MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 6

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The storeroom of the General's Mansion was in vain. The General's Mansion, which sounded famous, actually had very little property. Almost all the rewards and salaries were used to purchase weapons and reward soldiers.

This room was cleaned again, and then Yan Mingting stuffed it with weapons brought back from the frontier.

The servants were afraid that the sword would have no eyes and hurt the new master. While protecting him carefully, they could only obey his orders, and opened all the gift money and boxes received today for him to check.

As soon as Yan Mingting walked to the door, he heard that cold and indifferent voice floating out: "The left servant of the household department has a hundred taels of silver, ten pieces of silk and satin, and a sword. It is barely reasonable... Where is the silk and satin?"

Yan Mingting pushed open the door, and saw a servant opening a new box, which contained the received silk and satin. Zhao Yelan leaned over to pick up one, rubbing the fabric with his fingertips.

"General." The servant called out.

Yan Mingting nodded, his eyes still stayed on the red figure from the back, but the other party didn't turn around for a long time, and even took the trouble to choose from the box.

"Cough." Yan Mingting deliberately coughed twice to signal his existence.

Only then did Zhao Yelan glance back reluctantly, then stopped abruptly, turned his head to look at the person standing at the door again, and opened his pupils slightly: "Who are you?"

"He's the general." Butler Tan replied, wiped off his cold sweat, and quickly gave the maids a wink to coax him into the new house. In the middle of the night, the newlyweds gathered in the warehouse to count the gift money.

Surrounded by Zhao Yelan, he walked to the door and glanced at Yan Mingting suspiciously. Yan Mingting wore the same happy clothes, but Yan Mingting wore a sense of wantonness. His body was like a longbow, strong and powerful, ready to go. Her hair was all coiled on top of her head, revealing a broad face, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a straight nose. Although she was exposed to the wind and sun all year round, her skin was still fair.

Yan Mingting was satisfied to see the surprised expression on his face, and he was quite proud. He raised his chin slightly, and was about to speak, when Zhao Yelan returned to his calm appearance in an instant, and turned around and ordered: "These two pieces Take the silk and satin to the tailor shop tomorrow."

"Yes." Xiao Gao replied immediately, and took away the two pieces of silk and satin in full view.

Steward Tan and the servants all looked at the general, Yan Mingting nodded: "Give it to him, it's useless to leave it alone."

Zhao Yelan gave him a sideways glance, walked towards the new house, closed the door with a "bang", and blocked Yan Mingting and the people behind him from outside.

"General, I still want to drink Hebei wine." The servant girl whispered.

"It's okay, you all go back first, you don't need to wait on me anymore." Yan Mingting waved his hand, and only after everyone had left, he entered the room as if nothing had happened.

The two glasses on the table were empty, Yan Mingting glanced at the person sitting by the bed, walked to the table on his own, raised his head to drink a few sips, and said cheerfully: "The wine is good wine."

Zhao Yelan stared at him gloomyly, without moving a muscle.

"It's getting late, let's rest." Yan Mingting put down the jug, came to the bed, and stretched out his hand to untie his belt.

"What are you doing!" Zhao Yelan shouted.

Yan Mingting was taken aback: "Take off your clothes, do you want to go to bed wearing such cumbersome clothes?"

Zhao Yelan was about to scold him a few words, but when he opened his mouth, he coughed involuntarily. He subconsciously grabbed the collar, tilted his head and coughed non-stop, his face became paler, and he closed his eyes tightly, not wanting Yan Mingting to see him in a panic.

After a little improvement, he slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of guard and anger, but he didn't know whether the anger was for others or himself.

After a pause, he looked at the cup that appeared in front of him, and looked at the person in front of him suspiciously.

"Drink some water first." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan was silent for a while, then took it silently, the hot water soaked his throat, and his throat felt ironed.

Seeing that he stopped coughing, Yan Mingting just took back the cup when he couldn't help but sneezed two more times, which made Zhao Yelan frown.

"I said... what is the smell on your body? It's so choking." Yan Mingting asked, "It smells so good, I'm going to sneeze when we meet again."

Zhao Yelan looked at him: "This is the best incense for tribute, only you, a reckless man, would find it choking."

"Which place pays tribute, it only harms people." Yan Mingting didn't believe it, and wanted to cover his nose again as he spoke.


Zhao Yelan found it bothering him to look at him more than once, and wanted to go to bed, but he also had to guard against this reckless man in front of him.

While thinking about it, Yan Mingting had already taken off his coat, sat down on the bed, and asked, "Why don't you take it off?"

Zhao Yelan's eyes were like knives, and the knives cut him.

But Yan Mingting didn't realize it, and even started observing his new wife.

He grew up among men since he was a child, and he has seen millions of soldiers, but he has never seen a man like Zhao Yelan. Let's say he is powerful, he coughs a few times after walking a few steps, he is as weak as a weed, and can be blown away by a gust of wind. It can be said that he is weak, and it is effortless to kill people.

But there is such a person, who is extremely good-looking, surpassing all the men and women he has ever seen. His skin was as white as snow, and his red clothes were as bright as blood, which unexpectedly suited him surprisingly.

"Don't worry about it." Zhao Yelan said coldly.

"Isn't it too cumbersome, you won't take it off? This wedding dress is really troublesome, I'll help you." Yan Mingting just stretched out his hand, when he was hit by the pillow, he pressed the pillow back to the side of the pillow, his body Leaning forward, he almost ran into Zhao Yelan.

Suddenly a bright light flashed across, followed by a chill on his neck, he froze, looked down at the dagger on his neck, then raised his eyes to Zhao Yelan who was pale.

"What do you want?" Zhao Yelan looked at the person in front of him coldly.

Yan Mingting looked puzzled, this was not a good attitude, and asked doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

Zhao Yelan's eyes were sharp, and he held the knife firmly in his hand: "Stay well, be honest, don't move around."

Yan Mingting twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are the first one who can get close to me and threaten me with a knife."

Seeing that he didn't pay much attention, Zhao Yelan's pupils shrank slightly. Just as he was about to use force, his wrists were suddenly grabbed, and then both hands were pressed against the railing.

Zhao Yelan struggled twice, and the opponent was even stronger, unable to fight back, he gasped violently twice, his chest heaving and heaving: "Let me go."

"Let me see what other good things you have hidden." Yan Mingting touched his waist.

Zhao Yelan said angrily, "Yan Mingting!"

"I'm here." Yan Mingting reached out and took out a waist guard from his arms, which was hard to hit with ordinary knives and guns, "Well, it's a good thing."

Zhao Yelan was so angry that he watched him throw the waist guard to the door.

"Yo, there's still the wristband." Yan Mingting laughed, and took off the wristband from his hand, "This is the treasure of the Minister of War, and it should be a wedding gift for me. It seems that you were in the warehouse just now. Not less."

Zhao Yelan looked at him confidently: "So what?"

"Not much, just to remind you, these are of no use to you." Yan Mingting weighed the wristbands, "It's too heavy, you have thin arms and legs, it's hard to wear them."


Zhao Yelan had both hands free, and while he was lowering his head to study the wristband, he held up the dagger vigorously. As soon as he raised his hand, the other party easily grabbed his wrist without even raising his head, turned it over, and he immediately felt a burst of pain .

It's not over yet.

I don't know what kind of kung fu Yan Mingting did, he spun around for a while, and then sat in front of Yan Mingting, with his chest against his back, making Zhao Yelan's face turn red and white, and turn from shame to anger. Ming Ting held his hand, raised his hand and carved a word on the railing of the bed - early.

"Weak and weak, from now on, get up early every day and walk with me!" Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan: "?"

After a lot of tossing, Zhao Yelan had given up on threatening his life, and did not threaten at all. He just looked at Yan Mingting with the eyes of a fool: "What did you just say?"

"Zamabu." Yan Mingting let go of his hand, "Your foundation is too weak, since you want to learn martial arts, you have to start from the most basic. For the sake of our marriage, I will personally Those who supervise you, ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of treatment."

Zhao Yelan endured and endured, but he still couldn't hold back, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Who said you want to practice martial arts?"

"Didn't you test out your martial arts with me just now with those fancy and useless moves?" Yan Mingting wondered.

Zhao Yelan: "..."

"Could it want to threaten me with this broken knife? So that I can have a bridal chamber with you?" Yan Mingting turned pale with shock, and covered his chest with both hands.

Zhao Yelan was so angry that he threw the knife over: "Who wants to marry you!"

"It seems that I want to practice martial arts."


Zhao Yelan was exhausted, he numbly took off his coat, wrapped himself in the quilt and turned over, showing an angry back.

Seeing this, Yan Mingting smiled silently, and then lay down beside him.

"Get up!" Zhao Yelan sat up abruptly and said sharply, "Who told you to lie here!"

"This is my bed, why can't I lie down?"

Zhao Yelan only hated that the knife had no effect on him, so he coughed twice: "Anyway, you can't sleep here!"

"I don't sleep here, where else can I sleep?" Yan Mingting said, patting the quilt for him, "Why do you keep coughing, why don't you drink more hot water?"

Zhao Yelan's body stiffened slightly, and he said, "Get out, don't sleep in this room."

Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not move, but instead leaned closer and closer to him, leaned into his ear, and whispered: "There is someone on the roof."

Zhao Yelan's eyes widened suddenly, and he dared to observe secretly on the wedding night of the general's mansion. Presumably, only one person had such courage.

He didn't say anything more, got up and went to the room to find some books, put them in the middle of the bed, and separated the two of them clearly.

The room suddenly became quiet, Yan Mingting waved his hand, the flame of the candle was cut off, and it was pitch black.

After a long time, Zhao Yelan noticed that he was lying down well-behaved and had no intention of overstepping the rules. Maybe this reckless man didn't know how men bridal, so he secretly let go. He lay on his side for a long time, but couldn't help explaining: "That knife is not a broken knife, but it was a tribute from the king of Yunnan."

"Tsk, pay tribute with all these fancy and useless things. It's a ghost that this thing can kill people in the battlefield, but the jade inlaid on it can sell some money." Yan Mingting said leisurely, "Looking good doesn't necessarily mean it's useful , I will pick some suitable things for you another day."

Zhao Yelan did not refuse, it is a fool's behavior not to take advantage of something, and he is not a fool.

"By the way... Aren't you wondering why I suddenly became so handsome?" Yan Mingting turned sideways, and he could still see the outline of his back in the darkness.

After he returned to Beijing, everyone who had seen him lamented that he was completely different from what he was back then, so he didn't bother to explain why.

But Zhao Yelan was only surprised for a moment, and immediately accepted the fact, without giving him a chance to show off.

"It's probably caused by poisoning." Zhao Yelan said, "People who knew the inside story back then only knew that you were poisoned, but now that you think about it, it should be poison that affects even your appearance."

"Yeah." Yan Mingting smiled, "The poison is so powerful that the military doctors were helpless and almost died. Fortunately, you sent someone to the frontier in time and saved my life."

"It's San... a person sent by the emperor." Zhao Yelan said.

"The emperor didn't know about my poisoning at the time, only you had seen me. No matter whether your original intention was to use us or not, at least my life was saved from your hands."

Zhao Yelan said nothing, and when he was about to fall asleep, Yan Mingting poked him on the back again and asked, "What do you mean by the flowers you sent me?"

"Don't touch me!" Zhao Yelan said angrily, "When will I send you flowers?!"

"Just a few days ago, I specially sent people to the mansion. What wicker... Are you treating me..." Yan Mingting was a little embarrassed to continue.

He usually lives with a group of big men, and he rarely even meets women, let alone experience such a bold act of showing love, which is really distressing and a little bit shy.

He sighed, resting his arms on his pillow, looking at the roof, and said with a slight smile, "You don't need to be anxious about this matter, wait for me to make mental preparations first, although you are good-looking, I don't know how to meet everyone..."

"That's just some useless trash." Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting's smile froze: "Huh?"

"There is no place to throw it, so I can only throw it in your house."

The ruthless answer caught Yan Mingting by surprise, and he said in a daze, "What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yelan said indifferently, "What do you think I mean to you?"

"..." Yan Mingting was speechless, and naturally he would not reveal the fact that he was being sentimental. He also turned over and snorted, "It's nothing, I just think those flowers are too ugly, very ugly .”

"Not as ugly as you."

"You don't speak conscience, how is this general ugly?"

"Everywhere is ugly."

The two quarreled with their backs facing each other, and fell asleep without knowing it.

But Zhao Yelan didn't sleep soundly. He changed the place and bed, and there was a strange man beside him, so he would wake up from the dream from time to time.

However, he never expected that Yan Mingting would actually dare to suddenly pick him up and go for a horse-ride after he finally fell asleep!


The author has something to say:

Yan Mingting: The plan for a day lies in the morning, if you don’t ride your horses, you won’t succeed [hehe]

Zhao Yelan: I cheated on you!