MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 36

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The moonlight is like water, the night wind blows, the branches in the courtyard rustle, and the dark fragrance floats into the carved window.

The two sat side by side by the bed, posing for a long conversation.

Zhao Yelan sat motionless, silently staring at a speck of dust on the ground, as if trying to spot it as a flower.

Yan Mingting scratched his head and rubbed his hands together, unable to calm down at all, secretly glanced at the other party from the corner of his eye, couldn't sit still, got up and walked around the room, trying to use this to defeat his anger.

The hug just now was originally just an act of feeling sorry for the other party's insincere feelings, but who knew it gradually changed.

He began to covet the strange fragrance that he disliked the most, and he was careful not to hurt the opponent by moving too hard. Immersed in such a quiet night, wanting to hug this thin body all the time, my breathing became slow and tender.

And because the other party pushes me away, there will be a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

"Don't shake it, it dazzles my eyes." Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting smiled mischievously, walked to his side, carefully tried to sit down, and saw that the other party didn't kick him, so he sat down with peace of mind.

"How was your chat with Li Jinyu?" Zhao Yelan asked with his head turned.

"Very good, he confessed to me the cause of Li Yanran's death."

"Didn't he die of illness?"

"No." Yan Mingting sighed deeply, "She committed suicide."

"Why?" Zhao Yelan was a little surprised. Li Yanran was born in the Zanying family, and she had a matchmaker's words with the Yan family. She obviously had a good time, so why did she kill herself?

"Because of the late emperor."

Li Yanran has reached the age of Ji and has relatives with the Yan family, so during the birthday party, the Empress Dowager personally wrote a post for her, inviting her to enjoy the Hundred Flowers Banquet together. But he didn't want to be spotted by the late emperor when he entered the palace for the first time.

The first emperor only knew that the Li family had a daughter, but he had never seen her before. At the birthday banquet, he saw her dignified, gentle and pleasant, without any regard for the face of the monarch and his ministers, he summoned her to the imperial study and took her by force.

Afterwards, Li Yanran was afraid that the Yan family would make a big fuss if they found out about it, and she was also afraid that the Li family would be implicated if she did not enter the palace. In desperation, she committed suicide by drinking poison.

The room was quiet for a while, before Zhao Yelan said, "She's a famous woman."

"Yes." Yan Mingting suddenly punched the wall.

Zhao Yelan looked at him abruptly, and then stared at his hand inexplicably.

"This dog emperor is really..." Although Yan Mingting knew the etiquette of respect and inferiority, he didn't have much contact with the former emperor.

"Hush." ​​Zhao Yelan suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth, "Those who know it are you talking about the old emperor, those who don't know think you are scolding the Holy One, be careful that walls have ears."

Yan Mingting nodded, lowered his eyes, stared at his hands, all his breath hit his palms.

Zhao Yelan took it back as if nothing had happened, and said: "No wonder Li Jinyu stood by and stood by when he seized the throne, and no one's team stood. It leads the way."

Yan Mingting nodded: "Yes, no matter who comes to force the palace, he will help."

After solving the mystery of Li Yanran's death, Zhao Yelan asked again: "Then did you tell him about your father?"

"How is that possible? It's a big matter. I'm not close enough to tell him everything." Yan Mingting said. Where did the rumors about the evil star come from?"

"... Then why did you tell me everything?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"You are my wife." Yan Mingting smiled and nodded his head, "And you are smart here."

Zhao Yelan patted his hand away, heard him grunt, and subconsciously looked at his hand: "Did you get injured just now?"

Yan Mingting remained silent.

Zhao Yelan leaned over to look at his hands, Yan Mingting stretched out his hands for him to check, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Are you caring about me?"

Seeing that there was no injury on his hand, Zhao Yelan immediately threw it back: "I'm just afraid that your hand will be broken. What are you going to use to protect me? It's useless."

"Don't worry, I can protect you even if your hand is broken." Yan Mingting said confidently, puffing out his chest.

"You're quite proud." Zhao Yelan snorted and returned to the topic, "Then have you asked him about the Gu poison in Southern Border?"

"I asked about it. I asked Li Yanran about drinking poison, asked what kind of poison he used, and intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the matter of southern Xinjiang. He said that Li Yanran used arsenic/cream, which is different from that in southern Xinjiang. It's irrelevant. Because the poisons brought into Beijing from southern Xinjiang are strictly controlled, they are guarded by the imperial hospital and used for research, and these courtiers can only take a look at them when they are displayed." Yan Mingting said.

"The Imperial Hospital... No wonder Yao Muze heard about this poison from his master. It seems that he has to find his master. The former imperial hospital used it."

"Well, tomorrow I will go to Yao Muze to inquire about his master's whereabouts, and see if I can invite you over." Yan Mingting remembered another thing and asked, "By the way, the emperor really knows that you are the owner of the gambling shop?"

"I frightened him." Zhao Yelan lifted the quilt, "The emperor is busy with government affairs, how can he take care of everyone's private affairs. I warn you, if you tell this matter, I will definitely not let you Better off."

"I know, I know, go to sleep."

Yan Mingting patted his quilt, then skillfully made the floor, looked back at the person who had just laid down, and while he was not paying attention, moved the quilt a little closer to the side of the bed, and looked at the bed not far away. He closed his eyes contentedly.

A day later, Yao Muze was invited to treat Zhao Yelan again, and prescribed a few more prescriptions.

Zhao Yelan said gently, "I'm tired."

"It's okay, it's my job to cure patients." Yao Muze smiled.

Yan Mingting interjected at the right time: "Mr. Yao, if his physical condition can be cured if he can invite a teacher?"

"Hmm..." Yao Muze murmured, "Maybe it's possible. My master has cured many difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Mr. Zhao's disease should be sure. It's only because I'm not good at learning."

Yan Mingting said happily: "Then can I invite Master to come to the mansion?"

"I'm afraid this is a little troublesome." Yao Muze said, "Master has been wandering around since he resigned, only going to poor and remote places to treat people for free, but he refused to enter Beijing. I came to the capital to take the exam at the Imperial Hospital, and he and I I drew a line and refused to answer my letters, and even I don't know where he is now."

After sending Yao Muze away, the disappointment on Yan Mingting's face was obvious.

Zhao Yelan took a sip of tea and said, "Don't you have a lot of subordinates? Just send people to the backcountry to check one by one."

"That's the only way, but it will take some time." Yan Mingting put the sword on the table dejectedly, and wiped it absent-mindedly.

"The old case has been spent for so many years, why are you so anxious now? Now that the situation has gradually become clear, isn't it better than before?" Zhao Yelan said.

"I'm not in a hurry, it doesn't matter if you take your time." Yan Mingting turned his head, stared at him, and said seriously, "But he can cure your illness."

Zhao Yelan paused, his long eyelashes trembled, and then lowered slightly to cover up the emotion in his eyes, and put down the cup of tea: "Not necessarily. Many people have come to see my illness, it's nothing more than boiling some medicine, It’s just under control, it’s not a cure for the symptoms.”

"You have to try. Since the other party is the envoy of the front courtyard, he should have some real skills." After Yan Mingting finished speaking, he hurried out and arranged for his subordinates to search for him.

Looking at the empty gate, Zhao Yelan was silent for a while, picked up the tea and took another sip, wondering if it was because the water temperature was too high or there were too many tea leaves, he always felt that his heart was in a panic.

The weather is getting warmer and the rain is less. Gao Tan looks at the sun every day and can't help being happy—there are a lot less coughing times in the past few days, and he is in a good mood. He goes to the Imperial Academy to read books and play chess every day After returning to the mansion, he would trot around with General Yan, and his complexion improved visibly with the naked eye.

Moreover, since the lord married into the general's mansion, he himself has relaxed a lot. He no longer needs to be by the lord's side all the time like in the past. Anyway, the general is looking after him, and he is often sent out, so he has his own time. I went to buy delicious snacks and played with the servants in the house.

But another trouble has been brought one after another, that is the general returns home every day, if he does not see the lord at the first sight, he will look for him everywhere: "Where is your lord?"

One day, he got confused and replied to the general: "I don't should be in the study room?"

Unexpectedly, the general gave him a rare reprimand, and then hurried to the study. When he saw that Zhao Yelan was indeed playing chess in the study, he immediately put on a smile.

So far, Xiao Gao has become accustomed to guarding the front yard every day. As soon as the general comes back, he will immediately report the exact location of the adults, and then go to play.

One day, Xiao Gao squatted in the yard in front of the hall to feed the rabbits, and when he heard footsteps, he called out, "General, your lord is in the hall."

"What? He's in the mansion?" The figure who had just arrived at the door suddenly paused, and then hid outside the door again.

"What are you doing sneakily, don't get out here." Zhao Yelan saw Yan Mingting's dodging figure at a glance, and the other party poked his head out from the door and gave him a simple and honest smile.

"Why aren't you staying in the study today?" Yan Mingting said awkwardly.

"What?" Zhao Yelan walked to the door suspiciously, seeing his hands behind his back, "Take out your hands."

Yan Mingting took out his hand stiffly, carrying a lot of fruits and flowers in his hand, he immediately stuffed the things on the guard next to him: "Come on, you have worked hard, take it to quench your thirst."

Zhao Yelan sneered twice, turned around and walked to the hall: "General Yan is really suave and suave, he won the hearts of so many young girls just by going out."

Soon it will be a good day for the draft. These days, the capital gathers beauties from all over the world, and naturally there will be women with open folk customs. When they see the man they like in the streets, they will throw fruits and flowers.

Yan Mingting was born well, had an extraordinary bearing, and was well dressed, so he could attract countless eyes just by standing there.

"I'm wronged." Yan Mingting immediately chased in and tried to explain, "I just met outside the door, they forced it into my hands, and when I wanted to return it to them, I had already run away."

"They?" Zhao Yelan sneered, "How many concubines are you going to take?"

"I didn't want to take a concubine!" Yan Mingting said.

"Take a concubine?" Butler Tan heard the sound, "General, are you going to take a concubine?"

Zhao Yelan raised his eyebrows: "Yeah, hurry up and tidy up a few rooms, a new owner will come into the house in a few days."

"Nothing! Uncle Tan, go get busy first and leave us alone." Yan Mingting quickly persuaded Butler Tan to leave, then gritted his teeth and dragged Zhao Yelan out of the house.

"What are you going to do!?" Zhao Yelan exclaimed.

A quarter of an hour later, the two stood on the street, Zhao Yelan was puzzled, and turned to leave, but unexpectedly, an apple was stuffed into his chest by a beautiful woman.

He couldn't react in time, when he picked it up to observe, many women surrounded him, some put flowers on his head, some put flowers and fruits in his arms, and some asked him about his age, family background, and whether he was married.

He managed to escape from the crowd, and looked at Yan Mingting in embarrassment, but the other party was leaning against the door of the nearby restaurant and laughing.

He picked up a fruit and threw it at it, and the opponent caught it with his hand, and then led him into the alley next to him.

Zhao Yelan was still hitting his back with the remaining fruit, but the other party stopped indifferently, looked back at him, and suddenly stomped his foot: "Hmph, is Mr. Zhao flirting in front of me! Let me tell you, If you want to find another woman behind my back, there is no way!"

This showman!

Zhao Yelan took a deep breath. Ever since he met this scoundrel, he became angry a lot more times, almost every day!

He turned around and walked away, but the other party dragged him back again. He backed away in a disorderly manner, and barely stopped until he leaned against a wall. He raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He thought he was going to do it, but subconsciously closed his eyes.

"These flowers and plants, why keep them." Yan Mingting took off the extra thin flower branches in his hair, inserted a jade hairpin into it as if by magic, and admired it carefully for a moment, very satisfied, "Well, That's how it looks."

Zhao Yelan was stunned, opened his eyes suspiciously, and took off the jade hairpin. The body of the jade was transparent, the color was fresh and tender, shaped like a flowing cloud, and it shimmered slightly in the sun. He liked it very much, and immediately forgot to be angry, but he still didn't forget to confirm: "Is it expensive?"

"Expensive. It is a relic of the former royal family. There is no second root in the world."

Only then was Zhao Yelan satisfied: "Put it on for me properly."