MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 941 Wuxuan exits the customs

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   Chapter 941 Wu Xuan exits the gate

   The group walked westwards, and saw a Lingshan Rui Ai, immortal.

  The clouds are filled with colorful auspicious clouds, the cranes are lined up in the clear sky, and the blue smoke rises straight up, which is the heyday of incense.

   The closer you get, the more desolate it is from other places. The ancient trees are lush, the birds and insects chirping, the Yaohua Qicao, and the ancient stones of Ganoderma lucidum are quite charming.

"This place is an authentic Taoist Xianshan Blessed Land, a scene of Dongtian Taoist Temple." Monk Bajie had been to Magu Mountain Taoist Temple before. Create greenery. Impressed Bajie.

   Later, Luofu Mountain Xuanzhen Xiandu Altar was established, which became the main altar of the Three Mountains. It gathered the good fortune of the South China Sea, backed by the land of Lingnan, and faced the cave sky of Lushan Mountain. The environment there is somewhat better than that of Magu Mountain.

   But now I see this Longevity Mountain, although it is not grand, but it occupies the best location and enjoys the best of the weather.

   And Li Dandao's avatar figure at this time, but he also noticed this.

   When he was in Hengshan, when King Sitian gave fire, he once said that Li Dandao and Zhenyuanzi had a battle of the Great Dao, the battle of righteousness and evil, which was fate.

   Now, Monk Bajie and others are going west to study scriptures. Since they are here, it is time to try them out.

  While teaching the innate Taoist body in Zhangjiajie, the clone of the golden monkey finally faced Li Wuxuan and said, "How many years have you been here?"

  Li Wuxuan is a congenital stone egg that was forged by Li Dandao by the method of mending the sky when Li Dandao was a celestial cultivator.

When    was born, Li Dandao became the **** of Yang, and he was at war with the four seas in the East China Sea.

   Therefore, it is considered to be related to luck.

Moreover, he has various magical powers of the twenty-four disciples. He has seven orifices and exquisite hearts, Shennong has an immortal liver, Cangjie has heavy eyes, and can speak with his tongue. The twenty-four disciples of Magu Mountain's Xuanzhen Dao practiced.

   "The disciple has been here for seven years, four years of which he studied with Master Yuan Gong, and three years of which he studied Taoism with his patriarch."

   "Then what did you learn?" Li Dandao asked him.

   "The aptitude of the disciple is dull, and he feels that he has not learned anything, but has only learned a little."

   "Haha, how are your seventy-two little arts?"

   "Small techniques stop at struggle. The disciples only learn a whole lot, and they don't study them intensively."

   "Then what Dao did you learn?"

   "The avenues are endless. The disciples only learned the golden elixir and magic tricks passed down by the master. Now they have reached the realm of accepting the five qi."

   "That's also considered an Earth Immortal." Li Dandao swayed his brush, and understood Li Wuxuan's entry: "In this sect, if you get an Earth Immortal, you will be considered a teacher, and you can open a government school."

   "The aptitude of the disciple is dull and the Taoism is still shallow. I also asked the Patriarch not to drive the disciple away. The disciple poured tea and water, and he was a boy." Li Wuxuan saw that Li Dandao intended to drive him away.

Li Dan said haha: "You have a bit of filial piety, but you always hide in the heaven and the blessed land. You know that there are three disasters and eight disasters. Three thousand meritorious deeds, eight hundred lines of practice are perfect, and without other merits, it will be difficult to become the Great Dao after all.”

   "Patriarch, ask your disciples for a way to avoid calamity!" Li Wuxuan kowtowed and bowed.

   "Avoid robbery?" Li Dan said with a smile: "You're good at making things happen."

"There is thunder in the sky to strike you, to train your primordial spirit, to become an immortal, and the nine secluded places in the ground want the wind to blow you away, wash away the shadows, and cancel your death records, and the fire of the sky will burn you, forging a pair of copper-headed and iron-bones, and so on. It is called the True Immortal of Free and Easy."

"If you avoid the calamity, your primordial spirit will be difficult to achieve, and your death will not be sold. You will go up to the sky to govern, and you will go down to the earth. You only run in the mountains and forests and become a wild immortal. , in the end, the body will die and the road will disappear, and the mirror will be full of water and moon."

  Li Wuxuan suddenly became cold when he heard Li Dandao say this: "Then ask the Patriarch to teach me a way to overcome calamity."

   "Thousands of people and thousands of calamities are due to different karma. It is difficult for you to help yourself. You have already learned art, so you should go down the mountain." After speaking, Li Dan said, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

  Li Wuxuan knew that there was no way to hide, and he couldn't talk about it any more, so he had to bow three times and nine times, reluctantly, and went down the mountain.

   As soon as I got off the mountain, I felt that the sky and the earth were slim, and there was nowhere I could go.

   And Yuan Gong just appeared at this time.

   Seeing Duke Yuan, Li Wuxuan was like seeing a life-saving straw: "Xianweng!"

   "Haha, but you are away from home, do you feel that you are not used to it?" Yuan Gong said: "Since your ancestor let you out, there must be a place for you. He has already asked me to remind you here."

   "The Patriarch reminded me?" Li Wuxuan was surprised and moved.

   "It's your first time out of the mountains. Although you are studying art, you still lack a weapon."

   "Yes, it's just an ordinary weapon, and I'm not very handy with it."

   "As the saying goes, there is no treasure in Mo Daolong Palace, why don't you go to the four seas to ask for a pair of weapons?"

   "Yes." Li Wuxuan felt that there was some truth: "Just in time to see the scenery of the earth and make some friends."

   "Hahaha, go, go, if you are in trouble again, come back to find me."

   Yuan Gong said and disappeared into the woods.

   Waiting to reappear, it is already the place where Li Dandao meditated.

   "Teaching a real person is quite leisurely." Yuan Gong said, "Such a good fairy is willing to let it go."

   "Haha, you have to be born, don't you? Yuan Gong, have you recently felt that you want to break through the second realm of the Yang God?"

   "No." Yuan Gong looked at Kai: "I have been cultivating a fixed frame since a thousand years ago. If I want to Kai, I have limited qualifications and I have no chance of being a fairy. Now it is easy to be a fairy, and my teacher Jiutian Xuannv also takes care of it."

   "Perhaps it's because you haven't reborn. If you can reincarnate, it's not difficult to open the way, but it's a pity that Duke Yuan, you are ape-monkey, your life and life are one, and you can't change shape like ordinary monsters, and then practice as a human body."

   "It's not a problem, then Yuan Shoucheng is the one who stops at the earth and wants to be immortal. He has to use the method of dissection to find the dragon's veins and bury the original."

   "By the way, my sister, the head teacher, seems to be about to break through the earth immortal, and the head teacher should also pay attention."

  Li Dandao thought that Yaya had been sent to Luoyang by himself, and he didn't know if he could bring back his kidney and mind.

  My love calamity seems to have softened a lot recently, and it seems to be a good opportunity to get through. After killing the last corpse, I can prepare for the gathering of three flowers.

   "That girl has a chance, I don't have to worry about it, but her past and present things are really troublesome. I have to go to Hengshan to ask Mrs. Wei for advice."

   "Mrs. Wei is the sect leader of the Shangqing Dynasty, a **** of ancient times, and she is also a transcendental calamity. It will definitely be beneficial to visit her as a teacher."

"Hahaha, I hope." Li Dan said with a smile: "After a while, I'm going to open a furnace for alchemy here, and I need Yuan Gong to build a heaven and earth oven here. This matter is quite important, and I also ask Yuan Gong to do more. Pay attention to."

   "But you want to refine the nine-turn golden elixir?" Yuan Gong was surprised: "Has the headmaster already gathered the elixir?"

   "Probably complete."

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion