MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 38

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There was silence in the room, and then several people around Zhong Yuehong supported Zhong Yuehong, and they didn't know what to say for a moment.

If an ordinary woman enters the palace, she will fly to the branches, and it is too late to be happy. She just waits to bathe in the grace of heaven, honor her ancestors, and share prosperity.

However, Zhong Yuehong...

Everyone looked at her disheartened expression, there was no trace of joy on her face, it was obvious that she was unwilling.

But if the emperor insisted on welcoming her into the palace, what would be her fate?

"Yuehong, you..." He Cuizhang just wanted to speak, but was pushed away by Zhong Yuehong, and ran out staggeringly.

"The more red!" He Cuizhang yelled, looking anxiously at Yan Mingting, "General, what should we do?"

"You guys go and watch her first, don't let her do stupid things." Yan Mingting ordered.

Everyone chased after him, and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

Only then did Yan Mingting walk out of the study with a serious expression, with a somewhat determined back.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Yelan hurried up to grab him.

"I'll go to the emperor to reason." Yan Mingting said loudly.

"Don't go for now." Zhao Yelan stood in front of him.

"I just promised my aunt to choose a good husband for her. The emperor will definitely not be a good match for her. Besides, she is a martial arts practitioner, and she doesn't have all those twists and turns in her mind. How can she survive in the harem? Got to go down?" Yan Mingting bypassed him and walked forward, his steps were so fast that it was difficult to catch up.

Zhao Yelan shouted out of breath: "Okay, you go, when you come back, maybe you will bring me a death sentence!"

Yan Mingting gave a sudden pause, turned his head in disbelief, thought for a moment, then fell back again: "What do you mean? Who is to be killed?"

"Of course I am the one who passed the news to you without authorization," Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting was forced to calm down and said in a low voice: "Could it be that this matter is not a foregone conclusion?"

"Nonsense!" Zhao Yelan gave him a sharp gouged look, seemed to be puzzled, and kicked him twice, "If I had known you were so reckless, I wouldn't have told you, and I would have waited for the palanquin to carry her into the palace gate." go."

"I'm sorry, I was impulsive." Yan Mingting patted him on the back, went back to the study with him, closed the door and window, and asked in a low voice, "Then where did you get the news from?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have my own way. As long as you know that you suddenly go to the emperor to reason, I, including my eyeliner, will be found out, and he will definitely not let us go easily!" Zhao Yelan said angrily. road.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't, kick me a few more times." Yan Mingting apologized again and again, stretched out his leg, and after being kicked a few times, he asked, "Then what is the matter now?" What's the situation? Is there a connecting flight?"

Zhao Yelan let out his anger and regained his composure a little: "There is still a glimmer of hope, because this matter was proposed by the empress."

The general election is just around the corner, and the queen has no heirs, so she wants to show her favor to the emperor before many newcomers enter the palace, so she thinks of Zhong Yuehong at the Enrong Banquet, and proposes to call her into the harem.

In this way, the queen not only gained a good reputation with the emperor, but also thought she had sold Zhong Yuehong a favor. Which woman doesn't want to jump through the Dragon Gate and become the master of all the palace gates in the harem?

But Zhong Yuehong's appearance is ordinary, there is no possibility of competing for favor, her mother's family is even more vulnerable, and the harem has a lot of influence, so the first one to seek refuge will be the queen, this is the queen's wishful thinking.

And she also predicted that the emperor would be tempted. It's one thing to not like it, but another thing to be suitable. The soldiers in Zhong Yuehong's hands alone are enough to move the emperor, not to mention that he has no worries about his relatives.

"The emperor is still considering it. It should be that he hasn't made a decision, otherwise this will have already been drafted. But if he doesn't interfere, he will probably agree." Zhao Yelan paused, "This is for him. , there is no harm at all."

Yan Mingting patted the table angrily: "Are they allowed to make such a decision? Are women in this world really their royal family?"

Zhao Yelan looked at him for a long time, then suddenly said: "What if the emperor really wants to marry her by force? What will you do?"

"I..." Yan Mingting slowly clenched his fists, "I will send her out."

"She is just a subordinate, are you willing to offend the emperor for her?"

"That's the way you have never seen her desperately on the battlefield." Yan Mingting lowered her head, her tone was a little heavy, "Every day she lived, she earned it by fighting with her life, why did she end up like this in the end? The result? You have clearly seen it, she doesn't want to enter any ruined palace at all!"

"Okay, I got it." Seeing his angry look, Zhao Yelan couldn't help but raised his hand and touched his head. Both of them froze for a moment. Yan Mingting raised his head, and when their eyes met, Zhao Yelan Yelan's expression suddenly changed, "Not good."

"What's wrong?"

"Even you are willing to offend the emperor, what will happen to the lieutenants who stay with her all day?" Zhao Yelan hurriedly walked out, "Get ready for the horse! Go to the city gate!"

Yan Mingting got on his horse in a hurry, saw Zhao Yelan following him, and asked, "Are you going too?"

"I'm afraid you will be persuaded by them!" Zhao Yelan doubted very much that he would be overwhelmed and let people run away.

At the gate of the city, a carriage galloped by, and the wheels ran over two lines of marks on the road.

Mother Zhong sat in the car with tears streaming down her face, tightly clutching Zhong Yuehong's hand: "Hong'er, do you really want to..."

The car suddenly stopped suddenly, Zhong Mu fell backwards, and was supported by Zhong Yuehong.

The two heard He Cuizhang outside smiling and saying to the gatekeeper: "Brothers, it's convenient. The old man at home is sick, and the doctors in the city are helpless. They can only go out of the city to find other doctors."

The gatekeeper took a look into the carriage and saw two plainly dressed women, so he let it go.

As the carriage drove past the city gate, Zhong Yuehong just breathed a sigh of relief when the carriage stopped suddenly.

She asked, "What's the matter?"

"The general and Mr. Zhao are in front..." He Cuizhang said.

Zhong Yuehong opened the curtain, and saw a horse in front of the carriage, with two people sitting on the horse's back.

"What are you guys doing!" Zhao Yelan almost fainted from the fast pursuit all the way, but fortunately he arrived in time, he adjusted his breathing, and Yan Mingting behind him gave him a pat on the back, and repeated, "You guys What are you doing!"

"General..." He Cuizhang was very embarrassed, and several others chimed in, "General, can you just pretend you didn't see us succeed? If something goes wrong, we will bear it!"

"How do you bear it?" Zhao Yelan sat on the horseback and asked them condescendingly, "Where do you want her and her mother to escape? If they are caught, they will be criminals. Why should a lieutenant general with great reputation be reduced to a criminal minister? There are a few of you, don’t you have any family members? Acting recklessly just for a moment of loyalty is not loyalty at all, it is stupid! You helped her temporarily, But have you ever thought that the Yan family army will be involved?"

Everyone was stunned by what he said, and lowered their heads guiltyly, regretting their impulsiveness.

"My lord, stop talking." Zhong Yuehong jumped off the carriage, his eyes were slightly red, and he bowed his hands, "Thank you for your reminder, I'll go back right away."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked back to the city on foot, followed by others.

When passing through the city gate, the guard said in surprise, "Didn't you go to see the doctor? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Don't look at it, it can't be cured, just wait for death." He Cuizhang sighed, led the carriage, and followed Zhong Yuehong.

The group of people felt very heavy and escorted her and Mother Zhong home all the way. Mother Zhong finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried aloud.

Zhong Yuehong returned to the room, saw the three dresses, picked up the scissors and cut these beautiful clothes into pieces, and said in a dazed way: "No more, I don't want to wear skirts, I don't want anything..."

Yan Mingting couldn't stand it anymore, went in and snatched the scissors from her hand: "Yue Hong, things are turning around, you should calm down first."

Zhong Yuehong sat down on the ground slumped, a person who had never cried on the battlefield, sobbed painfully at this moment: "General, I want to go back to the barracks, I don't want to be in the capital anymore, it's not good here at all..."

Everyone else's eyes were faintly red, Yan Mingting turned his face away and took a deep breath.

At this time, Zhao Yelan squatted down/body, took out a handkerchief and wiped her crying face: "Do you believe me?"

Zhong Yuehong looked sideways at him, tears rolled out, and after a long while, he nodded slightly.

"Okay, since you believe me, then listen to me, don't make any trouble now, just like usual, don't let anyone find out that you have any abnormalities." Zhao Yelan said.

Zhong Yuehong was startled, and He Cuizhang hurriedly asked: "Master Zhao, do you have any ideas?"

Zhao Yelan stood up and looked around: "At present, I just learned the news in advance. If you run away or behave abnormally at this time, it will definitely attract the attention of the emperor. It will be even more difficult to completely get out of the predicament. So Everyone present, please stay calm and don't be as impulsive as today."

"Yes, yes, yes." He Cuizhang and others nodded repeatedly, wishing they could cut off their heads, and only begged him to come up with a solution.

Zhao Yelan stretched out his hand to help Zhong Yuehong up, and said, "Leave this matter to me, and you will continue to do the same as usual. I will let you know if there is anything to do, so don't get confused first."

Zhong Yuehong nodded slowly.

When the two left Zhong's house, Yan Mingting asked in a low voice: "Do you really have a solution?"

"I don't dare to say that everything is guaranteed, but let's calm down her emotions first, so as not to do anything in agitation." Zhao Yelan said, "Tomorrow I will go to find out what the emperor has said."

"You can't go to court, how do you see him? Go directly to the palace?"

"He will come to the Imperial Academy."

Yan Mingting paused: "Why did he go to the Imperial Academy in person?"

"Play chess."

"I'm looking for you?"

"Well, I'll try to get him to come to me." Zhao Yelan returned to the study, busy thinking about the plan, and didn't even notice the change in the other's expression.

"How can you be sure that he will come to play chess with you tomorrow?"

"I have my own way. Even if it's not tomorrow, it will be these few days." Zhao Yelan said, "Besides, he is busy with government affairs, so it is impossible for him to keep thinking about this matter. Maybe he will be entangled until the day of the general election."

Yan Mingting curled his lips, remained silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "Are you on good terms with him?"

Zhao Yelan was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was asking Zhao Xuan, and replied, "It's hard to say, let's talk about the score."

"Then you divide the situation and talk about it in detail."

"Are you free?" Zhao Yelan raised his head and glared at him.

Yan Mingting didn't bother him anymore, and during dinner, he leaned into his ear and asked, "Then do you know him well?"

Zhao Yelan nodded: "I still understand."

Being humble, Zhao Yelan can assure you that no one understands Zhao Xuan's nature better than him. Those gloomy days may even be forgotten by Zhao Xuan, only he is still clearly imprinted in his mind.

"What do you know? What's his favorite food?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan looked at him strangely: "Why are you asking this? You don't mean to..."

Rebel? he added lip-synching.

"How is it possible, I'll just ask casually." Yan Mingting hurriedly buried his head in his meal.

When going to bed at night, Yan Mingting lay on the ground, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and asked, "Is he handsome?"

"You don't have eyes? Did you poke your eyes blind when you saw him?" Zhao Yelan was speechless.

"I'm just asking, do you think he's handsome?" Yan Mingting asked persistently.

"I don't think so, all civil and military officials in the court think he is handsome."

Yan Mingting turned over angrily, and asked after a while, "Then am I handsome?"

Zhao Yelan was about to fall asleep, but when he woke him up, he picked up the pillow next to him and threw it at him: "Aren't you annoying, hurry up and sleep!"

"Just tell me if I'm handsome or not?"

Yan Mingting made it clear that he didn't want him to sleep well, Zhao Yelan sneered and said, "Don't you have any idea? I still remember your fat head and big ears when you were young."

"Ah!" Yan Mingting crawled to his bedside in embarrassment, lit a candle, put it under his chin, and reflected his face, "That was all in the past! Take a closer look at me now, Yingbu hansome?"

When Zhao Yelan turned around, he was terrified: "What's wrong with you!"

Yan Mingting held up the candle, turned it around his face, and asked with a smile: "Take a good look, is it handsome or not?"

"Junjunjun! You are the most handsome!" Zhao Yelan completely surrendered, and the defeat was crushing.

"Then tell me, where is Jun?"

"..." Zhao Yelan couldn't bear it anymore, and grabbed his ear, "You are handsome because you have two eyes and one mouth!"

Yan Mingting was satisfied, and immediately realized something was wrong: "What kind of handsome is this, then let me ask you one last question."

"If I fell into the river with him, who would you save first?"

Zhao Yelan turned over and got out of bed, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

"What are you looking for?" Yan Mingting asked curiously.

"Where is my crossbow/arrow? Either you die tonight, or I die!"

"...It's not necessary to be a pair of wild mandarin ducks in the underworld."


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