MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 1152 call in

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   Chapter 1152 is coming in

   For those who live here all year round and cannot go out, the only thing they can talk about is such a topic.

   Zhou Rong and Qiao Siting were divided into two teams, both of them were ready and ready to attack at any time, but when they moved forward, they were not discovered for a long time, and they were surprised when they got there.

   Even if it is late at night, there are so many people who can see without the moonlight, and as a result, there is no vigilance. This is a good opportunity for them.

   But in the end, there are too many people, and it is inevitable that they will make some noise. When they find out, they are already very close.

   "Where did you come from?" The first person to find out, before realizing the seriousness of the matter, rubbed his eyes and muttered.

   "Where did you come from?" Someone asked casually.

   "There are a lot of people over there," he pointed, and then he thought of something, his face changed greatly: "No, there is an enemy!"

   said, people just ran away.

   After the rest of the people came back to their senses, they panicked.

   "Who are you?" Thinking of delaying time, someone summoned up the courage to ask: "We don't welcome outsiders in our village, you should leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

  Zhou Rong and the others tacitly agreed without saying a word, just quickened their pace and moved forward...

   "Dong Dong..." The sound of drums in the middle of the night broke the silence of the darkness and opened up the battle in the night.

   "Come on!" The general's men followed closely behind with a shocking roar!

   The number of people who attacked was more than people imagined.

How many people are in the village, King Ning and the others have been inquiring for a long time and they don't know, because they rarely leave the village, and it is impossible for Mrs. Chen to send things to a village. They can even be self-sufficient and grow food and vegetables in the village. Raising livestock…

  In addition, the shepherd's family made money from selling private salt before, so they didn't lack anything, and they completely comforted people.

   Therefore, they don't know how many people there are, so they arrange as many people as possible, so as not to be counterattacked in the end.

   Zhou Rong rushed in first, swung his sword to kill one of them, and said to Qiao Siting, "I'll take someone to find Montu!"

   "Okay, be careful!"

   The sound of fighting, let the left hug and the right hug, and Montu, who had just fallen asleep, was very unhappy, and felt that it was too noisy outside, making him sleep.

   "Little Prince, it's not good!" Someone rushed in without hesitation, and when Montu had no time to get angry, he said: "The outside is surrounded by people from the court, let's escape!"

  Montu pushed away the person stuck to him, sat up and said angrily, "Where are the people from the imperial court?"

   "It's a large army of soldiers and horses. They were ambushed long ago, and they have already attacked!"

  Thinking of what he had done, Mengtu couldn't help but scolded, and then said angrily: "Run for what, let someone pick up weapons and fight with them!"

   The people here are all raised by the shepherd’s family at a high price, not just wine bags and rice bags.

   "Too many people came, and everyone was not ready!" Most of them were in their sleep, and when they reacted, their lives were lost.

  Montu couldn't sit still anymore, he got up and went to get dressed, and then staggered forward, thinking about how to break out.

  If he could go, he would immediately set off back to Dayuan.

   Anyway, Dagan's weapon is on him, as long as it takes time, he will definitely be able to take revenge.

   Zhou Rong grabbed people and asked about Mengtu's whereabouts. The people on the outside were really unclear. He caught one and solved the other, and he was full of evil spirits.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion