MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 927 my rules

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   Chapter 927 My Rules

   At this time, the many Dharma protectors and garans who were protected by Buddhism, and the five directions revealed the truth, were also frightened to the point of embarrassment.

"This formation implies the opportunity of the Yellow River in the Middle Earth, and there are also changes in the Nine Palaces. If you are not the Qimen family, I am afraid that it will be difficult to crack. Among them, the nine-curved quicksand also implies the sea quicksand. stand up."

   "Go and invite the Bodhisattva to come." One of the Dharma-protecting dragon gods said: "The white dragon is not a good stubble, but rather the creation of the remnant soul of the Jinghe Dragon Lord."

   Immediately, Jieti went to invite the Bodhisattva.

   At this time, the monk Miaoshan and others were in Luoyang, and when they saw Jiedi coming to ask, they instructed him to go to the Shifang Pure Land Temple.

   But in the Pure Land Temple, it was peaceful and many golden bodies were made of Arhats, immortal and immortal, just like a Buddhist country.

  Jie Di met the abbot of Pure Land Temple and heard that.

   The abbot said: "Xinghai quicksand, I need a boat of life to make a raft, so that I can cross the boundless sea of ​​suffering. I think he came to me to find his golden body of the ninth generation."

   After saying that, he took Gaidi to the back of Tallinn. Walking in the middle, there were nine stupas with different heights.

   Opened the stupa, and took out nine groups of skeletons from small to large: "Take him, instead of making a raft."

  Jie Di looked at the nine skeletons, many of which were imprinted with teeth, many of which were broken and sucked the bone marrow. Only the nine skeletons were intact, and he was shocked.

   "How did this ninth golden body suffer like this?"

   had to discard the other bones and took nine skulls.

   Nine skulls were on the road, and the wind poured into their eyes, and when they came out from the bottom, they made a "woo woo" ghost cry.

   But on the way back, Jie Di saw Liu Changsheng holding his sword across the road: "Where did the God of Mao come from? Dare to fly over the head of the poor road?"

  Liu Changsheng obtained the authority of Xuanming in the North Pole, and here he wants to go to Heilongtan of Changbai Mountain with Mu Chunzi to slaughter the evil dragon, and through the blessed land of Changbai Mountain, he will prove the local immortal.

   just got Li Dandao's voice transmission over a thousand miles, so I'm waiting here.

   Hearing the ghost cry, he thought it was some kind of evil spirit, so he took a human skull and made it into an evil magic weapon.

   Na Jie Di was blocked by Liu Changsheng's sword, and he complained in his heart.

   said: "I am a good deity of the ten directions who was protecting the great monks of the Tang Dynasty to go to the West to get Buddhist scriptures. Because it was difficult to cross a quicksand, I went to take the skeleton of the body to make a raft."

"Monk? But that monk who can live forever after eating a bite of meat?" Liu Changsheng shouted, "Everyone knows what you have done, and I'm afraid that you will send him to become a Buddha, and then reincarnate for several lifetimes. For your bodhisattvas, the Buddha enjoys it?"

   "You are not allowed to pass here, find another way."

  Jie Di was helpless and had to find another place.

   It's just this place, there is actually a Taoist, I saw him with a slightly wretched face, holding a yellow-haired whisk, but standing on the cloud head: "This road is blocked."

   It is Mu Chunzi.

   Na Jie Di had hatred in his heart, but he couldn't say anything, so he had to change his direction.

But this time, there are still people blocking the way, it is Xie Natural, Xie Natural also came out of the Tianchi Cave in Changbai Mountain, and he is born with spiritual roots. I will go there on this trip. There, the government established a sect, established the Tianchi Taoist sect, and spread its branches and leaves.

  Nagati is east, west, north, and surrounded by three sides, so he had to go back to the south.

   found the Bodhisattva again and explained the difficulty.

This Bodhisattva is Monk Miaoshan, and I saw him frown slightly and said, "This is Li Dandao's method. When he arrived at the poor monk, within a few years, the poor monk will even change the title of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Now that it has been two years of Zhenguan, the poor monk still does not shy away from it, he is forcing the poor monk to abide by the rules of the Middle Earth, return to sinicization, and must not have any dissent."

"But he wants the poor monk to bow his head." Monk Miaoshan sighed and said, "He is also extremely intelligent, and he should have been a disciple of my Buddhism. When the Muni Pearl fell into his hands, my Buddhism wanted to produce a true Buddha. Now After going outsiders, he was the first to destroy and slander the Buddha.”

   "Well, the poor monk will come with you in person."

However, a white-robed gentleman walked out from behind, standing on the third-grade lotus platform, with a clean bottle in his left hand and a willow in his right hand. His appearance did not resemble the image of a Hu man, but it was the same as that of a woman in the Central Plains, but with a flat chest and no feminine features. .

   This white-robed Avalokitesvara took Jie Di to the Liusha River.

   Soon saw Li Dandao's incarnation of a green lotus.

  Li Dandao also stood on the lotus platform, and Guanyin also stood on the lotus platform.

   Together, there is a sense of harmony between Buddhism and Taoism.

   "Bodhisattva, stay safe."

   "Master Qinglong, stay safe."

  Li Dandao said with a smile: "The emperor didn't want this stubborn monk to go west, but the poor road opened his mouth, so he let him go."

   "Then I would like to thank Venerable Qinglong." The gentleman in white smiled slightly.

"Don't be in a hurry, thank you, Pindao plans to teach this monk Jindan Dharma, and see if he first cultivates a relic and becomes a Buddha, or first cultivates a Jindan, and becomes a Daluo Fairy."

   Mr. White:…

   "The three religions of poor Taoism are integrated into one, but Buddhism and Taoism are incompatible with each other, so I have to use outsider means to divide it out, not to bloom its own three flowers and bear the fruit of Taoism."

  Li Dandao opened his mouth and said, "If this monk can merge with Buddhism and Taoism, it means that Buddhism can survive in the Middle Earth in a better way, instead of teaching Hu monks and monks. What does the Bodhisattva think?"

   The white-robed master said, "Buddhas have no desire to win."

  Li Dan said with a smile: "If you don't have the will to win, why would the traffic police want the emperor to establish the country with Buddhism, cultivate the prince Yin, and send the heavens to be reborn in the Middle Earth?"

   "It's only after losing the battle that he shows weakness. In fact, he is still like a hyena and a wolf, eyeing a tiger, how can a poor man be at ease?"

   "I wanted to learn to destroy Buddhism. When Emperor Wude recognized my Taoist ancestor as his ancestor, he had this idea, but there were too many Buddhists, so Emperor Wude only held three Buddhist and Taoist debates to suppress it."

   "Pindao thinks of another solution. It's also the rule that Pindao wants to set for Buddhism. If you develop within the rules, you can't control it, but if you want to go beyond it, I'm afraid that Pindao will not have the patience."

   "For example, the arrangement of the Bodhisattva in Luoyang is known to the poor."

   The master in white was shocked: How did he know the secrets of my ascetic?

   "Bodhisattva, what do you think?"

   "If you don't follow the ruler, it is difficult to establish legal affairs. The poor monk naturally likes to follow the rules. It's just how to formulate the rules. The poor monk is willing to discuss with Venerable Qinglong."

  Li Dandao opened his mouth and said: "Our Taoism was originally called and beaten by everyone. It was only after Kou Tianshi's reform that Taoism and Confucianism merged. The pure root of it is hard to say, there are advantages and disadvantages."

   "During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, my Taoism was more widespread, and the disadvantage was that my Taoism had originally entered the world, and gradually turned into a worldly hidden."

   "In the case of Buddhism, Pindao also hopes to have a reform from the inside out like Kou Tianshi's reform. After all, the period of Wuhu Chaohua has passed, and finally the Han people will be firmly established in the world."

   "Buddhism is not sinicized, it is not relegated, and it is still fawning on foreigners. It can only be reduced to a nonsense, and it is hated and disliked by more people."

   (end of this chapter)