MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 59

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The imperial court has been very busy these few days. First, the governor of Jiangnan was escorted back to Beijing. After a few days, even the prefect of Huaizhou and several other important officials were also detained.

The emperor was furious, and ordered the three divisions to interrogate, and it was necessary to find out all the colluders in Jiangnan. It also means to kill chickens to warn monkeys. After he ascended the throne, he wanted to touch the people left by the late emperor, but the focus has always been on Beijing, and the Jiangnan area has always been docile and peaceful. Unexpectedly, it is because of the high sky and the long distance, even the governor. Dare to have no direction, the bottom does not know what kind of rot.

If it wasn't for Kuang Sheng's excerpts that caught his attention, he wouldn't have been deceived by these people for a long time. However, although Kuang Sheng was successful in this matter, he could not escape the crime of falsely concealing the disaster, which caused the court to allocate 100,000 taels in vain, and it was difficult to transport it back in a short period of time, resulting in a shortage of national treasury. After discussions among all parties, it was finally decided to remove Kuang Sheng from his position as a newspaper reporter, and he would not be allowed to be an official for life.

Kuang Sheng was already very satisfied with the result. He knew that Master Zhao rewrote the grievances for him in the report papers, so he was able to avoid the prison disaster safely.

The same goes for Yin Pinglu, who helped Zhao Yelan a lot in investigating the case because she exposed the Yin family, separated her from the Yin family, and did not involve any innocent people. Yin Pinglu sent her younger siblings to to my grandmother's house.

However, there are suddenly many vacancies in Jiangnan, and there are endless disputes in the court about who to appoint to Jiangnan.

Zhao Xuan has been busy for several days, and from time to time, he summoned people from the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Officials to discuss. After finally settling down, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and found that he forgot to eat lunch, so he went to Sun Muyun's place.

Since the accident in Jiangnan, he hadn't seen Sun Muyun again. He was busy and worried that the Sun family was also one of the rotten seeds.

But these days Sun Muyun didn't take the initiative to look for him in the future, and occasionally ran into him in the Imperial Garden, and the other party was also playing carelessly with the maids and eunuchs, and didn't seem to worry about her father. Then he received a note from Zhao Yelan. According to the investigation, the magistrate of the prefecture was not involved in it. On the contrary, there was a county magistrate and Wu magistrate who had been friends for many years and colluded with it.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Xuan saw Sun Muyun circling as soon as she entered.

"Back to the emperor, I'm trying on new clothes." Sun Muyun smiled, "The clothes made by Jinxuan are really good, but they are not as good as Jiangnan's craftsmanship."

"Jinxuan? Such a familiar name."

"Of course it sounds familiar. Mr. Zhao basically buys his fabrics and ready-made clothes. It's a living sign when you wear them out. It's a pity that ordinary people can't afford them at all." Sun Muyun specifically asked which clothes were the best in Beijing earlier. .

Zhao Xuan smiled, counting the days, Zhao Yelan had been away for more than a month, and said in a daze, "I don't know how he is doing in Jiangnan now?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Mr. Zhao will be very happy. Maybe he won't want to leave. Who told us that there are so many beauties in Jiangnan with beautiful scenery, delicious food... Oh no, didn't the general go too? Then the beauties are not worth paying attention to in front of the general. By the way, the general is quite handsome after all!"

Zhao Xuan paused: "Today, instead of praising me, you are praising others?"

"Your Majesty has already boasted enough, the most beautiful thing in this palace is His Majesty." Sun Muyun said.

"What about outside the palace?"

"The concubine said that His Majesty is not allowed to be angry."

"I'm not angry."

"It's Mr. Zhao and General Yan! Standing together is so pleasing to the eye! Your Majesty, you have a good eye for marrying them! They are so well-matched!" Especially when she saw the two handsome men standing together in one breath, That's a comfort!

Zhao Xuan snorted coldly and left angrily.

"It's agreed not to get angry, cheapskate." Sun Muyun sighed and shook her head, then looked out of the window, "I don't know if Dad has read my letter."

At that time, Zhao Yelan and Yan Mingting were guests in the Sun residence.

Yan Mingting originally wanted to ask someone to deliver Sun Muyun's token, but Zhao Yelan wanted to come to Zhizhou to deal with the matter of the colluding county magistrate, so he followed along.

The magistrate Sun had just dealt with the people according to the law, when he heard that the imperial envoy had come to Zhizhou in person, he explained everything in detail about the process.

After listening, Zhao Yelan nodded, without any objection: "Master Sun, don't worry, bring up Xinzhi County as soon as possible."


Yan Mingting handed Sun Muyun's token to him again, only then did Sun Zhifu know that his daughter had a close relationship with these two big men, he was relieved but at the same time worried, worried that his daughter would be bullied in Beijing because she had no relatives and no reason . Therefore, I was even more polite to them, and entertained them with good wine and good food.

After dinner, Zhifu Sun prepared another room for the two of them, but Zhao Yelan proposed to go outside for a walk.

Although Zhizhou and Huaizhou are adjacent to a county, the atmosphere seems to be more open. More than a hundred years ago, there was a stunning beauty here, who vigorously pursued a man and became a laughing stock. However, what is shocking is that within a few years after getting married, that man established a country and established the name of the country. For Xuan.

It is precisely because of the founding queen, Pearl, that most of the women here are enthusiastic and unrestrained, and when they see a man they like, they will take the initiative to express their hearts.

The two of them had only walked tens of meters before being accosted by many young women one after another, and even Xiao Gao behind him couldn't escape.

"My lord, this sachet smells so good, here it is." Xiao Gao said.

"He gave it to you. If you accept it, you will marry him." Zhao Yelan teased him.

"Ah! I don't want to marry a wife! I'll return it to her now!" Xiao Gao turned around and ran back to find the woman.

Not long after, the street ahead was full of people, completely blocking the road. Everyone was very excited, eagerly looking at the people upstairs, shouting non-stop.

Zhao Yelan looked up, and there was a graceful beauty standing in the restaurant, who was about to throw a hydrangea ball to choose a husband.

"I haven't seen a hydrangea thrower yet." Yan Mingting laughed.

Several people simply stopped to watch the excitement.

The girl stood upstairs, looked around, and suddenly laughed. She was attracted by a man in brocade clothes in the southeast direction, and she could tell the difference from the people around her at a glance.

Zhao Yelan never imagined that he was far away from the restaurant, and just took a look from a distance, and the hydrangea was thrown into his hand without any mistakes.


Zhao Yelan subconsciously threw the hydrangea to Yan Mingting: "Throw it back."

Yan Mingting immediately threw it back as if it was burning his hand.

There was laughter and booing all around.

The girl didn't expect the hydrangea to return to her hand, seeing that the person who knew how to kung fu was also very handsome, so she threw it at that person this time.

Yan Mingting quickly hugged Zhao Yelan's waist, turned his body to the side, avoided the hydrangea ball, but the ball hit Xiao Gao's chest, he caught the ball unconsciously, looked at everyone suspiciously, and handed the ball to Xiao Gao. Zhao Yelan: "My lord, this ball looks good, here it is."

Zhao Yelan's complexion changed, and he quickly handed it over to Yan Mingting: "Quick!"

Yan Mingting slapped the hydrangea back to the girl's hand.

Everyone: "..." You just let it go and play! ?

The girl suddenly became playful, and she insisted on hitting them. She tried her best to throw them down, but found that they were nowhere to be seen.

Yan Mingting hugged Zhao Yelan and jumped up to the nearby roof, followed by Xiao Gao, and finally stopped on a tall building, sat on the roof and watched the moon.

Zhao Yelan shook his fan, lowered his head to straighten the corners of his clothes, and when he raised his head, he found that Yan Mingting was staring at the dangling sachet at his waist.

"There is something I've always been curious about, and I wonder if I can get an answer from you." Yan Mingting squeezed his sachet.

"What's up?"

"I sneeze every time I smell that sachet containing Jiang Li, you know that. Then do you know that there are other things in it?" Yan Mingting asked tentatively.

It was very hasty to leave the capital, and he hadn't gotten an answer from Yao Muze yet, but looking at the person in front of him now, he was really curious about what was going on.

"Did someone try to harm you and secretly added something to your sachet, but you didn't know it?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan remained silent.

"When we go back, we'll know what's been added, and we can follow the clues to find out who is trying to murder you." Yan Mingting said coldly.

"There's no need to check." Zhao Yelan raised his chin slightly, his face was as white as the waning moon tonight, and he was lonely and desolate. He looked sideways at the other party, "I added it myself."

Yan Mingting was startled.

Zhao Yelan said slowly: "It's a powder from the Western Regions. It tastes similar to Jiang Li. If you wear it for a long time, it will..."

"Cough, headache, weakness in limbs?"

"You're not too stupid." Zhao Yelan twitched the corner of his mouth, "You have a dog's nose, no one has ever suspected that."

Yan Mingting didn't know what expression to make, but he said distressedly: "You can even kill yourself? Why on earth are you doing this?"

"It's just to survive the world." Zhao Yelan said lightly, pointing to his right chest, "I, I once blocked Zhao Xuan's arrow here, and it took a long time to save him in the icy and snowy world, and the cold air entered his body. One life. I feel uncomfortable when the weather is cold, but I can actually get through it, and I will get better in the next few years. However, I don’t want him to think that I’m really healed. I want him to Feeling guilty, seeing my incurable body, you will think of my kindness to save his life... Isn't it ridiculous?"

Yan Mingting moved his lips, took a deep breath, and hugged him tightly: "Then you shouldn't torture your body."

"Otherwise, what can I do? I didn't have a prominent family background, nor did I have a lot of money. I was alone, and the bet was his conscience."

"I should have known, I should have taken you away when we first met." Yan Mingting said in a muffled voice.

Zhao Yelan smiled silently: "But in that case, I won't be able to avenge my parents. You want to fight for the people, but I only have my own personal revenge, so I will definitely run away."

Yan Mingting: "Then your parents' revenge is over?"

"The man you saw in the brothel last time is the last enemy." Zhao Yelan said, "So, now is the best time for us to meet. You have finished the battle, I have finished my revenge, there is nothing else. Burdened."

Yan Mingting nodded, and after a while, said again: "But I'm still a little unhappy."


"Why did you get hurt for him? You grew up with him, don't you like him..."

Zhao Yelan pushed him away, looked into his eyes, smiled, and said: "He is the prince, and I must rely on him to complete my revenge plan. There are no eggs under the nest. If he is gone, I will naturally die." I won’t be easily let go by those people, rather than being captured alive and tortured, it’s better to be happy. And at that time, the golden collar guard had already appeared, and I was sure that I would be saved, so I went to block that arrow for him.”

"You are not allowed to do this in the future!" Yan Mingting still felt a little annoyed after thinking about it, "Now you have a prominent family background, a wealth of millions, and even more powerful...cough, husband, no one dares to bully you anymore, it is Zhao Xuan No, you are not allowed to get hurt for him in the future."

Zhao Yelan raised his eyebrows, with a smile on the end of his eyes: "Are you jealous?"

"Yes, I'm jealous." Yan Mingting said bluntly.

Zhao Yelan was stunned for a moment, then laughed lightly, and poked him on the head: "Did you grow up drinking vinegar?"

Yan Mingting snorted, turned his head and ordered: "Xiao Gao, go buy some wine."

Xiao Gao immediately knocked down the roof, and Zhao Yelan cast a sidelong glance at him: "Could it be that you're a drunk lunatic? Or do you want to drink away your worries?"

"Of course not, I just want to drive Xiao Gao away."

"Stop him for what?"

"We two love each other, how embarrassing it is for him to see."

"When will we be friendly..." Before Zhao Yelan finished speaking, the other party suddenly came over and kissed him on the lips.

"Isn't this just a kiss?" Yan Mingting blushed first.

Zhao Yelan blinked, looked at the other party, his eyes met, and just about to touch the other party, he heard Xiao Gao shout: "I'm back, I bought lotus brew!"

The two were startled, and turned their heads to look at each other at the same time.

"It's troublesome." Yan Mingting took it over in an awkward manner, "Why don't you help me buy a packet of peanuts to go to the bar."

"Okay." Xiao Gao disappeared again in a blink of an eye.

Yan Mingting cleared his throat, tugged at his sleeves, and whispered, "Shall we continue...?"

Zhao Yelan turned back as if nothing had happened, the two looked at each other's lips, and slowly moved forward—

"General, I'm back from buying peanuts!" Xiao Gao suddenly appeared, squatting between the two of them, looking left and right, "What are you playing so close to?"

Yan Mingting is making trouble!

"Why did you come back so soon?" Yan Mingting turned to look at him and asked, grinding his teeth.

"Downstairs is the inn, so the purchase was quick." Xiao Gao said.

"..." I made a mistake, I would have told him to buy candied haws in the capital.

Yan Mingting was thinking of some way to prop him away, when suddenly, his jaw was pinched, he turned his head, a pair of warm lips covered him, as if a fire had been ignited, his whole body was burned Too bad, his cheeks were even hotter.

Xiao Gao's eyes widened, he fell backwards, and rolled off the roof with alcohol and alcohol. The wine was spilled, and the aroma of the lotus flower mixed with the wine wafted out.

"Okay, he won't come up this time." Zhao Yelan grabbed Yan Mingting's collar, and his upper body unconsciously leaned towards him. Yan Mingting supported the roof ridge behind with one hand, and wrapped his arms around his waist tightly with the other. The tip of his tongue traced the contours of his lips, and his breath was filled with the smell of the other party.

No matter how good the scenery and food in the south of the Yangtze River are, it is far inferior to the current taste, and it is worse than countless in the world.

The moon is shining brightly, and the sea of ​​people is vast. He and him meet again at the best time, and we can't live without each other in this life.

Read The Duke's Passion