MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 64

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In the early morning, the sun has not yet risen, but the temperature has already shown an upward trend.

The carriage jolted again, and Zhao Yelan yawned. Before he could open his eyes, he heard Yan Mingting whisper in his ear, "Let's sleep again."

Hearing this, Zhao Yelan changed to a more comfortable position, wrapped his arms around his neck with another arm, put his head on his shoulders, and was about to fall asleep, when suddenly he was taken aback, opened his eyes, stared at Yan Mingting, and then looked down at Yan Mingting. glanced.

Yan Mingting's face suddenly turned red, and he smiled mischievously: "Don't sleep anymore?"

"How to sleep?" Zhao Yelan got off his lap and sat aside. After a while, he turned his head to the side again, looking down at the corner of his bulging clothes.

"..." Yan Mingting silently tried to cover it with his clothes, but it was useless, instead of shrinking back, he became more energetic.

This can not blame him ah.

He was at a young age, the weather was so hot, and the beauty was pregnant all night, so it was not easy for him to obey the rules, not to mention that Zhao Yelan was staring at him all the time now, it would be a ghost if he could shrink back.

"Look at it, you still look at it." Yan Mingting gave him a reproachful look, "It was all caused by you, and you always torture people when you are drunk, and you are just like a normal person."

Zhao Yelan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Are you blaming me?"

Yan Mingting snorted lightly, lowered his head and stopped looking at him, trying to calm himself down, otherwise how would he go out to meet people like this?

Suddenly, a shadow fell in front of him, Zhao Yelan sat on his lap again, and stretched out his hand: "It seems that I have to teach you a lesson."

His hand was a little cold, and when he held it, the scorching temperature finally got a little comfort. Yan Mingting gasped for breath, looked at him incredulously, and obviously noticed that the other party was also stunned for a moment, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The general is really talented.

Zhao Yelan only had this thought in his mind, and then taught it a little strangely.

In fact, Zhao Yelan seldom does this by himself, especially in recent years, he has passed the initial novelty, and his heart is getting more and more calm, and he can't arouse any interest. However, looking at Yan Mingting's expression at this time, he restrained his desire in his throat, his face was full of emotion, but he had to restrain his voice so as not to be heard, this sense of control made him feel Feel very happy.

Yan Mingting half closed his eyes, raised his head and saw his triumphant smile, pressed his head and kissed him.

After a long time, Zhao Yelan pushed him away, and rubbed his wrist with some dissatisfaction: "It's sore, do it yourself."

How can that be?

"Soon, soon, I'll take you with me." With a hoarse voice, Yan Mingting held his hand and covered him again.

Finally, Zhao Yelan took several handkerchiefs to wipe his hands.

Yan Mingting tidied up, put on his coat, and got off the carriage energetically, but his legs were shaking a bit.

The soldiers looked at him with complicated expressions.

Yan Mingting was embarrassed for a moment, and thought that if he hugged him all night, would his legs not be soft? He rode directly on his horse and ordered to speed up in order to reach Zhizhou before noon.

With sharp eyes, Zuo Ran chased Yan Mingting on horseback, and said, "General, your neck is red."

Yan Mingting touched his neck subconsciously, and said, "Mosquito bites."

"I know about mosquito bites, but isn't that on the left?" Zuo Ran said, "Your right side is clearly a tooth mark, and it looks quite deep."

"..." Yan Mingting suddenly remembered the scene where Zhao Yelan went berserk in the middle of the night and bit his neck several times last night.

"Ran Ran, you read it wrong, it's mosquito bites." After Yin Pinglu and Zuo Ran finished speaking, they took out a box of ointment from their arms and threw it out, "General, continue."

After the team speeded up, they finally caught up with Sun's mansion for lunch, and after all the subordinates settled down, they followed Zhifu Sun to the mansion for dinner.

Yin Pinglu met Sun Zhifu when she was young, and she also met Sun Muyun a few times. She is a little sister who has a good relationship, but she rarely sees each other because of the distance.

When Sun Zhifu saw her, he felt a lot about the impermanence of the world, but Yin Pinglu didn't care much, and asked about Sun Muyun's recent situation.

The two were chatting about the past, but Zhao Yelan turned to look at Yan Mingting's neck, which was red and white, and asked, "What's wrong with your neck?"

Yan Mingting whispered: "Isn't it a good thing you did?"

Zhao Yelan frowned, stretched out his hand to wipe his neck, and there was a layer of grease marks on his fingertips, and when he looked at his neck again, he knew it immediately.

Most likely Yan Mingting used grease to cover the tooth marks, but the weather is too hot, the grease has started to mottle.

Zhao Yelan knew he was wrong, so he quietly lowered his head to eat.

At this time, Sun Zhifu brought a few jars of lotus wine to the table: "Come on, the journey has been hard, the general and your lord should drink some wine to quench your thirst first."

Yan Mingting immediately laughed out loud, making the others puzzled and looked at him suspiciously.

"I won't drink any more." Zhao Yelan now had a shadow over Lotus Noodles, "I have to do business in the afternoon, so drinking is a waste of time."

"He doesn't drink well, let me do it, I'll make no mistake." Yan Mingting took the wine with a smile, and drank with the others.

After dinner, everyone gathered in the study room. Prefect Sun talked about the current situation: "Thanks to Mr. Zhao's letter a few days ago, I made preparations early. I found out in Zhizhou area that a total of eight counties were affected. The refugees were brought together again, and now they are in the next county, where there is still a lake that can barely survive, but it is about to be drained. If it does not rain again, I am afraid it will not last for a few days, and our disaster relief has also been exhausted. It's exhausted."

"I brought you the money." Zhao Yelan said.

"That really solved our urgent need." Prefect Sun let out a long sigh of relief.

"We hardly met anyone along the way, and the fields are all dry, so don't evacuate refugees in this direction. We can evacuate in three directions: east, north, and south." Zhao Yelan pointed to the map and said.

"Okay, but this manpower..." Prefect Sun questioned.

"I brought it for you too." Zhao Yelan pointed to Yan Mingting.

Yan Mingting nodded, and went outside to form six teams, three to deliver refugees and three to transport food.

Zhao Yelan tried to connect several disaster relief sites in Huaizhou together, so that a lot of labor could be saved.

"What water sources are there in the city?" Zhao Yelan asked.

After Sun Zhifu finished his detailed explanation, Yin Pinglu suddenly frowned, pointed to a mountain at the junction and said, "There is still a living spring here."

"It's a bit far from here, how do you know?" Sun Zhifu asked. "

"When I came to Zhizhou as a guest when I was young, Mu Yun secretly took me to play, but the location was a little hard to find, and I don't know if there is any water now." Yin Pinglu said.

"Can you still remember the exact location?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yin Pinglu recalled for a moment: "Yes."

"Then you take some people to check."

"it is good."

"I'll go." Zuo Ran volunteered.

After the two left, Zhao Yelan proposed to go around the city again, and went to the street alone with Yan Mingting.

Compared with when I came here before, there are no people on the street, all the shops are closed, and the sun is very hot.

Yan Mingting held an umbrella over the heads of the two of them. Zhao Yelan looked around, and finally stood on the top of the city gate, overlooking the dry scene, and said, "I've never looked forward to a rainy day so much."

"Why do you hate rainy days?" Yan Mingting asked.

"Because it rains... people will die." Zhao Yelan looked up at the cloudless sunny sky, "But if it doesn't rain, people will die."

"It will rain." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan twitched the corner of his mouth: "Tell me, are those rituals of praying for rain useful?"

"It's probably for peace of mind. There is no other way, so I want to pray to God." Yan Mingting turned to look at him, "Do you want to pray to God?"

What Zhao Yelan hated the most was remarks about the laws of nature and the way of nature. He turned his gaze away and turned to go down the tower: "God to hell, I only believe that things are man-made."

Yan Mingting smiled.

"There are lakes in many places in Huaizhou Zhizhou, but they are too small, and it is difficult to maintain them in the event of a drought. I am wondering if we can dig ditches in the future and find a way to pass through the Huaihe River?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yan Mingting agreed with this proposal, but said: "The amount of this project is too large, it seems to be a waste of money and people, and the result may not be satisfactory. Most likely, the imperial court will not agree with your proposal."

"But if you don't take protective measures, wait until the next time, and the next time, if you encounter such a situation, will you still wait to die?"

"Then have you thought about what to say to the court?"

Zhao Yelan's eyes sharpened: "When the disaster subsides and the losses are recovered, I will become this villain."

"Okay, I support you." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan looked sideways: "I may be accused by thousands of people."

"I'll scold you back."

Zhao Yelan laughed out loud.

When approaching the Sun Mansion, Zhao Yelan suddenly felt dizzy, wanted to speak but didn't have the strength to speak, just grabbed Yan Mingting's sleeve, and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Yan Mingting quickly hugged him and shouted a few times, seeing that he didn't respond, he hurriedly carried him back to the Sun Mansion, and hurried to find the doctor. After diagnosis and treatment, it was confirmed that it was heat stroke.

After several days of running around in the sun, coupled with exposure to the sun, he eventually fell ill.

Yan Mingting was a little annoyed, only thinking about his fear of the cold, but ignored the current situation, and followed him outside for a long time.

Zhao Yelan was given some medicine, and woke up several times in a daze, with a wet kerchief on his forehead, and someone beside him kept fanning him.

Later, when he was half asleep and half awake, he heard that many people came to visit, but they were all dismissed by Yan Mingting, and only Sun Zhifu was left behind.

Sun Zhifu came to inquire about the deployment plan, Zhao Yelan really wanted to get up and explain to him face to face, but he had no strength at all, and couldn't even open his eyes. Then he heard Yan Mingting explain the specific process and plan to Sun Zhifu in detail, and there were no mistakes, so he fell asleep with peace of mind.

At night, he heard Zuo Ran and Yin Pinglu rushing in excitedly: "My lord, I found a source of water! Although it's not much, it's enough for us to drink for now!"

"Shhh." Yan Mingting motioned them to keep their voices down, let them take turns to rest, and then another person led his men to carry water.

Listening to their conversation, Zhao Yelan gradually calmed down, and before going to sleep, a sentence came to his mind inexplicably—what are you afraid of, the sky will fall and there will be a tall man standing up to it.

When he woke up again, it was already noon outside, he opened his eyes weakly, and turned them around.

"Are you awake?" Yan Mingting looked at him overjoyed.

"Hmm..." Zhao Yelan looked at his bloodshot eyes and the fan in his hand, guessing that he hadn't slept all night.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first?" Yan Mingting hurried to the kitchen before he could nod his head, brought a bowl of porridge in, helped him sit up, and fed him himself Porridge, "Porridge is a rare thing now, so don't hold it against you."

Zhao Yelan drank a few sips sickly, and heard footsteps outside. It was Sun Zhifu who came to report the progress of the evacuation of refugees.

"Lord Zhao, it's great that you're awake." Prefect Sun said happily.

"Okay, just tell me what's going on in the past few days." Yan Mingting fed the porridge, discussed important matters with Sun Zhifu, and asked people to go out, and then found that Zhao Yelan had been staring at him.

"What? Is there something wrong with my assignment?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan shook his head, a smile gradually appeared on his pale face.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Yan Mingting helped him to lie down again, letting him continue to rest.

"Come and lie down too." Zhao Yelan patted the seat next to him.

Yan Mingting was afraid that he would be hot, so he just lay on his side, trying to avoid physical contact.

Zhao Yelan looked at him quietly, even though he fell ill, his heart was very tight. Is this the feeling that someone can be relied on? He doesn't need to worry about anything, and he doesn't need to think about the dangers he will face. He just needs to lie down peacefully and recover from his illness, stretch out his clothes and eat, and open his mouth. How could this kind of day happen to him?

When you get used to being alone, you get used to having to deal with everything by yourself, and it is even harder to believe that other people will love you.

However, Yan Mingting was an exception.

Yan Mingting is smart and sensitive when it comes to major issues, but he is foolish when facing himself, but he is actually someone who can be relied on with confidence. More importantly, he could feel the depth of Yan Mingting's love that he had never expressed in words.

The harder it is to speak easily, the heavier it will be.

On this point, he tacitly agreed with him.

"I had a dream last night." Zhao Yelan said softly.

"What dream?" Yan Mingting unconsciously lowered his voice, and helped him push away the blue hair that fell on his cheeks.

"Dreaming about our bridal chamber wedding night."

In the dream, he completely dispelled his hostility towards Yan Mingting, and the two drank the wine in a friendly manner, and chatted about their respective experiences in the frontier and the capital over the years. He even obediently followed Yan Mingting when the sun was still dark. Go to Zama step.

He hated horse gait, because he thought it was unsightly and troublesome, and more importantly, he didn't want to maintain his health at the time, it was just superfluous.

But in the dream last night, the subconscious actually wanted to live a good life, because he is not alone in his current world.

He wants to live a little longer, so that he can grow old with Yan Mingting.

"Festival night in the bridal chamber?" Yan Mingting confirmed again, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Yeah." Zhao Yelan was about to tell him that when he returned to the capital, he would exercise his body well, follow him in horseback riding, and learn how to ride a horse and shoot an arrow.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, he heard Yan Mingting asked with an uncontrollable joyful expression: "Did I succeed in the bridal chamber wedding night in my dream?"

The corner of Zhao Yelan's mouth twitched: "..."

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