MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 22

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The atmosphere is a little subtle.

The two looked at each other for a long time before Yan Mingting was the first to break the silence, and said with a little surprise: "I never imagined that your handsome guy would also keep these books privately."

Zhao Yelan was sullen: "What nonsense are you talking about? I hid them. From my point of view, it's clear that you have evil intentions, and that's why you prepared these dirty picture books! Take your things and get out!"

Yan Mingting complained directly: "You didn't hide it, nor did I prepare it, so where did this thing come from?"

Zhao Yelan looked at him suspiciously, then changed his mind, and said, "Call Butler Tan over here."

After a while, Butler Tan walked into the room with a puzzled face: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Where did this thing come from?!" Zhao Yelan threw the drawing book in front of him.

Butler Tan picked it up and replied, "I prepared it."

The two looked at each other, and Yan Mingting saw that Zhao Yelan was about to get angry, so he quickly walked up to Butler Tan, pretending to be angry: "Uncle Tan, I didn't mean you, how could you do such a thing, we don't need this thing, Hurry up and throw this thing away, go go go!"

Butler Tan was pushed out of the door, thinking that the general was arrogant, he clearly missed the point, and refused to learn with humility. He thought about it, but he still didn't throw away the drawing book. Anyway, the general will regret it sooner or later and come to him to take it back.

Although this matter was not related to Yan Mingting, when Yan Mingting was lying on the ground, he couldn't sleep. The two people in the painting left an indelible impression on him.


"Zhao Yelan, are you asleep?"

"Shut up! Don't disturb me to sleep!" Zhao Yelan said angrily.

Yan Mingting smiled: "Why don't we have a chat, since you already know what I'm looking for, can you help me? This matter is of great importance, and it's an old thing, so it's a bit difficult to check. These I have been in the frontier for 20 years, there is no influence in Beijing, and I have no trusted colleagues, so I need someone to help me."

This is Yan Mingting's plan, to test whether Zhao Yelan is the murderer first, if not, then win him over.

No one is more suitable to be a "Military Advisor" than Zhao Yelan.

The two have become a couple in name, and both will prosper, and the other will suffer. Because of interests, Zhao Yelan will never let him take risks. Furthermore, Zhao Yelan has a good brain and has been immersed in officialdom for many years. He is good at scheming and knows every official well, so he couldn't be more suitable.

However, Zhao Yelan ignored him.

He thought about it, and judging by Zhao Yelan's temperament, it was really not that easy to agree. He asked, "What do you want? As long as I can afford it, I will give it to you."

"I want two elite teams." Zhao Yelan responded immediately.

"What are you going to do?"

"protect me."

Zhao Yelan had completely divided Jin Lingwei out of his camp, but there were so many enemies, it was impossible to rely on Gao Tan alone to protect him when traveling, so he had to recruit a new group of people.

But the people recruited now may not be able to beat Jin Lingwei. Before Yan Mingting returned to the capital, he wanted to recruit some people from the commander of the imperial army. But the imperial army has long since been raised and disabled, a little three-legged cat kung fu, showing off his power by virtue of his status, he doesn't need this kind of person.

What he wants is someone who is capable, well-trained, and has military orders like a mountain. Yan Mingting brought hundreds of thousands of troops back to the court, and he also secretly observed them when he was in the school grounds. It is easy to pick dozens of such people. thing.

"And these people can only obey my orders in the future, not even your orders."

Yan Mingting thought about it: "Hey, did you want someone for a long time, and you just want to tell me that you are innocent?"

Zhao Yelan didn't answer, and after a long while, he said, "You decide. But I have to remind you that although the Tiger Talisman is still in your hands, the current situation is stable. It won't be long before the Emperor will divide your team into various places. .”

"Of course I know this. Your Majesty has told me several times that the imperial army is short of manpower. But the battle is over, and it's useless for me to keep so many people in my hands. If the soldiers can get a safe place in the capital If they don’t have a job, then I won’t disagree. I hope I won’t order them to go into battle to kill the enemy.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yelan's mind moved slightly, and he turned over: "You are a good general."

"No way, their heads are all hung on the waistbands of their trousers. It is a great happiness to be able to eat the emperor's food alive." Yan Mingting looked at him and smiled helplessly, "Okay, tomorrow I will Go pick someone for you, but you can't treat them badly."

"Naturally, I will go tomorrow too."

"Success, then you must help me find out the truth. Whatever you want, I can give it to you." Yan Mingting repeated, suddenly got up, lay down on the side of the bed, and stretched out a hand, "Come to shake hands Make a stamp and wish us a successful cooperation.”


"Hurry up, I won't leave if you don't hold it."

Zhao Yelan frowned, looked at his sloppy face, stretched out his hand impatiently, and was held by a big hand in the next moment, full of strength, even though he had witnessed countless fights and life and death, he knew that his father was raped Harmful, still full of innocent hands.

In the afternoon of the next day, Zhao Yelan's legs and feet also became sharper, and he came to the school grounds with him again, his mood was completely different from last time, at least this time he didn't have to be forced to walk in front of the soldiers.

Yan Mingting led him onto the stage, and the audience was crowded with people. He ordered the groups to fight, and then began to pick people.

A total of forty-eight people, divided into two rows, all looked at Yan Mingting energetically, being specially selected, there must be some kind of reward or task!

"What do you think?" Yan Mingting asked Zhao Yelan in a low voice.

Zhao Yelan nodded, and suddenly said to the forty-eight people: "You guys, go and fight him."

Everyone was stunned because he was referring to Yan Mingting. The other soldiers around were puzzled and asked, "Why do you want to fight the general?"

Zhao Yelan took out a gold ingot, placed it in his palm, and immediately attracted everyone's attention: "Hit."

Even if the soldiers who have no more desires do not need gold and silver treasures, but they still have family members, who would not want to add some good things to their homes. These people are very eager to move. It is a dream that they can get rewards and fight against the general.

They looked at Yan Mingting one after another, Yan Mingting nodded: "Let's go together."

Immediately, someone rushed up: "General, offended!"

In an instant, a fight broke out on the stage, Zhao Yelan took two steps back, and was escorted by Zhong Yuehong to the outside of the stage to watch.

These forty-eight people are all good fighters, with strong bodies, strong legs and feet, and they are not willing to give up easily. Even if they are knocked down, they will jump up again in an instant and continue the next round of fighting.

Yan Mingting was in the center, with one enemy against the crowd, without losing the wind, a group of people were knocked down one after another, and he even had time to guide the defeated people one by one: "Your weakness is too obvious, your arm is too weak. Not exerting enough force, your footing is not stable enough..."

Zhao Yelan was dazzled by the sight, he knew Yan Mingting was good at martial arts, but when he fought against Jin Lingwei a few times before, he either didn't see it, or passed out, so he couldn't witness Yan Mingting's strength with his own eyes.

The current contest is really eye-opening. Even Zhao Yelan, who has always only loved elegant things, has also noticed that the blood flow is accelerating at this moment.

The surrounding soldiers were even more enthusiastic, and the cheers and shouts broke the sky.

Zhong Yuehong didn't appear to be as calm as usual, yelling crazily around her, Zhao Yelan had to stay away from her.

About fifteen minutes later, in the high-intensity fighting, forty-eight people were defeated one after another, but they were extremely excited.

Yan Mingting held the scabbard calmly, never drew the sword, and praised: "That's right, you're making fast progress."

Zhao Yelan received Yan Mingting's gaze and nodded in affirmation.

This group of people has been able to fight against Yan Mingting for so long without using weapons, so their strength can at least compete with Jin Lingwei.

Zhong Yuehong stepped forward and said, "General, can we fight you?"

He Cuizhang: "That's right, let's try it too!"

Yan Mingting beckoned, several lieutenants all jumped onto the stage.

This time the number of people was not as large as before, but they were a little more ruthless. They all used weapons, and Yan Mingting's sword was also unsheathed.

The soldiers were ashamed to see it, and bluntly said that they must practice more attentively in the future and must not slack off.

This time it took a little longer, and after the end, a group of subordinates bowed their hands in complete convincing. I haven't fought like this for a long time, and it's very enjoyable. I gather together to replay the battle process just now.

Yan Mingting did not surround him, but came to Zhao Yelan's side and asked, "How is it?"

Zhao Yelan looked at his sweaty face and said, "Wipe off your sweat first."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." As soon as Yan Mingting refused, he saw that his face was a bit serious, remembering that this person didn't like to smell bad smells, and just as he raised his hand to wipe it off, Zhao Yelan stopped him, and then from his arms He took out a clean handkerchief and stuffed it into his hand.

"Use this to wipe."

Yan Mingting checked the veil repeatedly, and returned it awkwardly: "I'm not used to this."

"Wipe it if you tell me to." Zhao Yelan simply picked up the handkerchief and wiped it **** his forehead.

The soft cotton veil rubbed against the skin for a moment, and there was a different feeling. Yan Mingting eagerly lowered his head, pointed to the side of his face: "There are also here."

Zhao Yelan wiped the sweat off his face impatiently with a straight face.

Unexpectedly, there was a booing sound not far away, and when he looked sideways, he found that the soldiers were all looking at them and laughing.


Zhao Yelan threw the handkerchief onto Yan Mingting's body: "It stinks to death, take it and throw it away."

Yan Mingting caught the handkerchief on his chest, turned around and gestured to everyone, signaling them not to boo again, but the noise became louder.

Yan Mingting called the forty-eight people into a corner to give lectures. Zhao Yelan watched from a distance, and found that those people were puzzled, as if they didn't want to take over the job, and didn't know what Yan Mingting said , the group of people suddenly looked serious and nodded in agreement.

After a while, Yan Mingting came back and said, "That's fine, these people will be yours from now on, treat them better."

"What did you tell them?" Zhao Yelan knew that it would not be easy for these people to follow him wholeheartedly, especially for his orders to override Yan Mingting.

"Secret." Yan Mingting raised his head proudly, "This is an agreement between us men."

"..." Zhao Yelan stopped asking, and turned to ask Gao Tan to give those forty-eight people a large sum of money.

Others are envious, and everyone is dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Zhao Yelan murmured a few words to Yan Mingting. Yan Mingting gave him a surprised look, with the corner of his mouth turned up, and raised his voice, "Brothers, go to Huichun Tower to drink tonight, Mr. Zhao will be the host!"

"Master Zhao is mighty!!" All the soldiers shouted loudly.

The corner of Zhao Yelan's mouth raised slightly, and he returned to his indifferent look in an instant, but Yan Mingting caught that moment and didn't point it out, just looked at him with a smile.

As the sun went down, everyone finished their practice and rushed to the restaurant.

Zhao Yelan was sitting in the sedan chair, a step behind them. When he arrived, the restaurant was already full and they were already drinking.

"Master Zhao, this glass of wine is toast to you." The soldier in the lobby said, and the others also raised their wine bowls and drank a bowl.

Zhao Yelan nodded, and walked slowly to the Tianzihao room. After a while, Yan Mingting also came in and said, "They want to drink with you, is that okay?"

"No, we adults can't drink alcohol." Gao Tan immediately refused, his family's adults have a very poor capacity for alcohol, and there will be strange behaviors after drinking, so he never drinks in front of outsiders.

"Oh yes." Yan Mingting thought it was because of his weak body, looked at the food on his table again, salivated, and simply sat in to eat with him.

Zhao Yelan pointed to a certain place, Yan Mingting saw that there was a water basin there, immediately understood, and obediently walked over to wash his hands. Thinking of something, he took out the handkerchief in his arms to wash it, and put it aside to dry.

Zhao Yelan chewed and ate slowly, and glanced at Yan Mingting halfway: "Go and drink with them after eating."

"Then I really went?"

"Get out, sitting here is an eyesore."

After Zhao Yelan finished his meal, he opened the door and took a look downstairs. Among the forty-eight people, he picked a guy who seemed to have a good brain, and called him into the room for questioning.

"what is it call?"

"Yu Dali!"

"Yan Mingting told you, you will follow me from now on." Zhao Yelan said slowly.


Zhao Yelan rubbed his temples: "You don't need to speak so loudly when talking to me in the future, I'm not deaf."


Zhao Yelan raised his eyes, his eyes were cold.

Yu Dali immediately persuaded: "Yes..."

"What did he tell you?"

"This... the general won't let me tell you."

Zhao Yelan knocked on the table: "Who are you listening to now?"


"Then tell me, what did he tell you?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yu Dali glanced at him cautiously, and an imperceptible blush appeared on his dark face: "The general said that a man is to protect his family, Mr. Zhao is the general's wife, and he loves the general very much, so we must protect you well." , everything must be done first. If you are gone, my lord, he will never live. So don't worry, my lord, just for the general to live well, we will definitely protect him and listen to you."

Zhao Yelan's temples twitched twice: "...I adore him?"

Yu Dali: "Well, don't you love the general, my lord?"

"..." This really stumped Zhao Yelan.

Let's talk about admiration, conscience will not let it go. Say you don't love him, will the group of soldiers who just recruited him throw him into the moat to feed the fish?

The good thing is that Dali's brain doesn't seem to be working very well, so he directly changed the subject: "What else did he say?"

Yu Dali rubbed his hands shyly, showing an honest smile: "And the general also said, my lord, you... are very rich."

Zhao Yelan: "..."


The author has something to say:

Zhao Yelan: The power to directly hit people's hearts