MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 55

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In the early morning, after Zhao Yelan had finished washing up, Li Yucheng came to the room and asked him to have breakfast, and gave him several mischievous glances.

"Sneaky, what are you looking at?" Zhao Yelan said indifferently.

"Where's Yan Mingting?" Li Yucheng looked around.

"What are you looking for him for?"

"I'm afraid I'll see something I shouldn't have seen again." Li Yucheng covered his face and said.

Zhao Yelan gave him a sideways glance. Last night when Yan Mingting went back and forth, he didn't have time to close the door. He caught a glimpse of Li Yucheng's figure passing by the door. Before he could speak, Yan Mingting kissed his forehead , and then I didn't bother to care what Li Yucheng was thinking.

"You two..." Li Yucheng organized his words and asked cautiously, "Are you together?"

Zhao Yelan replied flatly: "Thanks to the emperor's blessing, everyone knows that we are together."

"Oh, you know I'm not talking about being together..." Li Yucheng scratched his head, pointed at two thumbs, and hinted, "It's the kind that connects with each other..."

Zhao Yelan's eyes dimmed: "Why are you asking this?"

"Just a little curious..." Li Yucheng couldn't tell what it was like. At the beginning, he felt that the relationship between the two was not simple. They might be friends or confidants, but he didn't expect it to be the kind of relationship between a man and a woman.

He inevitably thought of his sister, and looked at Zhao Yelan with a sense of loss: "To be honest, I have actually regarded Yan Mingting as my brother-in-law these days."

Zhao Yelan's eyes flashed, and he looked at him sharply, and he immediately added: "But I also know that he can't be my real brother-in-law, so I will treat you as my sister by the way!"

"Fuck you." Zhao Yelan slapped him on the forehead and said sharply, "Go eat."

During the meal, Li Yucheng's eyes kept falling on him, Zhao Yelan said flatly, "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs."

Li Yucheng immediately looked back, but turned his head away, and asked in a low voice, "Did you kiss last night?"

Zhao Yelan paused.

"I listened to it for a long time last night, but I didn't hear anything. Is it okay for Yan Mingting... Uh..." Li Yucheng had a bun stuffed in his mouth, and when he saw Zhao Yelan got up and went upstairs, he immediately followed and said The buns were eaten.

The two had just walked to the second floor when they happened to meet Yin Pinglu who had just opened the door.

Yin Pinglu changed into clean clothes, but still dressed as a man. She nodded in greeting, but Li Yucheng thought it was Yan Mingting's subordinate, told Zhao Yelan to go to Cheng's house, and left.

Zhao Yelan glanced at Yin Pinglu, who had a dark complexion, and said in a low voice, "Your hands are too white."

Yin Pinglu looked down, his face turned red, he turned and went into the room to continue to smear his hands, and then he pretended to carry a snack and went to Zhao Yelan's room.

"Are you really willing to help me investigate the affairs of Prefect Yin?" Zhao Yelan sat at the table and went straight to the point.

"Yeah." Yin Pinglu put down his snacks, sat across from him, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "He has no kindness to me. If he really did something wrong to the people and the court, I am willing to bear the infamy and send him to the execution ground with my own hands. .”

"But you are from the Yin family, so you will be implicated, aren't you afraid?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yin Pinglu shook his head: "I'm alive now, what's the difference between being dead? I worry all the time that I will be caught back, and then I will marry someone I have never met before, and I will only be imprisoned in someone else's birdcage for the rest of my life. I am happy. Give you something to eat, beat you and scold you for neglecting you when you are unhappy, no self, no freedom."

Her eyebrows and eyes are soft, with the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman, tenderness like water, but there is firmness in her eyes, maybe this water is not the lingering fine water in the south of the Yangtze River, but the water of the Yellow River that can break the embankment.

Zhao Yelan examined her, and then told her the ins and outs of his coming to Jiangnan.

After hearing this, Yin Pinglu frowned, and said, "I don't understand Kuang Sheng. I escaped from Huaizhou a few years ago. As for my father, although he is only interested in profit, he can only think of getting married. , never dare to do such a bold thing.”

"Because he is soliciting contacts everywhere, maybe someone will use his name to do things."

Yin Pinglu nodded: "For example, my third brother-in-law is a county magistrate. He doesn't have a good relationship with my third sister. He flirts with women all day long, but he is very close to my father."

"Tell me about the situation of your brothers-in-law."

With the help of Yin Pinglu, a person who knew the inside information, a lot of time was saved to inquire about the news. After one morning, Zhao Yelan had almost mastered the network of prefect Yin. If you don't check carefully, you don't know that the prefect of Yin is more or less connected with the officials in this area by virtue of his in-law relationship. And he was obviously not the only one who used the same method, and many of them were more intimate. Everyone is in the same network and has common interests, which will automatically form a situation where officials protect each other.

It's no wonder that no Jiangnan officials have reported any adverse situations when they go to Beijing to report on their work every year.

Yin Pinglu escaped from Huaizhou and escaped from Huaizhou. After that, he kept his name incognito, because he was afraid that people in Jiangnan would find out.

"My lord, how do you plan to deal with it?" Yin Pinglu asked.

"Waiting for good news from Yan Mingting." Zhao Yelan smiled slightly, "Let him open the entrance first."

A few days later, Yan Mingting captured all the leaders of the bandit group, and took advantage of the opportunity to find out that the Jiangnan governor colluded with the bandits to rob some of the disaster money. The news spread like wildfire, which shocked the entire Jiangnan region.

"Is the news reliable?" Prefect Yin asked the messenger in a panic.

"Well, the governor is already on his way to the capital!" The servant replied, "The governor had already arrested these bandits and was about to silence them, but who knew that Yan Mingting suddenly brought someone to take over, and deliberately Strictly interrogating the disaster bank, it was exposed..."

"Confused!" Prefect Yin slapped his chair heavily. This governor is his eldest son-in-law. He has been in the sky all these years. He is only six years younger than him, so he took the position of governor. "Quickly call the others, We need to discuss a solution!"

Not only the Yin family, but many other officials were like ants on a hot pot, and began to urgently discuss countermeasures.

There was also a lot of discussion about this matter in the inn, and there were voices of discussion everywhere.

Zhao Yelan was playing chess with Yin Pinglu leisurely, while Li Yucheng scratched his head and looked at the account book.

Li Yucheng's trip wasn't entirely to accompany Zhao Yelan on business, he listened to Yan Mingting's suggestion, since writing can't make martial arts, let's rely on his own advantages to do business. Therefore, he came to Jiangnan to discuss business with his uncle, and Li Jinyu naturally supported him. It was rare that he wanted to do something serious.

"I just saw a few brothers-in-law passing by downstairs, and they all went to Yin's residence." Yin Pinglu said in a low voice.


"Using generals as chess pieces to break the game is really wonderful." Yin Pinglu smiled faintly.

Only Yan Mingting has such power. On the other hand, Yan Mingting was going to wipe out the bandits on the surface, but he caught the governor by surprise. Before everyone could react, he sent the person to the court with a thunderous force, saving the time of interrogation and investigation in the south of the Yangtze River. For a long time, other people just wanted to save people, but there was nothing they could do, and it was even more impossible to find someone to rob people from the Yan family's army.

"Those bandits in Quzhou should have been taken into custody by the governor a long time ago, but I didn't expect that these two people from Huaizhou didn't go back to Quzhou to be arrested as planned, but we caught them first by mistake." Zhao Yelan said.

At this time, a messenger entered the inn and shouted, "May I ask who Fu Qian is?"

"It's me." Zhao Yelan poked his head out, and the messenger ran upstairs to hand him the letter.

He took it apart to look, and a wooden hairpin rolled out of it.

"What is this?" Li Yucheng leaned over curiously.

Zhao Yelan pushed his head away, unfolded the letter and read it—

Mengting, I cut this wooden hairpin by myself on the road. I know that you don't like to use such simple things, but I just miss you a little. If you haven't made this thing before, don't be disgusted, at worst, you can decorate it with gold after returning to Beijing.

Now let's talk about the business, I have already grasped the evidence of the collusion between the governor and the gangsters, and I will go to arrest people soon, bless me all the best.

I really want to finish things quickly and come to see you.

"Ah, don't move around." Yin Pinglu said suddenly.

Li Yucheng had already picked up the wooden hairpin from Zhao Yelan's eyes, looked it over carefully and said, "What an ugly thing, it's worthless at all."

Zhao Yelan kicked over and snatched the hairpin back: "Do your own thing."

Li Yucheng rubbed his thighs and said aggrievedly: "What's the matter, don't you usually only wear gold and silver, I don't believe you will still wear this broken hairpin—uh..."

Li Yucheng watched him put on the hairpin calmly, and slowly opened his mouth: "Are you possessed by a poor ghost?"

"Extravagance is unacceptable." Zhao Yelan taught the fool seriously.

Li Yucheng: "I believed you, bastard, do you have any credibility in saying this? You should take off your expensive outfit first!"

Yin Pinglu lowered his head and smiled, and then asked about the business: "Are you going to inquire about the situation of Yin's mansion next? But what reason should I go in? Will a direct visit be rejected?"

"The Yin family will come to pay respects." Zhao Yelan pointed to Li Yucheng who was dazed from reading the accounts, and said in a low voice, "You may not know that this fool's father is the right minister."

Yin Pinglu was surprised: "I really didn't see it."

Li Yucheng: "...Hey! Can you keep your voice down! I can hear everything!"

In the evening, the Yin mansion sent someone to invite Li Yucheng. A few days ago, he ignored his answers, but today he remembered his identity as the right minister's son. It would be best to use it to inquire about the news of the capital and seek help.

Li Yucheng was the guest of honor, he was so majestic, he even threatened to show his brother with him, Zhao Yelan cooperated with his performance without saying a word.

And "Fu Qian" was actually the person invited by the Yin family. After all, he was the son of Dali Siqing, so he should be able to find out more information.

As soon as the two entered the mansion, Zhifu Yin led a group of people to greet them. Yin Pinglu couldn't follow them on this trip, so he only roughly told them the key characteristics of those people.

Zhao Yelan looked around secretly, and found that the two younger brothers and several sons-in-law of the prefect of Yin had come, and the battle was quite big.

The dining table was much richer than when Yan Mingting was hosted last time. Perhaps it was to impress Yan Mingting as thrifty, or to cater to the dude's habits of the two. People make people feel bad.

Eating, also pay attention to a mood.

He was at the same table with such a large group of crooked melons and split dates, which made Li Yucheng look handsome, and he really lost his appetite.

"Why doesn't Mr. Fu use food? Is it not to your taste?" The man opposite asked with a smile.

Zhao Yelan lowered his eyes, and Li Yucheng who was on the side replied, "Hey, he just wants... homesick."

Zhao Yelan glanced at him, and Li Yucheng smiled.

"It's normal to be homesick. When does Mr. Fu plan to return to the capital?" The man answered, "If you come out to play, the family should worry about you. It's just that Master Fu may be busy these days. If it's you, why not play in Huaizhou for a while longer."

Zhao Yelan smiled: "He is busy every day, I am used to it."

"Are there so many cases in Dali Temple?"

"Well, not only are there many cases, but they are all serious cases. This Dali Temple is almost inexhaustible." After Zhao Yelan said lightly, everyone present changed their faces.

Prefect Yin held his breath, and said with a smile: "The case of the governor has been handed over to Dali Temple in the past two days?"

"I don't know about that. I'm so far away from the capital. How can I know the news that none of you know?"

In fact, Zhifu Yin wanted to find out whether he would be interrogated at Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, or would he send someone to Jiangnan for a thorough investigation, but seeing that he didn't know what to ask, he had no choice but to turn his target to Li Yucheng, and drank several glasses of wine with him. He patted him on the shoulder earnestly: "Nephew, I'm ashamed to say that, if it weren't for my daughter's age difference, we might have become husbands and sons-in-law. There is something I have to explain to you, although the governor I married my eldest daughter, but we seldom interact with each other on weekdays. We don't know anything about him doing such a stupid thing! Let's see, can you ask your father to help you talk?"

Li Yucheng glanced at Zhao Yelan, followed Zhao Yelan's instructions, and said perfunctorily, "It's useless for you to tell me about this. Since there is nothing to do with it, just wait until the truth is found out."

The others took turns to show their favor and talk, when someone shouted outside: "General Yan is here!"

Everyone was startled, they all looked at the gate, and saw Yan Mingting strode into the gate, went straight to the lobby, and came to them in a hurry.

Zhao Yelan was also a little surprised and looked at him intently.

"General, you're back so soon?" Prefect Yin was taken aback, and quickly asked someone to add a stool.

"Don't bother, just squeeze." Yan Mingting squeezed his foot between Zhao Yelan and Li Yucheng, and then sat down.

Li Yucheng tilted his body and fell from the side. Then, under everyone's teasing gaze, he pretended to stand up calmly: "Let's add a stool, my **** is big."

Everyone else laughed, only Zhifu Yin looked strangely, looked around between the two, and became more and more sure that they were secretly doing the business of cutting off their sleeves!

Fortunately, he had already sent someone to the capital to inquire about Fu Qian's news on the night of the Ghost Festival, and he would soon come to a conclusion. At that time, he would have a handle on Yan Mingting, and he might be able to escape.

"General Yan, are you here late at night for something important?" Someone asked.

"I heard that you guys are having a banquet, and you happened to be hungry, so you came here for a light meal, don't you mind?" Yan Mingting said with a smile.

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind. It's our honor that the general appreciates you."

Because of Yan Mingting's visit, this group of people no longer dared to openly discuss the Governor. They just secretly observed his expression, but found that the other party was always smiling, and they didn't know whether it was beneficial or unfavorable to them.

Ever since Yan Mingting caught a glimpse of the wooden hairpin he made on Zhao Yelan's head, the corners of his mouth have not been lowered.

Prefect Yin accidentally knocked the chopsticks to the ground, he bent down to pick them up, only to find that Yan Mingting was secretly grabbing the hand of the person beside him under the table.

Prefect Yin: "!"

The case was settled, and the two really had an affair in the dark!

Don't forget, Yan Mingting was the one who received the imperial decree and married Zhao Yelan!

Who is Zhao Yelan, even if he has never met him before, he has always heard about it, if Zhao Yelan knows about this, can Yan Mingting still have a good life?

He thought for a while, and when he raised his head again, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"I'm going back... Hiccup, I'm going back." Li Yucheng lay on the table, obviously drunk.

The prefect of Yin was asking someone to **** them back, but at this moment, the servant at the door suddenly rushed in: "My lord! Someone is here!"

Yin Zhifu blamed: "I'm in a panic, and I'm not afraid of bumping into the guests. Who is here?"

"The imperial envoy from the capital, Zhao Yelan, Master Zhao!"

Everyone was taken aback, including Yan Mingting and Li Yucheng.

But the others walked to the gate in surprise, but the two looked at Zhao Yelan in unison.

Zhao Yelan signaled them not to act rashly, and the two of them withdrew their gaze. After a while, Yan Mingting walked behind him, whispered something in his ear, and Zhao Yelan nodded.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and the hearts of others were raised.

Prefect Yin didn't know what he thought of, he looked back and saw Yan Mingting standing behind "Fu Qian", whispering something in a low voice, and even brushing his hair.

Prefect Yin saw his teeth sore, he had never seen such a blatant affair, the wife of the main house has just arrived at the door, and you are still here to love each other? I will expose you!

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