MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 51

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The painting boat continued to move forward, the wooden pulp stirred the lake water, and also stirred Yan Mingting's heartstrings. I thought I had a heart like an old dog, used to seeing life and death, and would not easily suffer setbacks again.

However, recently, the exhaustion and worries of the past few days have disturbed him to sleep and eat, and he has fallen into endless loss because of the lack of news. But when he heard the other party say these words in person, he seemed to have won a battle he had never experienced before. His heart was so excited that it seemed that tens of thousands of horses were galloping, and the drums of war shook the sky, almost breaking through his heart.

After all, he is no longer a teenage boy, but he suppressed the agitation on his face, hugged him into his arms, took a deep breath, laughed wildly and unscrupulously, and then pretended to be calm and steady: "Okay, my heart is like yours, whoever breaks the promise will be the grandson."

Zhao Yelan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, lowered his eyelashes slowly, looked at the broad shoulders, and felt a little hesitation in his heart—

Do you really not regret this decision?

He has no experience of getting close to people, let alone spending the rest of his life with a person, let alone a stinky man.

At this time, he should have gone to the Western Regions, or Southern Border, or Dongpu, the world is so big, there is always a place for him. He could break away from Bo Yun's treacherous court, get rid of Zhao Yelan's name, change his name to Yi's surname, roam around, spend a lot of money, spend his days and nights, and be unrestrained and unrestrained until he died.

But... on the third day after Yan Mingting left, that is, the day he planned to fake his death, he woke up early in the morning, coughing profusely, and his face was pale. This was just a pavement for his death due to illness.

He took out the medicine and placed it on the table, remembering if there was anything else he had missed, as if this would slow down the passage of time, and then remembered the account book that Yan Mingting had handed over to him before he left.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry, so he took out those account books and handed them to Butler Tan: "Let's leave these to the accountant, I can't handle it."

Butler Tan didn't doubt that he was there, but told him to wait a moment, the general had something for him.

He waited suspiciously for a while, and Steward Tan handed him a letter, saying: "Before he left, the general specifically instructed that if you don't want to take care of the account, my lord, if you return the account book to me, let me send this letter to you." Letter to you."

Zhao Yelan took the letter in surprise, it was as complete as new, unopened, and he opened it curiously as he walked slowly to the bedroom—

Mengting, in fact, I really don't want you to read this letter. It means that you have made up your mind to leave, doesn't it? After careful calculation, we have only been together for three or four months, but your past has been more than twenty years, so if you really want to get rid of the past, I have no reason to force you to stay, then I wish you All the best for the rest of my life.

It seems that I really can't get rid of the name of the lone star of the devil. It seems that all the people I want to cherish will leave me for various reasons. Is there really a destiny in this world?

Originally, I wanted to play tricks so that you could covet some of my property so that I could keep you, but it seems that this plan has failed. I know you look down on my little property, but it is my heart, I am not like you, I want the best and most expensive everything, and there should be no place to spend a lot of money in the future, so you just use it Bar.

Of course, if you want to come back one day, the gate of the General’s Mansion will always be reserved for you, as well as the back door and side door, haha, just kidding.

Zhao Yelan walked to the door of the room, paused in his steps, held the door frame with one hand, and calmed his panicked breathing—it turned out that he had already guessed it.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Gao Tan came over with the medicine bowl in his hand, and saw him leaning against the door, slid to the ground feebly, he didn't care about the dirty clothes, but trembling his hands, his eyes fixed on the letter in his hand.

Zhao Yelan read it again, and then found that there seemed to be handwriting on the back. He turned it over and saw that there was only a short line of words—

"I'll wait for you too, this sentence is not a joke."

"My lord, get up quickly, the ground is dirty and cold." Xiao Gao hastily pulled him with the other hand, but the other hand didn't move, and still sat on the ground with his head drooping heavily.

Xiao Gao has never seen him like this before, even if his enemies assassinated him before, the people scolded him face to face, and the emperor asked him to marry a man, he accepted these things calmly and always gave Xiao Gao a strong sense of security —Even if the sky is falling, Mr. Zhao will say it's all right without changing his face, and then try to mend the hole.

But at this time, Xiao Gao looked at his disappointed expression, and felt that he was very sad for no reason, and it was not that kind of pure sadness. , the decoction was poured on the adult's clothes.

Xiao Gao looked terrified, thinking that his life was going to be over. These clothes are precious, and adults love to be clean so much, he must be severely punished!

After a long time, Zhao Yelan smelled the medicine on his body, and then came back to his senses, raised his head to look at Xiao Gao who was stunned, and said, "What are you doing with the pestle, why don't you pour another bowl?"

"I'll go right away!" Xiao Gao saw that he didn't intend to fight or scold, so he immediately ran to the kitchen to pour a new bowl, and returned to the room cautiously, and saw that the adult finally moved his nest, moved from the ground to the threshold, and sat down. For a moment, he thought he was possessed by a general.

His lord, he wouldn't sit like this!

Xiao Gao waited for him to drink the medicine in one gulp, and said with a smile: "My lord, drink the medicine obediently today! Good!"

For the past two days, the adults have been refusing to take the medicine, which caused him and Butler Tan a lot of headaches, but they are doing very well today!

On that day, Zhao Yelan broke all the plans, and couldn't help but think of this question at night, would he regret it?

Maybe a long time later, he may regret it, but that is already a long time later.

He just felt that if he left now, he might regret it immediately.

Two hands on his back hugged him tightly, airtight, until he was almost out of breath, Zhao Yelan said: "Let go."

"I don't." Now that Yan Mingting understood his intentions, he became a little arrogant, not only did not let go, but even shook him in his arms, "Mengting, I miss you so much, do you miss me too?" That's why you came to see me?"

At this time, the boat stopped suddenly, and Li Yucheng's voice sounded outside: "Brother, have you finished your work yet?"

"Why is he here?" Yan Mingting asked in surprise.

"He found this ship."

Zhao Yelan pushed him away and ordered the boatman to step aside, and then there were footsteps, Li Yucheng walked in, and he was not surprised to see Yan Mingting's figure, and said, "My cousin invited us to drink, are you going?"

"No... why did you two get mixed up? Who are you going to drink with again?" Yan Mingting kept asking.

"Didn't you tell him about this?" Li Yucheng rolled his eyes around the two of them, and said in secret, "Did you quarrel?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan cleared his throat, interrupted their conversation, and answered Yan Mingting's question: "I was ordered to secretly investigate the water reporter's false report of the disaster."

"Lying about the disaster?"

"Yeah." Zhao Yelan sat down and said, "I had some doubts before. I heard Sun Muyun talk about the scene in Jiangnan's hometown, which was different from what the reporter reported. But the two places are far apart, so the rain The situation couldn't be known immediately, and the emperor didn't realize that something was wrong until Concubine Xian mentioned the matter to the emperor again."

Sun Muyun appealed to the emperor that homesickness was a common occurrence, after all, she had introduced them passionately to them within a few days of her first arrival in the capital, so Yan Mingting had no suspicion at all, and it never occurred to her that Zhao Yelan secretly informed Sun Muyun of this matter. , Let her mention it in front of the emperor.

Sun Muyun gave Zhao Yelan some pastries because Yan Mingting promised to help her bring a token to her father as a thank you. talk.

In the palace, Zhao Xuan heard her unintentionally mentioning that there has been no rain in the south of the Yangtze River recently, and his face darkened. He didn't expect that someone would openly propose the idea of ​​disaster relief, and called Kan Chuan and several other ministers into the palace overnight. , and asked who was sent to investigate the matter.

This is a fat job. Firstly, the water reporter is a new official position that has just been set up, so it is very easy to handle. Second, Jiangnan is rich in resources, and it is said that it will not be able to bulge their pockets after a trip, so several courtiers secretly recommended their own people. .

Only Kan Chuan remained silent.

Zhao Xuan asked him the opinion of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and he said: "There are still vacancies in the official positions in the court. At this time, it will take more than a month to send people to Jiangnan. It may delay the affairs of the court. If you send important officials If we go to Jiangnan, we have to find another person to fill the vacancy of this person, but it will be difficult to find a suitable person to take over for a while. If we send low-level and weak people, we may not be able to handle Jiangnan officials.”

Zhao Xuan took it for granted, he was very strict in conferring these official positions now, leaving any one of them would affect the whole body. After much deliberation, he actually felt that only Zhao Yelan was the most suitable.

He has no important position in the court and is capable, and the officials in Jiangnan have hardly seen him in person.

In this way, on the fifth day after Yan Mingting left, Zhao Yelan set off for Jiangnan.

Yan Mingting had no objection to this, but was just curious: "Why did you bring Li Yucheng along?"

With a "wow", Li Yucheng opened his fan smartly, and fanned it pretending to be coquettish: "You look down on me, who am I? I'm the number one rich man in the capital!"

"You're quite proud." Yan Mingting snorted.

"I don't know much about the situation in Jiangnan, and it's a secret investigation, so I can't reveal my identity for the time being. And his mother's Cheng family is a Confucian businessman in Jiangnan. He comes here every year to have fun for a while, so he is the guide. With a middleman, it's perfect." Zhao Yelan said.

Li Yucheng nodded triumphantly.

"Since you are investigating secretly, why are you acting so high-profile?" Yan Mingting pointed to the outside of the boat. Many people stood on the bridge and by the lake, whispering to this rich and luxurious painting boat.

"It's easy to find tampering with this matter. Most of the relevant personnel are already prepared to deal with people who come from the court. Instead, they will scrutinize people who come to the city in a low-key manner. Now I'm just a dandy who came to play with Li Yucheng, the most beautiful man in the capital, Fu Qianqian, with the Cheng family as a guarantee for me, there are not many people to investigate me. When they find something suspicious, they will send someone to the capital to investigate, and the round-trip time is enough for me to investigate."

Yan Mingting nodded, listening to "Fu Qian, the most beautiful man in the capital", the corner of his mouth twitched.

This Fu Qian is really shameless, who gave him this title!

"Exactly!" When Li Yucheng thought that he was here to accompany Zhao Yelan on business, his chin was lifted higher than others, and he had an inexplicable sense of responsibility and pride. He was determined to do this well, so that his father could feel relieved Feel relieved.

He proudly said: "Don't worry, brother Zhao and I went to the biggest restaurant to drink when we entered the city today, and he is used to eating, that's very stylish, and invited several pipa girls to play. I went to the best brothel just now, and now many people believe that Brother Zhao and I are the same."

"What? You went to the brothel again?!" Yan Mingting gave Zhao Yelan a fierce look, and immediately transferred his anger to Li Yucheng.

"No, nothing happened. He is in charge of eating and drinking, and I am in charge of whoring/gambling!" Li Yucheng hurriedly explained, "Actually, I didn't do anything! Master, I'm just playing around!"

"Stop talking nonsense, throw Li Yucheng to the shore." Zhao Yelan said.

"?" Li Yucheng didn't expect him to cross the river and tear down the bridge so quickly!

When Yan Mingting heard this, he really didn't hesitate at all, he walked out of the boat with him, and threw him to the shore.

"Oh, I'm going! Yan Mingting, are you still human! Young master, my **** is going to explode!" Li Yucheng cursed, and the people watching the excitement all around burst into laughter.

As soon as Yan Mingting entered the cabin, he heard Zhao Yelan say involuntarily: "Now, throw me out too."

Yan Mingting was stunned for a moment, and immediately guessed his intention.

There are many people standing by the lake, but his identity as a general is directly revealed. If those officials know that he has chatted with the people on this boat for so long, they will definitely have doubts.

Simply create a scene where he is entangled by two dandies, teaching others righteously.

"Then you are ready." Yan Mingting grabbed his belt and asked him in a low voice when he was taking him out, "Where do you live now? The Cheng family?"

"The biggest inn in the city." Zhao Yelan said.

"Well, you bastard, you said I don't drink, so you have to force yourself!" Yan Mingting walked out of the boat, scolded him angrily, and then put his hands on his waist while watching the show all around him, and beat him to death It was fully supported on the shore.

"?" Li Yucheng rubbed his **** and cursed in his heart: You treat him differently!

"Old man, let go of my brother! Just wait for me, our brothers will settle accounts with you sooner or later!" Li Yucheng took Zhao Yelan to the direction of the inn cursingly, and waved his sleeves, "Go, go, what are you looking at?" It's so lively, leave it all to the young master!"

Yan Mingting returned to the inn, and kept looking at the map to study the route until late at night, when he heard the voices of two alcoholics, he closed the map and listened attentively to their movements. The two went into the two most expensive rooms upstairs. rooms, one of which was just above him.

The inn was already closed at this time, and the waiter at the door yawned and locked the door, not noticing a dark shadow flashing past on the second floor.

Yan Mingting knocked on the door in a low voice.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhao Yelan didn't look up when he heard the movement, he was still sorting out the list of Jiangnan officials.

"Look for Mengting."

"There is no Mengting Pavilion like you mentioned here, only Fu Qian, the most beautiful man in the capital."

"..." Yan Mingting choked for a long time before enduring his discomfort and said, "Then I'll find Fu Qian."

"come in."

Yan Mingting quickly pushed the door open and entered, thinking to himself, what is this? It's nothing more than sneaking around like stealing love, or stealing with "Fu Qian"!

When he returns to Beijing, he will definitely beat Fu Qian up!


The author has something to say:

Fu Qian:? You are lofty, you are amazing, it's none of my business if you fall in love (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

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