MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 27

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Zhao Yelan ate a few mouthfuls, met the eyes of the group who were waiting to be fed, and said, "Why don't you move your chopsticks?"

He Cuizhang scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "We eat too fast, and you can't get enough to eat every time, so we discussed it just now. This time, we must wait for you to finish eating first before we start."

"Then do you think I can eat if you look at me like this?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"Then we...turn around?"

"No, let's eat." Zhao Yelan said lightly.

Yan Mingting laughed: "Okay, don't pretend to be reserved, hurry up and do it, I have already ordered the kitchen to add chicken legs to each of you, enough for tonight."

"The general is mighty!"

Everyone shouted in unison, picked up the bowl and started to eat.

Before that, Zhao Yelan only felt that they were eating or not, and the chewing sound they made was too harsh. Today, he was in the mood to observe how they ate, and found that Zhong Yuehong's eating speed was no worse than other people's.

Xu Shi noticed his gaze, and Zhong Yuehong explained: "If you don't fight with them, you will have nothing to eat."

Zhao Yelan inadvertently hooked the corner of his mouth: "Indeed."

Zhong Yuehong was taken aback, and the others also looked at him in surprise: "Master Zhao, did you just smile at us?"

Zhao Yelan: "Is there?"

"Yes!" He Cuizhang said excitedly, "We all know that you don't want to see us, my lord. I didn't expect such a day to come!"


Zhao Yelan smiled awkwardly, but this group of people became even more excited as if they had been beaten with blood.

"..." What's wrong?

Yan Mingting kept silent, just looked at Zhao Yelan and laughed with them.

The servants brought up a large plate of chicken legs, and a group of people went to pick it up one after another. Yan Mingting preempted the biggest piece, and then put it into Zhao Yelan's bowl.

"This piece is for the hardest hero tonight, is there any objection?"

"Of course I have no objection! Mr. Zhao, eat more, if it's not enough, I'll give you mine too!" He Cuizhang said.

"You've already bitten it, how dare you give it to someone else?" Zhong Yuehong said.

A group of people laughed, Zhao Yelan smiled lightly, looked down at the big chicken drumstick, and ate it wholeheartedly.

After dinner, it was getting late, and the rain outside did not know when it stopped, and everyone left one after another.

Zhong Yuehong was the last one to leave. She sat on the chair, rubbed her hands on her thighs, hesitated to speak, and glanced at Zhao Yelan from time to time. Seeing that he was about to go back to his room, he stood up abruptly and mustered up his courage: "Master Zhao."

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Zhao Yelan waited for her to speak.

Zhong Yuehong looked at Yan Mingting not far away, Yan Mingting shrugged: "Okay, you two talk slowly, I'll go back to my room first."

When there were only two people left, Zhong Yuehong blushed and said: "My mother gave me the skirt... Thank you, sir. But I know that the money my mother gave can't buy such a good dress at all, and it's even worse. How much, I will make it up to you."

"What if I can't make it up?"

Zhong Yuehong was stunned: "Then... can the clothes be returned? I haven't touched them yet."

"It can't be refunded, it's custom made according to your figure, other ladies don't wear these." Zhao Yelan said again, "There's no need to make up, this money is nothing."

It took Zhong Yuehong a while to say solemnly: "Thank you, sir, if there is anything that can be of use to me in the future, just ask."

Zhao Yelan nodded: "Understood, let's go back."

"One more thing." Zhong Yuehong took out a pair of small crossbows/arrows from his sleeve, "The general ordered me to look for a weapon that suits you, but I couldn't find one that was particularly suitable, so I improved this one, you See if it fits?"

Due to physical differences, Zhong Yuehong prefers lightweight weapons and makes good use of flexible props such as nine-section whips and crossbows/arrows. It's just that although the crossbows/arrows in the military camp have a long range, they are a bit heavy, so they are not suitable for carrying around. She has nothing to do recently, so she makes smaller crossbows/arrows by herself, which can be grasped with one hand, and has a high impact. The disadvantage is that the range is a bit short, but it is enough for self-defense.

Zhao Yelan took it by accident, checked the crossbow/arrow repeatedly, there was already a short arrow in the box, he shot/goed towards the high wall in the distance, his arm shook slightly, and the arrow flew out like the wind, with a bang One sound, firmly insert/on the wall.

"Not bad." Zhao Yelan touched the crossbow/arrow appreciatively.

"If your lord likes it, I'll make a few more spares later." Zhong Yuehong said happily.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. I just followed the general's orders. I have tried other types of weapons before, but they were all rejected by the general."

"When did he ask you to do it?"

"The second day of your wedding."

Zhao Yelan was slightly surprised, thinking of the night in the bridal chamber, he threatened to fail with a dagger, Yan Mingting disliked his gaudy dagger, and said that he would get him a few more handy weapons. I thought he was just saying it casually, but unexpectedly I really care about it.

When Zhao Yelan returned to the room, Yan Mingting was already lying on the ground.

"Did she want to thank you for the dress, but she's too embarrassed to say it in front of other people?" Yan Mingting asked leisurely, with his arms pillowed.

"Yes." Zhao Yelan closed the door and asked suddenly, "Are you alert?"

"What's the meaning?"

As soon as Yan Mingting turned his head, he saw that he raised his hand, and a dark thing was exposed from his sleeve. The next moment, an arrow pierced straight towards him.

He turned over and jumped up, the arrow went straight / where he lay down just now, he pulled out the arrow and checked: "Is this given to you by Yue Hong?"

"Yes." Zhao Yelan passed by him, and took the arrow from his hand without looking sideways, "Thank you."

Yan Mingting was slightly startled, and stood there for a long time before taking two steps: "Hey, why are you polite, our relationship..."

With a "whoosh", another arrow shot over.

Yan Mingting: "..."

What should I do if I suddenly regret it? You wouldn't give him an arrow while he was asleep, would you?

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the results of the scientific examination were announced. Gao Tan went to buy the fruit, searched for a long time before the list, and then rushed back to report: "My lord, that Wang Guisheng really won!"

"Yeah." Zhao Yelan drank tea calmly, took the basket, and searched for a long time. It was full of fruits, and there was nothing unusual, so he asked him to wash it before eating it.

Ever since he entered the General's Mansion, he asked his informants to transmit as little information as possible, so as not to be discovered by Yan Mingting. Yan Mingting grabbed his cherries twice at the beginning, whether it was intentional or unintentional, but he didn't pay attention to this matter afterward, it finally dispelled some doubts.

Gao Tan put the washed apples on the table, and asked in a low voice, "Will this Wang Guisheng be the champion?"

"I can't say for sure, but if he can enter the palace examination now, he will definitely be able to pass the first class. It depends on whether he is the number one scholar or the second place."

"Then can we go to show our love? Or wait until he is the number one scholar in high school?"

"Why do you want to show your favor?"

"But sir, you asked him to have dinner with him before, wasn't it just to win him over?"

"Then it's even more difficult to show favor. This person is high-spirited, and he has a grudge against me. When he is in a good mood, those who go to make friends with him will definitely break the threshold. If I go again, he will only make him think that I have something special to do." Intentionally, intending to climb the dragon and attach to the phoenix."

"Then don't you care about him?"

"Who said that?" Zhao Yelan smiled slightly, "If I don't look for him, he will come to me."

"He came to see what you are doing?"

"Maybe he admires my talent, or wants to make friends with me?" Zhao Yelan smiled.

Gao Tan was getting more and more confused: "But didn't your lord say that he has a grudge against you? How could he admire you and even take the initiative to make friends with you?"

"Because of Ruan Xian." Zhao Yelan said.

Gao Tan didn't ask any more questions, since he couldn't understand anyway, he simply went to the yard to play with the maids and servants.

It was very late today, when Yan Mingting returned to the mansion, it was already noon.

Zhao Yelan was sitting in the hall drinking tea, the New Year's Mingqian tea had been delivered, and he would make two cups when he was free.

"Why is it so late today?"

"Don't mention it." Yan Mingting put the saber on the table, sat on the seat and sighed, "The emperor started martial arts this year. It was originally the responsibility of the Ministry of War. Today, I was asked to be the chief examiner in the morning."

"Currently, apart from those old guys from the Ministry of War, the only generals in the court are you and your lieutenants. He is really worried." Zhao Yelan said, "But resuming martial arts is a good thing for the common people."

"It's a good thing. I also hope to encourage more people to practice martial arts. It's just that the emperor not only asked me to be the chief examiner, but also asked me to assign some manpower to the imperial army, and also asked me to be in charge of the spring hunting. Does he think I'm superhuman? ?" Yan Mingting said angrily.

Zhao Yelan joked, "So you want to be lazy too?"

"Yeah?" Yan Mingting looked at him, and smiled suddenly, "That's right, Mr. Zhao spent his days leisurely in the mansion, but he took a lot of laziness."

Zhao Yelan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's good to get used to this kind of thing. Once you are free, you don't want to move."

"How about I go to retire and return to my hometown, so I won't be a general anymore, how about we go out and have a good time?" Yan Mingting tempted.

Zhao Yelan laughed and said, "You can leave if you want. With so much mess, who do you want to leave it to?"

Yan Mingting sighed deeply.

Seeing his dejected look, Zhao Yelan wanted to laugh, but suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Did you just talk about spring hunting?"

"That's right. The date is set to be after the Qingming Festival, when the final results of the civil and martial arts will be announced. The emperor wants to invite all the officials to participate in the spring hunting with the banquet." Yan Mingting nodded the table, "You going or not?"

Zhao Yelan said: "Since all officials can go, why don't I go?"

"You can go, but you have to do something first." Yan Mingting approached him across the table and said mysteriously.

"What's up?"

"You first draw a secondary portrait of me, the one that is bigger than Bao Lun's face. Cuizhang and the others have always said that my portrait is not as good-looking as Bao Lun these days, and I am so mad." Yan Mingting thumped the table angrily.

Zhao Yelan directly refused.

"Didn't you just say that you are free? Just draw a picture for me." Yan Mingting begged.

"Don't even think about it." Zhao Yelan was overwhelmed by the disturbance, and got up to leave, but Yan Mingting grabbed his sleeve.

"Master Zhao, please~" Yan Mingting tried hard to stare at a pair of big innocent eyes, and even blinked at him.

"Let go, don't stop me." Zhao Yelan had a complicated expression.

"Where are you going?"

"Go spit out my New Year's Eve dinner."


A few days later, it will be Qingming. There is an ancient poem that, during the Ching Ming Festival, there are many rains, and passers-by on the road want to lose their souls. The continuous rain filled this festival with a stronger sense of loneliness and loneliness, and the heavy rain did not stop, adding a little resistance to travel.

Yan Mingting was going to pay respects to his family's tombs, seeing that the rain had no intention of stopping and the cemetery was on the mountain, so he asked Zhao Yelan to stay in the mansion so that he could stay there. He traveled by himself and went to worship his family alone.

When he came back in the afternoon, he found that Zhao Yelan was not in the mansion, so he found Butler Tan and asked, "Where is Zhao Yelan?"

"He went out with Xiao Gao."

"Did you bring anyone else?"


Yan Mingting walked anxiously to the gate, the heavy rain was slanting, he didn't know where the master and servant had gone, although he knew Gao Tan's martial arts were high, and he had arranged forty-eight people to protect him secretly, but when he thought of the last time it rained, Zhao In the middle of the night, his heart felt as if it was on fire, and he ran around in a hurry to get angry.

There were very few people on the street outside the door, and those who hurried past were holding an umbrella and carrying a basket with some incense sticks in it, probably in a hurry to visit the grave.

For some reason, he picked up his umbrella and rushed into the rain curtain, ran along the street for a while, and finally came to Zhao Mansion.

Zhao's guards looked at him in surprise: "... General? Why are you here?"

"Has Zhao Yelan come back?" Yan Mingting asked eagerly.

"I'm back, I came back early in the morning." The guard hurriedly sent him in.

Unexpectedly, there was a smell of medicine from afar, he looked into the kitchen, Gao Tan was decocting medicine, he walked up quickly: "What medicine are you decocting?"

"General, you are here!" Gao Tan's eyes were red, as if he had found his backbone, he said incoherently, "Just now, my lord passed out again... We came here in the morning, and there was heavy rain on the way, and the umbrella couldn't cover it, so my lord got wet Wet, and then I went to pray again... and then fainted, the doctor just left, and the medicine will be cured soon."

Yan Mingting understood the situation at first, and patted Gao Tan on the shoulder: "Don't panic, I'll go and see him, you continue to look here, bring the medicine when it's ready."

"Okay." Gao Tan sniffled.

Yan Mingting turned around and went to the bedroom, and went straight to the bed. Zhao Yelan was lying on the bed, his eyes closed tightly, his face was pale, his lips were bloodless, but his cheeks were a little red, his forehead was full of sweat, his brows were tightly frowned, and he didn't know what to say. Talking about something raving.

Yan Mingting touched his forehead, it was very hot, and worriedly tucked him in the quilt, but he kicked him away, turning over in pain.

Yan Mingting went to get another face towel, soaked it in cold water and wrung it dry, then turned the person over and put the wet cloth on his forehead. After a while, the opponent started kicking the quilt again.

"General, the medicine is ready." Gao Tan came in carefully carrying the medicine bowl.

Yan Mingting sat by the bed, helped him up, put his arms around his upper body and said, "Hey."

Just as Gao Tan was about to feed him, Yan Mingting stopped him, grabbed the spoon, blew on it, and then fed it to Zhao Yelan. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yelan vomited it out and instinctively resisted taking the medicine.

"Zhao Yelan, be obedient." Yan Mingting said.

I don't know if the other party heard it, anyway, he drank the medicine later, Gao Tan finally heaved a sigh of relief, and whispered: "The doctor said that after drinking the medicine, let the adults rest, cover the bedding to sweat, and don't catch cold anymore. "

"Well, you go down first, leave this place to me, and close the door." Yan Mingting said.

Gao Tan nodded and stepped back.

Yan Mingting laid the person down, and just after covering him with the quilt, Zhao Yelan kicked him away, muttering with a frown, "'s hot."

Yan Mingting began to take off his coat: "Whether you can hear it or not, I will explain to you first that I just want to help you. This coat got wet on the road, so I took it off. I didn't mean to take advantage of you. Yes. If you don't agree, jump up and hit me now."

After a while, he climbed into bed: "Okay, it seems that you agree."

Yan Mingting hugged him into his arms, the other person's body was hot like a stove, no wonder he thought the quilt was too hot.

Zhao Yelan struggled unconsciously for a while, Yan Mingting patted his back lightly, and whispered softly: "It's not hot, it's not hot, just sleep and you'll be fine."

Zhao Yelan gradually calmed down under his comfort, and subconsciously hugged him.

Yan Mingting's body was slightly stiff, and his hand continued to pat the opponent's back, his thin body seemed to be easily broken at any time. He lowered his eyes to look at Zhao Yelan's face, stretched out his fingers, and smoothed his brows that were tightly furrowed in his sleep, and his voice couldn't be softer: "What kind of dreams are you having?"

He was answered by a raving.

He couldn't hear clearly, and leaned closer to his ear: "What did you say?"

Afterwards, Yan Mingting heard him murmur: "Mother..."


The author has something to say:

Yan Mingting: Like to be a mother?

Read The Duke's Passion