MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 972 Yaya off the robbery

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  Li Dandao then began to rub the secret treasures with his hands. Anyway, after flying up, the treasures in his body are useless in the Daluo Immortal Realm. It is better to stay in the human world and leave them to his disciples and grandchildren.

   These secret treasures include medicinal pills, magic weapons, inheritance scriptures, and immortal mansions.

One for the East China Sea, one for the South China Sea, one for the Beihai, one for the Magu Mountain, one for the Luofu Mountain, one for the Yangtze River Water House, one for the Lushan Mountain at the bottom of the Minjiang River, one for the Dragon Nest in the Poyang Lake, and one for the Daxue Mountain in the Western Regions. , one for Zhongnan Mountain, one for Longhu Mountain…

   "Well... One more copy from the Qinglian Cave in the Qinghua Realm in the sky, and another one from the Underworld to die in vain."

  Li Dandao left thirty-six treasures in one breath, and finally gave up all the treasures in his body.

   Even the six-banded ring, the Heavenly Punishment Sword, the Taixuan True Talisman, the Lucky Lotus, and the Taiyi Fuchen... all of them were discarded.

   Even split his own magical powers and secrets, such as the Five Thunders Method, the Samadhi True Fire Method, and so on.

   Even the Taoist robe he wore when he became an immortal was taken off by Li Dandao because it was stained with the light of ascending immortal, and he was named Du'er Xianyi and left it in the secret collection.

   "There are not many seniors like me who think about the younger cultivators." Li Dandao was very satisfied: "I have given up my external things, and now I am even lighter."

   Each of these secret treasures is filled with mysterious luck and luck. At the joints of mountains, rivers, and mountains, they will turn evil and feed, and quietly wait for the birth of the destined person.

   This time may be long or short.

  Li Dandao did not deliberately deduce which should be earned in a few hundred years or thousands of years.

   And after refining these secret treasures, it may be that the merits and virtues are perfect, Yaya has also broken the confusion, subdued the memories of the previous two lives, and cut off the distracting thoughts of mortals in all worlds.

   At one time, the soul of the sky and the soul of the earth returned to their positions together, and the cultivation of the three worlds became one, and they became the sun god.

  's small body quickly rose up and turned into a 28-year-old girl.

  I saw his eyes, which were vicissitudes at first, but became clearer, brighter, and younger at the back, and finally revealed a sense of cunning.

   "Hey hey hey! My grandma Hengshan is alive! The little past life is ridiculous, and she dares to fight with my grandma."

  Li Dandao saw her appearance and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Are you itchy?"

  Yaya laughed: "I have become a sun **** now. I can't tell who is my elder sister and who is my younger brother. Come on! Let me make a gesture!"

  Li Dan snorted and showed an evil smile: "It seems that you want to challenge the majesty of the Demon King, and you want to rebel!"

  Yaya jumped up and down, but was suppressed by Li Dandao's backhand.

   After being cleaned up by Li Dandao, Yaya lowered her head and calmed down.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me in advance that you have become an immortal, if you said it in advance, how dare I!" Yaya smiled flatly: "Now our brothers and sisters can be said to be invincible in the world, so what is Zhenyuanzi, what is Antarctica? Old man, quack killing, brother, you are responsible for random killing, and Yaya is responsible for quack."

  Li Dan said hehe: "I can still use your hands, I have already solved it!"

   "So soon?" Yaya doubts life.

"You worthless, you were trapped in a mental maze in your previous life. When you were a little girl, you were still a little girl selling matches. The little girl didn't sell a single match. She saw her grandmother in the flames..." Li After Dan Dao saw Yaya's dream clearly, he couldn't help teasing at this time: "How can you be so pitiful!"

"How can you blame me!" Yaya said, "Those two old witches, one of them attained Taoism in the time of the Yellow Emperor, who knows the Nine Heavens Mysterious Nudist Law, and the other is a princess of the Han Dynasty, who knows the Buddhadharma of the third generation, the past, the future, and the present, claiming to be destiny, I I have only practiced for a few years, how can I fight them, but this is not because of giegie, you are not, I have changed from a little girl selling matches to a little girl selling nuclear bombs."

   I saw Yaya proudly said: "Boom! They went to see their grandmother, and Yaya succeeded."

   This story is still a bedtime story that Li Dandao told Yaya when he was very young, and he didn't want it to become Yaya's way of breaking the tribulation of the third world.

  The cultivation base of the three generations is indeed not bad. They all cultivated themselves and made wedding dresses. Now they have cut off all the causes and effects of the previous life, leaving only the present life.

   Every moment, all is now, all is future.

   If Yaya wants to become an immortal, unlike Li Dandao, she also needs to cut off the future, so if she becomes an immortal now, when she could not find her mortals in the past, she will not find a chance for her to fall in the future.

   This is the culmination of his three-generation Dharma practice.

Li Dandao asked: "I plan to leave the house and ascend. You will continue to be the ancestor of the ancestors in the world, cultivate by yourself, and ascend to the Daluo. I will leave you a soaring talisman. When the time comes, you will come to meet me in person, or follow me. Fly together?"

"Of course, the whole family is neat and tidy. Brother, you have soared. What do I mean in this world, and I can't eat fairy dishes..." Yaya said lazily, "Brother, you become an immortal, and I am the second generation of immortals. If I can sit, I won’t stand, if I can lie down, I won’t sit, so how can I miss the good things that come with sitting?”

Li Dan said helplessly: "I originally thought that I could give you a few things that didn't solve the cause and effect, but now it doesn't seem to be possible. This is also a great merit. You will prove yourself in the future and reach the Daluo Immortal Realm, maybe you will be able to. Fight with me, now I'm flying up the house, you're just an ordinary immortal in Daluo Immortal Realm, there are so many immortals above, you can't beat any of them, sigh..."

  "?" Yaya came to the spirit: "What's the matter, leave it to Yaya!"

  Li Dandao handed over the suppression of the Earth Mother Rakshasa to Yaya.

Yaya turned her eyes and said, "It's easy to say, I'll pass on an apprentice, I'm not the head of Huayin County in the Tang Dynasty? I'll find a princess as an apprentice, pass her spells, let her suppress this guy, and also end us The cause and effect of the Li Dynasty."

Li Dandao thought this was a good solution, and then said: "There is another one, that is your sister Zhenluo, you can take this ascension talisman to find her, just ask her, Pindao has achieved the Dao, ask her Did you let it go?"

  Yaya hehe: "Scumbag, it's cool to abuse his wife for a while, chase his wife's crematorium."

Li Dandao knocked on her: "You talk too much, this is the biggest cause and effect. If you really feel sorry for someone, then the poor Daoist will only feel sorry for her, but I have read it now, so I asked her to do it. No."

   "Why didn't you deliver it yourself?" Yaya was curious?

   "I am now without cause and effect. I have jumped out of the Three Realms, and I am not in the state of the Five Elements. I am about to ascend. Naturally, I can't mess with these things at will."

  Yaya Nunuzui: "Is there anything else? You have to pay me for doing these things, or who will do it for you for nothing."

   Li Dan said haha: "Before I ascend, I will cook you delicious delicacies that will last you for thirty years, to pass the time in the world, enough for you to eat the fruit of the Heavenly Immortal Dao."

   "Okay." Yaya laughed out the crescent moon: Without this big devil to control me, in this world, I can play as I want, and when I get tired of it, I will fly up, happy and carefree~~

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