past and the past emerged so unexpectedly in sight.

He vaguely heard Yan Mingting's voice: "I've seen this word before when I was bathing you. I didn't tell you because I was waiting for you to tell me. I've been waiting, but you would rather be in someone else's place." He took off his clothes in front of me and refused to show me."

Zhao Yelan looked at him blankly.

"I believe you and her are innocent, but I just can't figure out why you would rather believe her than me? Am I not the person you trust the most? Everything you said before is false Is it?" Yan Mingting said hoarsely.

After a while, Zhao Yelan's eyes refocused, and he looked at him slowly, only to find that his eyes were a little red, as if he had been wronged to the extreme.

It was the first time Zhao Yelan saw him showing such an expression, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, he was a little out of breath, the soreness filled his chest, and gradually spread to his eyes, he shook his head: "No ,It's not like this."

"Why is that?"

Zhao Yelan stroked his cheek with trembling hands, and said, "Because you are Yan Mingting, you are born different from others."

You have been blessed by the world since you were born. The most heroic person in the world is your father, and the most virtuous and kind princess is your mother. Every step you take along the way is a practical step and is admirable. step. You are free and easy, bright and bright, with righteousness in your chest and heaven and earth in your heart. You deserve to be praised by all peoples, and your name will go down in history.

And how can I compare with you?

Even my name is false, and my background cannot be mentioned. Even though I now have power and countless gold and silver, the brand behind me always reminds me that I came from the darkest and filthiest place. Climbing out, I can't even compare to ordinary people, I'm just a sin slave who can't be inferior.

Under the surface of Zhang Yang's lofty and lofty appearance, lies the deepest inferiority complex. Usually, he can deceive himself and everyone, but once someone cares, the needle will stick in his heart, slowly torturing himself.

The more we get along, the more he wants to show a perfect self, he doesn't want Yan Mingting to see the scars and marks on his body, and he doesn't want him to know his past.

However, Yan Mingting had already discovered it, but he never said it out.

Maybe it's because he has guessed his inner thoughts, maybe he doesn't care about this brand, but it seems that these answers are far less irritating than the fact that he asked Gu Niaoyao to tattoo himself.

"Aren't you curious about how Gu Niaoyou and I met?" Zhao Yelan tremblingly said, "We...we met in the cell."

Yan Mingting was stunned, then hugged him into his arms, took a deep breath, and the gloom in his heart disappeared instantly. As long as the other party gives him an explanation, he will believe him unconditionally.

He naturally knew how difficult this brand was for someone as proud as Zhao Yelan. No matter how arrogant and arrogant he was deliberately, it was all to cover up the humbleness in his bones.

That's why he didn't take the initiative to expose it. It was only when he found out that Zhao Yelan would rather take off his clothes in front of an outsider and let others see him. I want to take him back and imprison him in the mansion, so that no one can see him. But this was just a fleeting thought, because he couldn't treat Zhao Yelan cruelly.

It's too late to love, why would you want to hurt?

"Okay, I understand." Yan Mingting looked up at the things on the table, "Are you going to get a tattoo? I will too. I'll do it for you."

Zhao Yelan was surprised: "You will?"

"Well, I have tattooed a lot of soldiers serving the country loyally." Yan Mingting put away those things, "Go home first, it will be night soon, and guests will come here."

Before Zhao Yelan had time to sort out his mood, he was dragged towards the door by him, and hurriedly called to stop, leading him to leave through the secret door.

The secret passage was dark and damp, full of rotten mold, Zhao Yelan covered his nose with one hand, and held Yan Mingting with the other, feeling that the distance was not difficult for the first time.

After returning to the General's Mansion, the two went straight to the bedroom. Zhao Yelan watched him choose needles carefully, and then believed that he really knew how to get tattoos.

"Why didn't you say you would do this?"

"You never told me that you have a brand." Yan Mingting said confidently.

Only at this time did Zhao Yelan have the time to settle old scores with him: "You peeked at me while I was taking a shower."

"Then you still take advantage of me when you're drunk and eat my tofu."


"Alright, take off your clothes." Yan Mingting said.

It wasn't until he lay down on the bed that Zhao Yelan really came to his senses. He didn't expect to expose the brand of his back in front of him. However, when the other party came over, he still flinched unavoidably, buried his head, and didn't really want to face the other party.

But emotions are contagious, Yan Mingting didn't seem to care, and even joked that his back looks good and wanted to kiss him.

Zhao Yelan relaxed a little, but ignored him.

A kiss fell on the back, and the hot and humid breath hit the skin. Zhao Yelan felt itchy, and felt his skin trembling. When he looked back, he found that he kissed again, this time it landed on the brand mark.

"What pattern do you want?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan was stunned by this question, he didn't think about these details before he went, he just thought that Gu Niaoyou had a lot of experience, so he should be able to place the needle directly.

"Aren't you experienced? Do you have any advice?"

"Let me take a look." Yan Mingting rubbed his hand repeatedly on the brand mark. The heat from the fingertips spread to the skin, Zhao Yelan was tense and at the same time a little itchy, as if he was deliberately provoking his desire, but when he looked back, Yan Mingting had an upright face, as if it was just He thought too much.

"I'm not very familiar with patterns like flowers and plants, and I'm better at tattooing." Yan Mingting said.


"Yeah. How about we add a word before and after this word?" Yan Mingting suggested, "How about adding a word in front and a word in the back?"

"... Nian Nujiao?"

"Yes, if you like, I can also stab a whole poem in the back, isn't it fierce?"
