MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 1182 meet

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   Chapter 1182 Meet

   Xi Yao quite agreed with their decision, "Where do you want to go?"

   "Let's wait until everything in the capital is over, I can't leave at will now!" she said.

   Looking at Qi Mi, who had no resentment or anger in her brows, Xi Yao really felt sorry for her experience.

   "If I had stopped you, would you still enter the shepherd's house?" she asked.

Qi Mi was slightly stunned, shook her head with a smile, and said: "Blinded by interests, even if you are the county owner, people will not take it seriously. After all, the Mu family has received the grace of God, and there is also a concubine Mu in the palace. I just think you're bad!"

   So, no matter what Xi Yao does, it doesn't work, but it makes things more complicated.

   Maybe, it will attract the attention of the shepherd's family, making her lose the possibility of making meritorious services.

   Xi Yao does not have the so-called sense of family honor. She has always been alone, so she cannot understand Qi Mi's decision to sacrifice herself to make the family prosper.

   But after so many things happened, she was able to calm down, which Xi Yao admired the most.

   "Mi'er, tell your elder brother to go to Yunbei City!" she suggested.

   "Yunbei City?" Qi Mi was a little surprised: "Why?"

   "That's my father's territory, that is, the general's territory. If you go there, someone will protect you. It's better than going to a completely unfamiliar place with nothing, isn't it?"

  Qi Mi couldn't help nodding...

   She knew from a young age that having power has the advantage of being a supporter.

  If they randomly find a place, if there is really an emergency, they will only become fish meat on someone else's chopping board, and no one can help.

"Also, Yue'er and the son of the Yun family in Yunbei City are getting married. By then, they will definitely stay in Yunbei City, and I just recognized my biological father. He wants to go back to Yunbei City. I will definitely go there. , we can meet in Yunbei, and we don't have to separate!"

   The more she talked, the more she thought this proposal was a good one.

   Qi Mi, who was heartbroken, was surprised when she knew that Xi Yao and Yao Yuyue would both go to Yunbei City.

   "Are you really going to be there?" she asked in disbelief.

   "Sure, how can such a thing be a joke!" Xi Yao assured.

  Qi Mi recalled the past and thought that Xi Yao did not despise herself at all, and struggled in her heart: "Will sister Yue'er despise me?"

   She is unwilling to accept contempt or contempt from others.

   "Definitely not, she was almost calculated by others, feel the same way, she only feels bad for you!" Xi Yao analyzed.

   Moreover, Yao Yuyue is not the kind of person who does not distinguish between right and wrong.

   Qi Mi's helplessness was not hers.

   If it weren't for Yunbei City, she would not have met Yun Yizhou.

   Even if her parents protect her, she can't be tolerated in the family...

   "If she doesn't dislike it, I'll go to Yunbei City!" she said.

   went there, there are people guarding, there are familiar people, they will be more adaptable...

"Well, if you can wait, we will set off together after a few years. If you can't wait, you should go first. I will ask my father to send someone to **** you over there. When we get there, I will make arrangements for you, and let the people in Yunbei City know that you are Someone is protecting you, so no one will bully you!" Xi Yao said carefully.

  This, Qi Mi couldn't decide for a while, so he hesitated: "I'll go back and discuss it with my brother, and tell you when the time comes!"

   "Okay, no matter what you decide, you don't have to embarrass yourself!"


  Qi Mi nodded vigorously, her eyes shining brightly.

After leaving the General's Mansion, she returned to the place where she temporarily lived, and when she saw her elder brother Qi Yu, she said with a bright smile: "Brother, I always thought that in my eyes, there would only be darkness in the future, but I forgot that Xi Yao was there. , I will never have darkness!"

   Qi Yu was taken aback by her words.

  He knew that Qi Mi went to see Xi Yao, but he didn't know what happened...

Before going to see Xi Yao, Qi Mi looked calm, but was actually very numb, as if he didn't care about anything, just like an empty shell without a brain. Well, Qi Mi didn't even have a life.

  But after seeing Xi Yao, Mu Ran's younger sister got light, and it was the light in her eyes that made his eyes warm.

   "Are you happy?" he asked choked up.

"Happy, brother, Ayao said, let's go to Yunbei City, she and sister Yue'er will go there, there are generals protecting us, no one dares to bully us, and no one there knows us, we can live there. A brand new day!" Qi Mi said excitedly.

   A flash of surprise flashed in Qi Yu's eyes, and then he thought of Xi Yao's influence on Qi Mi. If they could really be together, it would be a great thing for Qi Mi, so he hurriedly said, "Did you agree?"

   "Yes, Ayao also let us decide whether to go there first or wait a few years later. I can't decide. I'll come back and ask you!" She said expectantly.

   "This matter is not in a hurry, we can't make a decision at the moment, wait until we think about it!" He said calmly.

"it is good!"

   Qi Mi was not knocked down, there was joy in his eyes, Qi Yu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and laughed along with him.

  I don't know that Xi Yao, who was about to cry thanks to the Qi brothers and sisters, was caught by the general and said that he would hold a banquet for the recognition of women...

   "I want everyone in the capital to know that the Ning'an County Master is my daughter, Jiang Muyuan!" he announced in high spirits.

   Xi Yao understood his excitement, but felt it was too high-profile.

   "The whole capital doesn't need to know about it, and we don't need to show it to anyone, just get together with people we know!" Xi Yao said tentatively.

   "That won't work!" Jiang Muyuan directly refused and said, "My Jiang Muyuan's daughter is not shameful, so why keep a low profile?"

   Xi Yao was unwilling, but Jiang Muyuan insisted, and the father and daughter were on the same page.

   The two of them were on the bar, and they didn't quarrel. They just embarrassed Zhou Rong, and Zhou Rong couldn't laugh or cry.

  This time, he didn't stand on Xi Yao's side.

   "The general has guilt in his heart and wants to make up for you. If you refuse, it will make him think more. Besides, there is nothing wrong with publicizing the world, so let him be happy!" Zhou Rong persuaded him.

   "I know, but I just don't think he's to blame for this..." She muttered, trying to express her thoughts.

   Zhou Rong reassured and said, "I know, but the general doesn't think so. This time, you can follow him. The general's mansion hasn't been lively for so many years. It's okay to be lively, right?"

   Even he said that, but Xi Yao didn't insist anymore...

  Originally, the general wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

   But when he knew that the Zhou family and his wife were going to Beijing, they moved the time back.

  The Zhou family, who staggered along the road, didn't know that there was scary news waiting for them in the capital...

   At this moment, they are still thinking about what their little grandson is like, and they are full of expectations...

   (end of this chapter)

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