MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 935 wedding dress for others

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   Chapter 935 Making Wedding Dresses for Others

  The Flood Demon saw the group of demons rising up, and couldn't help but get extremely angry: "This king protects you and waits, you can still eat the weak and protect your nature. When this king perishes, the demons will be killed by those Taoists and monks!"

   But what greeted him was Liu Changsheng's Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword.

  Mu Chunzi knows how to slay dragons, arousing the resentment of all demons and covering the magic weapon.

   This is called Demon King Jiao feeling a sense of danger, holding the sword of splitting the waves and breaking the water, trying to kill Mu Chunzi, a fellow apprentice and brother, in order to obtain all the inheritance of the hundred animals.

   But Lady Jinhua desperately protected her, the two yin and yang hydrangea were like meteors falling from the sky, one hit the front of the Flood Demon, and the other hit the younger generation of the Flood Demon.

   "Tian Dun! All the demons and beasts have lost their courage, and the world will stop its soldiers!"

   Liu Changsheng's Tian Dun swordsmanship is slightly different from Li Dandao, with more decisive killing.

  This swordsmanship has its own characteristics due to different beliefs in people's hearts.

The meaning of    killing, made the Jiao Demon King feel that the cold light was on his back, and the three heads fought each other, but they also "three heads and six arms".

The    fortune magic power exploded the infinite little demon into blood mud, and the blood rain was absorbed and turned into a blood wheel.

   In the blood wheel, the spirits of the Infinite Goblin struggled, but without exception, they were refined into blood mines.

   The blood thunder fell like rain, attacking indiscriminately, whether it was the 100,000 soldiers and horses summoned by the magic dragon, or the various demon spirits and wild immortals who rose up to resist, they were all regarded as cannon fodder.

   Bloody storm, broken limbs and wreckage.

   And more blood thunders were directed at Liu Changsheng, Mu Chunzi, Lady Jinhua and others.

  Thank you for being merciful and loving nature. Seeing so many beings killed, even if they didn’t die, they suffered extremely tragic injuries.

   could not help but transport out the method of creation taught by Li Dandao.

   The innate spirit of Ganoderma lucidum was used as an introduction, and he immediately shouted: "Qingdi, nine emperors and nine gates, protect longevity!"

   At present, countless vines are entangled and turned into nine ancient gates. Among the ancient gates, nine emperors formed by the spirit of trees emerge.

  The nine emperors were in charge of the instruments of ritual and music, and the qin and the serpent were singing.

   Countless vitality awakened from the earth, and those little monsters who were seriously injured and even hung by a thread, recovered from their injuries and regenerated their amputated limbs.

   And the power of this increase has greatly increased the combat power of Liu Changsheng, Lady Jinhua, and Mu Chunzi.

   A light blue light armor appeared on his body, which could defend him from attacks.

  Xie Naturally, this approach naturally aroused the gratitude of many little demons, and even those little demons who were injured by the demonic flood and who were originally recruited by him also saw the face of the demonic flood and went directly to the enemy.

   And the good fortune qi pervades the battlefield, the flesh and blood sludge is purified, and a lot of grass, flowers, and even ancient trees and giant forests come.

   The number of demonic floods fell, the hearts of the people were scattered, and the gathered momentum collapsed.

   Jiao-like dragons need to gather momentum. After all, dragons are "kings", and dragons must have king's life.

  The three demons are fighting one each. Although he is about to be promoted to the Yangshen realm, he has not yet been promoted, so he cannot form a huge advantage at all.

   But at this moment, in the sky, above the clouds, a different appearance appeared.

   The phantom of a sword was revealed, and the word "penalty" was faintly seen on it.

   It is the sword and soldier disaster among the three disasters and eight disasters, which is revealed through Li Dandao's "Sword of Heavenly Punishment".

   Execution on behalf of the sky.

   Law enforcement Tiancao also.

   But I saw that Yuntou, the official of the sky, the official of the earth, and the official of the people.

   No, it should be Taixuan Yu Chang Siming Tianjun, that is, Li Dandao's Shinto avatar, who brought Cui Yu, Cao Da sentenced to death, and Wei Zhengzhi, a member of the Li Tang Dynasty, who came here.


   Taixuan was ordered by Chang Siming Tianjun.

   Earth Cao outline.

   Cao executed the execution.

   is the same as beheading Jinghe Longjun last time.

   but twice different.

  Last time, it was Li Dandao who asked Jiutian Yingyuan House for instructions and reported it to the Heavenly Court.

   But this time, Li Dandao made his own decisions and did not ask for instructions.

  Li Dandao is now the right vice-chancellor of the Tianxiang Mansion. Although he did not receive the imperial seal of Emperor Li Tang, he was genuine.

   At this time, the power to “close mountains and break caves” is nothing more than the right.

   This is Liu Changsheng asking Li Dandao for help from a distance before the fight.

  Li Dandao cherishes feathers, and loves his disciples as much as possible, not to mention this outstanding disciple.

   Demon King Jiao saw this, but without thinking about it, he rushed to the sky: "My life is up to me, the thief, I will see today, how do you kill me!"

  The Flood Demon began to transform into a dragon, the scales all over his body exploded, and it turned into a rain of iron.

   The Nine Emperor Qing Emperor, who was summoned by Xie Ziran, also had his head broken.

  When the scales fell to the ground, they turned into the source of demonic dye, polluting the earth, and a large number of little monsters were infested with demonic energy, and they became demonized one after another.

  Eat raw blood and drink blood.

   Even exudes scales all over his body and grows sharp claws…

  The Demon Jiao rushed towards the sky, and the three heads spit out demonic smoke, demonic wind, and demonic ice.

   That sword chopped off, but it chopped off one of his heads.

  The devil was in pain, but the fierce light showed, and the two heads ate the other head together.

  The Sword of Heavenly Punishment gathers its fierceness, and it works in one go, then declines again, and exhausts three times.

   can only issue three swords.

   Originally had the power to kill him with a sword, but he rushed into the sky and broke his sword power, so he sent it out in advance.

   But when one sword cut it, the second sword came immediately, and the second sword cut again, and the two heads became one.

   But it was still eaten by the only remaining head.

  Li Dandao saw it coldly.

   The third sword was delayed, and the Flood Demon wanted to kill it, but found that everything was in vain.


   The last sword was attached to Liu Changsheng's sword, and the power of the Seven Stars to Slay the Demons gathered the stars of the Big Dipper.

   Nandou is born, Beidou is dead.

  Liu Changsheng shouted: "The sky sends murderous intentions, the stars are changed, the earth sends murderous intentions, the dragons and snakes rise from the land, the human sends murderous intentions, and the heaven and the earth are repeated."

   A sword runs through three thousand miles.

  The murderous spirit of the heavenly punishment combined with the resentment of the ten thousand demons, and the last head of the devil Jiao was beheaded.

   But after being cut off, the head was cut off and reborn, a power of rebirth appeared, and good fortune continued, transporting it from everywhere.

   Break the back and stand, cut three hearts, abolish two intentions, break ego attachments, and finally correct results.

  The Flood Demon wanted to transform into a dragon and become a Taoist, and the leylines of the entire Changbai Mountain began to tremble.

   The earth and the dragon are in harmony, but how do you become enlightened if you cut off your head?

   At this time, the Jiaomo was at its weakest. Myriad demons, like ants, crawled on his corpse that fell to the ground, gnawed on its flesh and blood, and hated him for immortality.

  The broken first book can be regenerated, but its qi is extinct, hated by all demons, and it eats flesh and blood and decomposes it.

  Mu Chunzi was holding Dayu's cane, standing on top of the dragon's corpse.

   "Five Thunder Command!"

  The thunder fell, the Flood Demon was scorched black, and at the same time, many demonized monsters were also struck by the thunder.

   "Sweep away the devilish atmosphere!" Xie Naturally transformed the grass and trees, exhaled the devilish energy, and transformed it into a clear spiritual energy.

   At the same time, it drops nectar to purify those demon-stained demon spirits.

   But at this moment, a dragon roar appeared, and in the Changbai Mountains, the earth dragon ascended to the sky, succeeded in one fell swoop, turned into a black dragon, and the dark clouds are now thousands of miles away.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion