MTL - After Being Forced To Marry a Rough Man In the Mountains, She Was Spoiled By the Group-Chapter 1137 Are you Lu Ke?

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   Chapter 1137 Are you Lu Ke?

  I haven't been sentenced now, because I'm afraid that Lu Wan will be injured, and then he won't be able to survive and die, then Xi Yao's purpose of saving her will be in vain.

   But if you want to push your nose on your face, people don't have that qualification.

   Xi Yao looked at Zhou Rong, thought about it and asked, "Are you angering others?"

   "Does that count as anger?" Zhou Rong said solemnly: "With Lu Wan's temperament, does what he does stand up to investigation?"

   These words made Xi Jinsan laugh, but he couldn't refute them.

   Lu Wan's temperament is arrogant, she knows best.

   also knows how many troubles Mu Shi has solved for her in the back!

  These things, as long as someone wants to check, it really can't stand it...

   "Don't really force people to death!" Xi Yao reminded.

   "Don't worry, she's afraid of death!"

   It was because Zhou Rong was certain of this that he thought about punishing him to frighten him.

  Rao was Zhou Rong who made all the preparations, but he didn't expect that Lu Wan wanted to see Xi Yao, and was only willing to tell Xi Yao everything she knew...

  Originally, Zhou Rong didn't want to let Xi Yao see Lu Wan, after all, that was not Xi Yao's business.

   But when the Marquis of Anding knew that something happened in the prison, he said he wanted to see Lu Wan, and even expressed it in the courtroom.

  The emperor refused once, but cannot refuse again and again.

  The Marquis of Anding didn't want to protect Lu Wan, but just wanted to meet people.

   This is not a conviction, it has been kept from being seen, and it cannot be justified.

   Therefore, the interrogation of Lu Wan is imminent.

  Everyone has put forward conditions, what else can be done? After Xi Yao's wound has recovered a little and it is guaranteed that it will not open, the two of them are arranged to meet.

  Lu Wan was rescued, but he was still a prisoner, so he lost the splendor he used to be, and even because of the repeated blows, he was haggard and not as arrogant as before.

   Looking at the beautiful and extravagant woman being guarded by Zhou Rong, Lu Wan's expression was a little dazed...

   Once upon a time, she seemed to be the bright and beautiful person, condescendingly scolding the humble Lu Ke, but now, it is the opposite.

   "You are Lu Ke, aren't you?" She asked directly without waiting for Xi Yao to sit down.

   Xi Yao was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Isn't it important?"

   Neither the Marquis of Anding nor the Mu family can control her.

  Lu Wan looked at her, and didn't blink for a long time, just when Xi Yao thought she couldn't accept the stimulation, she laughed abruptly.

"That's right, isn't it, what's so important!" She murmured, and then asked, "How did you survive? The people my mother sent out will never let you go!" Tangled!

   This is an invisible force for Xi Yao to admit his identity.

Xi Yao didn't deny it, but said indifferently: "You shouldn't want to know how many times I escaped from death, and even in order to survive, I hid in the pitch-black cold water in the middle of the night and didn't dare to move, just to avoid the pursuers! "

   Lu Wan's eyes changed, she didn't expect Xi Yao to say that.

  For her, no matter what happened to Xi Yao, she came back well.

  Whether it was a change of status or what, she was the winner.

   But now, when I heard what Xi Yao said, I was at a loss for words.

   "Where did you learn your skills... from?" This is what she wants to know most.

  Xi Yao, who was clearly in the backyard of the Hou's mansion, was humbled and allowed her to trample on her. How could everything change when she came back.

   She should be ignorant, and should be ridiculed by the whole capital.

   may be…

  If it wasn't for the same face, she would feel that the woman in front of her was not the Lu Ke she knew.

   (end of this chapter)